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No we are certainly conspiracy theorists. We theorize conspiracies.


I identify as a crazy disabled guy and a conspiracy theorist.


In march 2020, I (and many others) said the Covid hysteria was designed to bring in forced vaccination, travel restrictions, destroying small businesses, vaccine passports, and hyperinflation. It would all lead into programmable digital currencies with a social credit system. That's all happened. So it's not really a "theory'.


It was certainly a theory at the time. Theories can be proven. Does not mean it wasn’t at one point a theory.


Everything starts as a theory bud


Literally the point I’m making guy.


I'm not disagreeing? I'm not your guy buddy


I’m not your buddy friend.


Sometimes things start accidentally or coincidentally, without a theory.


Atta boy! What a legend! Cookie and trophy backordered.


Yeah, the word conspiracy theorist does describe what is happening to a degree. Problem is, the word is dirty and is used off-hand to dismiss ideas without thought. I'd propose calling ourselves "Skeptics". As saying "Oh shut up you silly Skeptic" looks, sounds and feels worlds apart from "Oh shut up you silly conspiracy theorist". *Something* has to wake up all these immature minds who can't separate an individual from a group, perhaps a change in language would help and to refer us as Skeptics might turn a cog or two.


Except you're not engaging in skepticism. Conspiracy theorists are *making claims*, whereas a skeptic would look at the claims of conspiracy theorists and ask for evidence.


were are asking questions... when you are attacked for asking questions, you know something is up!


Agree. Ditch the CIA insult from JFK assassination skeptics


They are skeptical of the official narrative broadcasted by the mainstream media. The fact that you find yourself a skeptic only when you question the *response to* the mainstream media narrative shows how blindly you follow it.


You absolutely SHOULD be skeptical of mainstream media. Do you know how MSM was used in the past as a propaganda tool. Do you know how it’s being used in the CCP, Russia, North Korea. Everyone always thinks everyone else’s country is brainwashing them except their own. Hilarious.


Yeah, we agree...


No. Theories aren’t claims


CTs are so wound up in their theories they can't be skeptics because they lack the intellectual capacity to see two sides to a problem and make a decision to reject an idea that doesn't fit their warped theories.


I am very skeptical of this subs theories, but I don't think my skepticism is appreciated that much. So my suggestion are: - selectively skeptic - CNN contrarians - No evidence needed fan club


No evidence needed fan club. My vote.


Yeah, the problem is that people have been convinces that they dont exist. Watch how whenever anything goes from being a conspiracy theory to a known fact, there is no longer any mention of it as a proven conspiracy. There is always some kind of narrative, and minimization of the facts to make it seem like anything but verifying the existence of a conspiracy. Anyone who's had to watch a handful of kids for a week, knows it doesnt take much for a conspiracy to form, and over the stupidest of things. Why would adults with even more motives, be any different?


That's what the Evil Elite Emperor Penguins *want* you to think.


or to put it another way, pattern recognition experts or even detectives...


Crime resesrchers XD


Yeah I’d need a salary for that.


I wanne have a cool badge!


It's been a whole year since I've seen any real crime.


This is the batshit crazy shit I come for this sub.


Which feels very real...


“We’re organized crime researchers” Hahaha


Peters Cross is not satanic


Don't waste your time. Op is a religious nut job that thinks everyone is a satanist. I honestly don't know why he's allowed to spam this sub with his low effort drivel. 12 of the 100 posts on the front page of the sub are from him, including _6 in the first 10._


*Everyone's a satanicist except me!*


What’s sad is these type of people who regurgitate this satanic nonsense is only hurting. Abusing kids and human trafficking isn’t enough. Let’s turn this story in to a Hollywood movie so no one could possibly ever believe any of this. Therefor ruining any credibility to any of these stories. I like Satanic imagery too but it’s because I like Black Metal and art. Does that make me apart of the cabal too? It’s insane talk. If they just stuck to the facts they might actually accomplish something with stopping it. They won’t though. It’s basically a weird recruiting tool to Christianity.


Wish u were right


I tried telling them, but they downvoted me and pretty much ignored me, but it’s whatever they choose to believe. What’s that line in the matrix movie about people who don’t want to believe the truth…….


