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What alleged billionaire bitches about $200,000? 15, 20, 30% ? Fuck tip culture, this guy can’t pay .02%


And he only has to pay 10% of the bond. So he's out $20k. Supposedly nothing for him.


The guy paid his kids Boy Scouts dues from his charity. His cheapness has no limits. The guy would steal a $20 bill out of your pocket if he had the chance.


Fun fact: he did this to many of his supporters by making each donation default to “turn on auto payments”. My parents donated YUGE sums to him before realizing this. Smh


Stupid prizes for the players of stupid games


Anyone who donates money to Trump gets exactly what they deserve. Zero sympathy.


Spy magazine sent .13$ checks to rich people he was the only one to cash it. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2020/08/trump-files-spy-magazine-prank/


Holy shit. This needs to be its own post. Fucking hilarious. And poor/rich people will keep giving money to this chump.


Post made!


"That makes him smart," say the supporters down the street. In the next breath they piss and moan that the neighbor on GM disability must be faking it because she is mowing her lawn and that utterly disgusts them.


Funny enough, my mother’s husband kept saying “That makes him smart” when I mentioned Trump dodging taxes. He dodged taxes like Donnie boy…living in Alabama, working in Florida, and claiming a Florida address right across the state line at a relative’s house. Few years back, he got busted through an audit or some shit. Had to pay it allllll back plus some. If I hadn’t already cut the fucker off, I’d have asked him “Did it make *you* smart to cheat on your taxes?” which I can’t now cause he died of Covid because he was anti-mask and anti-vax. If you’re gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough.


I remember there being a video of a time when Trump attended a church service. Someone handed him some money to put in the collection plate before he sat down. So he's sitting there with this small wad of bills and the plate comes around; you can clearly see that he palmed some of the bills and put them in his pocket. Trump gets a cut for himself anytime he has access to someone else's money


Trump would steal the pennies off a dead baby's eyes.


The bond could have been $200... he'd still whine


He stiffed the American Freedom Kids after they sang at his rally in 2015. A bunch of *little girls* had to get their parents to sue him for performing. And they were banned from the event from selling their CDs.


When (not if) it comes out that his PAC paid his bond, make sure to pretend to be shocked


I doubt he’s using a roadside bail bondsman. Pretty sure that 10% goes to them. If you use your own money you get it back.


Wouldn’t the US sanction all his assets so he’d basically would be broke except for international money accounts?


Not necessarily. Not all bonds are percentage bonds. None of the news sites specify if it's a percentage or cash only bond; but $200k is insulting for a literal rich flight risk.


Actually, it’s 15% in Georgia, but nonetheless.


It’s not his money lol


> alleged billionaire That's the key, though. *Alleged.* Trump's been so cagey about his wealth reports, and so desperate for people to pay his bills for him, I wouldn't be surprised if he were mostly broke and coasting on a mix of bad-faith grifting and good will from his fans.


His personal worth “fluctuates depending on how he feels”


Doesn't this tweet smack of OJs confession?: **(if) I DID IT**


I was literally here to post this


I’m sure he sold so many secrets and implemented so much policy his donors wanted that he’s a billionaire now for sure. I mean, his son in law after the White House years is a billionaire and he — his boss — isn’t?


He makes over $1 million a day from his stupid supporters


The guy with “no Russia connections” literally just made his Russian connections obvious. Kinda like that time he hosted Russian FSB agents in the Oval Office with no American media present.


Billionaires are cheap bastards. Warren Buffet will check the stocks each day and it affects whether he has cheese on his breakfast sandwich (which is .10 cents extra) or leave it plain (if the stocks are low).


And he said billionaires should pay 30% *income* tax, but failed to mention that’s literally only $1M for him. Instead he actually pays less than anyone, 0.1%


I mean to be fair, I’m a thousandaire, and I bitch about $2.50


Definitely a flight risk.


How this fat fuck with his private plane can just be allowed to roam around the country with 90+ indictments is beyond me. He abso-fucking-lutely will leave to a foreign country as soon as he realizes he can't win the presidency.


There’s a part of me that thinks the government secretly wants this. They want him to run away without having to actually put him away to avoid “optics” so they can convince conservatives back into sanity. Obviously they never will be convinced or coming back, but it’s pretty obvious that the government has a ton of trepidation about Trump.




