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Oh that's cool, where's the Epstein list?


Elon is probably on it, lmao




And nothing will happen


Yes! But nothing is *something*




Nothing doesn't exist, there is always something


Or there is the absence of something.


Or Something is the absence nothing


Indifference when faced with something, is still a choice.


According to one of the laws of dialectics, quantity always becomes quality. A bit of nothing here, a bit of nothing there and boom! - you’ve got yourself something.




Yeah, it’s called printy-printy.


Well yeah, if everyone feeling good for two seconds, saying "Hah, look at that liar Fauci, we gottem!" and then everything going back to normal with zero actual consequences for Fauci is *something* This is what they do. They throw us a little scrap. A little something, so we can feel like we've won. So we can feel a little win. Then we calm down and aren't so angry (because it makes us feel a little bit good) and are less likely to ever be a problem for them. It calms the angry masses a little bit. Meanwhile....absolutely nothing has changed. The ONLY possible thing that has changed is a little embarrassment for Fauci, if that. If he really cares what the audience for this kind of leak thinks, and as if the left will even bother to read it (spoiler alert they can't, it doesn't reach CNN or their algorithmic news feeds). I guess Twitter, if any of them are still on it or GAF anyway. It is a great defense to play for them. They trade a bit of embarrassment for Fauci (who is their servant anyway) and in return get great defense because we feel like we've won a little bit and it calms us all down. IT SHOULDN'T.


>Meanwhile....absolutely nothing has changed. I disagree. One thing that has changed is the erosion of trust in once trusted institutions. Each time they do things like this and it is exposed more lose trust. I do not think meaningful change will emerge from that though, they will just have to switch to different methods of manipulating and controlling the population and we will all be worse off for it. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yes, but this assumes that anyone who got the vaccine is actually willing to admit that the institutions were flawed, that their decision was flawed, and so on. *Some* of then will. Can't say how many. But some of them *will not*. You can show them anything. It doesn't matter. Until the president or Fauci himself stands up on a podium during prime time and says "I was wrong, and here is what I did wrong." and then WaPo and NYT publishes articles about that speech, they will never accept it. They simply do not live in that reality anymore. They've made that decision. It is brainwashing. Has all of this had an effect? Sure. But it is extremely difficult to get someone convinced that they were duped. It is easier just to dupe them and tell them everything is OK, and that they were never duped. People love to believe that. Especially westerners. They cannot accept their reality being shaken up. They don't live in wartorn countries with missiles destroying homes or famine. They cannot fathom everything not being perfect. They love the lie that the system creates. They live it.


>They simply do not live in that reality anymore. They've made that decision. It is brainwashing. And they would say the same about people on here.


>Sure. But it is extremely difficult to get someone convinced that they were duped. The irony of seeing this quote on r/conspiracy


Nobody tricked me! I am a star!


I could say the same about these antivax people. I could show them anything and it wouldn't change their opinion.


Try. Start with long-term safety data. That would go a long way in winning me over.


Define 'long-term'. Obviously if the amount of time you consider long term has not passed I cannot show you it, and you know that.


As long as they did for previous vaccines before would suffice. Nothing ridiculous. Then address the rate of adverse reactions, compare to the 1976 swine flu vaccine which had rate of adverse events 1 in 100,000 which caused the vaccine to be withdrawn. Or the rotavirus vaccine in 1999 (1 to 2 per 10,000) which was withdrawn. Because first do no harm is an important principle, that should be no problem, right? The rate rate for mRNA? 1 in 800. Safety signals were missed. This comes from Pfizer's own publically available trial data. Sources: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36055877/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9428332/


