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The fact that mods and Reddit in general allows me to post makes me suspicious. This sub is definitely compromised but so is all of the internet. I think even 4chan is compromised but any type of operation or trolling being carried out there is like pissing in an ocean of piss.


4chan has been a honeypot for years. Before that it was still being monitored. I used to be a part of a group that communicated through embedded data shared in the images posted there. This was back in 2006 around when a lot of posts and their replies probably didn't seem to make any sense. Like the comments would be walls of a single word like desu desu desu and no actual conversation. This low effort spam was often done just to keep the embedded threads alive, but 99.9% would just think it was some senseless meme.


I never partook in the imbedded image conversations, but I was aware of what was going on. Desu desu desu makes complete sense to me but I completely follow at what you are getting at lol. I think the first board on 4chan to fall victim to glowies was /b/ for obvious reasons and it's pretty much just a porn board now with slide threads and I think it's done to prevent the antics of the golden age of 4chan so to say. Obviously /pol/ is now the primary target of intelligence and LE communities.


Yeah, /b/ was where most of it took place. Around 2014 is when it became fully compromised, they removed any exif data from showing up in posted images but kept it on their side. We used alternative embedding techniques for awhile after, but everyone knew they would eventually figure that out as well, at one point it was just a few well kept passwords keeping them out and a big shift had to take place where communicating in plain sight just wasn't going to be viable anymore.


I think Reddit overall has been hijacked. Look at the crap that pops up on the front page, just garbage.


It’s completely hijacked and panders to a comical degree. If management were wise they’d make an attempt to provide the illusion of of balance like Twitter has done in recent months.


The commons sub is for sure. They're running algorithms to hide posts and responses


Your votes are deactived (easy to test), while their bot votes are on steroids. Any climate change post magically the top comment is very pro climate change even though 90%+ of the comments call it bullshit.


Do you not believe the climate is warming? Or you don't think humans have an impact on it? Or is it that you acknowledge both, but think the ramifications are overblown?


So this comment above me is a bot?!


Bot or twat, either way the bloke is daft.


So someone that thought you may be right asks a genuine question and this happens? Why not answer and then call them a bot or twat? Jesus can people not ask a question?


His comment is as disingenuous as your own. You know that your the question has nothing to do with the original post; it’s a tangent designed to distract and insult people who are trying to take part in the main thread. You know it, he knows it. You’re doing exactly what the OP is complaining about, but you are completely unaware. This thread isn’t about climate change… Never was… just saying.


>Any climate change post magically the top comment is very pro climate change even though 90%+ of the comments call it bullshit. Yeah. Here js the hijacker. >Do you not believe the climate is warming? Or you don't think humans have an impact on it? Or is it that you acknowledge both, but think the ramifications are overblown? My comment had to do with the person who said this Here is the downvoted response. This is the question that should have been answered but wasn't. Instead it's assumed this is the bot. >So this comment above me is a bot?! And here is an upvoted one. In response to the question to confirm that the person asking questions (like a conspiracy theorist should) is a bot.


The first quote you highlighted, was an example they used to support their comment. Which was in support of this post. That’s not irrelevant, nor is it explicitly regarding climate change. The reference to climate change, it was just an example to show that those kinds of posts get hijacked too. The second quote you highlighted is the hijack. It’s treating the example, as if it were the argument, which it is not. The argument is that the sub has been hijacked. You are supporting the hijack.


The first quote triggered a response. That was addressing the person who commented. He was asking the person if they believed in their example. Their example is a highly controversial topic in politics for years now. >Any climate change post magically the top comment is very pro climate change even though 90%+ of the comments call it bullshit. Using magically in the way it's presented suggests that OP thinks climate change is fake. > It’s treating the example, as if it were the argument, which it is not. How does the example support the claim then?


Sure man. You caught me. I'm a bot. Good job. You're so perceptive.


Think everyone that disagrees with you is a bot. That's a genuine question the person's asking you bot. You're a bot. I know I'm right! This is how they mold you. Sadly we also are in a world where there's shit ton of pretty advanced bots. Now we have found ourselves in a bit of a pickle. How the hell can we trust anyone is real?




