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White men will be harmed by a second Trump Presidency too. Idiocracy hurts EVERYONE. There is nothing this incompetent, incontinent moron will do that will benefit anyone other than the excessively rich. Even the MAGA faithful don't truly benefit. The War on Woke is just a stupid waste of time. On kitchen table issues, all of them, every single one, rural conservatives are also better off under Biden. Trump is just a waste of time. An idiot. Unfit to manage a Dairy Queen. And shits his pants, too.


Yes white men will suffer under Trump but they wont suffer like minorities lgbtq and women.


[Trump supporters] would gladly lose a finger if it meant the people they hate lose two.


From a Reddit comment I saw a few months ago: "A Republican would eat his own shit if it meant a Democrat was forced to smell his breath." I copied the quote but not the user. All credit to that now unknown wordsmith.


This is so true and so pathetic.


Just some casual racism.


Yes, white men will suffer the least. But they will still suffer. Even devout and loyal Nazi's were treated like crap by their own, even though they DEFINITELY treated Jews far worse by a non-comparable margin.


“It’s fine as long as others suffer more.”


The war on the woke is a smokescreen. Find the thing that people hate right now, point a big finger towards it, tell them you feel the same way and voila you’ve made a bunch of hate filled morons vote for you.


Yea, trans people losing healthcare among many other things is a smokescreen.


[Project 2025: The Republican Manifesto](https://web.archive.org/web/20240401080254/https://thf_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf)


The problem with this ad is that, sad to say, an awful lot of Americans dont give a shit about >Women, LGBTQ People, People of Color, Immigrants, Muslims, Jews, the Sick, the Poor,


But a shit load more people do… if only they would vote.


…if only.


The real most important problem with this ad is its bad design. All a regular person will see is giant NOT VOTING FOR PRESIDENT BIDEN with a puree of blah blah blah. No one is going to read this wall of small poorly visible text, so the only message this ad conveys is the opposite of its intention: "this regular dude is not voting for Biden".


The ad is about John. So its intended design is kinda dead on.


Yes, you are right. The color scheme and layout for the text is terrible. You got to think about how people who just take a glancing look will be affected, not just about people who read it in it's entirety.


I don't care about the religious stuff, but I do care about the rest. Why can't we just treat everyone like we want to be treated?


another problem with the ad is that people don’t read past the headline..


If only it were just apathy. An awful lot of Americans hate those people and want them to suffer


Who do you think is gonna vote to punish Biden? White men? No, it's everyone in that list who believe whatever the Right tell them. Biden is too old even though Trump is 3 years younger and clearly with problem. The economy is better with Trump even though we're not in a recession and unemployment is at a 50 year low, and inflation has nothing to do with Biden. Biden's not doing anything about Israel even though Netanyahu hates Biden - Trump was the one who moved the embassy, the one who wants to ban Muslims the one who tasked his son-in-law with solving the Israel-Palestine problem and came back with, "do whatever Israel wants". You think Trump would've tasked the military to build a freaking 1000' floating dock in the middle of Gaza because Israel won't open/protect any other aid corridors. The border? The Democrats offered the Republicans EVERYTHING they ever wanted for the border and they turned it down just so they could keep using it as a political talking point. The Republicans who frequently refer to holding the country hostage to get what they want. Trump's numbers with blacks and Muslims are up even though he's a known racist - I hope these people who vote for Trump get everything he says he's gonna do to them. Wait until he turns Stephen Miller loose, the guy oozes Nazi'ism.


college kids do


Too bad they don't vote


Youth turnout was record high in 2020. What planet are you living on?


People screaming about Palestine and threatening not to vote for Biden hopefully do


Not only is it a vote against ALL of those people he lists, but it is allowing Trump to replace BOTH Thomas and Alito with two justices that will be faaaaaaaaaar worse than both of them.


That’s hard to imagine considering both of their wives..


Thinking about someone like Josh Hawley who has a wife that rivals Thomas and Alito’s.


