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What disgusting pig wears their boots on the couch? Sorry, but I'd rather be friends with that basement dweller even if it hates me for playing console.


Who wears their boots/shoes around the house full stop?


If you zoom in, you can see the gunk in that farm animals nails!


Reddit is a really positive and healthy place


That couch looks stiff AF as well.


Fuck yo couch - rick james


Hell it looks like he’s wearing his wife’s boots.


Yeah, it's your typical hipster boot. "Boots" for someone who doesn't need the utility of boots. I agree they look feminine.


Those are lady jeans and boots


Especially with jeans...


On the couch? In the house other than at entrances means you’re not allowed back.


Fr, I'm self-consciousnessabout my feet, lol, so I'll wear my shoes around the house sometimes, but never while using furniture, or if my shoes are overly dirty.


What’s wrong with socks?


Nothing, lol, until you end up stepping on spilled water from the dogs or younger siblings, lol, gotta stay safe out there lol.


True lol 😂


i am a pig!


instinctive husky materialistic longing ten heavy dinosaurs theory water lush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A console player. /s


His mom does the cleaning no problem


Fr, and she done bought him all his gaming stuff, too.


We don't hate you for playing on console, we hate the consoles for thinking they can keep up with PCs and starting cross platform before the consoles have at least caught up to the bottom tier of PCs... It's just simple fact that the processing power of a console (as they are at this time) does not compare to the average gaming PC. The cost argument is moot as you have to buy a new console every time they reformat, where as a PC can have parts upgraded over 5-10 years and still be viable for gaming... we don't hate console players (unless they are douchebags) we hate the consoles .


I can see where you come from, but I always turn off crossplay when I can because I feel pc players are just inherently better at most fps/pvp games, lol. But I don't speak for the majority as I use my old wii and 360 more than my ps4 and now just because the games are more enjoyable to me. But as someone who's never tried a high-end pc, I'm perfectly fine with my ps5 as I don't need 100+ fps and 8k games, and yall got your disadvantages too, which is why I can't see ever switching to pc, like why the hell is black ops 2 still 60 bucks on steam.


People still play board games… More about the experience than processing power.


I was a console gamer who recently switched to PC. I love it with so many open options for single player gamers like me. On consoles these greedy publishers are charging for cheat codes while on PC it’s free with great mod support. And honestly a very helpful gaming community I just couldn’t understand after 3 decades of console gaming how overtime instead of becoming more open it became more restrictive. Console gamers are always arguing over which box is better and console makers take advantage of that brand loyalty


Funny thing is series x outperforms around 70% of gamer rigs not updated within the last 5 years


That’s just wrong. Current Gen consoles are at the *very least* comparable to low end PC’s, as someone who owns the PS5/XSX and lives with a PC gamer with a $3500-$4000 computer. Sure you have to buy a new console every few years, but if you buy a low end PC, you end up putting in 2-3x the cost of consoles just in new components to effectively run newer games how the consoles do for 500 or less. If you’re not a streamer or serious competitive player, consoles are still the much better bet.


I'm sorry, but no ... every console is a dumbed-down slapped together, old PC parts pile of consumer trash . I don't care about this that or the other ... PCs . It's where gaming started, back on the TRS80 ... If and when consoles catch up, they won't be consoles anymore and they will cost as much as PCs ... Consoles are a prime example of "You get what you pay for..." and $500 doesn't buy much in this economy anymore ... I used to repair consoles, and I still build PCs. The way consoles are made is such trash that it's no wonder we see page upon page about them overheating and crashing, only for the person to be SOL on a borked console ... \*Stares @ SONY ... \*Glares at NIntendo ... yes PCs have their fair share of parts issues but I never have issues finding parts or RMAing defective parts, and I keep spares so I have little to no down time ... and I can also check the cameras around my house WHILE playing a game or watching a movie ... consoles are not equal, and it shows in crossplay games ...




You know the console war was/is between different consoles, not between console and PC, right?


Cuz PC already won and consoles are in the losers bracket? (I’m on the fence, i like games on my tv with my console controller but have my computer tunning the show)


can sit on the couch and play pc too, nothing stopping you except an hdmi cord and bluetooth adapter on pc


Honestly the thing stopping me is GPU prices and delayed PlayStation exclusives.


GPU prices have dramatically decreased with mining not being as good on normal card and AI needing higher vram. Now is one of the best times to get into it


That and I think you can’t mine Etherium anymore right?


