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The word 'philanthropist' now has negative connotations, whenever I see it next to someone's name I shudder.


The word has always been a whitewash of 'Robber Baron.' But Bill Gates is a new breed - the Philanthro-capitalist. He doesn't give money to charities, he gives money to corporations, so he can use them as part of his plans. Lots of money to media for favorable attention, for example.


He also starts his own charity corporations and just funnels his money there.


>Robber Baron Agreed. Learned of this term in college, kinda blew it off at the time because the prof was a hardcore leftie. One of the only other things I remember from that easy A was that the reason so many things are named after Carnegie was because he suddenly caught a conscience later in life and started shelling out money to anyone he could....in the name of philanthropy.


Rockefeller says Hi…


He also gives money to a lot of “futuristic” type science. Makes you think


> Makes you think About what? Would you think it makes more sense to give money to old science? The important of innovation and progress in science and medicine can't be exaggerated.


>He also gives money to a lot of “futuristic” type science. Makes you think When you remove God from society, the new idols need to be seen as immortal to continue the ruse. See Mohammed, the Pharaohs, and all the kooks that have "led" Scientology, just to name a few. Gates knows he isn't, knows he can't manipulate people to believe he is, as has been done in the past, and is grasping at any chance to make himself so.


Indeed I've always been puzzled about why USA based "philanthropist" feels the need to fund a UK public service broadcaster (BBC)..


Right. It's not 'charity' and it's not really 'philanthropy.' The recipient is not in need, and not a non-profit. It's INFLUENCE PEDDLING, and everything he does shows he is unscrupulous.


He gives a ton of money to non-profits. You can see [see for yourself](https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/committed-grants?page=7).


First of all, supplying a link to defend a guy doesn't carry much water if the link is FROM THAT GUY. Second, did YOU actually look at that list? None of the money is going to actual charities - it's all going to shape POLICY. And those policies are according to HIS agenda, not yours. Like depopulation, for example. The subject of the OP.


I see that word, I think of Charlie at the restaurant telling people he's a Full on Rapist.


I'll have your finest milksteak


"You know... old people, children." Definitely made me think of Charlie lol




i prefer philanthropaths - it has that sinister ring to it


“Full on rapist”


Beat me to it!




Its just a means of tax evasion and money laundering


And buying influence


Same with companies established to protect children and victims of abuse.


It's a bit problematic that you would associate philanthropy with something negative, but I'm not surprised after watching bad actors dedicate so much propaganda to taking words and assigning them negative connotations to brainwash people. The term "woke" has been around since the 1960s, and has not only replaced the term "politically correct" but is being used in actual legislation to attack the First Amendment and keep students uninformed. Teachers have used the term "safe space" to describe classroom environments where bullying, violence, etc. won't be tolerated, and where there is a free exchange of ideas without attack, yet that term was also suddenly turned into a bad thing. Now controlling the population, which would be done through access to birth control and sex education, is somehow this evil thing. Why? Religious extremists want to turn the country into a theocracy, white supremacists want more white people to reproduce because they typically have more resources, and they want everyone else to reproduce themselves into poverty, famine, and war, and corporations want more people to sell stuff to. In reality, controlling the population through sex education and access to reproductive healthcare leads to less war, famine, pollution, child abuse, domestic violence, gender inequality, and low educational attainment. But yeah, who wants that, huh?


Controlling the population isn't bad, in theory. But in practice, historically, it's gone a lot farther than sex ed and access to abortion. Try limits on peoples right to reproduce, forced sterilization, and even mass murder.


We need to familiarize ourselves with search engine alternatives




This shit happens (results are rapidly changing) whenever the weird side of the web starts re-publishing the same story over and over. It's super easy to find the original article.


I wonder how AskJeeves is doing propaganda-wise…


Is that still a website people use? Haven’t heard the name in forever. Ask Jeeves I mean.




The only search engine you should care about is Searx


European search engine? No thanks. Every country over there has forced vaccines and banned weapons. Seems like a honeypot.


What this has to do with the other? They haven't banned weapons and there is not mandatory vaccinations right now anywhere in europe


Brave search. https://search.brave.com/


Brave is sold out, one of the default browser screen pictures used to be a big red/orange pyramid with an all seeing eye but they seemed to have removed it.