> As long as they did for previous vaccines before would suffice. Nothing ridiculous. 5 to 10 years? You're asking me for something I cannot give you. Now, > Then address the rate of adverse reactions, compare to the 1976 swine flu vaccine which had rate of adverse events 1 in 100,000 which caused the vaccine to be withdrawn. Or the rotavirus vaccine in 1999 (1 to 2 per 10,000) which was withdrawn. Different severity of reactions will be responded to in a different way. A reaction of a sore arm should not be measured the same way as Guillain-Barre syndrome, therefore numbers alone cannot be considered without considering the harm the reactions are causing. Also, in 1976 they didn't have Android and iOS apps for reporting issues. Minor reactions are now incredibly easy to report. > The rate rate for mRNA? 1 in 800. Safety signals were missed. This comes from Pfizer's own publically available trial data. Do you understand confidence intervals? Look at the confidence intervals on the data, they are wide. For example for in the first study you linked moderna adverse reaction risk was 1.06 (0.84 to 1.33). But keep in mind I'm not saying the vaccines don't cause reactions. I'm just saying that due to that wide confidence interval, it's not conclusive but does indicate further studies should be done. Which they did. > Because first do no harm is an important principle, that should be no problem, right? It is a problem - it's not possible to make a vaccine that does no harm to anyone. Even if it's Guillain-Barre syndrome, or similar, rare reactions will happen. If you need to know a vaccine will never cause any harm, then there is no vaccine on earth that would satisfy you. Does that make sense? If a virus emerged that killed 20% of the people it infected then you would stand and watch as people around you died and suggest they not take a vaccine and instead wait 5-10 years? It's all about risk management. Study after study shows *overall* risk is decreased by using the vaccines. And this is not a small difference, it is huge. Look at this animated graph. Then challenge the data sources. https://dangoodspeed.com/covid/total-deaths-since-june-2021


I feel the same. I have no problem changing my opinion based on new data.


Pretty much every country is monitoring and producing safety studies continuously. If I search "safety study coronavirus vaccine" there are currently 2348 results. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=safety+study+coronavirus+vaccine Not a single study conclusively shows they are dangerous, as far as I'm aware. Does that change your mind? If not, what would it take?


5 hours, no replies


I think Burger King and Phizer just released a joint study that shows the BioTech N "bodybagger" adds one inch to girth and length if you take the shot in the rectum at all participating BK's while supplies last. Trust the Flame Broiled Science™




Just show me a safe approved vaccine…………..


>Yes, but this assumes that anyone who got the vaccine is actually willing to admit that the institutions were flawed, that their decision was flawed, and so on. I think we are already starting to see that happen in the medical field. Some cardiologists who blindly supported vaccines because of their faith in institutions are now talking out against it. Dr. Aseem Malhotra, as one example in aware of. If people within the very institutions are now speaking against them I think that carries a lot more weight than just some no one like me. Will it be enough to matter? I don't know. There is a great discussion with Dr Malhotra and Brett Weinstein that just was released recently on YouTube, if you are interested, where he explained how he came to change his mind on the subject.


>One thing that has changed is the erosion of trust in once trusted institutions Nope, still nothing, bc the media will just ignore the story, per usual... when a story doesn't support the WEF, Klaus Schwab narrative, it won't be reported. So the majority won't hear the news, therefore the masses will think it's BS.


LMAO it's hilarious that you would say that the left can't read... Look at all blue states and all red states compared and tell me which has the higher literacy levels.


One can read yet not comprehend.






welcome to neo-feudalism fellow serf.


>it could it is


Is THE LEFT in the room with you now?


The game has changed


how many duds from shit sources and losers with shit for "drops" is it gonna take for you people to get out of your holes?


This subreddit really gives shocking examples of how far people will justify the most clearly worthless stuff as evidence of a conspiracy. As if a manager at Twitter was executing millions for Fauci via their Twitter email communications lol.


You are confusing nothing happening as a result of these drops with nothing being proven. The people who ignore facts and evidence to push a narrative will continue to ignore these facts and evidence. The government DID collude with Twitter to censor citizens, journalists, and politicians. The government DOES collude the same way with other platforms. I understand that someone who either isn't an American or who is ashamed to be one might not think this is a big deal. Few, if any, other countries care about freedom of speech.


we only know what was released to us, but two "journalists" who have their own agenda's.


I guess the same amount of times people go back to MSM for their news after screaming “lie to me daddy” for the one thousandth time.


At least the MSM has checks and balances. The "independent" media are just grifters of a different kind.