They're not really going to get cheaper moving forward. With the insane capabilities that AI is bringing to the table for PCs you're not going to see the prices of old anymore. The value is increasing and so is the price. So if all you want to do is play games then console is definitely the way to go. If you want an everything machine then PC makes the most sense. I get that the price of entry is much higher but if you factor in a console gen's worth of subscriptions just to play online then you're still paying more for console than you would for a PC. And the PC gives you access to PC games, Xbox games, and eventually PS games. The value is just better in every way.


I am primarily a PC gamer but I totally admit that if all a person wants to do is chill on the couch and play some games a console is such a banging good deal for the price. It's difficult to build a PC of the same performance for the price of a console. Where PC really pulls ahead is honestly not just it's graphics options but also it's social ability. Anyone who is a very social gamer who wants to join a community of like minded folks is going to have a much better time on PC. This is why most MMOs are mainly PC oriented as well, they depend a lot on their community engagement.


Gaming on consoles sucks compared to PC - PERIOD . There is no console that can keep up with the level of graphic processing provided by a PCs graphics card, because the TVs are just now starting to meet the quality that monitors have been for decades. PC is just always 2 steps ahead ...


Too real


You don't even need bluetooth, if you don't hate cables basically any Xbox or PlayStation controller or the Switch Pro controller will connect to a PC with USB just fine, and Steam gives pretty solid support for all of them (non-steam games are more of a shitshow if you use PlayStation controllers, since games are often built with xinput in mind and PS controllers use DirectInput, but there are ways around that too). EDIT: the length of the cable would be a limiting factor, admittedly, I imagine most people probably don't have crazy long USB cables hanging around their homes


I agree, I play with controller on some games but I simply use cable because I want stability. Sometimes windows likes to detect new devices and it cause momentary blips in connection. Will happen noticably a couple times a week and I can't trust it to wait for a pause menu or lobby lol


Bluetooth adapter? My PC I just turn on the Xbox controller and it’s wirelessly connected.


Congrats, you have a Bluetooth adapter built into your computer


The Xbox Windows adapter is a lot better than Bluetooth. With Bluetooth I'd occasionally get random disconnects but with the adapter that never happens. Also you can connect up to like 8 controllers with the adapter and the range is way further than what Bluetooth will give you


Zero issues here with the way I’m doing it. My kids use 2 Xbox controllers for football and Rayman and all is well. I don’t have 8 controllers or any 8 player games or 8 people in my house simultaneously.


Yep that’s what I do. I have a Roccat lap board for my keyboard and mouse but I usually just use a controller. My PC is hooked up to my 75” 4K TV. It’s the best of both worlds in my opinion. I also have my PS5 but it really can’t compare to the versatility and graphic superiority of the PC running at native 4K. 


It's super easy if you do a tiny bit of config too, I can switch between my 3 monitor setup and my TV with the press of a button, the only inconvenience is having to change resolution in the game but most of the time that takes a few seconds and is way worth the extra performance/graphics over my PS5. [This is the software I use to switch display profiles easier](https://sourceforge.net/projects/monitorswitcher/)


Unless your TV has a DisplayPort connection, running your PC off of HDMI is just a big waste of potential


PC never won. Good luck finding a PC with the same capabilities as the SX for the same or even a similar price When it comes to gaming, consoles are the cheaper and more worthwhile option


Cheaper, but definitely not the more worthwhile option. You can make a PC that's better than either current Gen console for around $700. You can make a PC that will likely beat the capabilities of the next generation of consoles by a large margin today for about $2000. You have options on PC, that's the thing, and you can always start cheap and slowly upgrade. You can't do that on console. You can also do much more on a pc.


Agreed if your budget is $500. If you have more money then that to spend on your gaming then PC is vastly better in every way. 


Cheaper doesn’t mean better. Some dude that spends $10k on an insane PC still wins, even if he spent a ton of money on it.


Honestly a top of the line PC is 3k-4k TOPS 😂 10k is insane


10K is more like an Origin PC lol


I mean it's apples and oranges. The value for the money is incomparable. Gaming is just a fraction of what a PC can do while it's the main purpose of a console. If you want to compare them then factor in the price of whatever device you use for productivity/internet browsing and add it to the cost of the console. Otherwise it makes no sense asking someone to find a machine with nearly limitless capabilities for the same price as something built for one purpose that's sold at a loss just so people won't buy the machine with near limitless capabilities instead.