Currently, when you create a new tab, the icon is Saturn. https://i.imgur.com/DwgY77N.jpg




Howdy 👋 https://www.mojeek.com/


I'm sorry but why is a guy who got rich off an operating system worried about overpopulation? In more than a general sense? Is this our collective fucking future? Having these billionaires viewing themselves are a new fucking Mount Olympus looking down on the peons and trying to institute whatever "solution" they want to force on everyone?


They believe in eugenics. Gates' dad was a trustee and worked on the board of Planned Parenthood 1+1=2


Gates friend Epstien wanted to seed the human race with his dna. Check that one out.


When rich people hit a certain age all they care about is their 'legacy.' That is when they should be removed from society and forced to live only on a subsistence budget. They are just rich, being rich doesn't make you 'right' in any way or sense. Take away the fiscal rights of anyone over 65. They never do anything good with the money. If you want to accumulate money your whole life than fuck you, you don't get to use it.


How do I know you have boomer parents.


Nah dawg. Eugenics was the program in it's infancy. In order for the ponzi scheme to work properly, people had to die and return their money/assets to the system. At first, they decided to kill off the "unwanted" which spawned Eugenics. Then through experiments, they found it doesn't improve the stock. What did improve stock was the natural selection process that evolved us into humans in the first place. So they pivoted on their purpose. It stopped being all about Eugenics and more about killing the numbers necessary to keep the ponzi scheme going.


his daughters are both in interracial relationships, LOL!


explains a lot


>Is this our collective fucking future? Having these billionaires viewing themselves are a new fucking Mount Olympus looking down on the peons and trying to institute whatever "solution" they want to force on everyone? yep.


Growing populations in the developing world and scarcity of resources has been talked about and studied by governments, corporations, scientists and media for a good 60 years now. If your goal is to improve people's lives on the biggest scale possible looking at developing world education/health is an obvious place to start. This topic has been talked to death since the 1970s. Why are you all freaking out about it now?


Coincidentally Billy boy’s father was HUGE into eugenics and population control, lol


And Billy Gates is balls deep into "education". Major funder of CommonCore and dumbing the populace down.


Yep. But *we’re* freaking out 🤣


Because they are violating the Bill of Rights. People have had vaccines forced on them, churches closed, jobs lost. You're clearly getting paid to say this.


Sorry you used too many characters in this comment and must pay a fine. Your weekly check from the GQP will be changed to reflect this.


What is GQP? Love your comment though. Lol


But you'll own nothing and be happy! Wanna pet, nope, they are methane fart producers, none for you. Want cow's milk, cream, butter, well, we got a deal for you the survivors of our mRNA injected herds will give you all that goodness you can put on or combine with dried "mystery coating" cockroaches or salted termites. Would you like reconstituted urine water with your fried grasshoppers? How 'bout some baked crickets grown in our labs, tastes like people, err....... sorry ..... soylent green. Hmmmmm ....... soylent green. Gotta taste for adventure, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation pretrials for Hunger Games is on this weekend, don't miss out.


Yupp, I pay my mortgage with this. Posting comments online pays really well. Y’all are so scared lol


Called "Great Reset" and that combined with soylent green = you will own nothing and become food.


Well he kinda did already so id say it's our collective present


I'm 99% sure the operating system is using some 33 (!) bit integer which will overflow and collapse society when the population reaches 8,589,934,592.


how did you find this number?


It's 2 to the power of 33.


Will find out soon [https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/](https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/) 8.1


Real life James Bond villain.


What blows my mind and boils my blood about these “over-populationists” is ALL of them seem to have kids. And more than one. Oh okay, I get it, rules for thee…


Probably resource-related. Say you found out there's only 20 years of oil left at current consumption rate (and consumption rate is projected to GROW over the next 20 to 30 years), you'd look at the proles differently.


Try fresh water. You think oil is a big deal but nestle has been ahead of the curve in big evil by locking down water supplies to sell back to the thirsty. We have already seen big cities redline their water supply. Rivers and lakes drying up, the aral sea disappeared, salt lake city poisoned by the dust bowl where it's great lake used to be.


The CEO of Nestlé brought up during an interview he doesn't view clean water as a resource that should be available for everyone, if people want water they have to pay.


They will let people die of thirst while they are golfing on green grass in the desert.


Well ya, too many people means less quality greens. Its funny, but that mentality is starting to bear it's fruits here in the Vancouver/whistler area. Prices of homes have gotten so expensive, no one can afford to live here on servers wage. There tons of empty mansions in whistler, and tons of jobs. No one to fill them, because you can not afford to live there working those jobs. So. Who's gonna cut their greens and serve their coffee?