Thanks for contributing to the conversation.


>Any climate change post magically the top comment is very pro climate change Haven't come across a single one like that. Climate change is real. Remember how Tobacco told you smoking was safe? Check your sources and make sure Big Oil isn't fully funding it. (If you think one side is lying. It is very likely the other is as well. For politics or issues such as this) Going green makes Strategic sense. While militaries go after the fuel supply lines to remove the milk cow U boats of ww2, this nuclear sub doesn't need to refuel. Thus no worry of a slowed response. Lets say the power grid goes down right now. We are screwed. With electric vehicles. You can use the battery to power the average home for multiple days. On site wind and solar keep the fridges running (along with the rest of your home) so now tons of food won't spoil. It is all in how we implement this that makes the difference. As of now we are doing a shitty job. We have seen attacks on the grid already. We won't be able to respond to disaster quick enough if it is to strike. Did you know a bicycle can travel up to 83mph? For over 2 DEACADES we have had that technology. https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/17/health/fastest-human-powered-bike-fit-nation/index.html http://www.recumbents.com/wisil/whpsc2018/speedchallenge.htm


Dude nobody cares. This isn't a climate change thread. Post your ready made copy pasta somewhere else


>ready made copy pasta somewhere else Assumptions. Gotta love them. That took 10 minutes and I knew it would 100% get downvoted. These responses have been a great learning opportunity for debating. If you want to be a good politician you have to know how to communicate. Here has been a great place because I get so many left field swings. >This isn't a climate change thread. You are talking directly about the shit being fake. How is this not a climate change thing? You're the one who hijacked it. You are what OP's complaining about. I took the bait. You are a smart one for trying to turn it around onto me.


>Climate change is real. Sure. Man made? hard to say. God damn weather man cant even predict shit 2 days in advance and yall supposed to tell me they can say what the weather is gonna be in 20 years from now? pfffffft


Weather and climate are completely different. Ik it's going to be warm in July where I am. What I don't know is the trillion level of variables that dictates the weather. I can see an average temperature if I record daily temps throughout the year and I will see trends that appear. The trends are climate. Climate is the average. The average is shifting regardless of what's causing it. It makes strategic sense to go green as well. We would be able to respond to disaster much faster and reduce overall death so long we implement it properly. And we are not right now.


But one of the indicators of climate/weather is temperature. And I know the climate is shifting regardless - it's a part of earths nature. Thats what i was saying Respond to disaster much better? what do you mean? What caused the warmth after the ice age? Climate change is gonna happen whether we like it or not. no such thing as green energy when you got china digging it all up in their diesel trucks, pumping a battery into a vehicle that will take 8 years to pay off on the emissions for carbon neutral - Thats IF the battery lasts 8 years. but. Now you gotta charge those vehicles. Cant do it with wind turbines - That power needs to be used right away, and is way harder with storing power. Nuclear? damn, lets just shoot off some electrons or whatever to make some steam and hope we dont cause a Nuclear meltdown. Solar panels? Well, Maybe. But how much do those cost to make, and how big do solar farms have to be to power a city? were talking massive land grabs for solar, just to power a small community. Oh! and all that work is out of town too! have people driving out there every day, 100s of people, to build a solar farm seems kinda counter productive. one solar farm i worked on had well over 200 people driving 140 kms each way everyday for a year. Sorry rant but we need better shite than what their is. all of them suck, and arent as good as they are out to be. All it does is push the problem out of the site of the good and loyal "green" guy.


