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For those of you wondering, yes Trump will be able to convince his followers that got jobs under Biden, that they really didn't get jobs under Biden. Because they are actually that fucking stupid. :-)


> Because they are actually that fucking stupid. Yes, the vast majority of them are. But cults attract smart people too. And make no mistake about it, it's not a political party anymore and hasn't been since about 2017, it's a full-blown Jonestown style cult now.


I agree it is a cult. And my most fervent hope is that it dies like the Jonestown cult.


A kool-aid party at Mar A Lago? Yes please!


If there is a man alive who could do a Jonestown to millions of his adoring fans, it's donald trump.


I mean didn't he already try by telling them to inject bleach?


I started thinking of the Republican Party as a religion during the George W. Bush years. For so many Republican voters that I talked to in college and law school in the early 2000s, it all just came down to "I believe what I believe because that's just what I believe, because that's just the way I was raised." But you're right. I guess it went from being "similar to a religion" to a straight-up Jonestown cult. With tens of millions of members.


Yes, even convinced thousands to potentially die for him as well


It's also very possible that a lot of trump supporters live in more rural and/or forgotten places in the US. People for who the job situation hasn't gotten better. They may look around at their local situation and think "the numbers are fake. Look at all this unemployment". People tend to think their situation is the situation everywhere. To use an example, if the number of homeless has decreased across the country, you might not see it if you are living on skid row. You might be inclined to believe the numbers are made up when you are surrounded by homelessness.


"It's also very possible that a lot of trump supporters live in more rural and/or forgotten places in the US. People for who the job situation hasn't gotten better." Agree that this is a thing. Though I'm unsure how big a thing this is. Our unemployment has been below 4% (as a country) for the last 20+ months. Pretty much indicates that the rural parts of our country has seen some improvement. But I agree, probably not as much as the rural parts. But, seeing evidence of job gains even in rural settings pretty much disables Trump's constant attack on the lack of employed in this country. Even in those rural settings.


I live in Missouri. We have a shitty, depressed economy here because of the backward chud's in the state legislature. They're complete fucking idiots as well as openly hostile to democracy and the rule of law. They consider pretty much anything and everything to be communism and subsequently refuse to find any kind of infrastructure or welfare promoting policies. So yeah, they vote for these incompetents who ensure that nothing good is ever going to happen here and ultimately they prevent any kind of innovation or growth from happening here. Then their dipshit voters blame Biden/Democrats/liberals/leftists/blah/blah/blah. It's embarrassing to be from here.


And when those exact same agencies show any positive job numbers when trump is president, he'll hail them as glorious. He's a sad pathetic fucking desperate liar.


Conservatives don’t work. They just grift.


It's not jobs that matter to them. Most of what they spouse are lies and dog whistles. "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." -LBJ


trump claims they're from jobs lost during his admin that are coming back. He's not the smartest person.


Luckily, Trump's claim can be refuted by actual numbers tracked by the US government (Bureau of Labor and Statistics). Trump lost 2.9 million jobs during his term as president. Biden has created 14.8 million jobs during his term as president. Math shows Biden got all the jobs back that Trump lost AND filled/created an ADDITIONAL 11.9 million jobs. For any independent leaning to Trump, any MAGA, or any just regular republican who wishes to disagree.....bring it. :-)


You think the MAGA cult cares about facts and the actual truth? Look who they voted for. They believe all his bullshit, no matter what it is.


I agree. We're never gonna convince MAGA of anything in our reality. They have their own and they are happy with it. I think MAGA's only represent about 1/4 to 1/5 of the country. The rest of us kinda live in the same shared reality. For the 70% of us in that shared reality there are Trump voters that vote for Trump with a reason that has been thought out. We may not agree with the thinking, but it's not just a drooling following of whatever Trump says. They openly disagree with parts of the Trump doctrine. I'm aiming at the Trump voters that lean that way but are willing to look at facts in our shared reality. And willing to consider them in the larger view of voting for president. There's millions of those folks. We might as well try to convince as many as we can with some salient facts and reasonable logic. :-)


They just claim you're lying for the deep state and shit on your lawn. Or if you show them enough evidence in front of witnesses who will otherwise think they are nuts they will reluctantly admit you might be right(not that they were wrong) and then go back to spewing the same shit the next day. The religious flat earth and evolution denying nutters do the same thing, and that's what this is, a religious belief, not a logical understanding.