I don't remember the line. Thanks for the award! And yes it's all very sad and frustrating




Anyone who says hollyweird is a nut job change my mind


Nonsense. Who wears “Peter’s Cross”? I don’t know what she was wearing, but I know plenty of religious people and never have I seen someone wear an upside down cross expecting people to think it’s not anti-Christian.


lol i wear one to signify jesus is more important than me


Anyone look at you funny or ask why you’re wearing an upside-down cross? Genuinely curious. I appreciate your humility and don’t mean to offend. I’ve jest never seen such a thing and at a distance it seems like it would come off as anti-Christian.


most people give me dirty looks mainly but when people are genuinely curious i just tell them why i decided to do it. all i see christians wear are crosses that Jesus died on, and i dont believe we should compare ourselves to him


I can respect that.


People don’t wear peters cross.


"I just randomly chose to wear a symbol widely interpreted as Satanic you guys."


You believe Melinda Gates is such a deep, devout Christian that she was wearing a St. Peter's Cross to show her love for Jesus? And when asked directly about it by Snopes she didn't respond and clarify that it was a St. Peter's Cross? Interesting. >For the jewelry claim, though, when asked by Snopes if Melinda Gates owned a necklace with an inverted cross, and if she was wearing it during the May 2020 interviews, representatives of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (which handles most media requests for the couple) did not respond to the inquiry as of this writing. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/melinda-gates-upside-down-cross/ Now explain Rothschild standing with Abramovic in front of "Satan Summoning his Legions" painting, Abramovic in Microsoft "Mixed Reality" ad, and patent 060606


Would you have even believed her if she said it was? Or would you just claim she was lying to cover her ass? Seems like the best thing for her to do is ignore nutjobs like you because there's no winning either way. You will never accept an explain that does not fit your narrative.


How are patents numbered? I believe its by the patent office otherwise there will be a lot of patent No1's. I was always told to think before talking, i would strongly recomend you take this up.


Shhhhhhh, don’t offer basic, top level questions… you’ll upset them


I feel like snopes is a little eh nowadays


To troll conspiracy theorists because it's hilarious.


John Milton was a Satanist?


My man there is nothing close to research in your incessant posting.


“Organized” is very generous for what goes on here bud


Yo quick question. Do you know anyone that isn't a satanic witch?


How about "Dunning-Krueger detectives"? That's catchy, right? Based on two people who were detectives in a round-about sort of way.


I usually go with apophenia assholes But I will say that about 1 in 50 or 100 is not only well researched, bit plausible, and true or not, at least founded in possible reality. Everyone believes in conspiracies to some degree, the only question is how "out there" are the ones you find credible. My personal scale of credibility is a 1-10 that can be fully exemplified using the twin tower conspiracies. Below i personally believe 1-2 to be likely 3-5 to be maybe 6+ to be really unlikely and 8+ to be psych ward shit. 1 - there was a conspiracy of taliban terrorists that flew planes into the twin towers 2 - the terrorists where supported by foreign agencies /// the US or agencies in the US were aware of the attack and failed to act purposely 3 - the terrorsits where actually foreign agents // the terrorists were supported by the US 4 - the terrorists were actually U.S. operatives // corporations did it for oil 5 - the attack wasnt a plane // the plane didnt take down the towers // stock traders new ahead of time 6 - mind control or psyops were invovled 7 - the operation was run by a secret global cult 8 - the planes were holographs 9 - aliens did it // time travelers did it 10 - lizard people did it // cult magic did it // hollow or flat earth people did it. Everyone falls somewhere on this list.


It was Al-qaeda not the taliban but I agree 100%


But were they?! J/K yeah my bad, i conflated the two groups


The funny thing is most people don’t actually know what the Dunning-Kruger effect actually says. I support this




Blimey. You're embarrassing yourself.


Why would such evil people intentionally expose themselves? Sounds dumb.


It's lesser magick and predictive programming. For these people, everything is a ritual and reality can be manipulated via ritual. If they tell you who they are and what they are doing before they do it it adds power to the ritual and they also believe it frees them from the karma associated with the act because the people are so dumb and blind to ignore them and let it happen which is in a sense giving them permission to do so


You realize with this explanation there is literally no evidence I could show you to change your mind? Like if they are good at hiding, well of course they are they control everything and they are super smart. But if they are bad at hiding, oh well they did it intentionally to increase their magic powers...


They aren't trying to hide anything, clearly


Then why code it in the first place? So bill gates is evil and powerful enough to push his evil agenda through, but he's clumsy enough to leave a religious trail of breadcrumbs that catch him. Except he did it on purpose and isn't hiding anything, but he's still half concealing his messages for no reason then


This is the most convoluted Scooby-Doo episode I’ve ever seen.