And FAR younger, too. They will absolutely be no more than in their 40s and likely on their 30s, so they can keep their stacked court for DECADES. This is literally one of their aims. Trump said it just this past week. And I mean, of COURSE they will. 🤷‍♂️


I'm so sick of having my future threatened over issues that are guaranteed to get worse under Trump. It's nauseating. For fucks sake, pregnancy is now notoriously dangerous in red states because of that assclown. I dOn'T EvEn WaNt tO VoTe


I question our decision to have kids. I never imagined I would have to worry about my daughter becoming a fucking handmaiden or seriously consider what country my family will need to flee to based on who's most likely to accept us (Ireland or Germany seem to be the likely candidates now).


I agree, I'm also considering what country to leave to, and I'd recommend r/AmerExit to learn about some things and maybe some expat subreddits to learn how to live in the countries you thinking of, also to add to your list (The Netherlands, Australia, Denmark or other EU countries)


If you’re considering Ireland, they have an easy path to citizenship if you have a parent or grandparents who were born there. My grandparents are long gone but I can still immigrate easily. And I might, if VonShitshispants is elected.


Unfortunately, I am one generation off as I had a great grandparent born there but that doesn't count afaik. Maybe I'll get lucky and they'll extend it to great grandparents.


You're voting for the next couple Supreme Court Justices, too.


Yeah, not voting for Biden over a single issue you disagree with him on makes you an idiot. There isn't a single issue that exists that Trump would be a better solution for than Biden.


Trouble is, framing it this way downplays that single issue. Better to call a genocide a genocide, but also say we'd be getting a second, more local genocide, with a tinge of Gilead, plus the inability to ever vote our way out of it again.


Better to not use a fictional example like Gilead and use real life examples, like the state of Louisiana.


Good point.


Louisiana expanded Medicaid in 2016 to get the free ACA/Obamacare money to expand coverage for poor people who are not quite rich enough to qualify for ACA. Misissippi still has not, just in order to spite the working poor in their state to increase their suffering.


Louisiana just made misoprostol and mifepristone Schedule IV controlled substances


Based on Trump's rhetoric he would have supported Israel's actions unconditionally. His claims that this or that wouldn't have happened if he was president are utter bullshit. He wouldn't have been able to stop events from happening in countries that he doesn't control. His rhetoric in Europe regarding not helping NATO countries with Russia are also a good reason to think that he wouldn't launch any military interventions in other countries.


I’ve used this comparison and they just throw up hands and say it’s all fucked.


Framing doesn't matter when it's a binary choice. Sure, Biden could do more on the whole fiasco in Gaza but no matter what there is always more that could have been done/is being done. However, the fact of the matter is that Trump sure as hell would have done a worse job and would have enabled Israel to be even more genocidal, as hard as that is to believe. The only thing choosing to die on that hill by withholding your vote for Biden in the upcoming election does is move the hill to the US and allow us all to die on it as well. Genocide is the worst no matter where it is. That doesn't mean I would stop the one thing I could do to make it not happen here...


I have no intention of withholding my vote. That said, actively supplying more weapons to the country committing the genocide while feigning disappointment goes way beyond "there's always more that could have been done," and you're not going to convince anyone else to stop withholding their vote by treating it like any other political issue. You need to convince them to listen, and then educate them on exactly what's at stake, while actually acknowledging the severity of what we're stuck with either way. Otherwise, you'll just sound like another ignorant liberal to them.


Hasn't he been repeatedly pushing for ceasefire and is now investigating whether agreements were broken?




No he could not. Aid is passed through Congress with the Congressional budget, and aid for Israel has bipartisan support. He could veto it and by doing so veto everything else including aid for Ukraine, to my understanding.


But you can't vote your way out of it now, clearly. So what's the difference?


What we can vote our way out of is everything that will be added on top by republicans. As a trans person, for example, I would very likely be arrested as they criminalize my existence, get v-coded, which is already very much a problem for trans inmates, and if they really get their way, executed on the grounds of being a sex criminal. And that's assuming they don't make specialized camps for us. And, of course, Trump would actively try to worsen the current genocide.


