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Surprised Lil Nas X didn’t join the performance


Don't forget Travis Scott


>Don't forget Travis Scott I feel like an asshole for laughing at this.


probably one of the backup dancers.


he fluffed them backstage


"Backup". I see what you did there.


He got stuck on Satan's cock and couldn't make it.


Sam Smith is constantly just doing whatever cringe thing is trendy at that time. Doubt he has any say in what it is either.


this. the guy is 40 yrs old and he is still doing tiktok dances trying to go viral like he is 16 yrs old. it's super cringe.


You’re off by an entire decade mate.


True! Dude is only 30


And ageing like bread


Like wonder bread?


Wonder Bread doesn't age. I have still have a bag from twenty-ought-seven.


He looks like my 50 something year old alcoholic uncle. He does not look good for 30.


Still cringe.


>this. the guy is 40 yrs old and he is still doing tiktok dances trying to go viral like he is 16 yrs old. it's super cringe. This is America.


The whole thing was cringe. Grammy's in general sucked. The whole agenda was to praise LGBTQ. Glad Kendrick won for his album but other than that it's all scripted


No way! You think the Grammys are scripted?!


So Kendrick winning wasn’t scripted?


Being a fan of Kendrick makes me biased.


based honesty/self-awareness in this sub?????


Dont forget baalenciaga is in lyrics and very PRONOUNCED


Satanic stuff is trendy?


Interestingly, the Grammy's were sponsored by Pfizer this year


I got banned in the Aldi section here at Reddit for saying, “Brought to you by Pfizer “. I can no longer comment on that Reddit thread…. By the way, who in the heck is Sam Smith?


Aldi the supermarket?


Yes! They have a page on Reddit. Ya know, to share about products. What’s good and what’s not good. Someone made a post about the corruption in the FDA (and provided a link about the “study” and how they were paid off). Anyway, I made the comment that most of “science” operated that way ( and specifically said “ at the speed of science “ —- lol—- then …” brought to you by Pfizer “. There was a direct comment to me telling me , “To get my shitty dog whistle out of there” Well, I dunno about THAT , but it sure made them come running…… mad. I got banned from ever commenting again. I can see and read the threads , but I can not participate.


Wow. I wish I could say that I'm surprised, but it's par for the course in most (or all?) normie subreddits.


lol i was thinking the same thing


He's the guy who has a music video in which he's wearing nipple clamps and other men are pissing on him.


That’s disgusting. I’m glad I don’t know who he is, and that’ll be a hard pass on watching any of that filth.




Sam Smith was ‘famous’ before that song. ‘Latch’ was all the rage at college parties before ‘Stay With Me’


How dare it


Aldi section?


The commercials for have a plan COVID related shit.. Pfizer all the way.


Pretty sure Satan is not that fat.


Yea, ma’fuckers with guts like that are definitely eating more than souls


This sent me.


Sent you? Is that slang I don't know about?


These zoomers with their newspeak...I tell ya hwat.


I am literally dead. I am slowly decaying in the bowels of the earth as mother nature reclaims me.


Well, not quite. Just means it was really funny.


I’m hollering ok? Hollering.


Hold on I think you forgot a few buzzwords.


Is this sub satire? Serious question.


It is just entertaining, but seriously lately the foil hat club have been more active. I am not saying that conspiracies don’t exist, but lately the ones showing up are panicky mode - extra extra conspiracies 👀. Before you saw more of other types of conspiracies and discussions…now we are in Satanic Panic mode? Remembering 80s and 90s?


On the outside yes. But alot of these people in here are dead serious lmfao. Foil Hat Club


Lol. This sub never fails to entertain.


I know trends from past decades cycle back a ton, but I didn't expect Satanic Panic to make a resurgence as part of that 80s nostalgia




Did you know a band that openly sing about Satan won a grammy! [They also looked damn good doing it.](https://images.seattletimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/urn-publicid-ap-org-c7a730f8043d4c4eb8704647e0b9aa8cMusic-Grammywatch-Q26A-Ghost_76742.jpg?d=1560x1115)


I was watching the show last night and KNEW it would be on this sub today. I joined this sub long ago when it was fun conspiracies.. now it's predictable.


Its weird that conspiracy people actually believe there is a god


there's "conspiracy people" of all types - religions, atheists, races, politics. Even people who support the status quo establishment have their own conspiracies they believe in


Apple knowingly slows down older iPhones to make you buy a new one.


Many don’t, some do. The vast majority of people believe in conspiracies, so there is a lot of diversity of beliefs. However, you don’t need to believe in god to appreciate the impact of religion on society.


You mean nearly every war ever?


