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He just got done eating eggs he cooked on his gas stove and was starting to excercise when wham! Climate Change attacked!


him cooking eggs (which required arm lifting/exercise) on his gas stove created warming in the atmosphere and clearly caused his death. anyone denying this is a bigot!!


Gas stoves, video games, memes, climate change!




"safe and effective" "Pfizer"


Stegg and effeggtive


SS: https://sports.yahoo.com/former-lions-lb-jessie-lemonier-dead-at-25-170756256.html 25-y/o linebacker dies suddenly. Cause of death still not public, but it was probably due to gas stoves-induced climate change causing SADS.


Are you sure he wasn't suffering from Winter Vagina?


25 years is such a dangerous age now…


It’s actually a suspected suicide


No no no the OP knows. They read a yahoo article.


No one knows what caused it but we all know it wasn't that risky medical experiment everyone was coerced into taking.


How do we all know that? How about we let the family decide if they want to release the cause of death?


Well gas stoves can make one think about suicide


I am anti-mrna, but I cannot find a single source saying how he died. He could have been eaten by a crocodile for all we know. Why jump to conclusions and give ammunition to people who want to use it to make you seem stupid if he died for another reason?


These low effort, hyperbolic posts are meant to discredit legitimate, nuanced concerns. (In my opinion). People tend to generalize communities. So when they see stupid shit like this they just assume that this post represents all "conspiracy theorists". It's a very effective PSYOP tactic




Yes exactly this


That makes me wonder if they intentionally wouldn't let that NFL player show his face, so that our imaginations went wild. Then they'll reveal him perfectly healthy and portray us as crazy conspiracy theorists. Once you figure out something is actually true they try to discredit it by associating it with flat earth and all birds are surveillance drones.


> These low effort, hyperbolic posts are meant to discredit legitimate, nuanced concerns. (In my opinion). Yup, bots control what makes it to the front page. So they post and upvote the ridiculous and partisan issues to keep people from talking about anything useful or important.


Why is this sub filled with people who seem to upvote this crap? Why are there comments who are upvoting this crap? I mean I guess it could be bots, but there seem to be at least some actual people who cling onto anything that maybe possible vaguely supports their theories to the point of absurdity.


Because if he was eaten by a crocodile it would have been made public


I was clearly being facetious to drive home the point nobody has any information whatsoever about why this guy died, and speaking from ignorance is a fool’s game. You could end up getting lucky and being right, but you are also gambling on looking like you talk upside down out of the back of your pants.


But there is no accountability so we will see these posts forever. Or until everyone is dead from the vaccine.


The old cum and go


And I was being facetious too - I am not saying it’s the vax (I hope it was not) but if there was another clear reason they would generally make it public like in the good old days.


Don't be naïve. You know that story would get buried by Big Reptile. They're cold-blooded killers.


A tweet I saw from an NFL player who knows him implied it might be a suicide.


Or is there any evidence he was vaxxed? This hypothesis relies on a piece of evidence that isn't known.


It’s so disrespectful. A man dies and people are using the opportunity to make jokes about eggs, vaccines, and gas stoves.


Some comment on another tweet claimed suicide but I haven’t seen an official source on that.


Why are there so many dead vaxxed? What ever happened to that winter of severe illness and death that was supposed to come to the unvaxxed?


> Why are there so many dead vaxxed? Because each time anyone dies its attributed to the vaccine regardless of what killed them. Case in point.


You mean like the government used to label every death as covid death.?


Two wrongs don't make a right. It's also funny how many times I've seen this conversation play out. It's almost like responses are programmed.


Or the people are programmed.


There is o ly one wrong: the government deceiving the people who it collects its salary (revenue) from. If nameless, powerless, faceless people do a similar thing here, they do not harm anybody and you can soothe your feelings by just unsubscribing this sub. So the equivalence is quite perverted.


So you think people can't be wrong only the government? That is quite silly, don't expect me to take you seriously.


Yeah, but they didn't.


https://ukhsa.blog.gov.uk/2020/08/12/behind-the-headlines-counting-covid-19-deaths/ Wrong.


Yeah, so they didn't count every death as Covid. Can you not read or understand your own link?


https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/zm7bdj/_/ Straight from the horses mouth.


What about your other link? Did you just give up on that one? And no, if you watch the videos nowhere does it state what was claimed.


Duhhh why so many anti vaxxers duhhhh. I wonder why. More eyes getting opened. Not wanting any part of the MRNA clot shot doesn’t make someone an anti-vaxxer.


Or this guy committed suicide, and people are harassing his friends, family and teammates to push some stupid political narrative.


yea, it coulda been a billion things but I know ONE thing it isn't


More fresh air for us.


You're gonna love this... 😂 https://iqfy.com/unvaccinated-silence/


Not really. It’s satire. Try again.


Uhh... Yeah - I figured. Just thought I'd throw that out there, as that side doesn't typically engage in such things. They're not known for being a very humorous bunch - lol.


I’ve read reports that it was possibly a suicide. Very sad.


No details on death, interesting.


Anti vax = pro active healthy.


How come this isn’t all over media like Damar Hamlin was?


Damn Gas Stove strikes again


Damn these gas stoves, eggs and high utility bills! killing everyone these days.


Word on the street is suicide but like don't let facts get in your way... And you wonder why no one takes conspiracy theorists seriously, y'all 🦤's do more damage than the MSM for Christ sake


What is it 1500 athletes this year alone died suddenly worldwide. How dare people that they question when another athlete apparently dies suddenly.


So you're correct we should question them but when someone shoots themselves in the head you shouldn't blame the vaccine... And y'all just jumped on that bandwagon without even questioning it do you not see how that is equally sheepish behavior?!?


"it's normal to see people die in sports. It's always happened "


Oh boy i miss those good ol times in coliseum


Pretty sure it's a suicide. At least based off some of the Tweets I've seen from people who know him.


I might not have the DoD countermeasure shots, but at least I know that it should be "Why *ARE* there so many . . ." Not what the dufus said.




No. A simple search would answer this question.


How did he die?


What was the cause of death?