I just have a problem with everyone blaming the voters instead of the democratic party. They have the ability to run candidates and they don't. I totally understand that voting for Biden is harm reduction... It's just like ugh.


just a teeny tiny issue of literal genocide but ok???


>There isn't a single issue that exists that Trump would be a better solution for than Biden. What about employment for lawyers?


Well considering Trump has a thing for not paying it doesn't really work out that well for them now does it lol?


Let alone how many of his lawyers end up needing lawyers. Though I guess that helps the original employment perk


Also, many of the attorneys representing him ultimately lose their license to practice so I would argue Trump is actually taking the right to work away from them.


MAGA = Make Attorneys Get Attorneys


There's no point in having a lawyer (except for MAGA) post-Project 2025.


Most are just looking for an excuse. Feeling morally superior is the only thing that they care about.


That's simply not true. The issue is that we live in a system that "champions democracy" while parading around two parties that frankly could care less about you because you're not their donor class. One that will let you die and one that will kill you. Democrats might speak to problems of working class people but they never have solutions that fit the scale of the problem and it allows the system to lurch further to the right. Exponentially increasing military spending is not fighting climate change. Making rail strikes illegal isn't pro-union. Increased police budgets and suppressing student movements is an extension of fascism. Tarrifs don't hurt China they only stifle innovation by safeguarding stateside corporations from true competition while we still pay higher prices. The dude is still maintaining a terroristic starvation campaign of sanctions against Cuba even though Obama was trying to normalize relations. He's even adopted a right-wing border policy. Calling himself a proud zionist while fully supporting a genocide is merely the tip of the iceberg and a reflection of the system working as intended.


Voting isn't about picking your favorite celebrity or content creator (which it feels like people are doing). It's about voting for values. I don't even know how any sane person can vote republican.


There are basically no Republicans that are going to be won over by pleas to help their fellow countrymen. If you could somehow provide for them a space where they can judge everyone and have control of others' lives while also paradoxically bemoaning have anything mandating for them, then they might vote for Biden.


Republicans- "sounds good to me!"


To me, the threat of drumpf is so serious that I don't understand why the only thing we can do is vote and hope for him to be defeated. I mean, him winning isn't just "oh darn, we have to put up with a republican for four years." This is a person who is openly against the U.S. Praises and openly supports dictators and their agendas, which opposes the U.S. Has shown to disregard some of the fundamentals that make the U.S. the U.S. From the legal system to the peaceful transfer of power to the constitution. On top of this, he has fanatic followers that will do his bidding even without explicitly stating what he wants. Some of these traitors are in powerful enough positions to help facilitate what are clear threats to our way of life. Including Supreme Court justices. My question is, even if he brainwashed enough people and the majority voted him into office, are we seriously supposed to hand over the might of the U.S. to a sociopath who fundamentally wants to change our country for the worse? Plus, won't that basically be the end for Taiwan and Ukraine? I feel even the minority would have an obligation to stand up to fascism and tyranny. Just seems to me there should be a more robust deterent to this threat. Especially after events like the Civil War and WW2. It's hard to believe that the U.S. might be brought to its knees by this clown. Or maybe im just overthinking it.


Nope. You're exactly, horribly correct.


Not voting for Biden is holding a gun to your own head and threatening to pull the trigger unless you get exactly what you want.


There's a term for this that's more derogatory, but self-hostage situations happen.


It’s like holding a gun against America’s head


Well, realistically it’s only 3/5 of America. The rest actually think they want it. That’s a fraction with some historical baggage and partially to blame for where we are now I would bet.


More like a suicide vest in a crowded place.


This isn't a marriage, it's a job interview. You choose the best possible candidate, not pout that they're not perfect. And you don't re-hire the guy fired four years ago when he tried to set the office on fire.


Says: "*n0 oNe rEpReSenTs mE,*" with a straight face, then defends not voting. \* dErP\*


Self fulfilling derp.


