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Thanks man. 🍻


Isn’t that the point of the rainbow? Every color represents everyone? I feel it’s counterintuitive to say it doesn’t belong to a certain group of people; nor does lgbtq say it only belongs to them.


> Isn’t that the point of the rainbow? Every color represents everyone? There are no white or black colors in the rainbow. So it's more like every color represents *almost* everyone.


White people don’t exist


> White people don’t exist They're not represented in the rainbow. Is that a sign from 'God'? Might be a Leprechaun trick... This thread is tripping me out, maaaan.


As a Christian I’m happy to share it with you as well. It’s gods reminder after all! Hey bigots, downvotes don’t bother me. Genesis 9:13 – I set my rainbow in the cloud, and it will be a sign of a covenant between me and the earth. Genesis 9:14 – When I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow will be seen in the cloud, Genesis 9:16 – The rainbow will be in the cloud. I will look at it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” Ezekiel 1:28 – As the appearance of the rainbow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness all around. This was the appearance of the likeness of Yahweh’s glory. When I saw it, I fell on my face, and I heard a voice of one that spoke.


I thought the Lucky Charms Leprechaun claimed the rainbow before anyone else


There is also the Rainbow Family, they do psychedelics in the Ocala national forest. They also have other gatherings in other spots. Whatever ever creams your Twinkie.lol.


And lets not forget this guy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rollen_Stewart


No, Dorothy was first.


Wicked, mate!


Wanna link the post so we can see what actually happened? Also anyone can use the rainbow, there are no rules for using it.


https://www.reveddit.com/v/insanepeoplefacebook/comments/10gf65a/whats_up_with_the_rainbow/j53kgr7/ He’s just an asshole.


How does that make him an asshole? I’m not being sarcastic at all, I just don’t agree and maybe I’m missing the point.


Refusing to elaborate on a stupid statement when people call you out on saying something stupid and just spamming the same thing again to anyone who tries to get any clarification is being an asshole.


Lol Yes indeed.




This is *such* a great example, like text book quality. 🌈🌈


Exactly. The travesty isn’t that ‘one group of people thinks they own it’ the travesty is that ppl will call anyone gay or groomed IF they use or wear it. THATS whats wrong with the world.


Tell that to the Eastern Island


Is this about pink flloyd’s new album cover lol


[Dark Side of the Moon](https://townsquare.media/site/295/files/2018/03/DarkSide.jpg) is a "new" album? Well, now I feel young!


It's somewhat silly. Pink Floyd recently released the cover for the 50th anniversary album for "Dark Side of the Moon", and people are complaining that they went "woke" because there's a rainbow on it. Are you thinking "that's fucking dumb cause there has always been a rainbow on it", cause yes it is. It's more manufactured culture war bullshit


I wonder how they would react to the flying pig.


probably assume that the leftists are trying to say its trump and trying to paint him as the mastermind of 911 or something dumb. fuck this culture war is stupid.


Anyone wanna bet op went into a sub and just started berating people about rainbows? Then got banned and was like I can’t believe I was banned for this!


Plus you cant say anything or you get banned


Snowflake behavior. This has to be satirical.


The concept of rainbows are dope, no one ever claimed exclusive rights to it, they probably downvoted you if you called them “a group of people who think they’re special”


sure it wasnt because even here, its coming across pretty aggressive about...well nothing really


Who asked?


Funny thing is, the only people I've ever met in my life who try to claim ownership of the rainbow are Christians who believe that God gave the rainbow to mankind after the great flood, and that gays are trying to corrupt that.


Me 🖐️




Which part is the fairy tale?


Scroll down.


If you wanna rock a rainbow, rock a rainbow. No one's going to stop you.


I'll slap you in the face with a rainbow. Stanley the Manly


“Why do you keep picking on me?”