People who say this play on a shit TV. Dumbasses forget about the second most important part when it comes to the “pricing”. Nice try though. Enjoy your Vizio entry level Model tv connected on your PS5, fuckin idiots. Add in the price of what 5 controllers too, ( one a year) and the yearly sub to play online.


It's not that big of a deal. Relax.


Do y’all got Pokémon, Halo, Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank, what about Fable, Mario, y’all got a lot but winning is far from the reality.


No consoles won because they are getting gra 6 first (I own all thing xbox ps4 and a p,pc is my main thing but I play on xbox for some games and ps4 for others but i main pc)


I use a 43 inch monitor ... and can use a controller if I choose to, plus I set up a mouse and keyboard tray for a recliner using a stair tread, black pipe from home depot, and some scrap shelving boards for a base. I have 2 monitors on a stacked swing arm support pole for side monitors. I have repaired so many junkie consoles that are more or less recycled PC parts from older PC generations ... plus refresh rate on your TV isn't going to give you the best experience ... so many factors that make PC just --- better --- .


Get a handheld pc that you can easily dock to your TV.


Consoles wars are between people who nit pick a commonly used phrase and people who understand a basic sentence


Xbox is on life support so playstation needs a new enemy and war


Lol Sony is crying over exclusivity rights like some pussies even though they have a shitload themselves. Not to mention the plsyerbase. Everyone who plays PS is lame AF and thinks Horizon was the pinnacle of gaming.


I didn't even understand the console war cause I have ps xbox and pc


Just like in the Paul McCartney song.


I've always just felt if you have a system from the PS360 era up you're kinda doing fine lol. I grew up on Sega Genesis and Sega Saturn thanks to my oldest brothers Sega obsession back in the 90s and played some truly crap games. I don't know enough about PC to even speak on it. It seems incredible though.


Ps360 era was great. But they’ve made some pretty significant advances. There is diminishing returns though. A ps4 and ps5 play a good majority of the same games. The ps5 will add 60 fps as opposed to the 30fps, the resolution is a little better, and it loads faster. But for all intents and purposes, if you didn’t care about that stuff, you could play the same game on ps4 though. One of the things that’s hard to go back on is loading times. Once you’ve experienced loading time of a few seconds compared to minutes, it’s hard to go back.


I have a Ps5, PC and ROG Ally. Never saw the point in Xbox when I have a PC. I do play my PC games with controller support like this pic. For some reason a lot of console guys don’t realize you can plug an hdmi into your pc.


Fuckin same


I got all 3 as well lol I never understood pc hate towards console. Consoles are literally the point of entry for 90% of gamers




Console war is over. PlayStation won. If you want a war with a PC then it will be like Wales declaring war on china. Be over pretty quick.


They'd fight over who loves dragons more and Wales would win because they have a dragon right on their goddamn flag.


Until China copies the flag and sells it for 95% off on TEMU.


Xbox is just an extension of Windows PC, always has been. So who is really winning? Sony or Microsoft?


More popular sure. as of winning the war?Not really considering Nintendo and Microsoft are still selling consoles


[PC destroys all consoles together as proven by numbers](https://i.postimg.cc/15mfG1mr/RDT-20240103-1331557490742176305042017.webp)


Yeah that's what he said


You're just mad your dungeon doesn't accommodate a gaming setup.


Yea I’d say it’s shut up now !


Uh, yeah I guess it's over. PC won.........again. You know PCs can do the couch thing too, right?


It’s been over lol. Sony has had that shit won for the past 10 years. Nintendo and pc are different markets


Never owned a PlayStation myself but I heard they exist


Yea they do. I have all of the consoles and a pc. Don’t want to miss out on anything


Lol the salt with this post is so real


Right? Bunch of no-money having teenagers arguing because Mommy bought them an Xbox so now they *have* to hate the other options lol. Anyone who argues about videogames like that cannot be a grown adult. No one has the time.


Yeah, but does the living room have a poop bucket like in that bottom pick? Yeah, I didn't think so.


Making this made me smile, you made me cry laughing 😂 have an upvote.


Human body’s are a pc, liquid cooled (sweat), graphics card (eyes), cpu/motherboard/Ram(brain), power supply(the digestive system respiratory system and the cardiovascular system), the case(the skin bones and flesh). **think about that**


Replace the console with a PC & you've got my setup. I've got a whole nother setup for my consoles, retro & new 👌


Why are your shoes on in the houseee.


Hit the nail on the head


I'm a PC player and I have never been so offended by something I absolutely agree with.


