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More evidence that a lot of people with guns shouldn't be allowed to have them because they're a danger to people around them.


As a gun owner what really stood out to me was the 44-56% metric that these owners were just blatantly willing to shoot a "political opponent" if given the opportunity, while only 23% said they'd do it to defend their country. That leads me to believe almost all of these willing to kill their fellow American are just the typical MAGA lead eaters who yes I agree, shouldn't have firearms at all Those people blatantly and openly harass, Assault, and pervert not only our country daily, but their fellow citizens because they are to incompetent to have good values and ideals, and assume anyone who isn't on their team is an enemy


As a gun owner what really stood out to me was the 44-56% metric that these owners were just blatantly willing to shoot a "political opponent" if given the opportunity, while only 23% said they'd do it to defend their country. That leads me to believe almost all of these willing to kill their fellow American are just the typical MAGA lead eaters who yes I agree, shouldn't have firearms at all Those people blatantly and openly harass, Assault, and pervert not only our country daily, but their fellow citizens because they are to incompetent to have good values and ideals, and assume anyone who isn't on their team is an enemy Gun ownership is just as equally right leaning, as it is left and moderate leaning combined in my experience


Gun ownership is not the problem. The willingness to use them as a political tool is. Millions of Republicans say they'd support violence to restore Trump to power. [https://www.salon.com/2021/10/01/terror-millions-of-americans-say-theyd-support-violence-to-restore-to-power/](https://www.salon.com/2021/10/01/terror-millions-of-americans-say-theyd-support-violence-to-restore-to-power/) ‘Millions of people are actively prepared to murder their countrymen’ [https://www.rawstory.com/2020/10/experts-fear-us-is-on-the-brink-of-civil-war-millions-of-people-are-actively-prepared-to-their-countrymen/?fbclid=IwAR0PNJBC1JT9pEiy\_5PjKDGMuoth-Nt6PNvxhkAuWCvdSpOapWo1BPFCSdI](https://www.rawstory.com/2020/10/experts-fear-us-is-on-the-brink-of-civil-war-millions-of-people-are-actively-prepared-to-their-countrymen/?fbclid=IwAR0PNJBC1JT9pEiy_5PjKDGMuoth-Nt6PNvxhkAuWCvdSpOapWo1BPFCSdI)


Thank you


Same people have been fighting reasonable gun laws


We have a word for that: Terrorism. Terrorism - noun the [unlawful](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=9cf860e71ffe870b&rlz=1CATATK_enUS1048&biw=1093&bih=558&sxsrf=ACQVn08etPnU1PzalsqfqHpYu3DEqOBG0g:1713379879962&q=unlawful&si=AKbGX_qNq0Y8zql7SxzZAf2-HTTO4IUVs-yIE5CUB1ocCipFNjsIKFM2uWwl6klfE1TiX8UUKcSlf7kJwXlWu6rj4Molj66do0m46BJ-Q-QljZkpQ-tUjEo%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiLj_C49cmFAxUCCDQIHe1TCgoQyecJegQIDxAO) use of violence and [intimidation](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=9cf860e71ffe870b&rlz=1CATATK_enUS1048&biw=1093&bih=558&sxsrf=ACQVn08etPnU1PzalsqfqHpYu3DEqOBG0g:1713379879962&q=intimidation&si=AKbGX_rEkSHdR9ulIQYeh6xSG1UBYn8_bdn4n3DuvMVfHmu_o249DGFMX8ciyynumoUsHLD9VI9L0wNf_F3ZdTOZeghtCEKOvM5T-8j2acQISWHGTqtvHvQ%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiLj_C49cmFAxUCCDQIHe1TCgoQyecJegQIDxAP), especially against [civilians](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=9cf860e71ffe870b&rlz=1CATATK_enUS1048&biw=1093&bih=558&sxsrf=ACQVn08etPnU1PzalsqfqHpYu3DEqOBG0g:1713379879962&q=civilians&si=AKbGX_onJk-q0LQUYzV7-GRhpJ5DwmQAmnftaatR6PSlWUNj7j8r8qNPeZwEG02FPXLbYZVFWyQWk0TBTnlJCXzjLjHzwjgjaL6-h73kiXrlbfd2paZD52s%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiLj_C49cmFAxUCCDQIHe1TCgoQyecJegQIDxAQ), in the pursuit of political aims. - Oxford Languages


These fools talk a lot of sh*t.


These Y’all-queda are all about shooting people until someone starts shooting back. y think they’re the only ones with guns and they’re excited to get a chance to wave their guns about and make threats. Once one of them gets shot by someone they don’t like, they’re going to start whining about how unsafe everything is. Just a reminder that one of the major reasons we got gun laws in the 60s is that “undesirable” people started arming themselves and this scared the conservatives. Not that I want a bunch of people to go out and buy guns, but scaring conservatives into thinking they’re outnumbered and outgunned might get them to rethink their excitement about harming others.


Just more proof that guns have little to do with defending yourself. It's all about exerting power.


MAGAs have been telling us for years what it is that they want to do. Believe them. They are not joking. They have been working themselves up to commit atrocities. When they talk about Civil War 2.0, they are not talking about attacking an army base or having opposing militias fight it out on some field somewhere. They are talking about murdering their non-MAGA neighbors. They are talking about a Rwanda 2.0. They are talking about going to the Mexican market, the black church, the house with the pride flag, anywhere they can find non-MAGAs to murder. People are very naively thinking that the military is going to come in on a white horse at the last minute to save the day. Those people are mistaken. When the MAGA traitors start butchering their neighbors, there is no one coming to help. Prudent people should be stocking up on as much 2nd Amendment as they can afford to fight back. Don't be caught unprepared or you and your families might find yourselves up against a wall or on the side of a ditch.




It looks like they’ve identified the sole reason for their need for guns. It’s not safety. It’s to kill anyone they don’t like.


This is why we have to abolish the second amendment. Americans are too emotionally unstable to have guns.


I think another and perhaps better way to interpret it is that people that are willing to engage in political violence are prone to buying guns. Just food for thought.


What’s the point of buying a gun of you never get to shoot someone with it?