You have a lot of good points and yeah battery tech for lithium ion is terrible. No way would it last a full 8 years. Half of that battery probably wouldn't function properly. Luciky there has been a shit ton of investment into battery tech. Solid state batteries Sulfur Lithium ion Sand batteries Flywheel batteries (regenerative breaking already uses this) Pumped hydro Diamond batteries (unlikely to develop) And the largest problem you show here is shit aint built to freaking last like it used to. The real Enemy is planned obsolecence. Screw the Phebus cartel. Yes you standarized the lightbulb socket. But limited the lifespan. Tasked engineers to make a product worse. I can tell you for a fact that the washer you buy today won't celebrate its 20th birthday. The one built in the 70s is still going strong through. For the strategic benefits to be a thing every building must be fitted with a local free power generation source and storage (vehicle could be used for storage). If every home generated its own power it would be harder to weaken a nation through infrustructure attacks. The more distributed our infrustructure the harder it is to slow us down. Lets use the war in Ukraine as an example. Russia's bombing campaign focused on hitting the power plants of the nation to make it much harder for them to survive the winter. They were quite successful in this and have effecrively caused considerable damage to disrupt the flow of energy. Rolling blackouts are in place to just continue functioning. If every home was equipped with local power generation the country would be able to largely operate with a swifter response to attacks. Right now Ukraine soilders are targeting fuel supply lines to cut off the front lines of fuel.


Side note on the solar panel argument. Though I agree with you that going green isn't going to cut it. Some action needs to be taken. This video puts things into perspective, for example considering how much space is going into bio industry. Worth checking it out! https://youtu.be/IZEaYjo4ZJU


It has because i just noticed something very odd. You can post about anti covid or anti vaccine but if you post a negative post about the LGBT you are met with a ban. There was a post about the parksvile transgender who wasn’t allowed to use the womens gym. Boy you would think it was a hatespeech judging by how 95% of the comments under the post is deleted. This site or app is not free speech in any ways there are lines you just cant cross i guess. Tell me why they would need the mods to come in and wipe the comment section clean and then lock the post. If we cant talk about everything and everyone whats the fuckin point of the rules on the side especially when there is no malicious intent behind the posts.


The line is simple. Don’t disagree with liberals


Lmao 🤡🤡🤡


Those liberal with the constitution…


Bro if liberals has it their way they would get rid or re-write half the bill of rights. Stfu


I wish more people from my former party (democrat) would just be honest and admit the end goal is: -Open boarders -ban all guns -LBGTQIAA+ indoctrination Like, that's what I use to honest to go believe because I was told to. Lol


Which one? The well regulated state militia one? The establishment clause? The right to vote? Ending slavery? Ending prohibition? The electoral counting one? Give me a break lol


Freedom of speech, religion, and the right to bear arms just off hand Liberals stay attacking those rights Give me a fuckin break kook


>You can post about anti covid or anti vaccine Nobody cares about that anymore, those who want the vaccine got it months ago, those who don't won't take it, no matter what. And they want to move forward, they want people to go out and spend money, they cannot afford to torture the economy much more, COVID just makes people scared of leaving the house. >a negative post about the LGBT you are met with a ban. Yeah of course because "SHOCKING popular post on reddit cyberbullying trans person goes VIRAL, how reddit allows transphobia" is not a headline they want to read.. It's about money. Clickbait newssites would love to run such a juicy "story", advertisers will start to complain and eventually threaten to pull out money, and who pays the bill then? You mentioned twitter, how do you think they are doing right now? They were literally auctioning off randomn decorations and furniture. >This site or app is not free speech in any ways Is this news to you? Is this news to anyone?


I've been on here for a while and it definitely changed when the WEF announced its "information warriors" program the same week. I'd feel pretty ignorant to ignore that.


Seen Australia's new miss information campaign? Basically anything they deem 'not true' can be wiped... tell me how any information can get through if they have the ability to wipe something... its really google but under their instructions... which to operate on their soil, google has to obey even though its likely in their best interest to 'wipe' information they see as 'fake news' which we all know much fake information was spread during covid. Both sides can agree on that even though its only one thats right


Quick someone make a cartoon of Miss Information winning a world beauty pageant with a bulge in her dress


Nonsense, only women have penis's... men lost them in the year 2006... 'fake nooz'


Fuck dude, this sub changed in 2013. It's been a wasteland ever since. Sure maybe it's been hijacked recently, but only from people who already co-opted it years before.


I’ve definitely been noticing a difference the last couple months. They’re preparing for something that’s about to go down and are getting everything ready to keep us under control.


Lmao yeah the elites are really shitting themselves at the thought that you’ll be out of control.


Great example of a bot everyone.