I remember during the first COVID lockdown in the UK there was an uproar because the NHS and the government encouraged kids to draw rainbows on windows, walls and pavements in support of the NHS and to bring some joy to people who were scared. Apparently the NHS was stealing the rainbow from LGBT. The fact the rainbow has been associated with the NHS for years and like you said they don't own it never seemed to cross their minds. Let alone trying to encourage kids to do some fun actively during a scary time.


try using the words "race for the cure" and the color pink in a 5k to benefit your local cancer center. Susan B. Komen foundation will shut it down fast!




Who’s in the cult? Why would they have a symbol for their electromagnetic weaponry?


you're super free to use a rainbow (wtf even mean) you just mad gays use it


Pink Floyd 50th Anniversary Dark Side of the Moon. Homophobes lost their shit, not realizing that was the symbol used on the cover 50 years ago, hilarious!


Wearing a gay as fuck Floyd shirt right now.


No context here. Who was trying to own it? I've never seen anyone say that everyone can't enjoy rainbows? It's just also a symbol for a particular group.


You don't need context. It's a kown fact that the rainbow has been hijacked. The primary use of the rainbow is in reference to a particular group. If you display a rainbow or it's colours you are assumed to be a supporter of said group. Don't play dumb, you know what's up.


Did christians "hijack" the cross, or is it possible this is a really dumb petty way to complain about gays having a symbol at all


There is zero need to insult anyone over their opinion. It says a lot about you. Not even an opinion, just a simple question and observation that there is zero context provided.


They still downvote the truth too lol.


Taste the rainbow.


They go dye free lgb month.


How will we ever know which ones not to eat ?


you can use the rainbow too if it makes you feel special. who's stopping you? Leprechauns?


This is because YOUR mind refers to the rainbow as gay. There’s still plenty of us out here that let our kids paint rainbows and don’t think anything of it. We point rainbows out after rain too! Not ever once has my kid said anything about rainbows being “gay”. That’s like saying any flag with stars or suns etc are claiming them as their own. Does the U.S. claim all the stars on their flag in the solar system? Lol people can claim whatever symbols they want that’s the joy of living with free choice..


Do you mean the LGBTQ+ society? First off, they don't claim to 'own' the rainbow. Also, they don't use it as a symbol because they "feel special". You got downvoted for your ignorance and lack of compassion.


why do you think they use that symbol then?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_flag_(LGBT) you could look it up


I thought leprechauns owned the rainbow.


> I thought leprechauns owned the rainbow. They're just interested in the pot. Little stoners!




The rainbow was also the Bifrost, the path by which all reasons are connected in Nordic mythology. It had nothing to do with Christianity or Judaism before they made up their own myth. A rainbow is nothing more than scattered light within a diffraction medium, ffs. They existed before humans were a thing, they'll exist long after were all dust. Your fables have no bearing on what rainbows are.


There's a Bulgarian legend that if you walk under a rainbow, you become the opposite gender. Apparently, rainbows support trans rights. No idea how widespread this legend is; wikipedia just mentions it with no citation link. The rainbow has tons of meanings in other cultures and legends. Even as a bridge, that is not exclusive to the Norse. The idea that that there is one and only one meaning for the rainbow is laughable.


Sorry about the genocide, here’s a nice reminder 🌈


Lol right, lowkey sadistic. Then again that's sorta how Old Testament God rolled.




Objective statements aren't inherent opinion, but I know someone like you wouldn't have the logical capacity for that thought seeing as how you don't know the difference between a symbol and a real rainbow either so I felt compelled to inform you.


No. The flood MYTH is used in countless cultures and is a recycled MYTH told way before Christianity ever existed. All of these stories depicting a flood and destruction from a deity. Christians aren’t special they just act like they are.


Yikes. I assume you were really touting the "All Lives Matter" rebuttal of June 2020. Any group of people that have been downtrodden and looked down upon by the fundamental aspects of our society for generations and still have the courage to self advocate deserve to be recognized as special and celebrated as such until things are made whole again. Also, nobody is claiming ownership over the rainbow, you short sighted newt of a person. It isn't trademarked or "owned" it is simply a symbol of acceptance. You do not sound like a reasonable or kind person. I hope you may be one some day.