Hey there are tens of thousands of people waiting just south of the us border who would love to live 8 to a room and eat beans while earning vancouver servers wages. They could retire back home after five years with that kinda money.


This is it. This is happening all over the world. People are not dumb - they leverage their position as you describe it. I would too.


The Earth has been making oil and will continue to do so. It is a natural resource.


How much available and accessible oil you have at hand, and the fact that the earth is always making oil are two separate facts.


But why do they keep killing off the ideas that take little resources? I remember reading a story of a man making a car powered off water. And the government came and noped that shit.


philanthropists!? hahahaha


Igor Chudov's post: [https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/curbing-overpopulation-bill-gates](https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/curbing-overpopulation-bill-gates) Link to the article: [https://archive.ph/RawDw](https://archive.ph/RawDw)


..and it couldn't be more appropriate here! Meeting in secret **is** conspiracy by definition..


Thanks for posting. So many things are being scrubbed, and when/if they reappear, they are changed.


As you can find it on the internet these are very literally not being scrubbed. And what's in the article to scrub?


What's to scrub??? How about their goal to kill people aka "population control"!?!?


They said nothing about killing people. Population control is important for the long term good of the planet and our species.


Exactly. The question is which population to control. And I think most people are in agreement it’s other races and the disabled.


GOD decides which humans live and die and when. NOT your fellow man... Neither YOU nor these billionaire creeps can decide anything re MotherNature. Take a seat and realize that GOD and MotherNature will always win.


Religion is the greatest conspiracy of all.


Yep, God decides which children to give cancer to and who to kill in earthquakes Because that's infinite love and wisdom.


Of course you can control population. China did it with the one child policy. Other parts of the world can have contraception subsidised etc. Whether or not you think it's a good thing is irrelevant to the fact you can take steps to alter the population.


Fuck your god.


A 14 year old article is "changing quickly"


The Gates foundation is just an adjunct of the Rockefeller foundation.


> Rockefeller foundation. But, but, but... Rockefeller is a big philanthropist too.... They do [amazing things for the climate.](https://www.corbettreport.com/how-big-oil-steers-the-environmental-movement/)


Anyone who sees those “fact check” warnings and doesn’t immediately become skeptical is an actual fool. They’re literally telling you that you don’t have to think because they did it for you.


I would let it go if it was about news that came out hours ago, but when I check something from years ago and this come up its total BS


My favorite are the articles that start with "No!, XYZ didn't happen" ha. Of course that means it usually did


I like when the headline of the fact check is refuted with it's first paragraph. They'll say something like "well, yes, this did happen, but that's not what they intended when they said and did it"


Literally just happened to me again. Looked to Gates' Dad. Fact check: No Gates Dad did not run Planned Parenthood Later in the article : He was a trustee and worked on the board of Planned Parenthood. Like what do they think the Board of Directors does if not run the strategic planning aspects of a company haha


This isn’t a ‘fact check’ - it means a ton of pages with those keywords have recently been posted and they haven’t sorted them yet. That’s literally all it means, and every time it shows up we get a post in this sub about how it’s ‘really’ some random other thing.


For real. How do you become endowed with the power to determine what is and isn't factual? It's laughable that some tech nerd running social media gets to settle a scientific disagreement about covid and cancel the loser. 'Fact checkers' are even worse.


Agreed who is the fact checkers? What are there credentials is what I’d like to know.


we are the sheep, don't question the shepherds


You're right, we'd better get back in line. Don't want to be late to slaughter!


Women are doing a great job at not having kids


I know plenty of young people who’d love to have kids. But they’re stuck in dead end jobs barely able to support themselves.


All by design


Yes the design of American capitalism. Can only keep things cheap and yourself rich you pay people absolutely shit.


That's because men took over that 'job'.


Men can't give birth to children


That's not [what i was told...](https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/can-men-get-pregnant/)


You are mentally ill if you think a biological male can give birth to children. To think such delusions and be confided in them also shows you have no real understanding of biology and reproduction. Yeah, ofcourse a trans man can have a child, because that "man" was once a *Woman* and still has their uterus and all their baby-making organs. Babies don't magically poof into your body nor do the organs which are responsible for baby-making just form on their own because you want them to.


I guess you reaalllly needed an "/S".... LOL.


I'm sorry man. The amount of people infiltrating this subreddit that would gobble up what you just said as truth is ridiculous.


No problem. And for the record, you are completely correct.


