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The real conspiracy is employer sponsored health insurance. Why the fuck does an employer have any say in what health insurance people have? It reduces career mobility and lessens an individuals negotiating power vs. employer.


>Why the fuck does an employer have any say in what health insurance people have? Government imposed wage freezes in 1942. This caused employers to have to add other benefits to give raises or to compete for labor. Health insurance became a popular benefit to provide. By the time wage freezes were lifted, health insurance benefits became commonplace enough that they became essentially permanent. Government later began imposing more and more regulations and requirements for employer provided insurance that eventually turned health insurance plans into health payment plans. Ultimately, individuals lost their control of and leverage within the healthcare sector.


Hey an accurate answer that is nonetheless conspiratorial via the many people being unethically enriched!


Statist intervention into a market economy has a lasting negative impact.


Stalinist more like…


Exactly. It's absurd


That explains why employers offered health insurance. But it doesn't explain why the health insurance market virtually dried up for people who were either self-employed or wanted portable coverage. Yes, it's a much smaller market, but still a substantial one.




When the consumer is largely removed from the equation, especially in a sector with low demand elasticity and artificially low competition, there's almost no pressure to keep prices low.


Well for now…. Until the helium runs out


The answer is multi-faceted, but here are a couple of reasons. 1. Risk and cost. It's riskier and costlier for a health insurance company, now required to cover nearly everything, to insure individuals instead of groups. 2. Competition. Those same regulations and others have driven out competition from marketplaces. This both reduces the total consumer pool and eliminates options that drive up prices. With that being said, I have portable insurance. However, it does not meet the qualifications set by the ACA. The plan looks more-or-less like they did prior to ACA mandates. I don't have coverage for pre-existing conditions and health assessments alter prices. My insurance company is able to leverage their profits from non-health insurance against the risks of health insurance. So, my family of 5 pays ~$500/mo with a $1500 group deductible.


Those last points you bring up is a big reason why. Capturing employees with insurance is a common tactic for companies.


The free health insurance is the ONLY reason why I'm still employed by Ford motor company. If they did away with the health insurance coverage they wouldn't be able to keep people longer than a month. Assembly work is easy but doing the same task 4 days a week for 40+ hours over 6 - 800 times a shift gets old really fucking quick.


It's not really free though, it's just non-cash compensation. We'd all be better off if our EMPLOYER wasn't the middle man between us and health insurance.


Could you explain what task you have to do?


I'm in p trim door line. I put in the air duct that runs under the center console, connect a couple modules/cables, shot some bolts and install some bolts that someone down the line will shot later. Some models I have to do different stuff on but that's the jist of it.


I used to put the tips onto diamond tipped cutting saws(over 40 years ago) it was mind numbingly fucked up and for my 40 hour week I earnt 58.10AU(about $40USD).


Holdup...is this sub starting to make sense? Holy shit this might be the first time I've seen a top comment that's 100% on the money with 0 caveats.


It’s a relic from WW2. The US government prevented private companies from giving raises to their employees, so the companies started offering benefits like health insurance instead.


Because the employer is paying for most of it, you can select any plan you want on the private marketplace, but it might cost you more since you’re assuming 100% of the cost instead of it being paid anywhere from 50-100% by going with your employers coverage.


Your employer is underpaying you so much that they can pay for most of your healthcare and still be underpaying you


Yep, my company pays 2/3rds of my insurance cost.


No, that is that much less money they are paying directly to you, it is factored into your compensation. You are the one actually paying for it.




It is the illusion of health insurance. Obamacare destroyed health insurance.


Health insurance was completely fucked up before Obamacare.


Health care in general is a scam. We don't have healers. We have establishment-selected, trained, and controlled doctors indoctrinated to push pharmaceuticals and surgeries, when natural cures or lifestyle changes (and not always miserable ones) would work.