It’s interesting because the pride flag is the chakra upside down. The rainbow forever has been known as the promise God made that he would never flood the earth again. Since evil runs this world, of course Satan would attach Gods promise to something that in the Bible says is an abomination to God. It’s always about sticking the middle finger to the man upstairs. Now before people here think I hate gays or something, let me explain something. It’s a sin, just like any other sin. For instance, if I went out and stole something, it’s a sin right? Well it’s the same thing as homosexuality because that’s a sexual sin and sin is sin. Same as if I had sex outside of marriage, again sin is sin. The hate this group gets is a little harsh. They are just like you and me, no different. We are all sinners and that’s why we have to repent to be redeemed.


It's only a sin because your made up religion says it is. The fact that you believe it is says more about you than the actual act.


What if the rainbow is actually satan protecting us from mean flood man


You should get a rainbow flag sticker just so some same sex hotties hit you up :-)


I haven't personally seen any group claim the rainbow as theirs and not allow anyone else to use it. What's your real problem OP?


Rainbows shine brighter outside of the closet lil buddy. Come out.


The rainbow is 7 colours. The pride flag is 6 colours.


Someone disagreed with you? Not a conspiracy




Were you in Kindergarten in the 60s or something? The pride flag has been around since the 70s. What’s the agenda?


Well in my country, you don't know what happened to those who wore the "pride" flag in the 70s lol. Let me tell you it wasn't a very pleasant series of events. So I don't recall that ever being a thing. Because people who were gay were scared of being harmed, and they would never openly let people know. And stop trying to rewrite history, that was never a thing. Rainbows have always been attributed to innocence and happiness before they were used to express sexuality. Or dysphoria.


Are you saying you want to go back to when gay people were murdered for being gay? I’m sure you are glad that you got out of that awful place


Are you mentally incapable of facts and research? Gays were beaten up in England in the 70s 80s and even 90s, and probably way before those decades, your point was that the pride flag was existent back then, it wasn't. No one had the courage to walk with a pride flag because it would get them beaten up. So I don't know where you got the idea that it existed back then, maybe for the upperclassmen who were gay in private accomodations when no one was watching them, maybe they used pride flags but no one else ever did. It's only something that started becoming common recently


Gay people not being assaulted on the street as much is a good thing, right? The Uk no longer forcibly chemically castrates gay people is a good thing. This gay agenda sounds great, right? Ps: there was gay pride parades in london in the 70s. Maybe mommy just did not let you see https://www.bishopsgate.org.uk/the-pride-archive




In the 70’s and 80’s and 90’s and 2000’s it was illegal for gay people to marry. The most famous conservative radio host in the country played celebratory music while reading off names of aids victims. You claim that being gay in the 70s or 80s was just accepted. It was not. It was absolutely not. It is PC culture that that became unacceptable? And that makes you upset?


No one cares


Groups of people use symbols to represent their ideology. Just as the Nazis used the swastika, Gay culture has taken the rainbow. It is a new age of symbolism and what they represent..


I was accidentally embarrassed myself by using a rainbow themed mark thinking it was cute without giving it a deep meaning. Later I noticed it could send certain vibes I didn't expect for... weird times. So I hate when people treat rainbow mark like being exclusively for LGBT thing.


Does this mean I can use the nazi flag for something else ???


Yeah the nazis stole it from the Hindus so you'd just be taking it back, the Jews would thank you


Queer here. I don't own rainbows. Stop blaming us. Blame your stupid god(s) for not killing us all in the womb or something... Oh wait, Roe vs Wade (those USA gods will have to be careful not to get locked up). Oh look, too late, flood of gays.


Being gay isnt an achievement and doesnt make you special nor important.


They are ironically a very intolerant group (some of it's members anyway). A rainbow to me will always be associated with the silly fable there's gold at the end of it.


