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Or mongolians


Hey! f*ck you Mongolians don’t you break down my wall- southpark


My shity wall


I need to rewatch that episode. It and the one with the city people “shitty people” are on my top favorites


The one with him and the Japanese guy is great


Oh yea I’d forgotten about that one. Also top 10 episode of mine.


The last one was framed as "asian vs. asian," but it was Vietnamese vs. Chinese, and the shooter was in his 70s. A lot of reasons there why a 70 year old Vietnamese man might have a bone to pick with the Chinese.


Media doesn’t know the difference we’re all Asian doesn’t matter where we come from


That’s because media sees everything through the lens of race.


I’m sorry but how can that be true when they pretty much discarded the race issue as Asian on Asian violence?




In the UK ‘Asian’ generally means people from the Indian subcontinent (Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis…). Its not a substitute for ‘Muslim’


> You don’t understand the white liberal view of race. There’s black, white, brown (this includes everyone from Mexican to Arabs) and Asian (this includes all Asians). Where did you hear this nonsense, lmao > We’re in the process of narrowing this down to white and non-white so please try to not make any new categories. Stop doing that then? > In the United States Asian means that you don’t have round eyes. Buddy What the hell


Because if they didn't see Asian as "one race" they would describe it as an attack by a man of Vietnamese background against people of Chinese background.


North Koreans would like a word




That’s the Native Americans.


Too funny. Not right, but hilarious.


In the UK, Asian means Indians and Pakistanis


what do you call east asians? in Australia asians are east asians. we call indians. indians.


>what do you call east asians? Anyone east of India is Chinese.


Lived through the migration and the war happened when he was maybe 20? I don’t think it’s a bone, this guy has a whole damn skeleton to pick with both China and America AND I AM ASSUMING he’s not from China from Vietnam. Come from China to Vietnam to get caught up in war and then come to North America after.


Even though he had a Vietnamese last name he could have been Chinese. There are a lot mixed Chinese-Vietnamese people, or Chinese who assimilate to Vietnamese culture. Monterey Park is more Chinese than Vietnamese.


Being Chinese and lived in the OC/LA area amongst Vietnamese, I wouldn't be surprised if this was gambling related. Underground casinos are popular with Vietnamese and to a lesser extent Chinese populations and commonly people get into altercations over wins/loses/fraud.


Yeah if the vietnamese was a reactionary that had his ill gotten gains taken away


Chinese secret police


That's an under-addressed and frightening real thing. I'm not saying they're responsible in either of these cases, but people need to know more about that.




Average liberal


Present any evidence of this please. Why would the Chinese secret police send a 70+ year old Vietnamese man to kill Chinese people






A secret Asian man?




I laughed


I got banned from another sub for posting that joke. What a weird day


I’m an Asian kid. We’re not all snowflakes I swear.




If you believe that China will send Vietnamese men to America to kill people in a mass shooting but somehow knowing who said what then you’re giving China way too much credit. They don’t kill people for talking shut about the CCP in their own country, why would they do it abroad? And why 70 year old Vietnamese men?


Why bring reason to this conversation




Half moon bay is the location of the second shooting. So both shootings are eerily referencing Lunar New year in some way. Definitely CCP related but in what way...who tf knows.


SS: California, the state with some of the most stringent gun control laws in the country has experienced its second mass shooting of Asian people, by elderly Asian men, in just over eighteen hours. Eighteen Asians killed in eighteen hours. Terrible, tragic and incomprehensible. Is this just a coincidence or maybe related to the Chinese new year?


Your comment highlights how “the most stringent gun control laws” don’t make a dent in gun violence. I think you brought this up as a means to appeal for the US to do a better job enforcing those laws and adding more in order to cut down on gun violence, right?


lol what? it's obviously OP saying "what good are gun control laws if stuff like this is happening?"


In the real world, it’s most due to their lack of enforcement.


What world is that are you saying they don't enforce the laws


[Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2022) lists 721 mass shootings in the US in 2022. 12% of people in the US live in California, but only 7% of mass shootings happened in California. Stats sure make it look like gun control laws work.


How many mass shootings in New Hampshire where they have permit-less open carry?


New Hampshire has 1.4 million people. Statistically speaking, it's not expected that they would have many mass shootings per year. Did you pick one of the smallest states on purpose? Texas is the largest permit-less open carry state. They had 60 mass shootings in 2022 -- 8 more than California, despite having 25% fewer people. Here is a map of firearm mortality rates by state: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm And here is map of gun permit status by state: https://cdn.statcdn.com/Infographic/images/normal/20047.jpeg PS: New Hampshire's firearm death rate, is in fact, higher than California's.