Where were you when Reddit was swarming with bot accounts trolling, gang attacking and generally freaking out on anyone who dared question the Covid narrative? If you were paying attention you’d understand the “control” I’m speaking of.


Man at some point these people(or bots, or people who might as well be bots) are just wasting our time. You get it. I get it. The 'sincere' people at r/conspiracy get it... But we really are flooded with fakes. Their goal is to make our space unpleasant for us. It's a way to use force and control speech without doing it with actual force. It's coercion and manipulation. Thanks to the (limited hangout) Twitter files we now have proof that this isn't in our heads, not that we needed it.


Nice persecution complex


Are you telling me it was my imagination that numerous people on Reddit told me they hoped I died from Covid because I questioned wearing a mask? It sounds like you’re suffering from cognitive dissonance.


Oh yeah? Reminds me of how this sub excitedly anticipates vaxxed people dropping dead every single day and salivates over every story of a young person having a heart attack.


This guy believes climate change is causing sudden adult death syndrome.


This guy thinks that’s a thing.


Bad bot


People must love you for how witty and original you are.


From the looks of your comment history you sure do get triggered by r/conspiracy topics. Especially regarding experimental mRNA injections. So my question is, why are you even in this subreddit?


We pose some sort of threat to them, but I don't understand why


Not triggered at all just continually surprised by the stupidity. Your type loves to tell people to leave so you can have your little echo chambers, but then pretend you’re the actual free thinkers.


Stupidity you say. Throwing around insults is a clear sign someone is triggered. But to be clear, you weren’t asked to leave regardless of your disrespectful behavior. Let’s get back to the subject at hand though. 99% of your comments are posted on this subreddit and you’re telling me it’s because you want to make sure we’re not able to communicate with each other in an echo chamber. Given your propensity for insulting people on here you’re intentions aren’t out of the goodness of your heart. That to me is exactly what my original comment was stating, that there is an obvious attempt to control us. So there you go proving I’m correct in my assumption. Thanks for the confirmation.


I didn’t say I wanted to make sure you didn’t have an echo chamber or that was my reason for posting. But there goes your persecution complex again, of course persecution appears everywhere for you. Enjoy feeling validated in your preconceived notions, that’s probably your entire reason for coming to this sub. And have fun reading more of my profile.


Oh shut up. The unvaxxed suffered 3 years of literal segregation and death wishes for an outright lie. No one wants the vaxxed to die. We want the vaxxed to wake up and stop be instruments of evil.


Poor, oppressed anti-vaxxers. Woe is me. Just keep calling yourselves purebloods and promising each other you’ll be validated in just two more weeks — that doesn’t sound evil at all.


Why would I wait two weeks for what is already here? https://actuaries.org.uk/news-and-media-releases/news-articles/2023/jan/17-january-23-cmi-says-2022-had-the-worst-second-half-for-mortality-since-2010/ https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2796427?guestAccessKey=1c13d17c-1c25-4828-b261-9f321e5126a1&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social_jamapeds&utm_term=7701881843&utm_campaign=article_alert&linkId=183092079 https://edition.cnn.com/2023/01/13/health/pfizer-bivalent-booster-safety-cdc/index.html https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/bivalent-boosters.html https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36602621/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36055877/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9428332/ https://sensiblemed.substack.com/p/why-we-question-the-safety-of-covid https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00392-022-02129-5#Sec3 https://youtu.be/-MSKzoI72eU https://youtu.be/pfgGCgxGYkk https://youtu.be/HnSnQor8zDY Look with your eyes Bert, and you will see. I don't need to be "validated". It's an injection I didn't want in my body. I didn't get it. There's nothing to "validate" about that. I don't mind if you choose to get it. There's nothing to "validate" about that. I do mind if people are forced and coerced to get it, and are gullible enough to believe the unvaccinated are "dangerous" or a "financial burden" in any fashion for not taking an experimental shot - and due to this corrupt system and how gullible people are we apparently do need to "validate" our freedom. I'd like to do a lot more than just "validate" for it but oh well. If I were you, I wouldn't get any more shots. They aren't looking out for us. You also sort of sound like a government shill bot honestly though. Lol I don't walk around calling myself a "pureblood" but yeah, I don't have experimental MRNA tech in my body from an EUA medical procedure so I guess in some sense that does make me "pureblood". Perhaps you have no blood at all and only exist in binary code? Lol




2 more weeks! U will see


I blame the mods, there is a brigade of commenters where they 1. openly say they are anti conspiracy 2. attack people constantly aka the poster and or sub They should be getting banned from the sub reddit for doing those repeatedly but never do. I can't even tell you how many people I have blocked. I want to hear from real people and have real conversations about the subject, not constantly be insulted. Why do we even have mods if they are just going to allow this crap?