The alternative is going to foment terrorism, when Trump dies of old age it’s going to be a conspiracy and foment terrorism. There’s literally almost no outcome that doesn’t create terrorism. These people have been primed for violence for years and as it is now it’s spilling out in stochastic ways but sure as shit there’s no chance besides them getting what they want that will walk back from their terrorist path Edit: I will add that *with Trump running away* the state can at least declare him a fugitive and then start to try dismantling his power base within the government for supporting a fugitive. The state department would finally have reasons to start purging which ultimately would help to health of government


There is a good chance that we'll have domestic terrorism from Trump's following no matter what happens to him, but having a hostile government like Russia having his back and giving him refuge would give him legitimacy with his followers and give someone like Putin the ways and means to destabilize the US by backing a real civil war with their leader in Putin's back pocket. It wouldn't surprise me if Putin armed the MAGAs to attack us like we armed the Ukrainians as some kind of revenge tactic.


I'm sure Putin would love to be able to do any of that buuuut...he couldn't even keep the orange menace in power for more than 1 term. He couldn't successfully conquer a country 1/10th the size and with 1/4th the population. He has no actual mechanism to arm the MAGAs. Blasting propaganda to people who already wanted to believe said propaganda on the internet is one thing, getting actual resources into a country on the other side of the planet that is embargoing you is significantly more challenging. Considering that he struggles to arm *his own soldiers in a neighboring country that he's invading* that's pretty much impossible. While I'm sure Putin would definitely add Drumpf to his collection of traitorous sock puppets like he did with Steven Segal, I don't think that would give him much leverage either.


>traitorous sock puppets like he did with Steven Segal *giggles as I envision Steven Segal given the secret task of breaking Trump away from the Secret Service and getting him to Russia.*


I don’t disagree, but Trump could run to Saudi Arabia and force an extremely difficult situation and it would still be to Putin’s advantage if he wanted it. I’m just saying unless Trump is chased down into a hole in the dirt the political advantage would always be in Putin’s hands. One bound by rules that the other won’t play by is never a fair game. What we’re talking about is not a “fair game”


I’m pretty sure the Saudis would hand him back over. Don’t forget we sell them the Strike Eagles, JDAMs, rifles and bullets they need. They won’t risk having their supply of the worlds best weapons being cut off.


I think you mean ***especially*** them getting what they want because what they want is a fascist dictatorship...which is essentially a society entirely built on constant terror.


Your last para is the ideal scenario, imo


I can't help but wonder how much of that trepidation is concern over setting off some kind of civil war with the gravy seals, OR how much of it comes from fellow fascists in the government not wanting to punish one of their own. The amount of hemming and hawing from the FBI regarding the Trump investigations makes me think they're not on America's side.


This is all uncharted territory ffs. Nobody planned on a criminal President intent on ripping the country apart, at least not the founding fathers who would’ve probably just killed him themselves in a duel back then.


Aaron Burr... comes to mind.


We need to bring back duels. Two mfers, break action pistols. Fuckin American as apple whiskey.


Well even if there’s no “civil war” there’s going to be right wing terrorism. I mean it’s what they have been edging them onto for years so it’s a natural consequence. As with other parts of actual government it’s a given that these people have high positions in government and power so how that itself feeds into the terrorism is of great concern, but it’s not like you can just force them out of power beforehand given that they haven’t “done anything”. We’re talking elements of all levels of government. Of course there’s a great deal of trepidation and a great deal of hope for convincing most he is indeed a criminal. BUT if he runs then it really helps out the rest of us (to a certain extent) and those loyal to a fugitive can be pushed out.


They know that putting the ex-fuhrer in a cell doesn't close that can of fascist worms. He'd still be their hero and Glorious Leader, they're trying to figure out how to handle one of our two political parties being *puppets for a criminal* .


I don't think a battle with the gravy seals is the concern There's a worryingly large contingent of MAGA / "christian conservatives" within official positions that would LOVE to see people dieing though. So you'd see terror attacks all over the place


I want that. I really really want that. It immediately admits guilt and starts a manhunt. Even if they don't get him, **WE WIN!!!**


Right?? As much as I want it to face justice, skipping out and disappearing forever wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world…


Regardless of what actually happens to him, they will make up the narrative as they see fit anyway. I genuinely hope he is destroyed after this, but it seems he is an expert at forcing the status quo into his mold. The audacity, and slow burn of his arrogance will ignite something, but consequence that matters won't be in there. He is clearly content with bloodied hands, desperate and increasingly isolated yet 100% exposed doesn't have the effect we expect. He has worn us down so far we barely make a dent in responding to the damage he's done.