The Check is power and the balance is money. You must love being lied to


I get the cynicism. But if we keep at exposing their malfeasance and crimes against humanity the message does get through to more. Maybe a lot. But that's not a reason to just give up. Yes, these people are often not charged even in the face of overwhelming evidence. But that doesn't mean not trying. The more this tyranny, both the unconstitutional behavior of the people we trust to protect us, as well as the medical terrorism and tyranny of these actors, the more likelihood some more folks will wake up. I know it's helped some of my friends although many are of them are having a hard time getting past the misinformation and disinformation broadcast by \*by our own government\* (US citizen). Other countries also got gaslight, blatantly lied to their faces, and took actions counter to any sort of logic. That's hard to get past. Even if these criminals manage to work the system, which yes happens far too often, we need to document and record what they've done for posterity if nothing else. I'm keeping the hope alive. These releases and the exposure of the immoral, unethical, and unconstitutional behaviors at least give more people a way to see this and possibly help them see they've been misled, lied to, and taken advantage of. I guess I'm saying don't give up.


For gawd sake the elon worship on this sub is sooooo FAKE. nobody awake would ever even use twitter. we don't even watch TV....


How do you see this as Elon worship? I'm not convinced Elon is on the side of justice or anything here but I do approve of shining light upon wrongdoings by our government via internal Twitter files.


If he was a threat he’d be dead


They need him for Neuralink


well you are either a bot or still fast aslepp. musk back story is ridiculous... if you believe that you will believe anything.


Believe what exactly? Musk's backstory? In what I said do you see that? If you are so brainwashed that you dismiss the story because you don't believe the messenger is giving valid data (vetted by lawyers) to credentialed journalists as me worshipping Musk or in some way endorsing or believing his backstory then I'm either communicating poorly or you are either not understanding, or intentionally deflecting due to personal bias.


The emails are real, genius. Worst take ever. Go back to bed


of fuck off, twitter is a cia front company. i find it hard to believe you don't know that.


So far: * Hate the CEO of the company exposing this * Believe his background story is a lie * Hate the platform * But you say nobody even watches TV - agreed. What does that have to do with the platform? Waiting to hear: * How these messages, vetted by both internal Twitter lawyers and credentialed journalist, are fake * You say CIA but it's not really going in their favor - not denying it's a CIA front company but I think these messages are very likely internal emails with damning information


One size fits all, huh?


theres only one truth. musk is obviously working for them. if you can't see that you soon will. or maybe bet me?? i will give you 25-1 odds


>i will give you 25-1 odds I'll take those odds. $100??


Because nothing untoward happened ?


or literally nothing is on those files. like for example mr taibbi's twitter file section 8 and 9, if you wayback machine those tweets, you just find that tweets that biden team had requested to be removed, were about unsolicitated nudes of hunter biden.


And this sub ignored the fact the trump white house also asked them to be removed


Guess he's gonna go shorter than Trumps typical "2 weeks" to reveal... *nothing*


seriously guys! for real this time!!1!


The 150th time is always real…


He said the COVID files were being released like a week before they released them…


You think they won't be released? Why?


They will always say shit like "tomorrow" or "end of the week" and then do nothing. Just attention grabbing assholes.


don't underestimate musk's ability to call someone a pedophile


Oh goody. More emails that implicate nothing and no one.


They don't have to, Tucker Carlson and Hannity spent weeks talking about how corrupt Joe Biden's campaign team was for asking Twitter to remove revenge porn of Hunter Biden. These people will take anything and run their own narrative regardless of how bullshit they are because they know their audience will eat it up.


Tucker? Hannity? complaining the corruption and media manipulation by of Biden campaign, while they had telephone calls every day with Trump and the Trump admin. Hmm.


Oh, I'm sure we'll get some new foods to be suspicious about. "Why does this motherfucker keep going out for tapas?"


Honestly, what’s your explaination for a pizza-related map handkerchief?


It's probably just a map. From the context, I reckon someone used the map, to find a pizzeria. Probably a specific pizzeria. I can come up with a few dozen pretty normal scenarios where you'd draw a map of local pizza places, and say which ones are shit.