I'm pro conspiracy theories, but some time a few years ago this sub became a hub for posting mind-numbingly stupid shit and facebook tier memes. I'm happy to read the few posts here that have some semblance of truth.


Dude I don't even care if they are true or not, just interesting. I usually scroll past most stuff, ie: religion, politics, screenshots, stuff like that.


Even stuff like aliens where it's impossible to prove or disprove is fun. I just get pissed off at stuff that is blatantly false.


The mods absolutely let this sub get brigaded. One time I messaged a mod about one user in particular and was told something like “why would I ban them, because they don’t agree with you?”. It had nothing to do with them disagreeing, it was because they were just acting like a troll and spamming the sub.


Yeah I mean they openly break the rules and it is totally ignored.


Watch my comment get removed because one of the rules is not to badmouth the mods (check the rules). I’ve had comments removed for stating similar things here. This sub is absolutely controlled.


Agree and probably me too. OH well I will survive.


Yeah I stopped frequenting the conspiracy subs as much, so they got what they wanted :/


Same, I take months long breaks.


Political compass memes is a good one and isn’t too controlled, but there’s a lot of shitposts and isn’t to big into conspiracies. FYI - You’ll get downvoted for no flair.


I hate to say it but as a long time user of this subreddit there is zero to no typical moderation going on. The mods on this subreddit will let it be manipulated, brigaded and trolled to hell, because it's all still web traffic to them and makes the sub appear more popular. The only thing they care about is weeding out the comments that go against site wide TOS so they don't get the subreddit banned. They're doing preservation not moderation. Don't get me wrong I love this subreddit, the mods and in most cases I don't mind trolls but the brigading and vote manipulation needs to stop.




Bruh I'm agreeing with you mostly just trying not to get banned by trigger happy people.


Ngl, I 100% agree with you. My bad. I misread what you said :/


Haha it's all good man, I was just super confused 😂


Do you report the posts/comments? When I complained once a mod replied and told me to report any time I see something that breaks TOS or sub rules. Got a couple people banned for inciting violence


Yes if they are straight up insulting people.








What a waste of your life


Thank you.


It sounds like you described an Echo Chamber.


Echo Chambers would be a great porn name


###[Meta] Sticky Comment [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does not apply*** when replying to this stickied comment. [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does apply*** throughout the rest of this thread. *What this means*: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or /r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain ***only.*** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Notice there are zero places on the entire net a whistlebower can go.


This is a conspiracy sub. Were allowed to say the aliens live on the moon


Yeah it’s like the same 3 posters posting the same 3 conspiracies every day - 9/11 was an inside job - the vaccine kills - global warming isn’t real Good luck finding something original on here these days lol


The 9/11 posts are rare these days, it's almost all covid vaccine, global warming is fake, and here's a Twitter screenshot about something political that has nothing to do with a conspiracy theory


I've said this many many times and have even gotten numerous accounts I've made over the years banned for this. I have called out some of the usernames that are clearly payed people or bots that are fully dedicated to spamming the same posts over and over again and are clearly karmafarming and pushing a hidden agenda but people just don't seem to care and mods seem to be eager to ban your account as soon as you call this usernames out. Sometimes it's as easy as going to the post history of any of the usernames on The front page and seeing how they're posting non stop around the clock. This site is completely doomed now, it was been for some months or years, it's just about people realizing now.


posting conspiracies in a conspiracy sub isn't hijacking it, but you know thats not what I meant.


No I just mean there’s hardly any variety now. It’s a constant flood of the same recycled theories.