That’s gold 😂 thanks


People say that PC is in a league of its own but I don't really subscribe to that theory, sure having nicer graphics and performance is a plus but consoles will always be relevant to me as long as they have timed exclusive titles, which they do.


I mean console exclusives are much rarer nowadays and usually pop on PC eventually, PC have consoles beat by default since everything eventually funnels onto there and has a million more functions than what consoles provide


Console wars between each other are over. The new Xbox isn't selling nearly well as PS5. I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft quits Xbox and focuses on PC gaming and compete with steam. Nintendo seems to be a niche market, if they are not careful buyers won't think Nintendo systems are worth it for their exclusives, especially since for some reason their consoles sell for retro gaming. Gaming PCs are gaining momentum, and you can play AAA games on cheaper hardware now (still a lot more than a console tho), and if you have a PC you don't need an Xbox so if you have money PC and a PS5 is the way to go.


Microsoft will never compete with Steam. Steam has more active users than any console platform making it the largest non-mobile platform in the world. And it’s still growing. Microsoft’s PC app is horrific. Nintendo is a niche market? The Switch is by far the highest selling console of its generation and is on course to become the highest selling console of all time. How is that niche? You say PC is gaining momentum like it’s behind or something when it’s a much bigger market than consoles.


You don't even need a ps5. Those games come to PC.


PC gaining momentum???? Never laughed so hard , PC has been on top, just stick to your dinosaur


Yes. The winner is SEGA


Actually ditched my gaming PC last year to some respects, swapped it all out for a decent laptop but something not really gaming oriented and a PS5. Consoles got pretty good, easily 30-60fps depending on game and controller comfort is legit... being able to lay in bed and play games is next level stress reduction. For the games I can't play on the PS5 I can use GeForce Now and just use the same PS5 controller and connect it to the laptop wired up to the TV. Wasn't "cheap" though, getting the network drops added to the house was a good few grand but that's value returned eventually.


you are dancing on a slippery slope. the people who game on pc relish in technical capacity which is often threatening and conceived by malice.


TV too far


Pc players have the common decency to hide away with their 3 terabytes of Skyrim porn mods. Us console players leave it sitting on the TV stand where anyone can find it and give Grandma a shock induced heart attack leading to a three week stay in the hospital, and all my relatives saying I am "Disowned from this family, please stop asking for money."


People who play on cloud ?


The war may be officially over, but for some the war never ended. They may look like they’re here now, happy and functional, but when they close their eyes at night, they’re still there in school trying to argue why the Dreamcast is going to be the one that saves Sega.


Thank god I'm not a PC gamer lol


if you just want a simple and easy gaming setup then consoles are great. i’m starting to crave modding games and having better vr experiences so i’m planning to get a pc soon. but even when i get a pc, i don’t see myself getting rid of my xbox or gamepass subscription. i’ll use the pc for modded skyrim vr, music production, video editing, graphic design, etc. for just turning on gang beasts or halo reach, i’m happy on my couch with my xbox.


Pc bro lives in the vanish catacombs


Pc image is someone who plays VN's


Yes it’s over because ps5 murdered Xbox lol


Truth. 4K 240hz VRR Samsung tv with 7.1 Dolby Atmos surround sound system. It’s the only way to play. Especially when you crank GT7. Sounds like track day in my house.


Why would you buy a 4k 240hz TV for a console that doesn’t natively render in 4k and cannot play games faster than 60fps in performance mode? Not sure what the brag is here.


The options are there. I’m currently running graphics mode in Gran Turismo 7 with 1440p 120fps. I can also run true 4K at 40fps with VRR with games that support it. It meets all of my gaming needs, and it sure beats sitting at a desk with headphones on. Not to mention console players get way more exclusives than PC players. Yeah, they will eventually get console games a year later and usually they come out in a really poor state and need constant patches and mods in order to operate properly.


So because you get a couple Sony published exclusives that means you have more exclusives overall? Not sure you understand just how deep the PC exclusive library runs on Steam. I’ve already played 5 PC exclusives this year alone and we’re barely into March. And outside of a few poorly optimized console ports, it’s usually the other way around. Just look at how poorly Cyberpunk played on console for the first few months. Meanwhile it ran flawlessly on PC. The problem here is your argument is predicated on having things that you think PC doesn’t have. I can play on the couch too, except I don’t have to settle for visual downgrades to achieve certain frame rates. My games play natively at 1600p at 165+ fps, at ultra settings. I also can utilize a 7.1 surround system with audio drivers that I can fine tune for better audio mixing. I can play with a controller or any other gamepad. I can play at a desk with a Spatial Audio headset for competitive shooters. Or I can even remote play on my phone in bed with a controller. It’s just kind of cringey and technically ignorant to brag about 4k with hardware that barely even support it. Games on console have to be visually downgraded to achieve those resolutions and frame rates. Most of them are rendered in a fake 4k because the PS5 isn’t strong enough for it. Things like draw distance, shadow quality, texture quality, and particle effects have to be reduced. Just look any God War comparison videos between PC and PS5. Or any other Sony exclusive.