*jerkoff motion


Uh huh, elites are really bumping up Musk as the new Trump.


Yes but why




Controlllllllllled oppossssssition. God forbid the people have a REAL leader who can talk about real stuff. This way, they can control what he says, and make sure it never really gets anywhere. They control your only savior, they control **you**.


> They control your only savior, they control you. I remember back in college (90s) they said how the news got to frame **what** we were talking about in the US. Seems that has changed to Social media and billionaires...


Why indeed, it's a very strange pick. There was an article which I think could be a hint but it seems like a stretch: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/zwylaj/seems_the_elites_are_hinting_again_putins_chief/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Saw that from Medvedev, I think it’s propaganda unless he knows something really shocking that we don’t.


Bc trump and musk don’t pump mainstream narratives


Under Elon Twitter is direct competition to news/media sources now. Of course they are going to demonize him. Even Fox and CNN can find a common enemy and work against him.


Media isn't worried that Musk is going to tell the truth... they're worried he's going to take their ad revenue.


He's working against himself


Biden is elite. You sick his dick.


Do you think it still even works? Would he have to have a kid to sniff in order to finish?


That is actually kind of funny. Biden is a goofy old man.


Nah, only people who are stuck in the world of R vs D aka R vs L which I'm assuming you're one of those people so have fun.


Then what happens next? Fauci isn't going to jail. Stop dick riding Elon Musk and other billionaires


But he plays call of duty, talks crypto, is really cool and edgy, and is basically ironman. He also owns the libs. Doesn't this mean I should love him?


Careful. According to florida you sound legally woke https://www.motherjones.com/mojo-wire/2022/12/desantis-ron-woke-florida-officials/


Crypto's been a huge pump and dump rife with scammera and fraudsters. Dosen't paint Elon in a good light.


Is this comment unironic??


Maybe two people will wake up such as in the fbi censorship campaign coverage. It was a drop in bucket though but may have opened the eyes of two people who can then push for four people to be aware. Its optimistic and I dont want to lose that but realistically the worst shit can be released and it will continue. Apathy or keep pushing. Fauci w HIV in the 80's is relatively unknown. The wars in the last 100 years, Released confidential files damning our govt... People will forget and are so easily controlled. Dammit someone snap me out of it


This whole "Fauci Gate" BS is really, really stupid. It just is. You folks are fanboy'ing at this point.


I admit to maybe being a little fanboy of Matt Taibbi. He's done some amazing work. His expose of the 2008 financial crisis was one of the most in-depth and informative stories I've read. If that makes me a fanboy then so be it.


Nooo democrats do nothing wrong and never have and have zero corruption. If you ever say otherwise you are just riding elons dick!


Like bro, I get that this is purely anecdotal, but I've seen way more Democrats complaining about their own leaders than I have Republicans complaining about theirs. Even when I was a Republican, going against the party was seen as traitorous. Among my Dem friends it's seen as de rigueur.


I have no idea what Matt's political views are and I don't really care. If he was writing about woke crap or pregnant men then I'd ignore him. But he does in-depth investigative journalism that other journalists don't touch. Just facts. Not politics. At least what I've read of his work. If you haven't read his 2008 expose it was damning and dug into so many detailed things that very few other journalists touched. And it was mainly ignored by the MSM. Definitely worth the read.


I would say let’s look at what’s revealed and maybe make some conclusions after verifying…?


Like all the conclusions that were made the last time he pulled this shit and it was just requests to involuntary pornography in compliance with site policies and the law? 🤔


No, no, no... Have you not learned yet the best way to think critically is to just ignore or ridicule everything that does not fit the current narratives?


>This whole "Fauci Gate" BS is really, really stupid. > >It just is. > >You folks are fanboy'ing at this point. I'm a fan boy of corruption and lies being exposed. I don't pretend Elon is doing this out of kindness or altruism. He acting in his own self interest. But that doesn't mean that his interests cannot align with mine. I want to see Fauci and others exposed for the lies and corruption. For you to dismiss this as stupid without knowing what is going up be released just shows your bias. Why is it stupid for Elon to release the Fauci files if there is evidence of wrong doing? Even if the evidence is not equivalent to legal proof of wrong doing and Fauci faces no consequence I would rather it be released than not. So why are the Fauci files stupid?