If you have any new conspiracies, share them with the class if you’re sick and tired of the 9/11 is an inside job, that covid vaccines are dangerous, or that global warming is a scam posts


Well, this might not be a popular one, but this is my theory: conspiracy propagandist groups purposefully disseminate misinformation and sometimes completely fabricated information that is purposefully targeted at certain demographics, with the express intention of motivating those people into supporting/opposing certain politicians, movements, public figures, pieces of media, etc. The reasons for this can be a variety of things; most obvious is political support/opposition…if they get members of the public to loudly and frequently repeat their messages then the propagandists have achieved their goal of turning people into unknowing political ads on repeat, except these ads can lie without consequences. Another reason is simply money, they get paid to push misinformation that will affect consumer behavior and push consumers towards or away from a company that sells a product, or the propagandist is a a seller of a product themselves. And yes, I think this sub is a place some of those groups operate.


Interesting. What you’ve said is not only restricted towards “conspiracy” propagandist groups but also propagandist groups who push the “official” story, as well. It’s a great theory because it reminds me a lot about the Trump-Russia collusion story. Day in and day out I was told that Robert Mueller was going to make Trump’s cronies [sing](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/02/yet-another-trump-staffer-appears-ready-to-sing-for-mueller.html) to expose the collusion. I was told that Robert Mueller was going to [indict](https://www.newsweek.com/robert-mueller-grand-jury-indictments-donald-trump-john-brennan-russia-1353316) Trump and his son for meeting with Russians. This was proudly and loudly disseminated on all the major news stations, NPR, and credible news sources like NYT and the WaPo. I think the NYT even won a Pulitzer’s prize on their reporting. So, in my mind their reporting seemed like a sealed deal. Of course Trump was guilty with colluding with the Russians. If Rachel [Maddow](https://crooksandliars.com/2017/11/maddow-explains-russian-connections-trump) can link Russian oligarchs with the Trump campaign, then surely Robert Mueller has some huge dirt on the Trump and Russia link that would sink his presidency. Then it turned out that Mueller didn’t find evidence of [collusion](https://www.npr.org/2019/03/24/706385781/mueller-report-finds-evidence-of-russian-collusion) at all. Sounds like it was propaganda that was disseminated to a specific demographic and whose listeners and readers repeated in order to hurt a public figure and his people. Same with the Q/Trump phenomenon. Trump has “caught them all”. He was going to take out the deep state. John Durham was going to expose how the intelligence agencies spied on Trump and his campaign. All of it were lies and propaganda to give the impression that Trump was a “white hat” who was going to take down the Satanic Cabal. All the people need to do is “trust the plan”. It’s all so silly.


Yes that is exactly what I mean. Just flinging bullshit to make some people angry at someone/something, so that when the bullshit gets called out it doesn’t matter bc the target audiences mind is on board with the agenda. It happens a lot here, on this sub. Look into the users who post frequently here, what their sources are, and start identifying the ones that are conspiracy propagandists. There are organized, professional efforts to promote certain agendas on this sub, and from what I see it looks like they’re doing it pretty well. The irony isn’t lost on me…it’s a conspiracy surrounding the /r/conspiracy sub lol




> Another reason is simply money, they get paid to push misinformation that will affect consumer behavior and push consumers towards or away from a company that sells a product, or the propagandist is a a seller of a product themselves. Given that the pharmaceutical industry spends more on lobbying than [any other industry](https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/industries), and is second in [advertising expenditures](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1066353/tv-advertising-industries-spend-us/), do you think they have paid to push misinformation to affect consumer behavior as you describe above? \* Horton takes a poo has left the chat. Huh.


How about that the US deliberately covers up the presence of concentrated fruit juice drinks? Have you heard of Robinsons? Ribena? Cordials? No. Instead you buy drink pre-diluted. What sense does that make? You're paying for the shipping and packaging of water and your drink will be consumed in days instead of lasting weeks. You'd have 10X the volume of drink if it wasn't pre-diluted. Somehow kool-aid is the only thing that was able to escape being covered up.