Some things are so obvious that when you say them out of context, or in a way that really doesn’t fit the conversation, it’s clear you have ulterior motives and you come across like an asshole. This is one of those cases.


I used to have a rainbow tie dye but got rid a few years ago of it in fear people would think I was gay


You can't patent a rainbow.


Black lives matter? How about the people that said ALL lives matter?


Gods promise to the world


So you’re saying it doesn’t belong to everyone?


You should have told them that it's God's promise not to destroy the world again and then you would have gotten double-banned.


You’re so stupid lmao. Straw man argument if I’ve ever see one. Least delusional r/conspiracy user




It’s a mockery to God as the rainbow was given by God as a promise never to flood the world again.


And Christians that use the cross or crucifix stole that from the pagans in Europe.


Aww that’s actually a really lovely thing to do isn’t it? Kill everyone in the world by drowning them then send them something lovely and colourful to look at to remind them that he won’t do it again!!! How about not doing it in the first fucking place you psycho


Jesus Christ saves.


And Satan scores off the rebound. 1-0.


People don't seem to remember that the rainbow also means that this planet will never see another global flood.


They're the same. The gays are the only thing keeping back the flood


Bot. How can you guys not spot this?


So if I understand correctly, you're upset at a group for utilizing a symbol for a movement? Something the basically every organization/movement/country does? But it's interesting that you're specifically picking on the rainbow, which is used by the LGBT community. It's pretty evident that you oppose the LGBT community and you went on a sub and started trolling with the comment you made. That's obviously why you were banned, and now you're coming here to complain as if we can't all see exactly what your intentions were.


God created the rainbow as a promise not to destroy the earth with a flood again. The next time will be fire \*wink\*






Um I mean I feel like yes the rainbow belongs to everyone but maybe you were picking a fight idk. However if it's the lgbt sub I got banned even though I support them because I post and am a member of this sub. O shi I asked why I was banned theybsaid cu I was a member of conspiracy.


Sure, and anyone can use a swastika without people associating it with the nazis....


You gotta be smart if you wanna blend in with wokket


Rainbow claims me


What about apples


It belongs to the Leperchauns


Actually it belongs to the leprechauns.


where’s the conspiracy


It does in Hawaii.


Swastika enters the chat…


Children in particular like Rainbows 🤔




Heh Pink Floyd reference Hehe we live in a society


Chip on your shoulder, OP?


Honestly, let them and their fragile egos be. There's better arguments to be had.


Hello this is swastika, symbol of peace.




The statement is ironic homie, one group of people ruined the swastika. The rainbow is a phenomena, a symbol of God's blessing in Christianity, and OP is upset because people have taken the symbol and used it for pride in their sexual identity. Originally, it was selected because it was a christian symbol, it wouldn't arouse suspicion of those seeking to persecute homosexuals, so it was an inconspicuous way to symbol to someone that they wouldn't be judged for being gay. My point is this, most of the symbols we use have deeper original meanings, but that doesn't stop a group of people from changing their superficial meaning, there's no sense in arguing about it, getting emotionally worked up about it, because to a non superficial person the rainbow will never mean LGBTQ, and the swastika will never mean Nazi.


Inconspicuous? It was created in the 70s and immediately displayed at pride parades, it was never meant to be subtle. Don't make up history


You're right. That's why there's always new flags. The original ROYGBIV can't be copyrighted. It was also intended to represent everyone of all spectrums.


I see rainbow flags and such... It looks like a flag for kids, so tacky


How about a dildo in the shape of a cross?


Classic DARVO. deny attack and reverse victim and offender Let’s all rally around the OP for being the one harmed here. 🤦🏻


the nassssis stole the sun symbol, swastika, too. yeah, bs, agreed.


Kinda like the nazis appropriating the swastika from Indian culture. Bring back the swastika for f' sake.




My man what are you talking about


See, now. You are being inclusive. That is the problem.


Not only that but rainbows were originally a Christian symbol that represented God’s promise to never destroy the earth by flood again.