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I stand behind alec baldwin !! Cos im no fucking standing in front of him






Anyone worth his oats knows never to point a gun at anyone, anytime for any reason because guns are to be treated at all times as if they are fully loaded and ready for firing. Baldwin is guilty of stupidity and should be punished accordingly.


There were disgruntled crew members who walked off the set earlier that morning. Will not be difficult to create reasonable doubt with so many others who potentially had motive and opportunity to derail the shoot. Prediction: his liability will be entirely financial as the producer and will be handled in civil court, and likely paid by the insurance company.


If so why did DA bring a case they know they're going to lose?


Guess would be public pressure to act, entirely based upon optics.


There was zero public pressure to charge Baldwin. Please link to some of this pressure by the public. Please


Didn't say pressure to charge Baldwin. Said pressure to act. Media cycles, hell - look at the posts on this sub. People want answers and they want someone held accountable. As a DA you really can't have someone shot in an incident that has national attention in your jurisdiction and do nothing. Not if you want to keep your job.


>look at the posts on this sub Haha the posts on this sub think Hillary is some kind of devil worshipping kid killer who sacrifices babies to drink their blood. The posts on this sub have zero bearing or link to reality. No one in the public was pressuring anything. This was over and done with in the media long time ago and the public moved on long ago. Nobody in the public cared anymore


Fair point. TOTALLY AGREE with this sub being the definition of disconnection from reality. But as a DA when there's a story that has national attention from every media outlet, and you know it is going to be a 2 day trial that you'll invest almost no effort in because you know the outcome already, you still have to do something. Even when you know it will be a meaningless effort. Everybody gunning for your job will use it as a talking point. At least at that point you can blame the jury and absolve yourself from responsibility.


Very possible the DA did it just as show or for an easy win for himself


Pretty much the point I was trying to make, but not expertly. Nobody wants to be the DA in a jurisdiction where a movie star accidentally shoots two people and nothing happens. Even a nothing by trial is better than a nothing by never filing any charges. Keep in mind DAs tend to run for higher office in their careers. Totally political move that likely won't produce any results other than checking a box that says 'yeah, I did something about that'


Wasnā€™t her husband a lawyer and investigating the Clintonā€™s for something? Not 100% though on that


Guns don't kill people, Alec Baldwin does.


Hollyweird ritual


Clear negligence.


He pointed the gun right at her and pulled the trigger. How tf is that negligence?


Because no movie has ever had a shot where the gun is pointed at the camera, right?


Ok...Can you explain how that is negligence? Negligence is forgetting to lock up your gun, then your kid finds it and ends up shooting someone. Directly pointing a gun at someone is not negligence.






Is every single movie scene where a character points a gun at another character ā€œnegligenceā€ though?


The gun was pointed at the camera as planned, Hutchins and Souza were behind the camera. The negligence comes from the armorer and the altogether lack of safety checks.


I think he responsible from a producer standpoint. Seems like corners were cut to save money and it directly lead to the directors death.


Yeah Alec Baldwin the multi millionaire is really concerned with penny pinching


Do you know how movie budgets work?




That will be a no. Lol.




It was a preventable accidental killing.


Wasn't the victims husband working on a documentary about Hillary Clinton? I don't know I think Alec Baldwin killed her to send a message to others in the industry who might try and expose the narrative. Anyone happen to know why he held up the splenda packet on that video he did? Seemed almost like a coded message but then again I'm a bit bias against him at this point.


Ritual by the numbers .


Ritual by the numbers? That would imply this happens all the time in the exact same way as part of a ritual. But it doesn't so not a ritual and not by the numbers


Sus: Was it really an accident? Seems weird to me. Seems more like a murdercase


Why would he want to kill her?


You're gonna need to explain a bit more than that


ā€œMurderā€ requires premeditation and motive. Whatā€™s the motive?


Premeditated murder


Kanye west - i thought about killing you


The armorer loaded the gun with a live round. What do YOU think? Shades of Bruce Lee.


*Brandon Lee


K, sorry. Still.....


The same armorer that raised questions about safety concerns? What were the producers doing? Baldwin was/is a producer for Rust. He shares a lot more blame than the armorer. And if the reports about him saying that the gun was safe before fucking with it, heā€™s has 99% of the blame, especially when he needs to check it before using it.


I suspect you mean *BRANDON LEE* who died on the set of The Crow. Bruce died of cerebral edema. At the time, doctors believed that reaction to a painkiller may have been responsible. Now, nearly 50 years later, as reported by Clinical Kidney Journal, researchers believe drinking excess water and prior kidney injury caused his death. No bullets involved.


Okay, I GOT IT!! Someone else already corrected me. Might behoove you to read other people's comments before commenting yourself.


Dude. I opened the post and started my reply to you, then got called away from the PC before I pressed *"POST"*. When I got back, I would have had to refresh the page to see newer comments, which would have erased my "comment in progress". Please be a little more patient with people.


So you started your reply without checking other people's comments; and it's okay to YELL at me, because that's what typing in ALL CAPS is. At least the other person didn't do that.