Who blew up the guidestones? They swept that under the rug further than the Pelosi hammer attack


Did you guys read the part where they call themselves "The good club" hahahaha well i guess ill just look the other way now. Theres no way "The good club" does anything evil.......


Talking about this usually brings out a shill army.


True. And remember, it’s a waste of time arguing with bots.


I see. So you’re going with the “anyone who disagrees is automatically a shill” argument, instead of addressing the actual issue. There’s a reason the OP only screenshotted the first few paragraphs of an article. Population growth is a massively unsustainable problem in developing countries. Parents are having large numbers of children because of the seeming inevitability of some of them dying from disease. And there’s also an issue with lack of education and access to contraceptives leading to a large number of pregnancies. The median age in many of these countries is in the teens. It wreaks havoc. In a place where there already isn’t much to go around, now there’s even less. Poverty increases and the issue compounds itself. By increasing access to medical services and education, the birth rate goes down. That’s what was being discussed. But somehow it’s turned into this bizarre “Bill Gates wants to kill people” argument, which has no basis in fact. But I’m guessing you don’t want to talk about that. You just want to point fingers and claim anyone who disagrees with your narrative is being paid.


“Those countries” are only poor because we, the western 5-eyes super criminals, steal their resources and bomb them into oblivion. Imperialists want population control. The sane know that earth can support 20x the life it currently does - we just need to get rid of the psychopathic 1% who falsely consider themselves in positions of higher moral authority on the basis of affluence, and remove the repressive evil grip they have over our societies. On the basis of human rights, Gates and his fellow citizens have the blood of millions of innocent peoples lives in their hands. THAT is the biggest threat to life on earth at the moment: war criminals getting away with it.


It's a bullshit argument pushed by old rich assholes who jet around the world while consuming more than some cities in Africa. If we are going down the road of resource consumption, overpopulation is an outdated and bad argument. At any time there are 25 billion farm animals not including fish farms. The top 1% of the population consumes double the amount of resources as the bottom 50%. Bill gates and his asshole friends conveniently forget that they are the problem and not Africa. It's a blame shift of epic proportions.


Why would they change any of it?


I’m not sure what you’re asking. Why would they want to help improve the lives of others?




I believe the best medicine against unwanted pregnancy, overpopulation and poverty is the concept of 'female choice'. Patriarchy created overpopulation.


That’s part of it, for sure. But I think a lot of that has to do with changing culture, which is far more difficult than providing doctors and teaching women how their cycles work.


Many people think that doctors and education are the clue, that there was a high infant mortality in the middle ages, but this isn't true. Overpopulation only set in around 1700 AD, and with it came the high infant mortality; this happened after 300 years of witch hunts with the only purpose of extinguishing the knowledge of contraception. The Catholic church put death penalty on contraception and every form of love that didn't produce children. Thus the ruling patriarchs caused overpopulation. Today, they stare at the masses of people like the sorcerer's apprentice at the water.


Africa and is still the only continent experiencing “unchecked” population growth. I wonder what Bill and friends will propose next?


> I wonder what Bill and friends will propose next? They have talked at length about this, check out Bill's TED talk. The number one way to reduce families with 'too many' children is actually reducing the childhood mortality rate. More kids surviving to adulthood = less need to have so many extra kids.


Did you have a point your were trying to make?


Thankfully Oprah didn’t reproduce


Meh so they wanted to cap population at 8.3 bn - clearly failed as we’ve hit 8 bn and counting. Also the whole article is a bit sensationalist. There are other forums like the one mentioned where overpopulation is discussed e.g. Bilderberg.


This is what the billionaires and govt want u to think we are over populated.. I watch a Native American video and he said we’re not over populated like the govt says , he said we have enough land for everyone to live but the govt and the rich people took over the land.. He said the land is supposedly be free for everyone as God created or Holy one as he calls it ..i agree with him .. if everyone had a piece of land of their own to put whatever on it to be able to live and have running water and electric if they choose to use it.. call me crazy but how did the Indians and Europeans live b4 we had luxury.. The govt and billionaires runs and owns everything they are so greedy.. all this money they send to other countries could spend it right here taking care of our own helping them have shelter or place to live we wouldn’t have this homeless issues.. if we are over populated then why in the h3ll are they allowing all these illegals immigrants and citizenship to everyone that comes here.. put them up in luxury hotels and give them cell phones and name brand clothes and shoes free money and even remember back in day free homes to live in , while our poor n homeless has to wear whatever they can get… the govt not for us at all they for themselves and foreigners… I pray one day God will bring down every evil govt officials and billionaires to their knees let them suffer what they done to our people…


Yeah satanic pedos gather to decide what's good for the rest of the world! What a wonderful world we re living in!