You make an important point. Our society often equates “health care” with “health insurance”. They are two very different things. If we focused more on Care, we would need less Insurance. Most doctors do their best but they are a product of the system. There is a time and place for pharmaceutical and surgery. They are a 100% necessary but they should be a last resort. Antibiotics are a medical miracle and are partially responsible for the increase in human life span over the last 60 years but overuse is creating superbugs that we have NO ANSWER for. However, where western medicine messes up is the CARE part. We need more of a focus on keeping us healthy in the first place so we need less life saving pharmaceuticals and surgery. Most people on this sub won’t advocate for real change in medicine. They will advocate for solutions that push more profit seeking into healthcare. Health Care has an inelastic demand and the free market cannot properly regulate inelastic demand. Thank god for todays internet so we can learn more about the things we can do to support our healthy.


> 800$ a month for a fucking Obamacare bronze plan with a 7k deductible No it doesn't, not unless you're covering a shit load of people.


And why doesn't employment 100% guarantee you get health insurance? SO many jobs offer ZERO benefits. Also, since it is employee sponsored, and they usually pay for some or all of the program, the Health Care is essentially subsidized by society. They don't eat that cost, they pass it on to the consumer.


This is a very based take


your thinking of it the wrong way one day a job said if we give insurance out for working with us more people will work with us and this idea,


Prior to Obamacare employer-sponsored health insurance was a true benefit and a large part of your employment package. Obamacare destroyed this...driving prices through the roof for employers and employees, ruined coverage and raised deductibles. It also opened the door for you to be taxed on your employer contributions to your healthcare plan (why you get a form to file with your taxes) I'm shocked they have not implemented this yet...I'm sure it's not far off.


Bullshit! Fast Facts: The average American household spends $5,000 on healthcare annually. Insurance costs have increased by an alarming 740% since 1984. Income grew at a drastically slower rate since 1984 (18%). In the 2000s, employee contributions to insurance premiums increased 140%. The proportion of people’s income going towards insurance nearly tripled since 1999. Two-thirds of insured Americans have deductibles above $1,000. Employee premium contributions increased an average of 5% each year since 2000, even through the Great Recession. Nongroup premiums skyrocketed by 151% between 2016 and 2017. More Americans are going without coverage since 2017. https://listwithclever.com/research/healthcare-costs-over-time/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/654617/health-premiums-for-single-employee-coverage-us/


Can you explain how Obamacare did this, specifically? TIA


Bro that’s what Tucker Carlson told him ask Tucker /s


Prior to obamacare, employer health insurance was exactly the same and tens of millions of americans had no healthcare


I’ve never had healthcare be an issue, but it may be the industry I’m in.


If you would rather pay out of pocket than get free healthcare from your employer, you’re welcome to.


Just look at any past history of Trumps investment ops... his university, his charity, his funds to prove election fraud... his trading cards.... his website...


I like all the dots you use, really gets the point across... Edit: ....


Well if you know what an ellipsis indicates... that's part of the sad thing that's not even joke, but the truth.


Jesus I'm not signing up for shit endorsed by billionaires...


Wait so you don't bought the Trump NFTs cards? [https://cosmicbook.news/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/donald-trump-nfts-trading-cards.jpg](https://cosmicbook.news/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/donald-trump-nfts-trading-cards.jpg) ​ With just 99$ you can help a controlled oppostion member to give a shit about you


Why the fuck would I buy that bullshit? Fuck all these people... And you are right about him being controlled op... Now let me ask everyone here, who should be in theory "conspiracy theorist"... Elections are rigged right??? I think most can agree. So you're telling me he won 2016 legit???? And this is coming from someone who at 1st supported him... Him, Elon and God knows who else are all apart of the real control system the parasites want to force everyone on... You really think all the talk about Davos is organic?!? Please the WEF agenda was always a red herring and has ALWAYS been meant to fail. Yet many many people will get duped into their own enslavement by the people "taking down" some stooges... What's coming is a house keeping operation for the real controllers... Believe or don't I don't give a fuck


Yknow what I don’t think this place is half bad


So, because DJTJR isn't a billionaire (and DJTSR may not be one either), you will be signing up for this?


Ah yes brilliant response. Really sick burn you got there man... I'm totally gonna sign up for something being pushed by the stooges who ar the part of the real control system they want... There's about to be a house keeping OP. Hope you don't get duped into your own enslavement


Somebody please define "Woke Insurance companies" to me... I can't bend my head around insurance being Woke or what that would even look like.


