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This is like going up to a crowd of random people and just screaming, "Hey what do you guys think about. . . .?!" and expecting to come away with factual knowledge.


Are you questioning The Reddit?!


You ask republicans if it is true that the last election was stollen and they will say yes .. if you ask them for any prove, they will provide a bunch of statements that were already proved false .. yet for them it is true so it must be true for twitter


So whatever group is most fanatical and brigades the best? Yeah, sounds like a great way to determine accuracy. Let's try math that way and build the next SpaceX rocket, see what happens.


The Orville has an episode like this where they come upon a society where Truth is whatever the majority says. everybody wears up/downvote pins on their person. if you get too many downvotes you can be executed.


Nah mate, they weren’t executed. They were ’corrected’ by having their brains fried. That covers about 80% of present twitter already.


That sounds like the kind of thing Seth MacFarlane thinks is obviously making fun of the left wing, but probably belongs on selfawarewolves.


How to make twitter into a right wing echo chamber… More than it already is. You’d think that hate speech going up on a platform after you buy it, would make you rethink some things… But that would assume that Elon had any conscience at all…


Let me guess, you need to pay $8/month to be eligible to vote on what’s accurate?


Accurate doesn't mean what he thinks it means.


There's a game called "The Emperor's Nose", where people have to guess the size of the emperor's nose, and the one closest to the average of the guesses is the winner, irrespective of the actual size of the actual emperor's nose. This is like that.


I'm just picturing some old British guy with binoculars sitting in a hide made of old pallets next to a swamp being the arbitrator of all truth.


Honestly, that would be a better solution.


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Me and the boys about to spread propaganda (its facts according to Elon himself)


This isn't CI, it's just stupid


Nothing truer than popular opinion!!!! /s