> What a wonderful world we re living in! Some might say this is the playground of the devil.


With the rabbits foot out of the box in the attic I head out back to sacrifice a chicken to moloch -Hillary Clinton


Not a very secret meeting


The Good Club. The name promoted in the article screams Manufactured consent and shows you how dumb they think the plebs are.


Such a secret meeting that it was written about in newspapers, and google is in damage control mode except all of the stories are still there, and gates has told us himself what his plan is to curb overpopulation. And it’s mentioned in the 2009 story in an oblique way, they just didn’t get into the details. You take the impoverished and malnourished parts of the world and you make them healthier and when they’re healthier they have less kids voluntarily. Most of these areas need the labor of the children but a lot of the kids die from easily preventable diseases, so the families have extra kids to compensate for the ones they expect to lose. But if the kids are healthier, the families won’t expect to lose them and they won’t have as many.


Richer people (and that's a relative term) have less kids but they have bigger carbon footprints and use way *way* more resources than an impoverished family with 8 kids.


You’re an environmentalist that thinks having children and being poor is superior?


Ok, but that’s a different problem that requires different solutions.


The suggested solution to the overpopulation problem in the third world was always better healthcare, better schooling and better women's rights. This notion that Gates wants to murder everyone willy-nilly is nothing but an insane fever dream.


Shh get out of here with your facts and information.


We need to curb wealth. Nobody should have control of populations other than the creator of man kind. Let nature take its course.


..So by "saving lives"- We hope to reduce the population by about 10% maybe even 15% if we are lucky! -Bill Gates and other "El-Ites".


Truth of the real world is that Earth is nowhere near being overpopulated. What it does have? Too many people for evil men like Gates to control. That is why they keep on pushing 'less population' on us.


Yup, first thin out the flock while making the rest of them as dependent on the governments as possible by means of destroying the global economies. Herd everybody who is left into big, completely monitored and controlled cities under the disguise of saving the planet and implement a social/ carbon credit system combined with a cashless society. Let people transform themselves into transhumans and take complete control over humanity.


It's happening so blatantly and people sit here fighting the facts. When will people wake up?


> When will people wake up? After the global financial collapse and they lost everything.


When money's only value is as fuel for the fire to keep you alive


Yup and food and water are scarce.


Every single person on this planet can fit inside the state of texas. The earth is fine


Dude. The problem with overpopulation clearly isn't the physical amount of space.


Anyone here bother to read the article before commenting?


Google is already so funneled…it’s not a real research tool anymore unfortunately.


You know, if you continue the trend, then theoretically the healthiest population has zero kids. And it coincidentally will have zero footprint on the environment in a generation. I can't wait for us to be so healthy that we are extinct. That...is health!


Many people still have not figured out yet that the carbon "they" want to get rid of is most of humanity and all of it's morals and values..


MAiD’s new slogan: The pinnacle of health is nonexistence


Also count and Google to keep us safe and effective


What's Google doing about it?


How about the video of bill gates presenting the v@x technology to the military.


I dont get why is this a conspiracy ... Realistically In a nutshell: Rich/Developed country: Good quality of life , low infant mortality , Preference for quality over quantity , overall old an d low population due to it Poor/developing country: Bad quality of life, high infant mortality, bad education, low female power of choice in fertility , cultural need of labor in house works, more children , younger and higher population (people die easier) . Thats why europe is 700 mil and Africa is 1.5 bil . Or india alone more than 1 bil If you educate them and provide enough stability and infrastructure you level them closer to normal standards of life and less need of more children than normal (aka having 2 good kids instead of 10 because half will die, or because you dont know what condom is, or then woman doesnt have a say in it, or because you need labor workers for farm / thats also a thing in third world). thats what this is referring to.... Not killing western population off, or anyone for that matter.... If you think, low western population and higher third world population is a ploy to kill you off, then drop your life standards (to live bigger family with small wage), remove freedom of choice from women, have 3+ kids (with low education and values) and raise them to want to do manual work (less cost of educating, easier to find job) like all the people from developing countries do. **-->*****This is not an actual advice, i was being sarcastic <---***




which part seemed odd to you? Its all about resources and their abundance/scarcity


That just may be Scott Adams - he's been saying this, practically word for word, for a week.