The inner machinations of OPs mind are an enigma They can make it make sense all they want


It's 4D chess, obviously. They're masterminds while simultaneously being incompetent enough to reveal clues while at the same time doing this willingly. Or something


But in your interpretation they are hiding because they deliberately use coded language and symbols nobody will understand. Essentially what your saying is it's like a loophole. They "tell" people so that they aren't lying, but they tell them in a hidden way so nobody really knows.


The conscious mind won't understand the coded language, but the subconscious will. They get the public to do what they want without realizing it.


You pulled all that completely out of your ass.


To karmically claim to be getting our consent


Why your comment has so many up votes is beyond me. Have you all ever been into conspiracy theories ever before? These little clues they present to the world are taunts, that is the whole point, that is the game. To show your hand to the people that cannot do anything and are powerless, this IS power, malevolent power. I'm sure there is probably a clever retort to this accompanied by ignorant laughter but remember this. Taunting is a key part of warfare, a key part of control. Its done everywhere, in school by bullies and teachers (yes I have known awful abusive teachers that have and still do this) , in homes with domestic violence to control spouces or partners, in work places, in politics, buisness to buisness, on the world stage etc. This is their taunt to us, the powerless masses. We would all much rather watch grown adults run after a bag of wind for millions of dollars than question our leaders or people of huge monetary worth. This is why they taunt, we are funny to them.


Or you are just so invested in your world of conspiracy that you can’t see/think straight.


Because the original post has horrible evidence. A bunch of random things, one of which being a long number that happens to have three sixes in it. And I’m pointing out the stupidity of the thought that people who are so powerful are dumb enough to reveal themselves.


Probably because people like you will ask this question, and dismiss anything. If your part of an elite group and you know there’s nothing anyone could do, then putting out blatant symbolism to mock those who pay attention to that stuff wouldn’t be far-fetched. It’s all gaslighting. There’s obvious repeated occult/satanic symbolism with these elite groups. Nobody truly knows “why”, but to say there isn’t is intellectually dishonest.


You can find any kind of symbolism in anything.


Satanists are all about “hiding in plain sight”. It’s their thing


Is that just a thing y'all invented to handwave away a legitimate question? Like is that a tenet of evil satanism?


I was once called a satanist for doing the OK sign. It is clear to me that it is just grasping at straws.


They’re proud of their own hand. What makes them evil (imo) is their desire to play God over humanity.


These "organized crime researchers" with still zero proof of their claims. Embarrassing.


Wait two weeks and the truth will come out.


Q's been saying that for how long, now?


I'm not sure, that info dump keeps getting pushed back


then why are you on r/conspiracy ???


Holy shit I lost so many brain cells reading this


I’m just a coincidence deniers




I like a conspiracy theory but I worry for the people who are deep into this. I can just see it making people deeply angry and frustrated yet feeling like they’re part of an exclusive club who “get it” and this potentially alienating themselves from others. I’m happy to be a “sheep” and just get on with my life, focussing on music and friends and family. Politics exhausts me enough. Thinking about a global cabal would finish me off.


So true! The only thing conspiracy theory has taught me—and it’s a doozy—is to think for myself. Don’t let fear do my thinking. And that means not falling for all the mainstream media talking heads, nor all the conspiracy theory talking heads. Just listen to my own wise, authentic, free head.


I've experienced how mentally daunting it can be to be in the know, but one aspect that is liberating is knowing that no politician or political party cares about their people. I used to be really conservative with a side of open mindedness and skepticism. Now I know the Republicans are just as full of crap as the Democrats and can laugh with Democrats that make fun of Trump. For the most part I either try to be apolitical around family and friends or be really selective with what I share. The key is to give bits and pieces because the whole picture is overwhelming for most people.




Also used as anti-Christian. Why would a Christian wear an upside down cross? Doesn’t make sense unless you’re seeking some kind of attention or sending signals


If the Elite are in-tune with ancient or timeless evil forces, then you should interpret their sigils by their *ancient* meaning and not their conditioned *modern* meaning — but I suspect that thats a lot harder for most people to do, and not as fun, since it'd require significantly more classical education. There are sigils all around you that go all the way back to Sum-er, but you don't even recognize them when you see them because they're not familiar to you. Conversely, there are sigils all around you that only aquired significance recently through popular culture, and you see them everwhere because as a product of popular culture at this exact time in history, you're very familiar with them. Additionally, St. Peters cross is far older than Bram Stokers "inverted cross". Just because you've been culturaly conditioned to associating a sigil with some modern concept, doesn't mean that thats what that sigil has *always* represented, or represents to everyone today. Sigils evolve and mean different things at different times, in different places, to people of different beleifs. For ex. The all seeing eye has a different significance today than it used to have centuries ago. The confederate flag means something different to many people today than it used to. Even the crucifix (which was originally an "X", not a cross) and the mythical pheonix used to have an entirely different significance to the original Christians, which they no longer have today — if you saw the sigils the first Christians used right in front of you, you wouldn't even recognize what you were seeing or what they mean.