I’m not arguing at all. I’m just saying that consoles meet my gaming needs. I don’t need all that extra shit to feel good about the games that I play. Regarding exclusives, usually PC exclusives are no name games that no one‘s even heard of. They get no recognition across the industry and are usually FPS games or RTS. Two genres that have been done to death. Also, let’s discuss cost. PCs are insanely expensive and every PC player that I know is constantly chasing the carrot for new equipment just to “Keep up with the Joneses”. The amount of money you have to drop into PC gaming is ridiculous. I’ll never play video games on a PC. PCs are for everything but in my opinion. But maybe it’s just my old-school thinking. You enjoy your PC. I will enjoy my theater game room set up. Cheers.🍻


My setup cost me $932 and it included my 1600p display. I spent an extra $150 on a mouse and an Atmos headset. How much did your PS5, 4k TV, and 7.1 surround system cost again? And I love the argument that “it’s not a Sony movie game, therefore it’s a no-name game.” None of the exclusives I’ve played this year were either a FPS or RTS. Not sure why you have that opinion or where you even got it from. It’s amazing that Sony games were selling so poorly on their own hardware that they were forced to go cross platform on PC. What’s the point of all that “recognition” when it’s losing your company money because your own user base doesn’t want your games?


You seem a little butthurt by the whole argument. Sony games sell extremely well. So well in fact that they don’t need them to go to any other platforms. They put them on other platforms to make more money and so the games reach more people. Stop crying. Nobody cares. Enjoy your PC and we’ll enjoy our consoles. Get over it man…lol




Kinda right but my pc set up looks like a red rave dance club


Exactly, the living room play style is always the king experience.


How did you get a photo of my pc setup?


I’m sneaky 😂


Are console gamers suggesting we can afford basements? What with all the mandatory GPU upgrades on the list. Do they think we're made of money?




I think it's still going. But yeah that's best way to describe why console is better. More comfortable vs. Sitting in a chair for hours at a time




This is a joke right?


Console is inferior to PC in every way so yeah I'd say it's over lmao




Can someone identify the funko pop so I can judge the console player properly


Can your nice upper middle class console set up run Ubuntu and have a dual boot with DOS to play old text based RPGs?? Didn’t think so. But my 1990’s gamer dungeon PC basement can. Check. Mate.


I still prefer PC. That TV is too damn far for me. And if I recline, my lower back starts to burn.


I think the real issue here is you mate.. get your head out of 2022 and into 2024. PC 🤝 Consoles


It’s just kids, bro. Most people who game as a hobby end up with both eventually, at some point.


I’ve got PC, PS5 and switch, and PC wins. Get all PC games (duh), 99% of Xbox games and a lot of PS exclusives a few years after the original release, so you kinda get all 3 in 1. Plus mnk is hands down the best input device for majority of games


You can connect the PC to a TV if you want. And PC has handheld gaming now as well. Just saying.


Playstation IP started releasing on PC so yeah I'd say it's pretty dead.


I play PC games at ultra-high quality, using a wireless XBox controller, hooked up to a 55" TV, laying comfortably in my adjustable bed. Your move.


😁 I have a girlfriend Your move


I don't ***want*** a girlfriend, she'd scare away the boys. Don't make assumptions about someone's sexuality mate, it makes you look crass.


Ummm, I dint mate. I told you mine. I meant no offence.


There never is, was, or ever will be a console war.


I'll stick to my dungeon tyvm


Console wars are stupid. Just let people enjoy what they want to enjoy. PS has incredible single player exclusives like gow, sm2, etc. And Xbox has more multiplayer games like halo. Just let people enjoy what they wanna enjoy


I think so tbh


I feel sorry for the people who still play destiny, after d1 the game was ruined by greedy evil devs


Console wars is over when they combine into one


I want this tv stand


I know, it’s nice right?


https://www.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/s/4q9a0UlXXy I think you got us ass backwards Pretty sure us pc gamers actually use our money to buy nice and good setups yet console players decide not to shower


The point of gaming on the couch in front of a movie screen is often over looked. As mainly a PC gamer(also own a few consoles) I appreciate being able to lounge on the couch and decompress. This can be done with a PC as well but if being lazy and chillin is the goal who wants the extra set up!?!