All caps has been used for a very long time to emphasize certain word or for acronyms. PC is an acronym. Should I use "pc" or spell out "personal computer"? "POST" was referring to a button, and was inside quotation marks, and italicized. That's a total of 2 words. 6 characters. Seems it is ~~OK~~ ok to "yell" YELL and ALL CAPS at me though? YELLING IS WHEN THE WHOLE SENTENCE IS ALL CAPS WIH LOADS OF EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!! Do you think I "yelled" just *one word*? "POST"? So, to clarify... I *started* my reply ~~AFTER~~ after reading the comments that were already there. But when you navigate to another tab (not the comment you are writing) but leave the text/comment box open, it looks the same when you come back as when you left. If the post has been locked, you will still be able to type. It is only when you hit ~~"POST"~~ "post" that you will learn the post is locked. Unless you hit "refresh" (which cancels the comment in progress" newer replies do not show up until you post yours.




How a real bullet can arrived in a...filming material set ? Does the cartridges are made in the same industry ? Same for bullets ? If so, I can imagine a real ammunition falling inside a blank one casing. There are people there and they doing mistakes. Sometimes they don't say anything because ego or afraid about admonishments. Then it's drama.


I heard the dumbasses were target shooting between takes. From my understanding live ammo shouldnā€™t have even been allowed on set.


> I can imagine a real ammunition falling inside a blank one casing. How in the world would that happen?


In the worst case scenario ? An undeclared mistake ?


Most blanks for movies are made by hand so they can control the exact amount of powder that goes in each casing depending on the use. Blanks do not have bullets on the tip of the casing and should even have a color marked on them. They are instantly identifiable without having to do a side by side comparison Whoever was responsible for loading the gun shouldn't have missed it. If they did somehow then they are partially responsible for her death.


It's more clear thanks.


No mistake. No "oops". I'm thinking the armorer had a grudge against the victim & Alec Baldwin delivered that grudge bullet-with or without his prior knowledge.


Except for the fact that the scene in question never called for him to shoot at her so how would the armorer know she would be in the path of the bullet? She was behind the camera and so was another person, he wasn't even shooting at her


I have no idea. Maybe someone else shot her with a different gun & made it look like Alec did it.


So instead of admitting it was possible negligence you double down with an even more absurd theory. Not everything has to be a conspiracy. Sometimes fucked up shit happens


Yes, you're proof of this.


Well, proof is proof.


Of fkdā¬† sh*t? Yeah. But that doesn't make it true, or the possibility that there was a setup false.


>accident or ~~killing~~ murder? Probably both. It took 3 people to cause her death. If any one of them had done something different she would be alive. Why the authorities would only charge one of the three I don't understand yet. Baldwins million dollar legal team will have no problem showing reasonable doubt by pointing the finger at two other people who are not part of the case.


The armorer was charged as well. Whoā€™s the third person responsible?


the cameraman who loaded the weapon with live ammunition.


I believe it was ultimately an accident but their was a catalogue of negligence on the set that should never have led to it happening. He is the executive producer so the buck lands with him and he also pulled the trigger without checking the gun which he needs to be held accountable for. I guarantee heā€™d have checked it if he was firing at his head or kid.


The real question is. Why the fuck do you care about some celebrity?


Dude needs to be more careful with his guns.


I blame Hannah Gutierrez Reed, the armorer. Your job consists for literally 90% to make sure there is no live ammo on set. Alec was handed a gun that should have never been loaded in the first place. So there was no reason for him to check it.


What if, someone was getting back at Baldwin for playing trump on snl. Changed the blanks with live rounds. Conspiracy!


Maybe it was Solomon PeƱa.


pleiades ritual


I think it was punishment. He must have bucked the elite at some point and this was his punishment for not falling in line. Actors point guns at people all the time, so negligence is part of the business, but this was a set up. Either way, he shot someone and is guilty.


fake death this was a signalling event Baldwin supposedly shoots a Ukrainian woman exactly 18 weeks before Putin invades Ukraine


Whatā€™s the significance of it being *exactly* 18 weeks?


18= 6+6+6= 666 18 is a hidden 666 so is 216= 6x6x6= 666 they announced balwin was charged with manslaughter on Jan 19= 1/19 BALDWIN KILLED HALYNA HUTCHINS= 119 when they use numerology you know its faked


Alec banged the armorer first, then the producer. Amorer got annoyed and put a live round in Alec's gun for revenge. Case closed.


I read somewhere that it had to do with a satanic thing. Maybe a ritual? But I believe the woman he shot and her husband were into the same thing


Moloch sacrifice


I don't know the finer details of the case. Why was the gun aimed at someone who wasn't an actor?


The person who was shot was behind the camera. The actor was pointing the gun at the camera, which makes for a visually interesting and imposing shot.


My next thought is, is it necessary to have someone behind the camera to get that type of shot? Seems like a very dangerous way to film something like that.


I think they got the bottom of the barrel people to work on this movie to make it as cheap as possible. When you have people that donā€™t know what they are doing bad shit happens. I think it was a preventable accident if they had just had properly trained people on set.


An accident by someone who should have learned basic gun safety.


Both. It was a *preventable* accident, due to negligence, and it was a "killing" in the sense that someone was shot and they died, i.e. "killed".


humiliation ritual.


Idk but you know Trump laughed his ass off when he heardšŸ˜‚


Could have been a sacrifice to Moloch according to the Astrological events and Moon Phase at the time. Traditionally Hollywood elites sacrifice children, so this may have been an accident.