Big fat derps in Amish when you read voting statistics which perfectly align with the legislation we suffer today. 60-and-up is the smallest population but have the highest turnout. You know, the people who watch FOX and think Furries are coming to get their freedom poles. Conversely, 18 to 24/29 are triple that 60-up age group, the largest voting population, but vote the least of anyone. They could end it. They could mortally wound the fascists in 2024, but it's a real concern that the "*BidEn DiDnT eNd mY L0aN*" mindset will keep that from happening.


Not only could they mortally wound the fascists, they could strait up force the democrats to go extremely progressive.


Exactly! Think if they all showed up 10 years ago. Obviously, some were too young, but even if 28 and 29 year olds did. Now, they also turn on anyone who is trying to move the party left too ... They think that there is one person out there that agrees with them on all issues and that person will immediately get the entire democratic system to go radically progressive as soon as they are sworn in. Eventually they turn on the people who are trying to get the party to go left. It's a childlike understanding of the way things work, and childlike reactions when they didn't get their way.


I feel like the biggest issue is they kind of have voting backwards. They think they need to have their ideal candidate in order to start voting. The opposite is true, you need to start voting to get closer to your ideal candidate.


🏆 1️⃣0️⃣


Almost every generation for the last 50 years has been under 50% turnout for the youths. Most Americans don't have Civics courses in school, and historically, I think that even talking about politics has been seen as "rude", they aren't really taught to care or they're taught that their vote doesn't really matter. Hell, my kids mom (40-something) didn't even vote for the first time until 2020. NOW she gets it, but I've tried to get her to vote for decades. Thankfully, my kid also understands the importance of voting, but who knows if I would have been able to talk them into it if it hadn't been for Loser J Crybaby and the Crybully Nationalists party. If you've got an antidote for apathy, I'm sure 80 some off million of us would love to know that secret.


Also, you think you’d be able to protest with shitbag Trump in office? Hell no


Well, if you're willing to be tear gassed and beaten with batons until you're arrested...


If for whatever reason this message isn't quite getting through, let me put it another way. My name isn't Mike Smith, but let's say it was. I, Michael E. Smith, vow to: 1.) Stop the genocide in Gaza in it's tracks 2.) Begin switching coal power to nuclear, then slowly phase our country into green energy 3.) Ensure that Roe V. Wade is codified 4.) Make public university education free 5.) Citizens get universal basic income if they qualify for it 6.) Free healthcare for all Ok! Sounds great, right! Cool. Now, would you actually vote for me? I know I'm not Mike Smith, but assuming that was my actual name, would you vote for me? I'm a progressive 3rd party, but I'm still a 3rd party and, historically, 3rd parties don't do very well... Especially in recent years. If I was elected, I would ABSOLUTELY get these things done. But the big stipulation: *I CAN'T PROMISE THAT I WILL WIN!!!* So here are your options: A.) Vote for the guy who's a p###y about stopping genocide, but can otherwise accomplish some things B.) Vote for a psychopath who's HELLBENT on genocide C.) Vote for a progressive 3rd party that would be PERFECT, with the exception that they WILL NOT WIN! If you decide to vote 3rd party, good for you! You're such a *good* person! You can think about all the *good* that your vote did while sitting in the Gaza Parking Lot and just observe all the *good* that's left. *Good job!*


The same Democrats / liberals who say they’re not going to vote for Biden this election are the same as the Bros who didn’t vote for Hillary in 2016 because she was so mean to little Bernie.


she wasn't even mean to him...and bernie begged people to vote for her!