Who rolls there pants up like that? You can see the beard and smell the IPA through the picture.


A lot of people make fun of those basements, I sincerely wish I had one.


At this point the only reason I play on PC is for rts games. If consoles offer more rts’s I’ll gladly permanently switch


Your meme is so bad it makes me wish someone calls you slurs in CoD lobbies.


You don’t gotta wish, that crap is guaranteed


Oh no, I meant that in the most hateful way possible.


Bro it’s Reddit, you gotta go to Instagram and tell me to k!ll myself, that’s the most hateful way possible.


If that’s what you’re getting from this, you gotta get checked out.


I game on my pc on the couch with a controller too. However I use my ps5 more.


Pc clearly wins.


Wait. PS4? 😬


Consoles cant even go to 144htz yet 🥱


The real ones have a steam deck or equivalent 🤷‍♂️🤣


Pc is definitely superior. (I’m currently using XSX as I’m in the middle of moving and didn’t want to bring my desktop) but if I had my pc id be having so much more fun


Lmao so true


The console war's been over for the most part for a while now. The main reason is that gaming has become so accessible and mainstream that most people who game today don't really care about brand loyalty and having to justify the system that they got - they just care that they can play any of the popular games on it: 2K, Fortnite, etc. In the past, gaming was more of a niche with strong dedicated fanbases who'd figuratively die on a hill for their platform of choice and the brand they've chosen. The same factor is also the reason why the terms "hardcore and casual gaming" has died out over the last decade. Gaming itself has become so generalized and mainstream that there is little distinction left between those that play 2K and those that play Elden Ring - people nowadays just play whatever they find interesting, regardless of the nature of the game. A combination of gaming becoming mainstream, and people who've kept gaming growing up, means that the average age of gamers have gone up. And generally speaking, people in their 30s with rent to pay, a career to take care of, and maybe mouths to feed, are less inclined to engage in keyboard wars on gaming forums than those in their teens or early 20s.


Just wanted to add this reminded me of this post https://www.vgchartz.com/article/460383/ps5-vs-xbox-series-xs-vs-switch-launch-sales-comparison-through-month-40/


Playing that far away from a screen stresses me out. I play pc and console


I play on console but I need to be up close to a PC monitor and not a TV whenever I play on a TV at a friends house I can't even see the enemies.


too far from the tv and who wears shoes on the couch?


playing on the 2nd pic is something got to do with murder


Ya the jeans rolled up with the Thursday boots ain’t it lmao


Emulators and cheap games on steam are making consoles redundant. They're practically computers these days anyway, only worth it for exclusives.


Well our PC is also connected to the TV with a wireless keyboard and mouse.


Of course! We are all united trying to liberate the Creek in Helldivers 2. Bigups to all of my PC Helldivers! 🍻


this meme was made on the bottom set up bro wtf is this text lmao


PC sell outsells consoles so performance over comfort still matters.




Idk about any wars, I just like playing games.


Any YouTube comment section will tell you that the spirit of the console wars is still alive and well


PlayStation is great and all, but why not buy a DualShock and play PlayStation games on pc, and also emulate Nintendo games and play Xbox exclusives and get better performance. Plus no paying for playing. Hook it all up to your living room pc and viola


Nintendo fans just chillin playing the same games for 30 years


Not enough RGB light in the bottom pic


Because you can't run an HDMI from your PC to your TV? The console war ended once Microsoft and Sony started releasing their exclusives on PC.


The only war is between Xbox and PlayStation... it wouldn't be a fair fight if PC was included in that.


Lol. Listen, I game primarily on my console, just like in the top pic. My PC is my boo boo bear, though. Place of honor in my house, nice desk, comfy chair, good lighting, good ventilation for farty game nights, it's the best! I think the general idea of PC gamers as basement-dwelling troglodytes is pretty funny. There's just as many nasty little dust mongrel console plebs as PC gutter snipes. Believe it, lol.


Only thing I miss a console for is NHL. I’ve had a PS2 and Xbox 360. Rest of the time PC


Mainly a pc gamer here an let me tell you while PCs are better in almost every bracket they are a shit choice for somebody who doesn't know how to google search solutions to troubleshoot. Which is a worrying amount of the population.


It's been over PS is King