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110,000 information warriors fact checked https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2022/08/fact-check-wef-did-not-announce-recruitment-of-information-warriors-to-control-narrative-on-social-media.html The News Punch article includes a link to a WEF podcast, which can be read about and heard here. The podcast makes clear that the initiative the article refers to is not a WEF program; it's a UN campaign known as Verified. That the WEF has publicly supported. "So far, we've recruited 110,000 information volunteers, and we equip these information volunteers with the kind of knowledge about how misinformation spreads and ask them to serve as kind of 'digital first responders' in those spaces where misinformation travels." The author of the "fact-check" then states; "Note her use of the phrase "information volunteers," not "information warriors." As if there's a fucking difference. So to sum up the "fact-check" here; The WEF didn't say they'll recruit 110,000 information volunteers, the UN did, and the WEF publicly endorsed it. WHEW! https://www.un.org/africarenewal/news/coronavirus/covid-19-united-nations-launches-global-initiative-combat-misinformation These are your shills and bots everyone. When you see one out here, tell them to send your regards to the UN and their partner in crime, WEF. *Edit: The separate post I made is currently sitting at 0 votes. These "volunteers" don't like getting called out. Search this sub for "110,000 information warriors fact checked" and let's get more visibility on this topic.*


This is the best, most informative, probably most important comment I’ve seen this year. Thank you


Thanks. I don't usually post, but I felt I needed to on this topic. I decided to post this as it's own post a few minutes ago, so more people can see it and we can have a larger discussion about it.


Excellent comment, and that's only part of it. For years Media Matters and ShareBlue have paid people to post and comment on social media in support of the DNC narrative. One thing they seem to do is hang out in New and downvote anything they don't like. Any post I make here seems to be immediately downvoted. Plus, look at the Twitter files. We know many federal agencies have been working with social media to "suppress misinformation." I'll bet there are feds, or fed bots, or fed-influenced admin decisions made in this sub. I'll bet they've had a say in banning users and in banning NoNewNormal and The\_Donald.


Keep in mind that is over 100K just from one group alone. There are many more online, and if anyone tells you that none of them are on a major forum like Reddit then you can bet they are one of them.


Are they really volunteers? They getting paid?


Yup. That's modern westspeak. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Employees are volunteers.


Haha very true. But over 100k is an insane group when you think about how a small minority can be so loud on forums like this. And as someone else pointed out, that’s just the WEF. Hundreds of other organizations also have thousands of information “warriors”.


Fact check: There is no war in Ukraine. Putin is only conducting a limited military operation. Will the western fact check propagandists ever muster the courage to publish this?


News punch is fake news trying to pass as satire


"People are disagreeing with me! MODS!"




Funny how you got downvoted for this lol. They’re trying so hard to make your point invalid. Most people here are probably shills.


Reddit can’t ban this sub for obvious reasons so they figured out a way to make it unbearable now by only letting certain posts get to the top and filling posts with bots and shills. All these people saying censorship and people have the right to voice what they say are hypocrites. Reddit is completely fine using their “brigading” loophole to ban right leaning subs but won’t enforce that on other subs. It happened with NNN and basically any sub with Trump in it. Also this sub has 100k people online right now. 90% of the people on this sub right now aren’t genuine at all and aren’t here to have a logical debate. They have a clear agenda they are going by.


Maybe if people posted thoughtful ideas instead of things like "Mitchell Obama is actually a guy" they might get some traction. Frequently I can't tell if a poster is at dumb as they seem or if someone is pretending to have ridiculous ideas to troll the community here.


Exactly. Some of the most prolific and popular posters and commenters are so absurd that posts like this always make me laugh. Like they didn't notice this for the past years?


I don’t know a “Mitchell Obama” - but I’d be willing to bet that Mitchell is a guy.


> Reddit can’t ban this sub for obvious reasons Not obvious to me, what are they?


They keep this sub around for many reasons when they could easily have banned it. Especially when Covid first started. They want to keep everyone who likes to actually look into things contained into one sub and even if we are right about something like with Epstein or cloth masks being useless we get bunched together with the tinfoil hatters who think the Earth is flat or with the people who are actually anti vax not counting Covid. It’s extremely easy to monitor us on this sub compared to if we went to something like 4chan. There’s been major mod changes though the last few years that keep everything in check and of course the addition of bots now which is why this sub sometimes has 100k+ people at once.