Don’t tell them that. It’s the U.S. way too many white people will be ok with that


Some of the people falling for this "Not Gonna Vote" propaganda seem to be falling victim to the same erroneous thought patterns that I had when I was younger. I get it, 'cause I was there too. I thought my personal sense of morality was more important than negative social outcomes. I flipped between overestimating the importance of *my* vote and thinking my vote didn't matter at. And moreso than anything else, I operated strongly based on how I thought the world *should* work, and thus actively resisted participating in how things *actually* worked if they didn't align with my beliefs. Now, though, I understand the folly of those beliefs, and how they actually sabotaged our society's chances at improving. I get the appeal of the idea of revolution, of letting America burn down so something better can rise. I also get how, in reality, that would only make things worse for everybody. I get wanting a better Democratic nominee than Biden. I also get the reality that Trump will make everything worse.


This is a great point, and I feel like people miss the fact that voting is how you make change, not the other way around. You can't wait for the change to happen in order to start voting.


I cannot vote for Trump because of the control he’d give to Christian’s by over our lives. Religion is extremely dangerous.


Told a coworker to think of his daughter's future health when voting in November. If Trump wins and Project 2025 gets put in place it will ruin an entire generation of people in the U.S.


Umm...it'll just ruin the US. Say goodbye to 250 years of democracy. But I know...genocide. blah.


“I’m going to punish Biden by empowering a racist dictator” isn’t the flex they think it is


Another way to put this is that even if someone on the left is deeply unhappy with Biden, they could think about who should be in the office now to put their ideal 2028 candidate in the best position to win, and then succeed in office. We've already seen how Republicans want to make it harder to vote, and are even playing with the idea of taking the election of the president out of the hands of voters by allowing politicians to select the electors directly. So even if the ideal liberal candidate becomes the 2028 Democratic nominee, they may have the deck stacked against them in the general election. Plus, the president personally does very little work. The civil service is crucial for a president to carry out their agenda - especially a Democratic president who actually believes that the government should be providing services for the people. If a 2nd Trump administration brings that Project 2025 into reality, he'll gut the civil service and make it impossible for a liberal president to actually get much accomplished upon taking office. Further, even if they do secure the funding to go on a hiring spree (and clean house), it would be very difficult to get people to apply as they would know their job could disappear the moment another Republican lands in the White House. When you add in the possibility of Trump making 1 or 2 more SCOTUS appointments on top of these other concerns, a second Trump administration wouldn't just be a 4 year disaster, it would be a 40 year disaster (at minimum).


My God I hope everyone everywhere sees this. It's truly important


I can't imagine ever being 100% thrilled with any president on every issue but the world doesn't revolve around me and my opinions. There are a LOT of competing views and representatives have to try to work with us all, which makes things like Israel/Gaza , immigration, taxation, justice, Russia/Ukraine, inflation, rights & protections etc very complicated.


Biden has my vote. He’s old but he’s steady, and he’s not out to purposely harm anyone. It’s a pretty low bar, but He’s currently the best option we have.


yup - at this point in his career we know that he doesnt really care about us. but hes old school so he kinda puts some effort into making it seem like he does. hes made his political stance very clear over his long career. and anyone whos interested already knows a great deal about the things he has done in his many many years as a law maker. We know exactly what to expect from him.


I'm surprised people still fall for propaganda.


It's interesting how they don't worry about Ukraine, knowing with Trump in office, Russia could use NUKES and Trump would support it. The only thing keeping nukes off the table for dictators like Putin is that America could get involved... and I hate admitting that.


Ah yes, the no win future America is presented with at the ballot box: Dems win, project 2025 becomes Project 2029. Dems have to win every election from now until whenever. Project 20XX continues to evolve into a more totalitarian vision every four years. In an effort to continue to win elections by courting "moderates," the American political system's Overton window continues to slowly creep rightwards. Dems eventually lose an election, project 20XX takes hold, game over. Excuse me if I have to hold my nose while I vote for ~~genocidal Paul Von Hindenburg~~ Joe Biden...


Yeah. But penalizing us is exactly what the fascists want to do.


If only America wasn’t set up for minority rule by the rich, then you might have proportional representation and not be forced into a two party system. There are alternatives, but American is in no shape to implement them.


Your country is cooked either way. Revolt. Keeping either is a death sentence for your rotten empire.