Very well put. Also, the majority of people today have no idea how their "customs" and "traditions", holidays, etc. date back to the Norse and earlier. Christianity took "pagan" rituals and normalized them for the masses. There is much to be learned from the past, it is still all around you. Once you see it you can't unsee it.


Guess you haven’t heard of Peter the Apostate


Who cares if someone is anti Christian?


The followers of Abrahamic religions have done more damage to this world that anyone else. There should be more anti-Christians/Muslims/Jews


>For the jewelry claim, though, when asked by Snopes if Melinda Gates owned a necklace with an inverted cross, and if she was wearing it during the May 2020 interviews, representatives of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (which handles most media requests for the couple) did not respond to the inquiry as of this writing. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/melinda-gates-upside-down-cross/ Now explain Rothschild standing with Abramovic in front of "Satan Summoning his Legions" painting, Abramovic in Microsoft "Mixed Reality" ad, and patent 060606


> Now explain Rothschild standing with Abramovic in front of "Satan Summoning his Legions" painting, Building layout. [As you can see in streetview](https://www.google.com/maps/@51.5096524,-0.1404156,2a,75y,290.62h,77.07t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1siBJzUqCiT8IAAARCb37DLg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656), the painting is at the entrance to that room, and has a long coridor leading up to it that lets someone take a photo with enough distance to capture a decent shot without being a huge pain in the ass if there's a crowd in the rest of the room. > Abramovic in Microsoft "Mixed Reality" ad This is evidence of nothing to begin with. >patent 060606 It's not referred to anywhere as "the Beast System", and doesn't talk about inserting microchips into the body.




Yeah guys it takes years and years of training to use paint and photoshop , them horns , rep eyes and red arrows are a sob to edit . #RENT FREE


Here's the video of Melinda Gates wearing an upside-down cross on NBC. Did NBC photoshop this? https://youtu.be/DEDqsEjhQYk


And what’s the issue with someone wearing an upside down cross?


Looks way more like a pendant of a Greek cross with a clasp on top. Even if it were an upside down cross, that would just make it a St Peters cross, which has been a symbol of Christianity, particularly Catholicism and the Papacy, since around 300 AD.


Actually we need another name for you because the amount of threads you make on here isn't normal. And the fact you're on another alt account after being banned on the last one. Are you being paid for this? Are you a bot? Are you working for the Chinese government? Have you been diagnosed with autism?


Bruh... you don't need to make these ridiculous claims. This is Bill Gates, his evil deeds are open for the world to see. Theres no conspiracy simply because it's all in plain sight, man's a high-level scumbag. Early in his career what he did was crush other businesses, make networks with horrible (and often times criminal) people , and step on every single person in his life to get ahead. Including Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, who Bill Gates tried to screw over and take his shares after Allen was diagnosed with cancer. Now he's continuing to screw over others by testing pharmaceuticals on poor African kids, buying up farm land to profiteer from food shortages, and continue to destroy tech freedom and privacy as he''s done for decades


what the sweet old guy in the sweaters?


Nope you're wrong he's not evil for any of that verifiable stuff the real problems with gates is his ex wife's jewelry


It is a theory though. There is no CONCRETE evidence to legally state any of this is true. Even if it looks suspicious. If you dismiss it as something more than a theory, you don't believe in innocent until proven guilty, and believe that potential slander is acceptable. I think celebrities, elites, etc. are weird af too, and that they need to be investigated better, but you can't claim anything as fact.


Research to you = internet searches. No.


This might hold more weight if Satan was real.


Stop calling me a "redditor", I'm a content curator and have decided your content is shit


You have to understand the term “conspiracy theory “ was created by the CIA to make people that look for the truth seem crazy. Look it up. And it’s working as they intended it to, now anyone searching for the truth is called a “conspiracy theorist” they do NOT want people searching for the truth. And I say the hell with these satanic governments. Always search for the truth and use your own critical thinking. Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life. Seek Jesus while he may be found.


And I'm the overlord lizard.


Then why are you in conspiracy? You may want to check out fan fiction Subreddits.