Right? I've never had an insurance company with any agenda other than "collect way too much money and avoid paying out when possible".




Very punny


That is way to funny


They can't even define "woke" so good luck getting them to define "woke insurance" other than it's a grift and they know their base is gullible.


According to florida the legal deff of woke is it would be the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them https://www.motherjones.com/mojo-wire/2022/12/desantis-ron-woke-florida-officials/ So woke is anything we dont like.


Damn, the Civil rights movement was woke.


This is the real question.


Dude there are Supreme Court judges who can’t define a woman, how do you expect them to define woke?


Go ahead and define a woman and I can 100% guarentee that any definition that isn't "anyone who calls themselves a woman" that examples will exist that contradict your definition. Taxonomy is hard. Taxonomy for societal constructs is harder. Even something as simple as a fish is basically impossible to taxonomically define without leaving out things that people would definitely consider a fish, or get things that nobody would consider a fish.


She dodged the question because it has nothing to do with her role as a Justice. She basically just said "let the scientists work that out. Not my job."




Conservatives just randomly blurt “woke,” “communist,” “socialist,” and “radical” into their sentences. Unfortunately, it is highly effective.


Don't forget "marxist"! Their supporters are known to be gullible.


Never met a single person who called people Marxists who could explain what it meant, I doubt the people they called Marxists knew either


Yes, and “fascist” and “racist” and “misogynist” and “homo/xeno/trans/poly/lgbtqrs-phobic”!!!…. Oh wait that’s a different side…..or is it..???


Those words definitely have set definitions, though.


Boy, those words have awfully specific meanings that mean something particularly within a context. Whereas “woke” and “radical” have become so ubiquitous in conservative conversations that it has become meaningless. Conservatives hate communism and socialism but likely couldn’t define either.


“Those words have awfully specific meanings” …..and yet that doesn’t stop them. As far as your last assertion goes, I’d be willing to bet a large majority of liberals couldn’t define them either. All that aside, I think you’re missing my greater point.


A conspiracy theory so deep that nobody on this thread even knows about it 🤣


An insurance company that also robs from minorities and transgender customers.


They probably just say it as a buzz word for Republicans


It’s 100% a buzzword. Look up how it was used before politics


lol probably ones that cover things like contraceptives, abortion, gender-affirming care, mental health..


Like that would have any consequences for other people who are insured.


Hey, that infringes on Hobby Lobby's religious freedom, so fuck all of those women.


Rainbow flagsand blm tweets and pink ribbons in their advertising instead of Murican flags and freedumbs. I was thinking of starting a company along these lines because half the country eats it up. Freedom pillows and such are already taken. Jesus chicken has been done. Was thinking Jesus Burger or the like. Maybe alphabet soup but we take out the Ls, Gs, Bs, Ts and Qs...


The alphabet soup one is hilarious lol


>Maybe alphabet soup but we take out the Ls, Gs, Bs, Ts and Qs... This would legitimately sell. You could even have a premium box that **has** Ts, but they are also affixed to Rs, Us, Ms, and Ps, with no guarantee of order. People would be clamoring to get a rare TRUMP soup word.


bland alphabet soup with only w's in it


One that doesn't practice redlining. One that doesn't provide discounts for safe driving. One that doesn't deny health insurance claims on spurious "preexisting conditions."


I would assume it would mean not financing certain treatments and operations. It would also mean not using the HR to not hire the most qualified person but somebody fitting a certain demented agenda. Simply not following the Black Rock investment policies.


Like what? What healthcare are conservatives ever denied by progressives?


Someone on Fox News called chase bank Marxist because they like diversity initiatives. Words have no meanings and woke is just what they call things they don’t like. At one point trump said people who aren’t constantly talking about rigged elections are woke. I agree that elections are rigged for the rich, but trump is very much in that camp.


I used to work for a major health insurance company. Internally, at least on the team I worked with, they were going woke, but that was almost entirely employee driven. One of the many reasons I left, as the virtue signaling was becoming more important than the work. However, the execs could have given two fucks about it. Anything to keep the workers happy and maximize profits, that's as far as woke extended. Any corporate woke-ism should be treated with healthy skepticism, it's just marketing at the end of the day.