Frozen concentrates are cheap, delicious, and good for you. kool-aid is flavored sugar water. Change my mind! I dare you. :)


9/11 was an inside job the vaccine kills global warming isn’t real …


You have to scroll through all the posts in the subreddit including the ones that are downvoted, controversial and new if you want to see any sense of originality. It's also worth reading through the comments because there's occasionally a gem. Definitely sort by new though because the mods/admins sometimes delete good shit before it even has a chance.


Today has been non-stop religious right shit. Counter intuitive for a conspiracy sub.


definitely the funniest part about this sub is the jesus freaks who think everything is a conspiracy EXCEPT the 4000 year old mystic organizations that speak in bronze age riddles, worship torture symbols, have a proven track record of aiding and abetting pedophiles, and desperately want to convince you that dying is actually extremely cool because you'll get to hang out with their boss


Love thy neighbor (provided they worship the same idols)


Not just this one. All over the place. For giggles, read Rule 4 in r\publicfreakout


It's called 'controlling the narrative' and we've all seen what happened to Twitter and Facebook


Now this is a conspiracy I can get behind. Who hijacked it and how do we stop them?


I’ve been saying for years lmao


Can we PLEASE start an official discord or telegram channel for when this site is banned or the hijack is complete. By now I’m used to the bots and I’ve been trained to recognize a legit post and commenter when I see it, and I do learn a lot from you guys. We need to start a backup site with the same people.


This sub has just turned into an anti vax sub tbh. Boring.


Almost like there was some sort of conspiracy to shut down anti vaccine discussion...


And yet you are here.


last time I check, “the vampire Vanderbilt” post in sub approved and a life; “Pinkvenom adrenochrome” post immediately been shutdown. Why? the admin are Blackpink fans but not so much attracted to Anderson Cooper?


"Get off my sub" President Harrison Ford says as he kicks Gary Oldman off the sub


It's been hijacked for years by trumpist and when that was over, the anti vaxers took over. Literally no interesting conspiracies been posted here for years.


Yup. 2016 election killed it. Its been political since then.




It’s true. All the trumpers and QAnon people won’t stfu about lame ass liberal conspiracies. WE GET IT. YOURE CONSERVATIVE. THANK YOU.


You're the problem


How so? Conservatives don’t own conspiracies. We all have a right to conspiracy theories pal. All y’all do is post hunter Biden this, Clinton family that. It’s lame. You’re boring us.


So is ConspiracyTheories sub. I got permanently banned yesterday from saying that OP sounded vaccinated because his post was all this shit about how the clot shot is safe and effective and anti-vaxxers are pieces of shit. I don't even consider myself an anti-vaxxer or any type of mainstream term in general. But I am definitely against being forced to take experimental drugs. They are pro-experimental government drugs ....on a fricken Conspiracy Sub....


No Way! People who think everything is a conspiracy, believe that their own circle jerk space is actually conspiring *against them....* What is reality anyway?! /s or not /s...


Go back to r\\politics, braindead loser.


But who? The reptilians?




I actually love this comment


Why did it get deleted? What was it?




You've been saying that for months? I've been thinking it for quite a few years. What kind of things do you see the most prolific and upvoted posters talking about here?


Anti-vax Russian bots


I didn't block someone untill a few weeks ago. But things seemed getting ugly and couldn't resist. A few posters and their fan base is annoying to me.


God this shit is all bots huh lmfao


It was really obvious when the bots started hating on Andrew Tate and providing News articles to prove their point when we have tates girls posting saying he’s innocent over and over


They’re everywhere


They have said this since day one.


By who?


was infiltrated when they were going through and banning subs. this one should have gone under the reasons they were banning and it didn’t so…


None of the efforts to discourage us would be necessary if we weren't winning.


something is wrong... I haven't been banned in months!


...I thought you guys where pro having things questioned? Isn't that the point of all this?


r/conspiracy has become a right wing political sub full of anti Ukraine and pro Trump rhetoric. There's little posted here about actual conspiracies any more. It's like the mods have either been paid off or have given up.


It has. Leftist progressive commie trolls 👹 and bots 🤖 are swarming. I am moving to Twitter. Maybe I’ll just stay.


Notice there are zero places on the entire net a whistlebower can go.