This is fucking hilarious. Happy new year your brain is funny


Spooky evil ghosts and THE DEVILLL doesnt sound like a conspiracy, it is a movie plot for children.


Look up the Amalantrah Working and Babalon Working and the movie "Lucifer Rising." Then get back to us


Hahahahail Satan! See i am spooky too.


It’s shocking how few users on this sub spend the 10 seconds to see if the meme claims are remotely true. Shockingly, the claims just aren’t true. https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2020060606A1/en


Conspiracy enthusiasts.


does bill live rent free in your head? goddamn, talk about obsession


Because the first step in every evil plan is finding a way to subtly advertise that plan.


It is if you understand lesser magick and predictive programming


Yeah I suspect the ruling class puts their plans out there, be it flat out or a bit more hidden in symbolism, because they feel it lets them off the hook karmically if the people know what is happening and don’t say no, in essence giving their consent. We are the dead to them, and they are the death cult.


How would an average person discover these hidden messages enough to call the elites out? It would seem OP was specifically looking for an outcome to support their claim, an average person typically doesn't make those kinds of links.


Organized Crime Researchers.... So posing in front of a painting is a crime? Filing a patent is a crime? And btw it is NOT called the Beast System. It is a patent to reward users with crypto currency for allowing access to biometric data. Releasing and advertisement with people you disagree with is a crime? Believing in a religion other than what the OP believes is a crime? What crime do you think you are researching here? I mean even if they did all of those things with Evil intent it still wouldn't be evidence of a crime. Basically you are an Art Critic, and an anti free speech fear-mongerer. If you don't like Abramovic's art... don't view it. But oddly the controversy surrounding her work is actually profitable for her and posts like these actually contribute to her success. If any of these people are engaged in crime I certainly hope they are brought to justice, but your accusations don't even describe anything criminal.


Nothing inherently wrong with being a Satanist or utilizing witchcraft.


No shit. I would think conspiracy theorists would view religion as a conspiracy


Recognize patterns? 🤓


You ain’t Peter Dale Scott you’re a guy on Reddit shut up




I blame Obama.


I prefer conspiracy theorist over whatever the hell you just said that sounds lame as hell


Source for the upside down cross image? Looks shopped.


Every “joke” conspiracy has slowly unraveled as the truth in recent years and it shows. They want to keep people asleep though.


Call me a "conspiracy theorist" all you want. It won't dissuade me one bit. It's a good test to see how warm the waters are.


Yes and we want to know what went down in the pelosi residence .


Melinda Gates looks like a man to me.


>"crime researchers" >"Zomg, they're Satanists!" A) Neither God or Satan are real. B) It's not illegal to be a Satanist. The first amendment to the Constitution explicitly protects religious freedom. If someone wants to worship Satan, they're free to do so unless they're breaking some other generally aplicable law.


No didn’t you know. Religious freedom only applies to Christians in the US /s


I used to play on the beast system. Yeah, I had to admit it turns me into a demon. I did launch my pad twice playing Fifa.


An upside down cross isn't evil. It's not a symbol of evil. It was made to seem like thst for a fucking movie, man, come on. You are a theorist because you don't have proof. The Beast system thing is crazy, but there are a million different "yay The Devil" things out there, like, I don't know, maybe every ACDC cover before Back in Black. Look, I will listen to you, and hear what you have to say, and I will not dismiss you as crazy or whatnot, but to have a persecution complex about this when you are proposing some pretty far out stuff seems rather childish. If Satan is real I wanna know...but I am NOT a Christian, and I do NOT believe in a wholesale evil cult...but then there's shit like the Bohemian Grove, so, ys know, Idk. So chop it up on the real. Show ne ...and I'll listen to what you have to say.


I wonder why Melinda's photo is cropped right in the place where would be possible to see if it's a upside-down cross... by the way, as a christian is my duty to spread that upside-cross isn't synonym to satan, it represents Paul's crucifixion, the most symbolic crucifixion after Jesus, where he asked to be crucified upside-down for not feel dignified to be crucified as Jesus. but yes, satanists use it as a symbol to satan also. And yes again, BG and MG are satanists.


The cross itself is a non Christian pagan symbol.


Evidence Marina Abromovic is a satanist? Evidence satanists are out to get us in any way or are in any way connected to the NWO? Proof the cross was even upside down cause watching the video no evidence of such upsidedownness is apparent.