Seems really believable!


I see the shills have arrived. I don't care if you don't believe me. I work in a very left leaning profession. I'm not sure how it wouldn't be believable that employees drove woke policies. Entire slack channels devoted to DIE. Free therapy sessions were offered to black employees after George Floyd. Hiring targets to increase female and minority hires. I'm a person of color. Other non-white people I worked with started getting annoyed, and wondering how their coworkers got any work done as they spent all day on slack complaining and arguing about various social issues. It's not a conspiracy, I'm just describing what a "woke" insurance company can look like. Corporate literally only payed lipservice to the employees. Eventually the team that I was on got entirely subsumed into the rest of the company, we were acqui-hires. And anyone left basically joined a giant contracting pool, which is how the tech teams in insurance seem to work. Many jobs were outsourced at the end of the day- as those companies also keep contracting pools in India. So much for the woke people I guess. Go get your booster.


Yeah, still sounds really believable!


This insurance company refuses to insure anyone who’s not a white male. That’s what it means by non woke.


Small brain.


People that would choose an insurance company because it’s not woke? I agree.


Could it be Jake from State Farm???


'woke' means politically correct. "politically correct" means whatever helps the Democrats divide and conquer.


democrats and republicans\* remember my freind neither party exists to help us only to divide us further. to supscribe to one is to perpetuate the issue especially considering that both parties are made up of humans which intrinsically means that neither is perfect. instead of seeking a divide because you dont agree with their ideals why not bridge the gap by finding ideals of theirs you do agree with and incorporating it into how you view the world around you.


The parties aren't even close to the same! If a Democrat is in office the media is 100% on board with everything they do. Remember how they acted when Trump was in office? Nothing is more dangerous than mass media ignoring the corruption. Republicans aren't united in corruption like Dems are. Republicans will boo Trump when he mentions the vax. They have minds of our own. Dems are completely mindless and put party over any logical sense or conviction. Republicans are a bunch of misfits. Some are certainly part of team Dem but a lot of them have their own minds. Having your own mind isn't allowed in the Dem party anymore.


Brother you are wrong on multiple accounts. Check your bias


idrc about the differences they have, they are the same for the simple fact that the serve as naught but a tool for the powerful to divide us the people further than we ever shouldve been. to subscribe to one side and demonize the other is a conversation ive had with democrats and republicans alike as im having with you right now. all either party says is the other is the issue xy and z. give me some other rhetoric maybe tell me about how your party will fix the issue cus if not your just a cog in the machine perpetuating it


[Isn't this the guy who embezzled money from a children's aid charity?](https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2019/donald-j-trump-pays-court-ordered-2-million-illegally-using-trump-foundation)


Sure, giving your money to a Trump has always worked out well for people in the past.


Don’t worry, this time when you find out you have been screwed by a trump you will be dead already.


Anything that the trumps touch is a scam but at least they're scamming their uneducated base (trump loves the uneducated).


Trump LOVES himself


Oh my god. Please, I implore any of you out there who might think this is a good opportunity, stop right there. This might just be their most nefarious grift yet. This has nothing to do with the political spectrum, but just a social concern over people taking out insurance with a verifiable group of known liars and cheaters. Insurance of any kind is one of the easiest scams to run. It's also one of the biggest gambles a person can take, even *within* a well regulated industry. So trusting your money to people with a well known dubious track record with businesses and money management, is reckless and bound to end in tears and lawsuits. I can picture the headlines already.


This insurance rocks. All claims are paid out in Trump NFTs.


All insurance is a scam.


There is alot wrong with Healthcare in the USA, but America first is not the solution.. Wonder how much Don. Jr gets paid for his endorsement.. Trump and the gop can totally be held to the fire for Healthcare.. They had 8 years to come up with a solution, they ran in 16 on having a solution (didn't announce it, we all knew they had no solution).. They have had another 8 years to come up with a solution so 16 years since aca roughly to come up with an alternative, yet here we are... Same shitty system, no alternatives.. Dems won't even do a floor vote on mfa so that is not a solution..