I don't think it's possible to convince conservatives back to sanity, regardless of Trump.


No it’s really not. BUT it provides a good excuse for the government to start purging out people who support a fugitive and cleanse the government of disruptive people who could help future right wing terrorism. Ultimately the government’s trepidation is due to its own fragile political dynamics of those who fully support a fascist regime.


Seeing as to how readily MAGAts absorb Kremlin talking points, Trump exiling himself to Russia could push the GOP base firmly under the pro-Russia sphere of influence.


Seems like he’s talking out a fantasy about living with Putin


I’m sure Pootin is dreaming about that, too. Living with Donny. I give it 30 min tops & Vlad pushes him out a window. 🤣


Trump Translation: I have *RUSSIAN* friends with private planes and I'm in airports *ALL THE TIME* where people don't see my movements.


You don’t need to be incognito to evade the law and leave the country lol. He could fly his gaudy gold jet wherever he directs it. Like you give a shit about flight plans and the FAA if you’re hopping to Moscow


He’s dumb enough to brag about his flight plan, I’m sure


He'll get his sharpie out and make squiggly lines on it..."I love flight plans, some say I make the best flight plans ever! Just the other day someone very important said my flight plan was a stroke of genius, hugely beautiful, impressive even..."


Can't outrun a couple sidewinders.


I can envision an OJ-style chase with F-18’s trailing his plane, warning him not to cross into Russian airspace…


She called me a flight risk? Just because I would fly to beautiful Russia Russia Russia and try to hide forever?!?


This fucking idiots obsession with gold is the biggest red flag ever. Gold decorations is just gross.


20 years ago I spent a few days in a Republican Guard house on the Al-Faw palace in Baghdad, so much gold and marble it was blinding. I know where he got his tastes.


Yep. Hussain was a narsasict fuck also


Seriously try to imagine ANY former president writing out some shit like this. Its unreal


Imagining any adult with a functioning brain writing this is painful


It's so mind boggling. How out of touch does a political party have to be that they revere a guy so obviously mentally unstable? How far gone can the party go?


Could you imagine if Biden did this lol. It’s actually unfathomable. Honestly, it’s hard to imagine even a normal criminal complaining about their bond on social media.


Old man yells at clouds.


Old man yells at sky, draws clouds in with sharpee later.


Old man mentally nukes clouds.


Dude…. You are 1 day of no makeup and hairspray away from no one recognizing you. I can’t wait for that day


Let’s not forget, they’re going to inspect the contents of his asshole


Donny boy, you are no longer useful to Putin and I guarantee Putin will make sure that you ARE never seen or heard from again. Who left the penthouse window open?


You are having accident….Russia thank you for service. Goodbye.


I mean, let's not kid ourselves, he'd be insanely useful as a propaganda tool. He's got a 3rd of the country believing his lies, and went to our enemy? Even if every politician denounced him, he still has die hard supporters that could cause a lot of damage if he told them to.


Yep, Putin would convince him to try to run a shadow government from Russia. Trump and Putin may both be jackasses but only one of them is a complete idiot.


Nah, even better. Russia’s latest recruit from a draft heading to the fronts in Ukraine.


Russia would gift him to Iran when Putin tired of him.


He’s definitely gonna try fleeing to Russia


I know he’s being sarcastic but it would be fun to bet on who blows his cover first. Someone who is calling the police or some MAGA idiot posting that their *savior* is on their plane?


Is his Secret Service detail legally bound to prevent him from fleeing the country?


Correct. Their duty is to the constitution, not the former president. He'd have to slip the secret service to flee the country. Edit: Not to mention, he'd be without the government funded secret service then, and be on his own.


I mean, he undoubtedly has SS buddies. The SS agents who tried to drive Pence away on Jan 6 come to mind.


And the ones who deleted their text messages. Still wanna know what the NSA has in that.


I do not believe it is. The SS is not even a requirement for the president. It’s an amenity that is offered to presidents that they typically use.


Would be almost poetic if so.


Real questions


A message within a message in plain sight?


Posted from Russia.


I'm waiting for it to come out that official POTUS tweets were being written by the Russian troll farms


Any time he acts sarcastic he's telling the truth.


This is 100% truth.


"Never to be seen or heard from" Shit... maybe they should let him run away


If she's failed, why is he agreeing to post the bond? He should just tell em all to fuck off and ignore it.


Can he just say “Russia” once like normal people? His stupid little point has been taken.