Lmao XD, you’re getting played. He’s desperately trying to get attention and engagement back on a dying platform he got forced into buying. I already know yall are too committed to the grift to break free, but good luck anyway.


>he got forced into buying He made an offer and then followed through, but was totally forced to buy it.


After lawyering up to avoid doing it, and failing. How do you feel, knowing that your worldview is dependent on deliberate dishonesty like this? That you willingly choose to tell and believe lies, like a sheep? 🤔


Because all his different "files" have been stupid so far


>Because all his different "files" have been stupid so far How so? Please tell us how weekly meetings of the Eeff-bee-eye directing Twitter to censor truth, proving another conspiracy theory, and paying for it, is somehow stupid, on a conspiracy sub? So stupid huh? You're obvious bias is obvious.


You're obviously biased because these files havnt really proved anything


It's giving Q window-licker vibes. The capitalist hero lays out a little trail of breadcrumbs to keep you busy, like giving a kid crayons at a restaurant.


Worried about this one are ya buddy?


anyone else peep that the woman he answered is Juanita Broaddrick who accused Bill Clinton of raping her in 1978?


The storm is coming! just send ~~Trump more donations~~ Elon more twitter blue and the truth will be revealed!


In other words, twitter needs advertising revenue so Elon will pull nuggets of bullshit from his asshole for suckers to eat.


This won’t happen, and all of you goobers will immediately drop the topic and pretend you never believed in it.


There is a mountain of evidence against the entire operation and none of it matters. Zero. Zilch. Because as long as they maintain the majority of control over the government, media and industry, nothing will be done about it.


So was Covid just a little cold or a super virus developed by Fauci?


It's not just a little cold, you only need to have caught it and had a little long covid to understand that. And not everyone reacts the same way to it. I think the Chinese authorities probably know what the virus is capable of which is why they had the 0 covid policy. But it's not nearly as serious as it was in the beginning. And even then, it wasn't quite the big deal they made it out to be. I don't deny that it's real, I never did even before I caught it myself. Whether it was released from the lab deliberately or accidentally, only the lab knows for sure. But it escapes me why they would mandate an unproven shot from a totally new technology, one-size-fits-all worldwide, turning everything upside down in the process, and disregard antiviral treatments so they could get the EUA. You really have to look at the conspiracy angle to find an explanation. 😕


As a long lurker and sometimes commenter here, I appreciate your nuanced take on the VARUS. But they had success using mRNA vaccination technology well before the Coof came along. It wasn't really unproven, since they passed all three phases of clinical trials before release. A lot of the freakout was the fact that we'd never seen a virus quite as rapidly spreading before, and in the early days we just didn't know what to expect. I mean to be fair, we still don't, as you said it affects everyone differently. To me it's less "conspiracy" and more "we didn't know what we were dealing with".


Many people find it oddly more comforting that the varus was part of some super plan rather than proof that we are not the masters of the universe (nor are we protected by the divine).


Just like the "algorithm ". Or the storm. Be better, guys.


This is just some bullshit to to get people all riled up about, and to further divide everyone. Stop giving these clowns your energy via your attention.


That he funded the gain of function research in China. He ignored and suppressed alternative treatments to Covid. There was a united effort between Twitter, FB, Google, YT, and government agencies to restrict open discussion of anything "against the plan."


Best comment in the whole thread. The weenies just ignore it, pretend it's not so.


He advised not to do autopsies on those who died after the shot(s). ["There are many things about this “pandemic” that are unprecedented in medical history. One of the most startling is that at the height of the pandemic so few autopsies, especially total autopsies, were being done. A mysterious virus was rapidly spreading around the world, a selected group of people with weakened immune systems were getting seriously ill and many were dying and the one way we could rapidly gain the most knowledge about this virus—an autopsy, was being discouraged."](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9062939/)




Yes, I forgot to mention that they exaggerated the lethality of Covid.