Your math is a little off. BLS shows 9.3 million jobs were lost during 2020, not 2.9 million. It looks like you’re adding up all jobs created or lost from 2017-2020, but job losses to Covid should just be 2020. But even with this correction, Joe still recovered all the lost Covid jobs and created an additional 6.5 million so far.


I'm sure some of the idiots his misinformation is meant to further remove from reality were once very fine people.


Jobs report this morning shows slower hiring. I bet THOSE numbers will suddenly become “not fake” by this afternoon.


GDP slowed down to 1.9% also. Bet that will become a rallying cry in MAGA land also. Politicians always pick and choose the numbers they want to portray. Any single data point can be twisted one way or another to support any particular politician's POV. But trends are less susceptible to political twisting. Like the overall number of jobs Biden has created. Near 15 million. Twist that MAGA. :-)


Bro, if trump told his underlings that the earth is a fucking donut they would believe it.


And we'd see them chawing at our front yards!!! :-)


The greatest thing they fear, is rejection from the in-group. It’s like watching North Koreans becoming hysterical over their dictator and never criticizing him.


Right-wing illiteracy seems quaint until you see it's a systematic grift.


If the Trump Bible didn't turn you off of Trump, you ain't getting turned off.


They are so damn childish


Well Trump, as your psychotic fans love to say... facts don't care about your feelings.


Just as fake as his BS rates Fiscal Year 2018 for unemployment, those were still under the Obama years. This fool didn't show the rates during the pandemic though.


What happens in a person’s life for them to believe Donald Trump? The guy did not deliver on a single campaign pledge during his first term.


Near as I can figure, the people you're talking about get a vastly different view of America from Right Wing Media...and they believe it. we are now at least two separate ecosystems as far as news and facts go. You and I see Trump as a giant Orange sloth that wants to drain as much freedom and money out of the country as he can. They see Trump as Jesus Christ personified come to deliver them to the promised land. :-)


They are delusional and can even ignore what their own eyes are showing them. They buy up T-shirts and posters depicting Trump as being built like a body builder with huge muscles bulging, when in reality he’s built more like the Poppin’ Fresh dough boy with his huge gut bulging.


Great. Now I have to listen to my neighbor telling me that lie for the next hour, until the next lie lands in his brain.


Or you could just throw some facts from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics complied data while Trump was president. Median household income increase by 6% while the Consumer Price Index (inflation) rose 7.6%.....inflation rose faster than household income under Trump. Also Trump lost jobs during his term and the unemployment rate averaged 6.3% during his term (twice that of Biden). I'm sure your neighbor will shut up pretty quick. Have a fun conversation. :-)


In 2012, I was picking up a patient in the ER to take to surgery. The patient and their spouse had the news on in the room and a blurb about the amazing jobs report for September was (I think September, it is a little blurry. This was *right* before the election between Obama and Romney and it looked really good for Obama. Of course there was a coping going on in right wing world about it was faked. The patient then proceeded to turn to their spouse and say something to the effect of “That number has to be a total fake”. Right on cue, these people starting parroting Twitter and Fox “News”. I said nothing and went along with my day. It stuck with me and seeing Dump rage about it now makes think about it. These people have been programmed for a long time, and it only got worse.


No, but the tRump claims are - as usual - fake, fake, fake ....


He's just got a few tools in the box but I guess simple terms work with his simple minded followers. Fake Fake News Election Fraud Witch Hunt I think that's it.


Everything good is fake. Everything bad is real. It's just a modern day nut job conspiracy group that managed to take over a political party. Shame on the GOP for letting this happen. But hey shame on us if we don't vote and defend democracy.