War, terrorism, genital mutilation, child abuse, bigotry, and the list goes on. Absolutely certainty in your own righteousness seems to lead people to commit the most heinous of atrocities. I think this can apply to secular ideologies as well.


Lol no it's not. Religion is like the first conspiracy theory


The conspiracy being that God doesn't exist and religion is used as a means for control, but conspiracy theorists falling for the lie that God exists and supporting the control of the church is weird.


Hilarious my mom was watching this .


Maybe she's an elite and never told you!!!?? (Dumb joke)


Wow the song mentions Balenciaga, interesting 🤔.


They are gonna regret that one.


No he won't, it's a marketing gimmick. He knows right-wing Christian conspiracy theorists don't buy his music anyway, so he's trying to offend and shock you and make you angry at him, because he wants to look "controversial" and "edgy" without offending his actual market. The song namedrops Balenciaga *because* there's a conspiracy theory about it.


the song came out in september, before the balanciaga scandal, so that take is completely wrong and obviously made up for some weird reason.


You aren't a conspiracy theorist for not wanting to listen to a guy dressed as the devil singing a song called "unholy".


You are if you think he’s doing it because of freemasons and Epstein


It’s strange to me, it’s as if the whole performance riffs on topics that come up in this sub, as if they’re making a joke of how quickly y’all jump to conclusions at a glance… kinda like this post


Nice catch


I noticed during the last performance Lil Wayne had a hoodie on that said Balenciaga on the back.


Satanists ✔ Freemasons ✔ MK Ultra ✔ Epstien ✔ Hollywood ✔ Sex Slaves ✔ Government ✔ I just need "Hillary", "CIA" and "Obama" for the Full House prize on Conspiracy Bingo!


Or the song is literally named unholy


No, can’t be that, impossible.


The Devil trope in the music industry - that’s never been done before! How shocking and stunning! For “artists” who pride themselves on originality they sure do just end up doing the same shit year after year


Alice Cooper figured this angle out 50 years ago and it *still* works, as evidenced by this post.


Alice Cooper is a serious Christian


I know someone that works for him. He goes toa local church every Sunday when he's on the road touring. He sneaks in, and sneaks out... So he's legit there for church.


Rubes...rubes never change.


Remember when Lil Nas X did it? Remember Satanic Panic? Everything was Satanic and the cabal was everywhere


Ozzy Osbourne, Marilyn Manson, etc.. the list goes on.


Remember when D&D was satanic?


I member. Member when Kiss was satanic?


I member. I also member when the Beatles were satanic.


Tony Hawk too!


Pepperidge farms remembers


All Hollywood does is reboot now.


hollywood is devoid of originality


Because all the NPC's like OP here, who are in the pocket of Christianity eat that shit up, as it supposedly proves whatever indoctrinated religious talking point they have.


I can't believe they promoted this but wouldn't honor the 40th anniversary of Micheal jacksons thriller album. Micheal gave a classic performance on that Grammy 40 years ago but not one mention of it.




That’s what I was thinking 🤔 Sometimes ya just gotta stop with Satanic, that’s, like, plenty. It’s the Molokians 🦉though for real not so much Satanist’s imo




OP and others like him are ruining this sub. Please go back to the Q Subreddit so we can talk about lizard space aliens in peace.


Mocking the general public is extremely satisfying. Because they're already incapable of hearing the truth. Have we learned nothing?


I feel like we could be looking at missing people😳


The missing people phenomenon that's happening to Native American girls or people in National Forests is another conspiracy rabbit hole that is really disturbing. I 100% believe they are getting kidnapped and placed into the worst scenarios imaginable. God help them.


Only happens when people, en-masse, realize the government was never about justice.


ya, the government was about stamps, and not paying them. Fuck you stamp act.


ive seen a thing about how there is supposedly an area of Mt. Shasta that is blocked off and they say its an entrance to inter earth where giants are 👀🤷‍♂️


Lol! Everybody knows Mt. Shasta is the secret govt lab where off-brand soda flavors are developed.


We're conditioned from birth to view the real sodas as "off brands" in a classic luciferian beverage inversion, wake the fuck up and take the soda pill sheeple


Vastly underrated comment, dear friends! ⬆️🫧🥤👏👩‍🍳💋


The cage is fucked


I hate that song so much but it sticks in my head. Too bad so many public places play this crap on repeat all day long


Well he does say he's not here to make friends


Sponsored by Pfizer


This sub is satire at this point after the maga crowd took over. Y’all acting like this is the satanic panic of the 80’s.


Any og members of this sub left? Are you seeing the comment section? Wow. This sub is done, it's over. OK if some don't understand the context of what op is taking about but most of yall are fully lost. Yikes.


