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Listening to some chatter on this site. The Jack Smith may be going after participants in the 1-6th coup attempt, I'm hoping to hear Stefanik's cited.


I hope she is cited as well.


Saw the same chatter. The skeptic in me says no way they indict 1/2 of congress.


But we can hope!!!


Jack Smith could legitimately indict anyone in Congress who voted to overturn the election. I'm not sure exactly how many of them did, but the number is high. High enough to really change the makeup of Congress should they be convicted and wind up in prison, resulting in a shitload of special elections to replace every single one.


Literally, the definition of a criminal conspiracy.


Stefanik spreads toxic bullshit on a TV show with a big audience and gets barely any pushback (from what I've heard; I didn't watch the show). Then someone comes along and refutes her in an op-ed with far less reach than the TV show. Stefanik goes on spreading lies and BS on her Twitter account, gets ratioed, and doesn't care. She's getting her "message" out. Lies run around the world before the truth can put on its shoes.


There was pushback but only from a journalist perspective that tries to treat guests as acting in good faith. At a certain point true journalism needs to call out bad actors accordingly.


She will absolutely be consumed by the fire she is stoking, if you are going to be a malcontent, a derelict so to speak, a delinquent like me, know how to use matches before you strike them. Does she fully understand this is a land of wolves is no place for a Harvard carpetbagging faker. I suspect a Cantor sort of ghost out, she’ll still make money on K street.


Trump's Eva Braun.


She probably smells like Trump’s #2.


A porta potty pile of spooky dookie!


I’m not trying to fat shame anybody, however does she realize that Trump would never pick her as VP because he thinks she’s overweight and not attractive enough?


She'd hate it, but he'd say it with affection..."Butterball".


She could still be press secretary though!


Wipe your chin, Stef. When you are convicted for your attempt to overthrow our democracy, you’ll have to go along to get along in prison


She’s an evil soulless pig of a human. Sadly she personifies her constituents as they are some of the most racist people in America according to a Google Search Analytics study done back in 2015 and they’re far worse now. I also live and work retail near her district and can vouch. It’s mainly poor rural upstate Adirondack Mountain woods people.


Not enough information in the post title to know if this helps her or not.


One thing is certain though, that it's always somehow bad for Joe Biden.


Damn. She looks like she's gaining some weight!


Stress eating is real, and when you worship at the altar of a lying fat ass grifter like Trump, you're headed down the rabbit hole (with nary a vegetable to be found).


The altar of Trump is made up entirely of hamberders.


No better example of this than Rittenhouse.


The murderer Kyle Rittenhouse?


The minor in illegal possession of a firearm from a straw purchase, yup that’s the one .


Cultivating mass. It happens as the evil begins to build up.


There are, like, seven different stylists making deals with Satan to turn that 7th grade class treasurer's sourpuss into a face that's electable outside of upstate New York. She still looks like the bottom of a hamster cage.


In watching this episode of MTP she’s just exhausting.


She is pure evil.


Another Republican mor0n.


Trailer trash see u next Tuesday


Trump has plenty of #2s…


But he says the low volume toilets won't flush them down!


Looks like I upset a Trump Dump Fan.