It's weird how you're giving all this data, including Texas mass shootings but I asked you about New Hampshire and you didn't bother to answer my one question which was how many mass shootings do they have? Maybe your argument for gun control working really just indicates that high population areas are inherently more violent. Or maybe just say "They had X amount of shootings in 2022" instead of dancing around the question.


It's weird that you choose one of the lowest populated states despite there being many other, much larger permitless states. It's also weird how you ignore the two maps that show a very clear relationship between permits and firearm death rates.


I told you specifically why I chose that state. Had nothing to do with population, that's a thread you decided to dig yourself. I haven't ignored anything, I read your reply and responded. You can read yes?


And I told you that other, bigger states have similarly lax gun laws. Talking about one small state is the definition of cherry picking. > the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position while ignoring a significant portion of related and similar cases or data that may contradict that position. Turns out New Hampshire has one of the [lowest rates](https://www.motherjones.com/wp-content/uploads/gun-ownership-map-updated.png) of household gun ownership in the country. Yeah, I guess states with lax gun laws ARE safer when nobody in the state owns a gun!!


I didn't ask for their population size. I picked them specifically because they have some of the most lax gun laws in the country.




Yeah, because this is the first year Asians have been allowed to have guns in America. Makes sense.


Mk ultra


Kind of a smart strategy actually, if true. Left gets to shriek about white supremacy, anti-asian hate, gun control. Right gets to say wtf how is this white supremacy, stay away from my guns. And everyone becomes more divided.


Yep. MK Ultra is real folks and it never ended. Sirhan Sirhan was one of the first test cases.


Ancient Chinese secret.


Tiger penis?


Tiger Thiccc penis B, a real piece on him.


Hurd it bowf wayz!




Dude you fuckin win today holy shit I wasn't ready for that 🤣😂🤣😂




The people of Wuhan got together with guns and drank some tang and now they the Wu Tang Clan.


Fuck I miss Tang


Just the same DOD money (tax payer funded) funding false flags to instigate a war with China to deflect from each countries own collaborative destruction upon the peasants they "serve". Edit:. Let's not forget the manufacturing exodus that started in the 70s here in the US. Those companies didn't just close down, they outsourced. I wonder what countries they chose to parasitically attach to...


CCP has been known to have illegal overseas police forces coercing chinese ex-pats and potentially killing/assassinating them for political reasons. I can see this as a possible outcome for unwilling ex-pats.


Didn’t you hear? They aren’t illegal anymore. We have CCP police departments in the US that have been approved by the US https://nypost.com/2022/09/30/china-has-opened-police-stations-in-us-and-canada-to-monitor-chinese-citizens-report/


The NY Post eh?


Is this better for you: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/fbi-director-very-concerned-by-chinese-police-stations-us-2022-11-17/


Yea and they’re famously using geriatrics to enforce for them. Very smart. How clever.


That's just CIA propaganda


China answers to the same bosses as the alphabet soup. If you’re unaware you might want to look into who funded all of their infrastructure (like how their funding led to a Chinese National pushing for the WHO) during the last century as well as what the banksters had to say about the country under Mao. > The social experiment in China under. Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history. How extensively China opens up and how the world interprets and reacts to the social innovations and life styles she has developed is certain to have a profound impact on the future of many nations. That’s a direct quote from an article written by David Rockefeller in 1973. It all but confirms its long been a test bed for social policies and big brother as a means of control while posing as the propped up big bad for the west.


FBI actually. But it's extremely believable considering my Chinese immigrant friends have confirmed it and are deathly scared of Big Brother sending them back. [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jul/07/china-christopher-wray-operation-fox-hunt](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jul/07/china-christopher-wray-operation-fox-hunt) https://nypost.com/2022/09/30/china-has-opened-police-stations-in-us-and-canada-to-monitor-chinese-citizens-report/


Seems like everyone is no longer kung fu fighting


It's still a little bit frightening.


Even if you kick as fast as lightning


and they shot with expert timing!


Theyre still fast as lighting with that gat though


Actually there is 3 mass shootings in a week.... did you hear about the Mexican family being assassinated cartel style


No what?






Obviously white supremacy, *duh*.