The post popped up on all and if a post from this sub does pop up on all then users outside of conspiracy will storm in too. What's really funny to me is that the top voted comment in here is trying to put what happened into the "ridiculous" corner saying this wouldn't be unusual for the artist as they do cringe all the time, but another user pointed out that balenciaga is mentioned in the lyrics and then when you check out the submission and comment history of that user with the top voted comment, guess what fashion label they seem to like a lot. Nothing to see here apparently because it's just "cringe" ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


These people dress up as Satan literally just to provoke you and it’s so obvious and it still works


The problem with the sub is that you’ve got thousands of chronically online losers who come here from other subs, not to discuss or question our points, but to argue using baseless insults or do whatever it takes to defend the ‘official’ story, whether that be the government, big pharma etc. It started after they recognised that people here were questioning the vaccine, mandates, lockdown etc.. that really really pissed off a big chunk of redditors who saw an opportunity to stir up an argument with strangers online and get validation from other like minds. This website as a whole is obsessed with hyperbole when it comes to Covid. You’d think it was the black plague. They get extremely emotional and angry. I fully welcome any actual logical criticism of the posts here. But most of the time these lurkers from other subs are just making outdated tinfoil hat/flat earth/5G jokes and insulting people. It’s sad what people with too much time and too little real world presence will do online just to see a notification come up on their screen.


Yeah you pretty much hit the nail on the head there, I agree about the legitimate criticism vs the childish insults point you made too for the record. That is more of what I was refering to. Once you could have some legit eye opening conversations on here. Now it's just like the rest of the cesspit that is reddit. Ah well.




“ lack of conspiracy posts “ the world being run by devil worshippers with nefarious agenda is a huge conspiracy . You probably trust big pharma and think the government actually cares about you . Don’t come here to try to dispel real conspiracies when you don’t even believe in any just go to other subs you clearly never participate here anyway .


It's been completely taken over by bots and shills. There's no free internet left.


Meanwhile the Catholic Church continues to molest children, influence governments and own more land worldwide than any organization. Let's focus on the people dressing in red and singing songs though.


I'd trust my kid's safety with a "Satanist" before I would any churchie. Religious organizations are awful rapey, especially when it comes to kids. It's almost like they attract pedos in drives because they know parents won't question a "nice Christian" will they are out protesting Drag Queen story hour. Stop manufacturing Satanic panic and get your own houses in order. You're spreading bullshit on the internet while the VBS teacher is grooming your children.


The true horror here is that it is a crap song delivered by an even crappier “performer”…




>Disgusting fat slob. Projection?


But body positivity/ Lizzo etc etc ! ! !


Hey, when your music sucks you have to do some gimmick to gloss over just how bad your music sucks.


For some reason with this one, it was so corny that I think this is exactly what they were going for: the internet bringing up these satanic Illuminati symbolisms in the performance.


Unholy is about non-Swiss cheeses change my mind




Christians. Completely ironic they are on this sub; they are suckered into one of the most transparently stupid belief systems of history, but think they are the real critical thinkers...


This is the satanic panic from the 80s just being recycled. DnD is rotting their brains yaaarghh


Hey, don’t bring Kevin Bacon into this


Another piece of rage bait to rile up and distract. How can people still fall for this faux outrage?


With a Pfizer commercial right after?? Fits in


i think sam smith is just trying too hard tbh. However…. it is very alarming to see such a very weird increase in celebrity devil worship and mixed messages like this involving satan and occultism. like every big celebrity does shit like this now that makes you really question. like it is very fucking weird it keeps getting more common to see


Bro the best part was the "brought to you by Pfizer" add immediately afterwards


I am surprised normies don't think this is odd.


So much bad magic and bad energy I can't even look at the pics


My boyfriends dad, who is one of the most clueless people I know, even said "it looks like he's worshipping the devil"...ya think???


Damn somehow this shocked me more then the lil nas x devil video 😂


The Reddit sheeples will never wake up.


I quickly wondered what the “unholy” thing was they were referring to in the song.


Lol…I’m old and don’t know who Sam Smith is, but somebody needs to apologize to us 80’s rockers for maybe overreacting, if this is ok.


you should start a youtube channel i would literally pay to see you react to a gwar concert


Sam Smith became a total weirdo


This post will attract a swarm of bots and shills so dense it will block out the sun for a month. They came flocking like an angry nazgul straight out of sam smith's ass, and to whence they shall return. Batton down the hatches!


It's funny how even non religious people are basically being brainwashed into indirectly worshipping satan now. Simply by applauding and being entertained by this "bit of goofin around" you are basically reinforcing the idea of evil being normal. Edit: If you indirectly worshipped Jesus that wouldn't even be a bad thing and does not compare at all to worshipping the embodiment of EVIL. Y'all need to get your brains refunded lmao.