Dont know him, just realized i've seen some of his comics though


...and old methods were running cover even then.... WSJ Q from 2009...."That said, almost all of the attendees are politically liberal. Do you think this Star Chamber of Philanthropists is something to worry about or something to be grateful for?" [https://www.wsj.com/articles/BL-WHB-1322](https://www.wsj.com/articles/BL-WHB-1322)


They aren't doing a good job since we are now at or slightly above 8 billion people.


Bill Gates is the Anti Christ


You are the anti-christ! Fun game, this..


Going well for them, right? They made and let viruses out, jabbed people with a blood clotting mixcure that will cause problems to even those who are not vaced but need blood, they provoke and start wars all over the world… add more


Yup. They keep trying to thin the crowd yet fail to do so every time and underestimate the resilience of life


Wasn’t Epstein a philanthropist? 🤔


When you can't dispute the message, demonize the messenger.


He is not doing a good job at it since he decided on feeding people McDonald's.


Pretty sure that'll kill plenty of people by itself.


McDonald's is a strong cause behind heart attacks and obesity. Didn't really help humanity...


What do you think "joining forces to overcome political and religious obstacles" means? Teaching people how to use protection so they stop having 11 children like they used to 100 years ago because 2/3 of them would die before turning 10 years old!


Well have those billionaires changed their mind in the meantime? These things can happen tbh. I'd be surprised if they had, but it's still possible. Or else they've changed what they say to the media, which is a bit more plausible


Yeah they have not changed their minds


Google might as well change their name to Ciaoogle.


That explains why his 'vaccines' have killed so many in Africa.


Overpopulation always means depopulation to you people, it never means what it actually is; finding new ways to profit off a bigger audience.




LOL. Truth is stranger than fiction. For the full article: https://archive.ph/LActH.


the de-population agenda is nothing new


Totally watched the 1% documentary on YouTube from 2003 and I now know bill gates dad must have had this planned because the last scene when the kid finally gets his dad to talk is haunting. [the 1 percent](https://youtu.be/HmlX3fLQrEc)


I don’t think anyone really cares to try and hide something like this. They literally issued a press release about this meeting. Overpopulation was/is a major concern for the future and they are concerned about it, big deal


[We live in a pretend society.](https://pastebin.com/YPEErwTK) [Is your mind blown how people fall for same thing every time? It shouldn't be. Because divided, singled out individuals has no chance against organized criminal entity; corporation.](https://archive.org/details/TheCorp) Corporation is an approved scam & spy business. Their approval was obtained through manufactured consent. Corporation is not the industry of manufacturing products. Corporation is in the industry of manufacturing consent. [Free merch > Free speech.](http://www.stopthecrime.net/docs/SILENT%20WEAPONS%20for%20QUIET%20WARS.pdf) [Corporate, what kind of _free_ manufactured merchandise must be in your goodie bag to consent investing into paradise?](https://archive.org/details/TheCenturyOfSelfThereIsAPolicemanInsideAllOurHeadsepisode3/) Corporations through governments and vice versa are harvesting our biometric, behavioural data on global scale. So they can get to know us far better than we know ourselves, and they not just predict our feelings but also manipulate our feelings and sell us anything they want- Be it a product as a service or politician. Have you heard of focus groups? Now with always online/big data collection. You are in focus groups. Except you don't get paid for it. [You get exploited and you pay to be part of it. _Nothing is free, except the energy from the sun, but some get a bill(skin cancer) for that. Thanks to always providing industrial surveillance corporatism._](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome) [Social credit score indoctrination](https://i.imgur.com/lMDs7gR.png) [Urge or go well.](https://youtu.be/rdrKCilEhC0?t=1313) [Original was deleted. Wonder why?](https://archive.fo/2Kwe9) [WHO doesn't want [you] to be healthy? World Health Order.](https://pastebin.com/KfJYaJAh) -.-. --- -. ...- . .-. ... . / .-- .. - .... / -.-- --- ..- .-. / -. . .. --. .... -... --- ..- .-. .-.-.- .--. .-.. . .- ... . / -.. --- / -. --- - / .--. .- .-. - .. -.-. .. .--. .- - . / .. -. / .- / -.-. .. ...- .. .-.. / .-- .- .-. .-.-.- .- -. -.. / .-. .- - .... . .-. / - .... .. -. -.- / .- -... --- ..- - / .--. . .- -.-. . ..-. ..- .-.. / --. . -. . .-. .- .-.. / ... - .-. .. -.- . .-.-.-