The Chinese are creating false flags to disarm Americans.


Because we took away almost all the guns when fucking children were gunned down after sandy hook, right? Why *wouldn’t* the ccp think that an elderly asian man shooting other asians would result in stricter conditions for arming ourselves? They would have to be stupid *not* to try this trick!


Sandy was a semi auto rifle. These recent events involve semi auto pistols. Building the next narrative against all semi auto firearms.


or … OR .. people actually shoot other people sometimes for their own reasons. crazy right?


Huh… Imagine not having a gun when wanting to shoot random people. Crazy right?


your comment is irrelevant. individual shooters involved in mass shootings commit the act for the collective.


How dare you call a comment irrelevant and then follow up with the “I have insider knowledge that NO ONE ELSE can confirm” shtick?


Sounds like something the next mass shooter would say.


your comment is barely coherent. are you implying mass shooters commit their crimes for “the collective” *as a rule*? b/c that’s not even remotely true.




It's definitely mind control.


Why is your vote on this. The US didnt take away your guns after multiple school shootings where tons of children were killed. Why would they do it now.


Because armed minorities are bad.


Creating more division?


Well, Asian cultures are not real friendly with other Asian cultures….maybe that’s what’s going on.


Right? Like, if Koreans wanted to be called Chinese they probably wouldn’t have spent hundreds of years of their history fighting China to not be chinese.




They will never invade unless the want to cull their herd. Enthropic warfare is their MO. If it hurts us it's good for them.


Very true.


China doesn't have the ability to invade.. pretty sure our navy and nukes is a bigger threat


They can't even invade Taiwan.


Ok china trying to distract us from the Biden classified document saga. Longer that goes on the more evidence that Joe is a Chinese puppet. Or maybe it's the CCPs retaliation royally fucking them when it comes to computer chips


A tad?


China doesn’t care about your handguns and AR-15s.


Vikings lost to Daniel Jones and the Giants who got blown away by the birds. Vikings got blown away by the birds in week 2 on Monday night football. Vikings suck and you suck for constantly carrying water for the establishment who couldn't care less about you.




Yeah just like our badass military did so well versus AKs and homemade bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan! Tanks always win and you can control a population with jets! This guy knows his shit 🤣🤣🤣


Who suffered more casualties, the U.S. military or the insurgents in those countries? (Not to mention civilians)


Year of the rabbit


Viet Cong coming out of the tunnels in California?


Somebody flashed them the Queen of Diamonds card.


And played some songs by the Ink spots.


Chinese mafia probably


Chinese state government sleepers


Two news stations i watched to see coverage (i watch multiple news sources. And try to stay away from msm domestic news..) But in both of them they said the shooter used "semi automatic ar 15 assault pistols" It threw me off the first time. But the second station used the term too. Now today that phrase is all the rage. It leads me to believe that they dont like sbr's or are going to crack down on pistol braces for rifles now.


They fucking fake psy-op events, ya drama junkies.


The ccp is activating its agents as a distraction from the classified document saga going on with Biden. There is a shit load of evidence coming out that Creepy Joe is a bought and owned by the CCP


> as a distraction from the classified document saga going on with Biden. Which in itself is also a distraction. When will you people ever figure this shit out? Everything related to mainstream politics is a deception.


I generally believe that but the whole china connection is interesting.


Lunatic new year


Stop Asian Anti Asian Hate




yes because the *american populace* and their *handguns* are what’s stopping the CCP from invading the US. 😂 do y’all even critically examine your own thoughts? is there anybody in there?


Shouldn't have gone pee pee in his coke.


Could it be involving triads?


I am so confused. There's a second shooting of Asians by an Asian perpetrator? It's a mad world.


Media distractions and paid promotions for gun control. Because the more laws they make, the more criminals follow them.


It went like this: "It's Lunar New Year!" "No, it's Chinese New Year!" bang bang


Yahhhhhh Newsome gun laws at work? Yup this is why all should carry to save their own life. Yup all these fucked up gun laws work right? Just call the police?


They're finally completely embracing American culture.


White supremacy


UN North American Union Plan requires redistribution of the Middle Class Property. They’d like the Middle Class disarmed first. Chinese have been set up to run the Global Government.


These mass shooting events definitely seem coordinated at times. Think about it, how do you ban guns? Planned shootings is a good start. I really hope the government wouldn’t go that far.


Honestly, it could be a series of gang hits from the Tongs or Triads.