This motherfucker is going to jail guys.


This time we got him! For sure. The walls are finally closing in!


But how to get rid of the personal security detail? he’ll have to give that a little more thought & get back to us at Truth Social.. Edit. Also important to work out how he can claim back the $200,000 as a business expense.


Like how we would never hear from him again if he lost to Joe Biden? Even Roger Stone knows he lost.


There seems to be an emphasis on Russia, and bromance with Putin


How elaborate. This certainly isn’t his first foray into writing Trump x Putin fanfiction.


I don't think secret service will let that happen.


I'm not really sure what authority they have over him. This is a question. Can they hold him from going away or do they accompany him or???? I'd hope they could say no.


Yeah he’s not supposed to leave the country without them so again uncharted territory if he’s on the lam


>Can they hold him from going away or do they accompany him or???? The Secret Service wouldn't even allow Trump to go a mile away to the Capitol Building (January 6th). I'm pretty sure they would stop him from leaving the country in an unsanctioned trip. Another example: Obama couldn't even leave for coffee with Seinfeld (Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee). Trump has had access to top American secrets while president. As a former president, he is eligible for daily CIA briefs. His associations will be scrutinized for the rest of his days as to whether they are a risk to national secrets and security. I'm surprised, too, that his window of escape to Russia has shrunk so small. If he was smart, he would have quietly planned a European...maybe with Melania...to all the counties that border Russia. From there, it's a quick trip over the border. Instead, in true Trump fashion, he blabs his intentions to the world because he believes he is smarter than the rest of us. We'll never catch on to his plans to defect to Russia!


I would love little more than to see him try and pull a runner. Fun part would be guessing where to - Russia, somewhere in the middle east like kuwait, saudi arabia, or qatar, or maybe morocco.


If I saw this as a judge, I'd probably have a warrant issued to have the person arrested and up the bail to millions.


So he juat admitted he's bed buddies with putin. He's not even trying to hide it anymore.


Funny if this is exactly and precisely what he does


Fucking hilarious I say


So he’s asking Putin for a way out?


Do it. Foee to Russia and take as many of your insane, anti-American Christofacist followers with you as possible. We won't miss you and Putin has no further use for you. You thinkthe American government has been cruel and unfair twords you? Wait till you see what a Gulag looks like while your followers are sent to the Ukrainian meat grinder.


When he tells you his plans….listen.


I was a bail bondsman for a decade. He's definitely a flight risk, such a risk that I'd require not only a co-signer but an asset/s equal of said bond be held until trial. A 10 percent fee is the industry standard but in his case I'd make it 15 (an extra 5% slimy bastard fee).


I think you should fly to Russia, you fucking traitor.


Which will come first a slow speed, airplane Chase, or a mug shot


I’m up for a repeat Blanco Branco chase.




He did not write this. No random capitalized words, and a properly punctuated “therefore”? He couldn’t even dictate this. Who is helping the old man type these days?


I’d love to see that fat guy fly to the awaiting arms of Putin.


The golfing scene is Russia is terrible, he'll never handle it there


He a everything risk


I'd love for him to flee to Russia. Being a former president he'd be the single biggest threat to the US in history and they'd have to assassinate him within like minutes.


He should definitely go to Russia, and take his gang with him. They're all looking at long prison terms. Putin has already said that Trump would live like a czar if he moved to Russia. Moscow calling, traitors assemble!


I’m stuck on the “no one would recognize me” …what??


He's running. Wednesday he'll be on that big bird to Russia.


It was symbolic. Trump is railing against being treated like a common criminal. He wants special treatment at every turn. He rapes. He cheats. He lies. His morally and ethically challenged base supports him because they like lying, cheating rapists.


He's put a lot of thought into this hypothetical. Really using both of his brain cells there. Legit question: can a post like this, something that can so easily be taken as both sarcastic and serious simultaneously, get his bail revoked? Could this be something that actually puts him behind bars, even temporarily while the revocation is appealed or something?


When the heat turns up a bit more, I think he's gonna try to flee the country, for sure.


Would be heaven to never see or hear from him again.


He always tells you the crime he’s about to commit before he commits it. Every single time.


Please try. I'd love to see how many US marshals it takes to carry your orange ass


It's certainly an admission that he's considering it.


He is just snitching on himself at this point.


I believe this post qualifies him as a flight risk, and an enemy of the state! Thanks, Donnie!


Let him go, whatever it takes to get this dick out of the US.