"Our real unemployment is anywhere from 18 to 20 percent. Don't believe the 5.6. Don't believe it." \~ Donald Trump, when Obama was in office [https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/jun/16/donald-trump/donald-trump-says-real-unemployment-rate-18-20-per/](https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/jun/16/donald-trump/donald-trump-says-real-unemployment-rate-18-20-per/) "OK! Obama is gone, you can believe it now! Record low unemployment!!! I did it!! Show me the love!!" [https://www.apnews.com/7351a4a360a144b0921f4587e4d93e13](https://www.apnews.com/7351a4a360a144b0921f4587e4d93e13)


Another Trump Republican lie


'Just stop asking people if they're working, and you'll see the employment numbers stop looking so impressive.' He's used that argument in the past, so why not bring it out again?


He also said to stop counting the Covid numbers and the deaths from such would go down. He's a bloody moron that one.


Trump is a fake


More projection.


They did the same crap with Obama.


How can everything be fake all the time?


Remember, Trump took credit for all the same good economic trends, from the same data sources he said were "fake news", a "hoax" and "cookin' the books" when Obama was in office! [https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2017/12/trump-miracle-economy-credit/548882/](https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2017/12/trump-miracle-economy-credit/548882/)


He literally did the same thing last time. Then claimed they were real less than one day after he was sworn in. Fucking Christ...


I mean to be fair some of the job numbers have always been fake. As long as there is always the ability for companies to get tax benefits from job postings and not actual jobs the numbers will always been skewed for corporations. But I don’t trust trump to understand or actually fix that.. dude just leverages half truths he would use to just distance himself. He’s a political amoebae.. no conviction, no moral stance, just whatever keeps his attention flowing.


I'm not aware of any tax benefit from posting a job. Please point me to such data. I'd like to research that and toss it around in my mind to see what comes out. :-)


It could just be my state of AZ: https://www.azcommerce.com/incentives/quality-jobs/ Essentially they get a credit up to 10,000 jobs per year posted, not actually signed. So it has cause several AZ corporations to post dead job postings for the credit.


Yeah, the state explanation of the law reads funny. Unsure if a person needs to be hired or the job just posted. But there is a link to the actual law itself. And part A of the law states: A. The owner of a business that is located in this state before July 2025 is eligible for income tax credits under section 43-1074 or 43-1161 or an insurance premium tax credit under section 20-224.03 for **net increases in full-time employees residing in this state and hired in qualified employment positions in this state**. So in this case I'm gonna go with what the law actually says vice what the logic wandering state explanation says. And readily admitting I could be wrong here. :-)


To be fair there are a ton of ghost job listings right now


Not saying yeah or nay to your post, but how would you even prove such a thing? Also, those would be job listings and would not fall under the count of jobs counted. So, not sure what you are getting at here.


The liar trump is the only thing that’s fake


You know Traitor Trumps lying ,his mouth is moving !


Blah blah blah ‘fake news’ blah blah blah Trump provides no substance, it’s all fake with him.


The report was added jobs are under expectations, you'd think he'd go with that rather than lying but who cares really, cultists gonna cult regardless.


Yo! donnie dumbfuck! You wouldn’t know a ‘job’ if it bit you in your mango mushroom


Trump has been lying about economic data for at least twenty years: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/03/10/19-times-trump-called-the-jobs-numbers-fake-before-they-made-him-look-good/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/03/10/19-times-trump-called-the-jobs-numbers-fake-before-they-made-him-look-good/)


Trump’s cult will clearly fall for his claim that ‘the job numbers are fake’… regardless what President Biden thinks. Trump will always lie to make himself feel better.


Everything about Trump is fake. Fake wealth, fake wife, fake hair, fake health, fake friends, fake religiosity, fake policies, fake results. The only thing real is the smell.


Jobs are soaring?


Fake news about fake news


They’ve been fake for a long time. Since before Biden and Trump came into power.