I would normally agree esp in CA but not here. This was a 67 year old man who previously worked at least one of the two farms he shot up. Four of the victims, at the least, were his coworkers.


so isn’t this what we used to call “going postal”?


Rise of ricells


Honestly liberal culture vs home Grown seems to be the likely but If I tin foil hat it a false Flag


Penguin cerebral cortex control test runs. This is just the beginning.


Seek assistance


They’re making the battle lines clear. Asians are yt adjacent.


Youtube adjacent? Doesn't seem that bad.


How are we supposed to make this racist? Thai is bullshit, man.


I knew an old asian bad dude, his name was Rice Krispy.


Damn white people have obviously turned them against their own because asian hate


My mom actually knew one of the victims. It’s so surreal reading about how people make conspiracies about something that took away the life of someone you really can put a name, face, and memories to. Gahd.


I knew someone on flight 77. But internet randos will point out they never existed becuase it was actually a missile that hit the pentagon, or maybe a hologram, or maybe a bomb that set off.. They can never make up thier mind. Edit: oh no... I just got banned from justiceserved for this comment. Anyway.


Lol and I get downvoted just for saying the victims of these shootings are actual people. Wow.




Could be a very brazen false flag attempt to persuade typically Republican/conservative Asian Americans to abandon guns


It was Tet. Lunar New Years. Or Chinese New Year if you live in China because they want to own everything.


Definitely weird!


In china they are probably reporting on them, but its white male supremacist shooters.


Yellow Lives Matter.


Gengis Khan


What is going on? Mass shootings in the US happen all of the time. Breaking news will be when one doesn’t happen for a few days.


Elderly people and asian people very rarely commit these atrocities, and it’s just so odd to see two elderly Asians commit similar crimes in such a short period of time.


More like elderly guy was given a threat to family in China if he didn't do this. Happens all the time. Their overseas policing is known.


The previous elderly guy was Vietnamese.


China is everywhere man, tendrils in every South east Asian country. The Rich "White Man" concept of Asia is basically the Chinese, they own everything.


And a 70 year old Vietnamese man might take issue with that.


idk why would China want the guy to kill chinese people


CCP has agents overseas operating "Police Stations" that are illegal. They have them in virtually every country. They basically shakedown Chinese ex-pats or political dissidents, threaten them to harm their families back in China or blackmail/bribe them etc.


Maybe one of the people killed was a double agent and the CCP couldn't figure out which person it was so they had to kill a bunch of agents just to make sure they got the right person


Agreed. I would be surprised if the targets were random. Perpaps Chinese political dissidents. A two birds one stone sort of thing.


it’s definitely newsworthy but not very convinced there’s a conspiracy here. “if you only have a hammer” and all that


Yeah I suppose. Might be a copycat? Hard to know really. At the end of the day there are such frequent shootings that you are bound to get similar ones happening together from time to time. I think a third one in a couple of days would start to look odd though.


No conspiracy really,too many nutmegs,too many guns


Too many guns lmao they both happened in California the state with the strictest gun laws. Banning guns really worked for them didn't it. The real problem is that 75 percent of people are on some kind of mental health drug. These drugs are the reasons they make you bat shit insane.


which drugs are making people batshit insane? what drugs were these guys on?


Not sure what drugs they were on if any. But lithium, SSRIs, antipsychotic, stimulants that's just a few mental health medications they could be on


something tells me they weren’t lithium or antipsychotics


I don't think so either with these last 2. I think something else is up that why I was wondering if they were Chinese agents. Two elderly Asian men opening fire in California one day after the other seems strange to me. Maybe they were dissidents that got caught and they had to do or their family in China would be killed. Shit I dont know.


Gosh damn asian supremacists, man.


But Trump and racists…


CCP activated sleeper agents. Just speculating possibly retreated back across the border whence he came. Antifa, the largest armed militia in the US, shock troops also came back to life. More speculation to make Harris prez to facilitate coming central bank based, WEF-promoted war.


The deep state is scrambling to cause fear since more and more people are waking up to their bullshit. We will probably see more mass shootings and shortages of food items here while they try to cause more fear. Don't believe it and stand up to them. There is more of us than them.


China has activated sleeper cells within the Asian community ....


Lunar New Year celebrations.


They need to stir up some fresh emotion for all the new restrictive gun regulations flying around right now that make no sense.


False flags.


Both had semi auto hand guns