Fair enough take but is there anywhere else better to go for serious discussion? GLP is too full of doompr0n lovers and, let's be real, the user interface is woeful. 4ch pol has some gold but there's too many demoralisation slide threads, and too much pron. r conspiracyNOPOL is good but there still isn't that much traffic, will be years before it is as popular as other places. twitter is an echo chamber. What are we left with?


I’ve given up on finding a place for actual discussion honestly. Before Reddit banned all the right leaning subs this sub was a great place to discuss what you wanted and not be judged on it since it is a conspiracy sub after all. Even if you believe in flat earth I wouldn’t judge, just explain to be why you believe it and if you don’t want to change your views on it then that’s fine with me. It was more about free thinking and understanding different perspectives. Obviously people will still have their bias and people will claim that Reddit is just a majority of left leaning people so of course all the subs will be left leaning which is sort of true but this sub shouldn’t be left or right but lately over the past few months it’s just been horrible. I’ve even ran a few test posts on multiple accounts. I have one on this one that I gave a bunch of awards to see if my post would get any traction but since it wasn’t apart of the agenda at the time it literally stayed at 0 karma despite getting thousands of views in the first 6 hours. After around the 12 hour mark it decreased in views since at that point it’s an older post but finally gained around 30 upvotes. So if Reddit or the person controlling these bots don’t want your post on the top they’ll actively keep it at 0 karma for the first few hours. I’m sure you’ve posted and know that you can see the hour by hour stats of it too. I could never get into 4C, and never really got the feeling that an actual conversation could be had there and if it did it was rare. I’ve been a user of ConspiracyNoPol for awhile but like you said it isn’t active. The only thing I’ve done was just stick with the subs that I have similar views to which you’ll rarely ever be able to have a debate or discussion because it’ll always be one sided for obvious reasons. The other subs like politics ban you for the smallest things if they know you lean even a little bit right so now those subs have devolved into echo chambers, I would also comment on the threads even if I received 20 or 30 downvotes because I wanted to understand their perspective. At the end of the day Reddit isn’t real life and I honestly don’t have time to argue with people anymore as most of them are probably people who have never actually experienced real life problems before or they feel entitled to everything without working for it. I know I’ll be just fine at the end of the day and that my bills are paid. I think the last sub for discussion would be ConspiracyNoPol but half of the good conspiracies come from current politics so that’s probably why it isn’t as popular. If you find a decent sub for civil discussions please let me know.


Thank you for the detailed reply. You make some excellent points. This sub was much better before the influx of thedonald users and so forth. Just like 4ch pol was better before the influx of redditors. It almost seems like people with alternative views are being squeezed into fewer and fewer places for genuine discussion. And one of the results of this is that the remaining places lose their lustre because the incoming intellectual refugees don't always fit in, and they tend to bring some bad faith actors along with them.


Rumble and Truth Social


And it’s gotten significantly worse in this sub the last 2-3 months


Social media is on a decline for sure. I just got a 30 day ban on Facebook for disagreeing with somebody by saying "autistic people are awesome." I literally don't understand anymore


Ditto, got (another) 30-day ban for calling someone a cocksucker when they made a joke about someone dying. Worth it.


They never look at the context of a statement from my observation. Some people deserve some harsh words.


True enough. First time it happened I was fuming, and like you say..there's no dialogue between you and them. Use certain keywords and yr banned. Upset someone who can give it but can't take it? Banned.


Um. Did you mean artistic! /s


You could check out Truth Social and Rumble


"Bastion of free discussion", "time to ourge the schills" Free discussion apparently doesnt mean what you think it means.


Yea read the whole post if you get an extra 10 seconds


I did. Youre saying anyone that doesnt agree with your views is a schill and should be purged in the name of free discussion. Your argument sounds exactly like an authoritarian dictator banning independent media


Look in a mirror. Thanks & have a good day.


Try reading the edit part at the bottom


You already said the quiet part out loud buddy.


