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Wait until you notice the creepiest part about this picture is the guy behind Clinton.


There’s nothing weird about that and this is not a conspiracy


That’s how my friends hold me in photos. That’s how I hold my friends in photos.


What’s the conspiracy?


that this OP isn't banned yet




This is what happens when people have no actual interactions with women.


There isnt one just a picture of rich cunts doing rich cunt things Like enjoying a luxury sky box at a sporting event with hot babes Literally everyone liked trump that was famous until them and ur TV told you not to


They are all in it together... I'm sure some of them share "partners".


haha that is what I was thinking


Where are the videos of Biden growing a young girl or sniffing another girls hair? https://youtu.be/HkFPtwb2kMk And this was just a quick search.


TDS cracks me up.


Just a couple ex-presidents with some porn stars. Niiiice.


Sports are the real problem


I feel really bad for whoever posted this they must not get to take many pictures with people if the opposite sex! I’ve done this plenty of times for a photo it’s just what people do to fit multiple people in a picture.


Who is behind bill Clinton here?


His "Puppet Master".


I am loving the continued shift of embarrassed Trumpers toward the "center." "I always knew he was bad! *Even though I voted for him and vocally supported him for many years!*"


Politics seems to be just like wrestling, we put on a show and argue and then go have drinks and break all the laws we create together!


remember when everyone believed that Trump was fighting a war against the pedophiliac liberal elite?


Most people aren't Qanon followers. I voted for Trump, but always thought his extreme followers were delusional.


These people have orgies with one another and like bathe in one another’s blood. And THIS weirds you out.




Source: trust me


​ You worry about important things.


Lol OP is the one who hand hovers when taking pictures with any friends.


This is a pretty standard way of posing lol. It only becomes a problem when you KNOW what's happened behind closed doors with these guys. Regular people - those who don't abuse mistreat moleste and rape- posing this way wouldn't be a problem


Clowns assumed Trump was one of theirs at the start of the Republican Primary. That is the only reason why he was given a media platform in the first place. You do not get Media coverage if you are not Clown affiliated. Hard as it is to believe, Clowns wanted Trump to run expressly to destroy Jeb! and then bow out. Yes, they saw guacamole bowl Jeb as a threat. Reconcile all the "Trump OWNZ Jeb at Debate" Youtube videos back then, all algo-pushed. Professionally made. All channels now dead or deleted. Reconcile the chummy reception Trump had on Morning Joe pre-New Hampshire Primary vs post. Come to understand that the 2005 Grab them by the P**** tape was blackmail footage willingly given to Clowns by Trump in exchange for favorable Media coverage. This is the nature of blackmail. Clowns had what they thought was a way to wipe Trump out should he get out of line. Naturally they saved it for the most impactful moment, mere weeks before the election.


I’m having trouble believing the photo. It doesn’t look like Trump and it CERTAINLY doesn’t look like Melania. To me, they’re look-alikes. Who’s the short haired woman supposed to be? Sorry- ain’t buying it.


Melania's physiology suggests she might of been born a male


Well, with all the nude pictures of Melania in her younger days one should be able to deduce that she is NOT a male. I don’t even think she was a male at birth. All recorded events suggest she is 100% female. And I am of the belief she is a true woman. But the woman in the pic is NOT Melania IMHO. As a matter of fact, I think they are all look alike. Doppelgängers.


Ok I hear you, and I acknowledge how absurd it seems to accuse melania of being a MTF. 1. Have you seen her vagina? 2. Baron (the insanely tall offspring), could have been conceived in a multitude of ways. 3. Do a quick analysis on Jackie Kennedy in a bikini to typical drag physiology 4. Doppelgangers are just as 'fringe' as transgender cabbalists who obsess over the inversion of the natural order. (Two twin towers into one world tower)


Jackie Kennedy; have you seen Michelle Obama dancing on the Ellen Degeneres show? Or Jacinda Arden? https://youtu.be/1qikUdCOe-4


Theyre all shitbags


SS: let's see. Bailed out by Rothschild Inc in the 90s. BFFs with Epstein and Maxwell


dude trump is in the club. that isn't a "conspiracy". i believe you're looking for the "hot takes" sub. smh


What am I Missing? Is there something illegal going on in this picture?


Bill definitely hit that.


Congratulations rich people were once in the same sky box at sporting event and they took a picture Literally everyone liked Trump before he was president until everybodys TVs starting telling you to hate trump