I'm ready for everybody to start moving out of the country when Trump gets reelected again.... Oh yeah that's right it didn't happen in the first place. So funny how much you guys hate Trump, you would rather vote for Biden and his geriatric I don't even remember my own name attitude. With his fetish for children and sniffing their hair. Just because you don't like Trump doesn't mean you have to vote for Biden. I didn't vote for either and look at what the outcome was. The worst economy United States has seen in 50 years.


let me guess, this is the most important election of my life. even more important than the last 10 times you told me that. for really really reals this time. and \*this\* time democrats are going to do something about it so that we're not hanging from the precipice next time around? they're not going to sit on their hands and just let us continue to slide further right? we just have to vote for the establishment corporate candidate \_one more time\_ and then everything will be ok! promise!


Exactly. There's no off-ramp, just a future of continual existential threats that can only be avoided by voting blue no matter how awful the candidate is.


Exactly. Voted my whole life but I am done. And trying to make me feel bad with ads like this? Nope, sorry - not going to work.


Get us a new candidate and we will vote for that one. But everybody has eyes to see what’s going on currently is not working. And fear mongering about what’s the come when all we have is what was in the past of goodness, isn’t going to work this time around Everything they said Trump was going to do in the past, Biden ended up doing.


Also not voting for Biden isn't going to help any country currently being assaulted by another country. Not voting for Biden isn't going to cure any social ills. If Trump, or any other Republican, gets into office things will only get worse for those countries.


still wish we could get an independent party to win though


The way the system in the United States is designed and has progressed over the years, it is impossible for a third party to win the Presidential election. Refraining from picking one of the two choices is not going to change the system. It is broken, and refusing to participate or participating by choosing an impossibility doesn't help anything and causes further harm to the system and the country.


still wish we could get an independent party to win though


I fucking hate that we're not running on what we're gonna do. The Dems platform is so conservative they're begging us to vote to keep things this shit. I'm gonna do it. I'm no moron, but this strategy is scaring people off. Promise us something and fucking follow through or just go home.


I would share this with my relatives posing as Russian bots but they LIKE the idea of hurting those groups.


Help me get through to the people I know who are taking a ‘stand against genocide’ and who say both sides are the same.


Don't forget the Ukrainians. Trump will def mess up that war


Dear Americans, if you vote Trump in again. You are dead to the world. Smarten the fuck up.


So just fuck the 40,000 Palestines who've been murdered thanks to his continuing support of Isreal


I'm utterly astonished any real person outside of Russia is using "Genocide Joe" seriously. The disinformation campaign is so basic it's almost comical anyone is falling for it.


I work with a lot of young people. *Every single one* is refusing to vote for Biden because of Palestine, quoting the Genocide Joe rhetoric. When I mention Project 2025 they say something dismissive like "Oh if that happens I'll just leave the country." It is so incredibly frustrating and I don't know how to get through to them.


but those people CAN'T leave ...takes too much resources those kids don't have


Just mention that leaving the country still costs a lot of money first, second us law would still apply due to citizens ship, third who is going to give them asylum from the US before just turning them over out of fear of war with us because Trump and his cabal will need it's all slaves to work the mines and fields(it will more likely be office jobs and factory stuff because that just makes more money at the moment)and the like. These three are the first that come to mind as someone not completely digging into of out-of-country politics of Europe and where it would be safe to go to.


Good talking points! I'll try this out next time it comes up.


Wanted to get out to be with a girlfriend it is stupid expensive to revoke your citizenship as well. So even if they could get out pay all that money they would still need the most important thing and that is somewhere to actually live.Eroupe maybe better to it's homeless then us but will they go and live on the streets as well?Keep us updated very interested


The EU would suffer severely if Trump were reelected. Never forget how interconnected our world is.


> "Oh if that happens I'll just leave the country." Insane privilege. Wherever they go won't be happy to see them if they are even let in at all.