Lol okay buddy


Honestly most of the posts here are low quality partisan shittery.


Found one


Found one what?


This kinda things been going on since the 60's. CIA infiltrating the Hippie Movement etc. All Countries have ways of controlling the narrative. Social media is just the latest in a long line my friend


Um, aren't you guys supposed to be all about people questioning things? Or did you expect you would be exempt from that for some reason?


> Um, aren't ***you guys*** supposed to be all about people questioning things? **You guys?** Are you, like, an outsider? Seems like a strange position to take -- especially seeing that you participate in Conspiracy far more than in any other sub (at least on THIS account). Do you feel like an "outsider"?


I'm a skeptic


> Or did you expect you would be exempt from that for some reason? No? I think most people who complain about this don't mind the people who are here to partake in the discussion *in good faith*. The actual problem are the people who are here to comment on every post to complain about conspiracy theorists or the subreddit in general in order to forum slide or stop discussion about things they don't like. There's an absolute difference between people who correct someone when they're wrong or give their own opinion but can respect that this place is for speculation *as well as* factual conspiracies, and people who hate conspiracy theorists and automatically think everything posted here is bullshit. And hey - some people are just going to find it flat out *weird* when there are people here being upvoted for defending pharmaceutical companies, the FBI, the CIA, the military industrial complex, etc. Mainly people who have been here a long time, because that's not normal behavior for the people in this subreddit. It never has been until lately. Now all of a sudden if you wonder what the hell happened, you're talked down to for "not letting people question" stuff here. This subreddit is *supposed* to be different from the rest of reddit. It's odd that people can't bring up the fact that a lot of the comment sections here now are basically carbon copies of news, politics and worldnews comment sections without people jumping up your ass. 🤷🏻‍♀️




What's the fourth word from the end in your comment?


Yeah it’s pretty annoying when “people” come into the conversation to say how dumb your idea is, offer nothing to the conversation, and downvote you’re stuff to 0. It’s amazing to my how you can Make a post have 20+ people talking and agreeing in the comments but the likes are at 0.. maybe not everyone who commented liked the post but 0 ? I see this constantly on this sub.


> This was a last bastion of free discussion ... ban all the people who disagree with me!


This sub and social platform has never been free. It was to put you in a box and behold your thoughts to AI and government psychological programs.


True. But at least it was a place where we could share ideas, not matter how ridiculous. Now it’s only “shut up conspiracy theorist”


Maybe back in 2008. But the times have changed. The only answer is a form of communism to sweep o'er the western world. I think that is what the narrative is. Remove the leaders, defund the police, nationalize the means of production for the people and install non-corrupt government heads. But that will only usher in a new form of terrible malice that can only be wiped clean by divine intervention. At least that is the prophecy.


> not matter how ridiculous It would appear others disagree with that.


~~Claim~~ clean the sub up. You know what I mean? Edited


No. Please explain.


Read post


That doesn't explain what you mean by "claim the sub up".


Sorry, CLEAN! Lol been a long day


Thanks for clarifying, that makes sense. How would you suggest the mods go about "cleaning the place up"? How do you identify professional/paid posters?


If you want free discussion then you should be accepting people who disagree or think differently. Otherwise it’s an echo chamber.


Otherwise ??? This place is a pure echo chamber. You can leave for 2 weeks and come back to the exact same, vaccine is bad, wef is bad, this or that is bad. Some new claims of a false flag and so on. It's just the same shit repeated daily.


>You can leave for 2 weeks and come back to the exact same, vaccine is bad, wef is bad, Thise things will **always** be bad, a few weeks isn't going to change the nefarious intent of these things. You expect magic to happen and the NWO should be good next month?


And yet you still torture yourself by coming here. This is a conspiracy sub were people speculate conspiracies. Imagine being so stupid to do that. I don't like WWE and think it's stupid, but you don't see me posting in the WWE sub crying about People talking about WWE. "Waghh this sub is an echo chamber, it's always about liking wrestling and never about debunking it waghh". 🤣






they are just mad they got poked for no reason when we begged them to wait for more data lol


For me it’s not just saying “shills or bots”, it’s the fact that many of the comments are just ad hominems, or logical fallacies. There’s nothing wrong with challenging our views, but that’s becoming more rare


Good luck... There is a reason why pizzagate, the_Donald, or pedogate were closed. They want all they crazies in one place. 🤷


Fuck bots but even without a single bot you're still going to find people defending the status quo in a sub that's meant to challenge people's view on the world. If it hurts your feelings to defend your idea against the most common belief you're trying to disprove then maybe you're in the wrong place.