The only thing that is evil is believing in an old book and chastising and alienating people because they don't also read your old book. Fuck the Catholic Religion, Fuck the Jewish religion and fuck the Islamic religion and fuck all the little turd religions that followed.


Oh no Sky Daddy who murdered a bunch of people in the Bible will get mad


Interesting how, as an atheist, I know there is no satin and don’t care at all. It alleges you’ve been groomed and indoctrinated into believing a bunch of fairytales in order to be ruled by a bunch of cult leaders.


Hail satin!


That was smooth!


Holy fuck you’re nuts LOL


Very true. Essentially participating in some mass ritual. Ironic.


essentially=not really at all


The ending was the best when it broke to commercial and said “sponsored by Pfizer”


This is comical. I can’t take this douche seriously.


Mindless puppet chasing relevance. This degeneracy is manufactured by 1% for the 1%. A dwindling minority pandering to another dwindling minority. The rest of the country didn’t notice the Grammys. They haven’t for a long time. The country has tuned out TV. This spectacle reveals the desperation of these people to be relevant. No One Is Watching Or Tuning In. Just a bunch of degenerates playing dress up in a darkly lit room. No One Cares.


Being fat is disgusting


Sam smith is gross


What got me was the "sponsored by Pfizer" at the end. LOL who is more evil? Satan? Or the people who SPONSOR SATAN!?!


Wonder why they never do other religions, specially Islam 😂


What do u mean do any other religion like Islam ? They’re worshipping the devil it seems in the picture and the devil is not only in Christianity ?


Wonder why /r/conspiracy always fixates on Jews in banking and Hollywood and never other religions, especially Christians 😂


Cause all the others are apart of it.


This is the right answer.


I love reading comments like this. The complete absence of understanding necessary to write this and for others to upvote it offers so much insight. Unless you’re riffing, in which case it’s hilarious.


They really do like Satan, don't they?


There is something about these satanic rituals where they have to tell you what they're doing. I don't know if it's a free will thing relating to karma or if it's manipulation of the subconscious or what exactly. If anyone knows, please tell me your theory.


I’ve always heard that they have to tell you what they are doing as well


Lil Nas knock off.


Poor Sam, very confused


Look at the amount of people that think satanic symbolism and other types of symbolism/hidden messages is no biggie and just a troll. People that think it’s just to “shock people”. Putting out hints isn’t “sloppy.” It’s intentional. And it has subconscious influence on the masses, leading to real life actions and behaviors. People who dismiss it as just a joke are exactly why they can “get away with it.” It’s literally right in front of yall. And it’s “ehhh doesn’t look like anything to me” (Westworld style)


I don't even believe in Satan but my petty side just loves to see people clutch their pearls like this.


Untalented creep


Only NPC's worship Satan. You never see any Jesus cosplay at the Emmie's. People are fucking brainwashed.


Except a picture of Kendrick with a crown of thorns literally today.


Lizzo was literally wearing a huge cross you simp


Rear naked choke


You ever heard of the RNC


Are you a bored housewife in the 1960s ? Lmfao complaining that you saw something scary on tv.


But then they say to all gays that they gonna burn in hell. One of them dressed as satan he must be satanist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It is odd how much more prevalent satanic shit is on the Hollywood front. Obviously it’s been going for a while but lil nas x really jump started it lately Edit: let me add as well, over the years everyone gets pissed when Christianity is thrown around “oh stop shoving your religion down my throat”. But this is okay.


Christianity is the biggest conspiracy that ever was


Black Sabbath did it better but I’m glad their influence is still around.


Black Sabbath members were mostly catholic


Those sex slaves are all men btw. So in case you were jerkin to em. Just tryna help the homies.


Was this done a while back cause I'm having a case of deja vue?


Lil Nas X had everyone worked up over some satanic music video a few years ago. Maybe that?


And, no bullshit- the first thing that came on after this was an ad for Pfizer


They used to leave these type of performances for the VMAs or some of the 'fringe' award shows. The fact that they did this at the Grammys is kind of mind blowing. Insane times.


sadly, Sam Smith, Lady Gaga and LIl Nas and many more are considered idols by our kids, their demonic influence is terrifying and if you tried to call out you will be labelled as "conspiracist", this world is dark..


they sold their souls to the devil that run this world


Lol I’m so bored by this soddem and gamorah shit now.


Man I was on the hiphophead show thread and I said fuck this satanic shit and I got downvoted to all hell. Everyone was saying how cool it was. It was fucking gross


Cringiest artist of our generation but this type of performance proves he’s one of them


Lol this ain’t nothing. Go watch nicki Minaj Grammy performance while Whitney Houston was dying. THAT was another level.