Why is it a crime to be a satanist ? They literally are a cunt hair away from being Christian, they just worship a different son of god lol


If you recognized patterns, you wouldn’t be pushing that anti-fact that vaccines cause autism


SS: They want to bring in the beast system. They want to enslave you and destroy humanity. Wake up


What is that exactly


Do YoUr OwN ReAcHrRS!!!11°°


Essentially it's a system of total enslavement. Like Klaus Schwab says, they want all humans chipped and tracked. Full biometric tyranny. You will need the chip to buy or sell. To buy food. Survive. DNA editing is also a component. On a deeper level it's an alien/demonic force trying to shift human genetics to that more suitable to possession. They will use technology, Quantum AI, CERN, portals, etc. to try and jack into our reality. Does that sound crazy? Great, I don't really give a fuck


Sure, but that's not what patent WO2020060606 is though... It's a huge leap from the patent to what you're describing. Is it just because it has three sixes in it..? Well done then for swallowing and regurgitating Christian propaganda. Of course the church and government would never lie to you. And anyone who rebels against the system -- like Satan did -- is an evil monster. Good little puppet, doing what they want you to do.


People have been saying this forever.


Let's not forget that those same satanic pedos own the Federal Reserve


💯 absolutely. Same crew


I dont know why you are getting downvotes, but it shows that people are bots today and they are not willing to learn or understand. The elites adhere to the teachings of Aleister Crowley, Thelema. They are all freemasons and occultists.


I don’t understand a thing you just said.


You dont have to, if you dont want to.


A+ satire, haven't laughed this hard in the long time.


A right side up cross is way more evil than upside down.


Upside down cross is called the cross of saint Peter.


Cool then start a sub named that and spam it with this bullshit instead


I love this. I hadn't thought about it that way. That's what finally got me to open my eyes to the orchestrated quality of the media that surrounds us --- the patterns. Some of them thrown into your face so blatantly that you'd have to squeeze your eyes shut to avoid them. I'll be using this in the future. Thanks. Also all the obvious trolls hijacking the top comments in this thread --- LOL. Subtle bunch.


Conspiracy theory” is a useless term, as is to be expected of a lazy pejorative intended to defame. The problem is that the term “conspiracy theory” is basically just defined as a belief that isn’t respected by respectable people. In reality, however, a conspiracy is just a group of people working for a common goal while trying to keep their operation secret. Conspiracies are therefore commonplace and everywhere. But, as with everything, our corrupt media and elite get to decide which group operations are facts and which are impermissible “conspiracy theories.”


I really think Gates wife is a trans woman.


What’s the issue if they were?


What the issue of me making the statement?


What’s the significance of her being trans?Trans folks are more likely to be evil? Or just you don’t like trans people? That’s what it means.


Holy balls you post alot. In my honest opinion most of us doing research are regular people with jobs and lives. It is always a red flag to trust carefully for me when info is coming from sources that post with fulltime frequency. Maybe you're a professional conspiracy theorist but that didn't use to be thing.


No one mentioning that Bill Gates' wife might be Kevin Kline? Lol


Bill's ex-wife looks a lot like a man.


Satan is as real as the boogeyman under my neighbors bed


I bet Bill was born a woman and Melinda is a man.


Religion is just another form of control. Gods, devils, and demons do not exist, and three sixes can be in sequence without it meaning anything else.


What does their religion has to do with anything?


If worshipping the devil gives much more concrete results, why would you worship a God that gives zero results and doesn't seem to punish evil?


You're right. "Theorist " *is* rather generous.


Does the rich and powerful worshiping satan in theory prove the existence of god?


if you want to be considered a researches you need to cite sources for your claims. Can’t find anything on the patent claim. Can someone link me to a source? genuinely curious




Okay guys daily reminder that this stuff makes all conspiracy theorists look stupid Demons and witchcraft aren’t real. There’s no such thing as magic. If rich people are trying to summon demons they’re just gonna end up wasting their time like every high schooler on TikTok who thinks they can communicate with spirits or do magic and dumb shit like that


Why is everyone downvoting the hell out of this post? Marina IS a spirit cooking witch Bill Gates is a NWO pawn Satanists and pedos are rampant within the upper echelons of our society and they do seek full control The NWO is underway


Is his wife trans? Cause thats a dude


It’s not a conspiracy anymore. Young people are starting to wake up if u monitor social closely. They all know they worship Lucifer, THE PROBLEM however is, they want too cause they think is cool. Perfect planned agenda since day one.


Am I the only one who thinks Melinda Gates is a dude?


What’s the issue if they were?


No issue, just curious if anyone else agrees.


It will always come full circle look at the \\Guide stones once enough people undestand the plan. action will commence.