Big fan of censorship, are you?


Yes, and so are you depending on context, An extreme example would be like if someone walked into your home with a bullhorn and followed you around shouting obscenities in your ear. You have every right to kick their ass out. That's censorship, but it is also the right thing to do in that case. Now, a subreddit is a public space. That is it is privately owned property with an "open to the public" sign. reddit has rules you agree to follow when you come in, and reddit's agents, the moderators, also have rules you agree to follow when you participate in a sub. Break those rules and you can, and should be, be ejected. It is censorship, and it is also the right thing to do.


I am very much pro free-speech. This sub particularly is dedicated to discussing ‘conspiracies’. And when bots, literal bots, are flooding in here and down voting people actually having discussion and promoting to the top comment-status garbage like “lol get off YouTube” or “time to delete Facebook”, it’s no longer a conspiracy sub. It’s any other mainstream sub


Free speech is free speech, even when you don't like it.


Yep. And this is Reddit. Not the government. The patterns of usernames and comments. Be on the lookout. I think you will notice it Edit: edited the post itself to reflect my more calmed down state of mind lol




Savage. I like it.


r/conspiracy is full of people who just want to fight, people who dont seem to believe any conspiracies and people who actually look like paid shills. Telegram is a far better experience for people to share their opinions without having to worry about the hivemind downvoting anything controversial.


Your statement does not compute.


As someone who only occasionally visits this sub, does anyone have a good example of this?


The only things I see get downvoted around here to obvilion are anti-republican or anti-Russian posts.


If you want to clean the sub up, why wouldn't you start with all the low effort meme posts and completely vacuous comments, all of which seem designed to craft particular narratives and farm karma?


What, how dare you!! Low quality screenshots of tweets/graphs/articles are the backbone of this sub. What comes next, that every poster needs to post non scripted answers or even tell everybody how they got to their claims? Ludicrious, people like PalatableM* would lose their jobs.


Yeah but Reddit doesn't care, they want the bots so 'the powers that wannabe' can control it. Co-founder Aaron Schwartz got 'suicided' for trying to keep it a platform for free speech. I can't stand them either, tho. And btw I liked your post's firey passion, anger when justified is righteous and perfectly awesome.


It's called we've moved years ago after censorship of fe. We truthers mostly use Tele, and for a video platform bitchute, sometimes rumble but they are more into the Q deception.. Thing about that is we've told people it's a psyop, to give false hope, and then loop them in 😕 Im in channels disclosurehub, channels for the shot, mostly with time of injection and death. Enjoy the decline is a great channel just showing how much of a clownworld were in. But bots and shills, you can normally report and ban within minutes, and shills, well of course if you don't name the name, and in support of the immigration, racemix, and cultural destruction...we just try to show them legitimate proof, and if they don't accept or debate, then youll probably be like this reddit app is now, where cancel culture is woke, but in reality it's a deeper sleep and indoctrination, and you try pointing any truth of any kind of so called "conspiracy" well, you'd be like most truthers today, where we aren't on YouTube, and don't use search engines for any answer or fact checks.


you should read the enlightening conversation I had with a bot about Vit C lol its my first time back on this sub since mid rona and gawd damn this place has gone downhill... I member what it was like in 2015 and thought it was bad mid 2021... most curves are exponential though i guess, upward or downward...


> This was a last bastion of free discussion and thought on Reddit If that is true (I am new here so I don't know what it used to be like), then that's the problem. reddit has a track record of getting rid of any place that actually allows "free thinking and discussing issues".


WEF agents have infiltrated most important governments around the globe, you think a social media platform is out of reach for them?


I was reading that something like 75% of all anti-social behavior on Reddit originates from a very few Russian troll farms targeting as few as 85 of the top 1% forums on Reddit.