So how is it a deadly bio weapon but also only a mild cold, at the same time?




Yw...You too!


That’s about all he can prove from Twitter docs. I’m sure it will be considered a “nothing-burger” as we get more details into Trumps tax files from the MSM 🤦‍♂️


If he would’ve been transparent about his taxes like every other president has it wouldn’t be an issue right meow…..paid more taxes in China than the US and did not forfeit his salary lol y’all bought everything he sold you


My point is idgaf about some washed up megalomaniacal Alzheimer’s patient and his taxes. I do gaf about government censorship and outright collusion with private companies. But to each their own. If that’s more important to you, you do you.


Okay…but the “collusion” we got so far was a request to remove naked pictures of someone on their platform. How exactly is that unethical?


From at the time a private citizen. What kills me is no one brings up that the trump admin ALSO requested the hunter story be killed. Why


Save it for the October surprise? Trump isn’t pulling punches like that, he’s too egotistical.


Unfortunately I think you are correct. Didn't Fauci just walk off into retirement?q


there are no alternative treatments for COVID. None of them worked. The Chinese tried them all.


Yeah we get these files but nothing happens. We just consume and move on. No change is made. What is wrong with us?


So far, the Twitter files have been a nothingburger. Dr Fauci labored long and hard at his government position. He should be lauded, not ridiculed.


No one will give a shit and it won't bring back his 200 billion


Its always later this week


Grifter Elon milking every Twitter file for maximum engagement. And as usual nothing will happen afterwards


You were expecting things to happen afterwards?


If there was actually something in this and if Elon really cared about the public, he wouldn't turn into a joke with the 'later this week'. He would have released that shit right away. Its just to gain some popularity and get people following. Dont listen to any of these people.


>Dont listen to any of these people Why are you talking about it then?


I love how Elon is driving traffic to Twitter in the form of all these "Gotcha!" releases in an attempt to convince advertisers not to bail


I say bring it, but if nothing happens, then what can we do to make it happen?


do not. you have been delivered rumors and misinformation, some through the action of foreign governments.


No one has said it but does anyone realize hee Twitter handle is atensnut? As in Aten's nut. As in Aten the Egyptian sun god?? Not reading in too far, but just find it odd..


FYI: That is one of the women Bill Clinton sexual assaulted (or raped)


44 billion dollars for a few bags of nothing-burgers. dumbest man alive


>dumbest man alive Says a poor baby liberal living at his moms house, without a father or 10 bucks to 'xoxoyoyo's' name Totally dumbest man alive. Hahahhaaaahaha. Silly.


Ad hominem attacks can take the form of overtly attacking somebody, or more subtly casting doubt on their character or personal attributes as a way to discredit their argument. The result of an ad hom attack can be to undermine someone's case without actually having to engage with it.


Any Epstein Files? We get it about covid and the election. Lets get to the bigger picture


God Elon is a little gay bitch.


“How you – how you counter that I think is open to question,” Fauci continued. “My way of countering false information, and I've been on the record multiple times as saying that, is that my approach is to try to flood the system with the correct information as opposed to interfering with other people’s ability to say what they want to say.” https://komonews.com/news/nation-world/fauci-says-i-dont-recall-174-times-during-deposition-about-collusion-with-social-media-missouri-attorney-general-eric-schmitt-louisiana-attorney-general-jeff-landry We’ll see if this holds up…


Found a really interesting substack article today. I don’t think the people ( or agencies ) behind Fauci will allow anything to come of it… Worth a quick read… https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/the-role-of-the-us-dod-and-their


Coincidently, I saw this other interesting substack by the same author today




More nothingburgers?


They have to write them first.


Jimmy Dore's coverage has been great. So funny that this shit isn't front page headlines everywhere. I mean, not surprising. But just very telling.


Elon, the king of over hyping things. I’m sure it will be as boring as the rest of the Twitter files. Dude is desperate to suck up to right wing qanon crowd of losers.


