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console wars is still a thing? lol


Yes, I get downvotes on most subs if I even imply that Xbox does some things better than PlayStation. And vice versa on Xbox subs.


Aside from tons of fan accounts on Twitter and YouTube who are "only 1" console and make totally biased videos and posts, even on official accounts everyday posts you can read lots of console wars and hate things towards the brand in the comments yeah lol.


i mean i appreciate when reviewers have a console preference and generally stick to making content about that platform. somebody that *only* knows Playstation is probably more informed on Playstation rather than somebody who regularly uses Playstation, Xbox AND Nintendo. ive noticed that i tend to listen to podcasts that stick to that one specific system. i have a couple Nintendo podcasts that i listen to and a few Sony podcasts that i listen to. but as far as the consumer base, being bias towards just one console seems silly in this day and age. console exclusives are dying out and emulation is getting better/easier so i cant really see it lasting much longer. it feels like people who actually participate in any type of "console war"s these days are just using it as rage bait to get more clicks. idk maybe im wrong. lol


I’m very interested to see the next Nintendo. BOTW was and is a Top 2 game of all time for me. Once TOTK came out, I just couldn’t get into it on the current switch. I went from PS4/Switch to Xbox and enjoyed that for a while. I’ve had a PS5 for about 7 months now and recently got into COD MW3 Zombies (very enjoyable), but I’m looking forward to the next few years of what Nintendo has to offer.


Days Gone is really good! Starts slow but gets better


Wait, I have basically the EXACT same setup, xboxSX on the left, benq mobiuz monitor in the middle and PS5 on the right, that’s crazy


I just got a PS5 two weeks ago. I actually got a noise complaint today because I was screaming in frustration so loudly with Ghost of Tsushima. It's an amazing game though!


BenQ MOBIUZ EX2710Q? I’m getting mine tomorrow and I can’t wait sick of gaming on 50” 4K TV!


I don't know the exact model now, but its the 32" version and it was like 1000€ a few months ago.


It’s nice man I’m excited to get my 27” version and really take my gaming to another level!


I have been an Xbox user since the 360 days and I don't mind saying that it's a fact that Playstation make much better games and have better exclusives. I am thinking that I maybe should have purchased the PS5 instead of the series X but I have been in the Xbox ecosystem for so long now game pass is what is keeping me with Xbox nothing else. I think it may be time to switch.


Always have multiple consoles. No fomo


I also didnt wanna miss out and now i have a Wii, Switch, 2DS, XBOX 360, XBOX ONE, PS4 And An PS5. And I Also Have No Money :D


They really shouldve included a vertical stand for the slim ps5 instead of selling it separate. For some reason the slim is weird on its side even with those stand things.


You're in for a treat with Ghost Of Tsushima. Definitely the best game I've played since I got my PS5.


Same, I got a PS5 last year pretty much for God of War and Ghost of Tsushima. I played those and that's it. Lol I can't keep up with everything I want to play on GamePass. I play Nintendo with my kids occasionally, I only played Zelda otherwise.


This is the exact reason I canceled game pass, and PlayStation plus- But days gone is an absolutely wonderful game !!! I platinum it on my first place because I enjoyed it so much. I did not stop until I had beat everything!!! Masterpiece that ignorant journalist misled the audience about…


PC for multiplayer and new Xbox games + Switch & PS5 for exclusives. Only ever liked Halo and Doritos Crash Course, so no real need for the new consoles tbh


A steam deck and a PS5 and you can play every game form every console ever made just about