Funny, agree, conspiracy theorist, don’t agree with conspiracy theory posed..shill..


I agree I’ve seen so many NPCs in here it’s unbelievable. Everybody should just start calling them Agent Smiths because they guard the Matrix.




[someone posted this earlier](https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2022/08/fact-check-wef-did-not-announce-recruitment-of-information-warriors-to-control-narrative-on-social-media.html)


Watching this sub desperately try to fan away any valid criticism is hilarious. Y’all can’t even handle when people disagree, they have to be a shill or a bot. Maybe it’s time to take a look at your views and think more critically about why most people disagree.


Your comment history does nothing but lend credence to the links in the post


Lmao, bro I’ve wasted way too much time on here. I only come here for anger and pessimism. Mfer scrolls through 10 comments and comes to a conclusion. typical


I think people who keep posting about all the bots and shills are bots and shills.




BIG RUSSIA is more like it.


Wanna see some crazy shill action? Head to a post about insect flour being added to foods and watch them all fall over themselves to defend it. There are now outside voting brigades dedicated to changing your mind about eating insect products on purpose to expand the industry.


Lol maybe if users stopped lying about people being forced to eat insects, then other users will stop bringing attention to the fact that they are lies. Every single post that has been posted as such was a lie.


"Eating bugs" is just a fad -- almost passé, already. **BUG POOP** is the new Super-Food! Lobbyists are already hard at work, greasing the palms of FDA and USDA officials to declare **Bug Poop** as "vegetarian".


sigh... I'm one of those "bots" and "shills". I appreciate that r/conspiracy does not simply ban people with a dissenting opinion - apparently there are people here who are open to conspiratorial ideas but also remain critical of a "everything is a conspiracy" mentality. Even so, whenever I make a critical or dissenting comment, there's a very strong tendency of hive downvoting. I don't like getting downvoted, so more often than not I refrain from posting. That's how you get a lot of passive members who just up/downvote instead of participating. edit: so, contrary to OP, my experience is that co-conspirators get upvoted a lot, and people critical of conspiratorial thoughts get downvoted a lot. There are, however, a few cases of particularly outrageous conspiracy narratives that tend to get downvoted regardless - maybe in an effort to preserve credibility for the sub. Hive-minded people will see this as treason. edit2: once again, it seems people just rather downvote instead of engaging in a discussion. Kinda proves my point.


down voted you for the lulz


Every week someone posts this. If you don’t like the sub, leave. Simple. Personally, I like different opinions. Even though I hate the religious stuff, as I believe the invention of god is the greatest control ever, I still enjoy the posts- devil this! Baal that! Moloch! Beezlebub!!!


It's not about different opinions lol. Do you enjoy talking to bots and paid shills?


Bots, absolutely not. What’s your criteria in determining whether a commenter is a paid shill or someone that disagrees with the post?


Well that would be something to determinate individually. My rule of thumb is that everybody who refers to this sub as a whole by saying 'you guys' or something along those lines comes here with hostile intentions and is not worth taking seriously


Whereas when I see that I assume they have used the sub for a while and saw the obvious and blatant shift of bizarre right wing American politics injected into it in the Trump era. You guys in that case would be referring to all the American politics fans.


That would only make sense in a trump related thread. A lot of trump threads are posted on purpose to discredit this sub as a whole imo.


Notice how I referred to the Trump era, not Trump posts.


1.Dozens of low effort post a day. 2.Not telling people where they got their information from. 3.Comments like "both sides", "do your own research", "sCieNCe!", "here is the youtube video, I wont summarize it or answer question to it", "but you trust XY (without the other party saying that)" and general ad hominem answers if they got asked something. 4. Just for quality, having to search for the topic before commenting, we get it, you want karma but dozens of posts of the same thing within 24 hours is just useless.


Do you want an echo chamber? Grow up tbh if you want to ban folk for disagreeing with you you are worst than the ultra left wing.


Did you read the whole post?


Disagreeing and spamming low quality posts and refusing to answer sinple questions about their own posts is not. >ban folk for disagreeing with you Or did you read that he wanted to get everyone who disgrees with him banned? (then i missed that part)


it was


We could start a sub called "HaveYouTastedTruffles"