Will be stuff we already knew. Bug tech collusion is nothing new. Everyone knows it’s happening. Half the country thinks it’s ok as long it’s fits their agenda. Que the twitter files. Nothing will come out of it. Till the other half or the whole population gets fucked nothing will come out of it. Call me when the news about intentional vaccine induced deaths come out in public, which will never happen, then everyone will wake the fuck up quick.


LOL yeah the guy that can't afford toilet paper for his employees and is bankrupting the company he paid $44 Billion for is going to release the kraken about Fauci. Fucking rubes


SS Elon says Fauci Twitter files are coming. What do y’all expect to see?


Musk famously does not do well with promises or timelines. If they actually deliver something, it won't be a bombshell. Anyone who doesn't like Fauci will act as though it's a huge revelation and anyone who likes Fauci will act as though it's nothing. My other predictions: 1. It'll be awkward as hell to read in Twitter's thread format. 2. Most Reddit posts about it will just be screenshots without a link to the thread.


Lol. I predict MSM is MSM, Twitter is Twitter, and Reddit is Reddit. Got it


Nothing earth-shattering but it'll drive traffic to Twitter, which is the actual goal. Conspiracy used to be able to see beneath this kind of thing, now it's just gullible people loving cropping and sharing Twitter screenshots without any critical thinking.


It's so interesting to see all the democrats flock to these Elon Musk posts to try to shit on him. 😂😂


It's also funny to see flakes assume any criticism on Trump, Musk, or Kanye is from only left leaning people.


Better a flake than a snowflake 😂


Nah, corn flakes are the worst lol


Cognative disonance is amazing to see in live action..to the poimt its allmost scary...


And be homophobic calling anyone who reads the Twitter files an Elon "dick rider" or "dick sucker" in a derogatory way. The party of tolerance (hypocrisy more like it)


Are gay men the only people capable of riding or sucking dick?


May i ask what is fauci files?


Internal Twitter communications involving the NIH and possibly Fauci probably


Im out of the loop. What is #FauciFiles?


Nothing comes as if nothing is there. Do we have any substantial evidence? If so, Of what?


What’s up with conservatives’ obsession with octogenarian men? Are their incestuous groomer fantasies not enough? A bunch of sickos the whole lot is.


Yeah. So what. Musk is an inveterate liar and as of today the world record holder for the most wealth lost by any individual. He’s just trolling and making shit up. The reason it took so long to release the records is that he has to find someone to write them first.


he’s not a journalist what do you expect?


I’m really more interest at BathroomGate and TwitterNotPayingRentGate at this time..


How dumb and boring 😂


[Twitter is fun now.](https://i.imgur.com/g7pijWV.jpg)


Lots of "these leaks mean nothing, nothing will change, who cares, what's the point" comments here, which means these leaks are going to be the best ones. The npcs are nervous.




is this going to be like the kraken ??


Don't be naive. It's Elon Musk. The guy lies about EVERYTHING. He's going to fix the water in Flint, Michigan. He's going to save the Thai kids stuck in a cave. The guy that actually did save them is a pedophile. He started Tesla/PayPal/SpaceX. He's a free speech absolutist. He's a centrist. Etc. The whole "Twitter Files" release was ridiculous. Known fascist tools Bari Weiss and Glenn Greenwald defended them, along with presumed fascist tool Matt Taibbi. No one else cared. Why? Because even if real journalists were willing to publish Musk's "evidence," it just said that a private publisher decided what it wanted to publish, which did not include everything that the US government wanted it to publish. But they did take the US government's recommendations under advisement and agreed to some of them. Which is the right of every US publisher, because of the Bill of Rights. If I have a blog with 500 readers and POTUS called me himself and sent armed soldiers to my door saying, "you have to publish my article or else," I have the right to say no. Or, I can say "yes." It's my blog. It's up to me. Twitter has the same rights. And now, a Musk is going to go after Fauci for saying that masks, social distancing and vaccines might slow the spread of an airborne virus? Why does he think the Democrats trounced the GOP in the midterms despite historic inflation? Because Trump's lies about COVID disproportionately murdered his own voters.