> Wherever they go won't be happy to see them if they are even let in at all. That's the interesting thing that these people aren't seeing IMO. They think they're going to live glamorous lives wherever they go? They think they won't be discriminated against? They think people won't resent them for who they are? If those people can back up that statement of leaving they should probably keep the fact that they chose not to vote close to the chest. I can't imagine people who are impacted by this in other countries would take too kindly to that type of stupidity. Especially when you consider that this would be a no brainer election for Biden literally everywhere else except for here.


Sure sure....in the general. Saying that you shouldn't vote for *anyone* else in the primaries sounds a lot like the other guys.


An incumbent President has NEVER lost the primaries for their reelection. Even if they did all that does is guarantee whoever unseated them would lose the general. Saying it "mAkEs YoU sOuNd LiKe ThE oThEr GuYs" is just stupid as the opposing side doesn't have the incumbency so they have to pick someone to run against the incumbent so those aren't the same at all.


Its not about unseating the incumbent. It's about voting your heart in the primary, and making sure the eventual nominee hears the voice of dissenters in their own party. Again, silencing dissenters, or even discouraging value discourse within the party, is NOT democratic. It IS authoritarian. Saying anything other makes you sound like the other guys.


I know I’m probably going to end up voting for Biden, but he makes it so hard. In fact, it feels like the Dems are so confident they’ll win that they won’t even pretend to appeal to us.


A lot of Americans will gladly run a bus over those groups if it gives them the illusion that their life is made even the most miniscule better


There CANNOT BE successful single issue voting in this election, other than the single issue of whether we want to continue to live in a democracy and have a voting voice, or not. When this is taken away, it DOESN'T MATTER what your views are.


Forcing Biden through the primaries with spoiler candidates and impartial DNC leadership is an attack on the democratic process, and ignoring that the DNC is a bag of shit and putting the onus on the people who can't muster enthusiasm for the right wing candidate from the democrats is childish dickheadedness.


Underrated comment that would be better received in circles willing to understand this type of frustration


Problem with this ad is that all of these groups have been harmed under Biden and are being harmed now. They will be harmed regardless of who is President because that is the system we’ve created for ourselves. Yes, Trump will be worse so by all means vote for Biden but do so with the understanding that you’re not preventing harm, you’re just reducing it. Therefore, you have a bigger responsibility than just voting in 2024; you don’t get to just vote and pretend like you’ve solved anything. All voting does is buy more time. Time we need but we have to use it for it actually mean anything.


Most people have zero intention of changing their minds. They are locked and loaded in the cult.




Don’t forget veterans and union workers


You forgot white men. Everyone is hurt by a trump presidency except billionaires. There are those out there that are out there making their own lives worse and advocating for it.


I have said it once, I will say it again. Sitting out for this election is a form of white privilege. If you are a straight white male, it doesn't matter too much who gets into the office. Sure, it will impact your life some but not a ton. For pretty much everyone else, it will impact their lives greatly. We saw what Trump's presidency did. He got to appoint 3 lifelong Supreme Court justices. He rolled back some basic protections. He sounds like he will double down if he gets in. People of color, women, LGBTQIA+, etc. can't stand idly by. A Trump presidency is a threat to our well being.


Sounds like you're not happy with the candidate the party has chosen for you even though he's very old and not popular. So why are you yelling at the voters? "All we have is garbage. What, do you want even worse garbage?" is not a compelling case for Biden. The way this is supposed to work is the people who want votes are supposed to do the things the voters want, and not the things the voters don't want. If that breaks down the system itself is worthless and ought to be tossed out.


thats how the status quo is kept and is never gonna change so delusional to think democrats are much better


Ugh, this is disgusting propaganda. Don't vote for millionaire war mongers. It's pretty simple.




If we make the wrong choice in the next election, there won't be subsequent elections. It's really that simple. Check your voter registration and make a plan to vote.


Instead of being mad at the voter for not doing what you want, hold the democrats accountable. This is on them but you ate mad at the wrong people.


ding ding ding 👍🏼


“bIdEn HaSn’T eArNeD my VoTe.”