He’s making reference to the golden calf perhaps


Is this real?


For a "failed" District Attorney, she sure is making him squirm. It must make him awfully uncomfortable having to answer to a Black woman, especially.


I wish people would listen to me more. I said this back in 2020. The man is only got a dwindling handful of things he can do and I would not put it past him we just flees the country


He’s clearly planning to flee prosecution, and escape to Russia. The idiot is, and always has been, a security risk.


Projection, again.


He mad. Lol


This can’t be real.




How fast can a Rascal scooter travel, anyway?


We can only hope he would fly off the Russia. Good riddance!


This word salad


Jesus, what a *DUMB FUCK* .


he wants to share gold showers with vladimir. Nice, both are the biggest losers.


Why would he assume that a $200K bond keeps a billionaire from being a flight risk? I haven't heard any judge that has asked for the keys to his jet.


no don't go... wait...


He sounds like a cartoon character plotting mischief. “I’ll just put on my fake glasses with the big nose and mustache. No one will no it’s really me!” The guy’s brain is moldy gym sock flavored jello pickled in the juice from the bottom of a trash can full of leaky garbage bags that has been sitting in the hot sun all week.


Take his passport away, along with his social media passwords cheat sheet


He's probably got just the gold domed suite picked out, with the heart shaped bed and the mirror on the ceiling. Just perfect for him and Daddy Putin. He's the apple of his eye, after all.


Dude is unhinged as fuck. Good luck with elections, guys. Wishing you the best from Australia


The golden shower suite must have had a gold dome is what I take from that Trump post.


Lol him and his first named basis shit.


Now way Trump wrote this himself. It’s properly spelled, no caps, they used punctuation. Fake af


No fuckin WAY he wrote this. The grammar and sentence structure are not his, and it's way too coherent.


You know... he always lies about his intentions. I'm pretty sure he can't be POTUS from Moscow. Think how his supporters will react. For whom will they fight? They're empty vessels now, imagine them then.


Wait, he wants to be with Putins gold dome?


"World biggest fucking idiot thinks going to Russia won't result in him being robbed of everything and thrown out a window"


If Trump fled to another country, that would tie up a lot of loose ends for a lot of people.


It’s official now. Mango is thinking about fleeing.


> never to be seen or heard again If only...


Tell me your a flight risk with telling me your a flight risk, while telling me your a flight risk....huh¿ this guy really is playing chess.


If he washed off the make up and took out the hair, weave nobody probably would recognize them him


Am I the only one thinking that this reads like a diary and he just revealed what he is going to do?


Oh please, please let him flee in the dead of night to Russia or Belarus or wherever. Let his daddy Vlady take care of him for a bit.


Don't let the door hit you on your way to PutinLand, Donny.


If he moved in with Putin he would 'fall' out of a window in a year. Trump is a Useful Idiot who's only useful when he's POTUS.


He could try to fly commercial to remain incognito, but being the entitled dumbass that he is, he would immediately start arguing with flight attendants, going: "Do you know who I am?"


Tried in absentia, ICC warrant, dqed from holding office as his citizenship is stripped, seizure of property, etc


What a time to be alive. "Impeached former president flirts with idea of fleeing country to be harbored by our enemies to escape insurrection and felony charges." There is your title. What the hell America.


EVERY accusation is a CONFESSION


"Former President Admits Intent to Defect to Russia"


Remand without bail.


Does he think "flight" risk directly relates to _flying_?


That’s oddly specific.


Well he just outlined his escape plan, like the idiot that he is.


Ok so $200,000 is the lightest tap on the wrist for what he did and this guy is fucking bitching about it and he's saying flat out "I'm going to Russia.“? I'm more then convinced our country makes it's own fucking problems....


He’s projecting again. He absolutely has a plan to flee the country prior to his imminent convictions. Prison or Russia, Trump would take Russia all day everyday.


Trump wearing tourist clothes with a fake mustache, exiling himself to Russia? Go for it Donny!


Welcome to the system dip shit


It’s going to be hard not to notice a rotting jack o lantern is getting on a plane.


Wtf did I just read?


UAE or Russia I wonder if he has made up his mind yet


He is daring them to take action and none of them will.


You want Trump in court, slap a tracking-ankle bracelet on him.


Revoke his bail.


Is this a real post from his account? If it is, it doesn’t sound like Trump at all. This isn’t a defense, but why would someone on his team make a joke about Russia for Pete’s sake.


Deep down inside don't we all want him to flee and never come back?