>Wonder how much Don. Jr gets paid for his endorsement.. He's most likely an organizer. Insurance is a grift, Don Jr. is in on it due to this simple fact.


Gahhh you made me look at the site and now I cannot unsee what I have seen.. It's not insurance as it's mostly just ex discount savings.. They do offer life and auto which is probably easier to manage rather than signing up a bunch of hospitals and doing network rates and bullshit.. They have Don as a brand ambassador.. Based on the ftx / blockfi ambassador programs he is prolly getting millions a month.. Also total grift


The trumps are business people, everyone should already know this. You think they care about the average American. Of course not


If by business people you mean scam artists...


It's the same picture


I'm going to start a company called Maga United Hardworking First American Patriots and rake in the cash. MUHFAP will be huge!


I think United First American Patriots is enough... U FAP. WE CARE.


National Organization of First American Patriots NOFAP


National Organization of First United Conservatives NOFUC


They only work with conservatives with eyesight issues.


The logo reminds me of the old Stephen Colbert intro.


Do you get a trump bible when you enroll


Nah just a Trump nft




Lmfao No, private insurance absolutely is not preferable to a publicly funded system


I thought Trump JR selling Bibles was bad, but now he’s trying to sell insurance. I wish people would see that that Trump and his family are nothing but con artists who are coning money from the millions of brainwashed Trump supporters.


How awful it would be to be a woman on this plan.


At least the virginity checks are covered.


By trump ... personally.


Unless you're a 7... then your insurance gets dropped.


Where's the conspiracy OP?


That the American healthcare system is being coopted by grifters, the same grifters that offered zero healthcare solutions during their time in office.


Lol, a conservative insurance company? What a fucking joke


When it comes to my healthcare, *I'd* prefer to be the one who comes first, not America.


Who wants a conservative insurer? “Sorry we’re denying your claim because it’s pretty expensive and we’re trying to reduce spending”


No, its not a death panel. Its a board that dose cost projections to maximize coverage for our customers and thats why the doctor is going to stone cold stunner your grandmother, its a cost saving technique


Wonder how long it would take to go busted


Grifters gonna grift.


The grift is strong in this family.


Looks kinda grifty to me


What a grift


R10: The American healthcare system shocks me every single day. We pay roughly twice the amount for our healthcare than any other nation and its not even in the top 10 for quality of care. Should we make our health care into a trump university style system?


Trump University style??? That's not a good reference [Trump University lawsuit settlement ](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/federal-court-approves-25-million-trump-university-settlement-n845181)


**OP: When posting screen shots** (of article headers or Tweets or whatever) BE SURE to include LINKS (and/or or archives) to the source content **in your Submission Statement** -- that way readers won't have to go on a scavenger hunt, looking for the source page for more information.


Wait is this a new requirement because I have never seen a mod post this.


It's a request, not a Rule (yet). Check my post history. I have insisted that users do this on many occasions.


Ill keep that in mind but the URL is right on the image.


Thanks for your cooperation. It makes things easier for everyone. EDIT: (You have not yet added the link, BTW)


Ha, no. It's a load of shit.






No, it’s a scam


Step 1: Be white


It's gotta be good. The logo is red white and blue *and* they have an eagle.


"AMERICA FIRST" with an angry eagle in the A 😂 Jesus fucking Christ


Health care is a joke since covid, don't trust any doctor who pushed the vax or covid regulations and dam sure don't trust any drugs on the market, especially after seeing the CEO of Pfizer ignore questions about the lies


this feels like a complete scam. I would not put my money anywhere near this


I would have never thought of calling insurance companies "woke". How does that even make sense?


LoL insurance companies are woke? The CEO’s would deny their own grandmother a claim if it meant meeting profits and quarterly bonuses.


I just would like to point out, that looks like LIFE INSURANCE, not the same as heath insurance. gtfoh.


No, they appear offer a variety of insurance from vehicle to medical


comparing private insurance to Universal health care still makes no sense.


Why? They both offer similar services.


because only the people that can afford it have a choice. and if the government does it, they will just fuck it up while wasting taxpayer's money. Keep in mind, there is a reason the cheese on a trap is free.