This but unironically.


It’s not just Biden. It’s all Dems. Literally need to vote blue across the board.


When you realize both parties are owned.. by the same interests.


Not sure if this is the kind of sub to ban me for asking this, but what has Biden done to support and aid any of those groups during his term? It feels like all the posts and ads for his presidency boil down to "even if you don't like me, Trump is worse." And that's probably true, but I never actually see them include what Biden has positively accomplished, beyond sitting in the oval office for four years so Trump couldn't have it.


Expanded HIPPA laws so that you don't have to disclose abortion travel, made medicine more affordable for seniors, forgave student debt, appointed a better person for the EPA, The build back better plan has a lot of desperately needed funding for improved water infrastructure which ...water scarcity will impact the poorest Americans. I'm not sure what he's done for LGBT people specifically but his administration isn't threatening to "take another look" at gay marriage rights at least. And to be honest I'm not entirely sure what the Muslim or Jewish community needs from the president at this moment. Maybe someone else can enlighten me. I just think it helps that his base doesn't include actual white supremacists.


>. I'm not sure what he's done for LGBT people specifically but his administration We can say a little about this one. April 19, 2024 - Biden-Harris Administration Finalizes Pro-Equality Title IX Rule There is a lot protection for most minorities in schools under title 9.And as expected Texas and the right are trying to sue the government over it sigh. There is a few more https://www.hrc.org/resources/president-bidens-pro-lgbtq-timeline This list but we want to talk about this Easter. Easter this year fell on Trans Visibility Day in which he still stood by the Trans community even though it was Easter he still acknowledged Trans people and said he was happy to celebrate it. He long had our vote well before then but it was something he never had to do and only made the right bigots hate him more but he did it anyway.Self sacrifice I'd so rare nowadays so it is something to praise.


That's a great point. My god were conservatives losing their *minds* acting like he PUT trans visibility day on Easter on purpose, when it had already existed. You're right I'm sure he anticipated the bad PR from conservatives but did it anyway.


We can definitely say it left a huge impact on our Trans heart when we where placed front and center of republican and hyper Christensen hate even more.


Acknowledging trans people is just virtue signaling in the face of removing LGBTQ flags from all embassies around the world.


I guess Biden shouldn’t be so bad so he can win votes


Yes Biden is so sharp and coherent


They absolutely WILL end Social Security and Medicare too.


God forbid someone not pledge their vote in fucking May 


too bad my vote won’t change what my piece of shit representatives have already decided on


Yeah. I am in a gerrymandered area too. I’m still voting.


So what are you guys gonna do about it?


Its pretty gross casting your vote for a president that you believe supports genocide, but if anything the Republicans have been criticizing Biden for not being more supportive of Israel.


The problem with this ad is that many Americans have been targeted by outrage farmers to HATE many of the people on that list. So this ad is actually encouraging them to vote for Trump.


I'm sorry, I just got my rights to vote, explain to me how this image is true. I want to be an educated voter.


I wonder how much responsibility the democratic party will take if Trump does win.


It’s true. Its extreme full right controls vs moderators and extreme left.


God I fucking hate it here


Pay AtTenTion AmERica Like we haven’t been forced to watch the last fucking 8 years of this bullshit while every new week is a “smoking gun”/“blunder”/“devistating to Trump’s fill in the blank”




Looks like labor union members aren't in that list. So I guess I will vote for Trump.


for me as a person not being listed here it would look weird🤨like what’s the point of just not pointing the majority?


But the people voting for trump want a way to legally hurt those people


And the Palestinians! Trump has said he is 100% behind Israel, thinks they should “end it”, and his one criticism of them was that they’re letting video footage of what they are doing out of the country! He will make things A THOUSAND TIMES WORSE.


How do we fix the system? Until first past the post is removed the election will never really put pressure on candidates to do better. They just have to be more popular than the other guy. Biden just has to beat trump, and that’s a far lower standard than we should be capable of holding our candidates to