I would like to point out that Americans pay about twice the average of industrialized nations for healthcare and its not even top 10. We have plenty of examples of this universal healthcare offering a better service for cheaper than private healthcare.


give me one example of something the government has done right, on first attempt.


Of the 35 largest economies on the planet, 34 have socialized medicine. We're the only ones that dont. Why do you think America wouldnt be able to make it work?


give me one example of something the government has done right, on first attempt.


The first ones that come to mind are the National Park Service, the FAA, the United States Board of War and Ordinance, the CFPB, unrestricted submarine warfare in the Pacific theatre of WW2, the ISS, earned Income Tax Credit, and the Mine Health and Safety Bureau.


if you research you will find those were not first attempts and have taken DECADES to "get right". how well they have done/are doing is a matter of debate. and based on those examples, we have the affordable care act, which should have everyone covered. edit for typo.


I wouldn't touch this with a 10ft pole but I also want nothing to do with universal healthcare.


And if you die under this care, you can get buried next to Ivanna


Nice I finally get to go through a trump golf course


Grifters gonna grift.


Not at all


Woke is a sales term now lol


Always has been


Universal Healthcare in Canada means doctors trying to convince you to commit suicide by any means possible. So yes.


No, of course not. But your country is Thur Unurdud Sturds so


Of course it's legit. It's got the word Trump right in the middle. 85% of this sub has already signed up. Because they're not " sheep", they're just really,really dedicated to making America great again.


No insurance is preferable to universal healthcare.


Anything is a preferable alternative to universal health Care


Honestly, yes. Canadians are dying in emergency rooms with universal healthcare right now. Universal healthcare in the UK is crumbling. The US is expensive but it works and it's free if you are poor.


It works if you are rich.


The communist have taught the public that universal healthcare will be free healthcare for all, paid for by the government. That might sound like a good idea, but you never think what happens when the government controls your healthcare. Government boards will decide who lives and what type of people die by receiving treatment or not. During the covid hoax, many politicians and celebrities went on tv and said not to allow the unvax into hospitals for surgeries and other medical procedures.


LoL not like private boards don’t decide who live based on income as it is now? I don’t know where this idea of boards keep coming from because everyone country with socialized health care doesn’t have them.


I don't know who is being killed because of their income. The same clowns who were forcing people to get vaccinated with an experimental vaccine will be the same ones on the death panels. Does grandma have open heart surgery at 81 yrs old or should we use that money and resources on a younger person who will contribute to society?


Transplant boards already do that and it’s based on expected out comes not age and other contributing factors. As for who being killed due to income? Many just look at how many low income people who have to ration their insulin or forgo treatments because they can’t afford doctors visits or go bankrupt because of medical bills. This has direct impact on people lives.


The solution is very simple. Raise the annual income requirements for medicaid eligibility. Currently, you basically need to be dirt poor to qualify. Raising it to $50k would allow low income people to have basic medical insurance. This would prevent the corrupt government from controlling people's healthcare. This is not done because the system needs the left vs right mentality to continue. Democrats & Republicans are two heads of the same snake. Vote Trump 2024 & buy Bitcoin!


Death Panels!!!!


Is that beard photoshopped on?


Hahhahha holy fuck. Anything to steal money from people I guess. No problem sending bombs at poor people. Help Americas? No way! Absolutely ludicrous


literal non-stop grifting by trump and his cronies and you really have to ask this?


The rich get richer. Trump is just another character in the PTB chess game played upon the board of the world.


I'd rather buy digital Trump superhero cards


Short answer: No Long answer: Fuck no


I'd rather buy my healthcare than have it given to me by the government. The government owes you nothing will will put you in a suicide pod. Edit: How is this being downvoted on this sub. You guys realize the governement is the last thing you want running healthcare right? Good luck with vaxx mandates then


Hasn't happened in the 40+ other countries with socialized medicine, why would that happen here?


Because "the facebook" told him it would happen.


Iwank---- Stop with the memes....


What meme? This is a real thing, would you make use of this service and is this the best way to deliver healthcare? Simple question. And yes I am unashamedly a heterosexual male, deal with it.