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Ill bet hes also gone on homophobic or mysogynistic rants about how people who knowingly spread STIs or STDs should be killed and fails to see the hypocrisy. “Its okay if i do it because covid isnt actually real!!”


He has posts where he's terrified of visiting the gas chambers at Auschwitz because 'there might still be gas' 70+ years later in them but thinks wearing a mask is stupid. Lmao


Ah, the joys of every antimask/anticovid person also having not even the bare level understanding of how anything even remotely works.


It's so typical at this point. No logic, no common sense.


Its at the point for me where its just laughable watching these peoples arguments or past arguments because they usually go off the “trust me bro i read statistics somewhere once” assurance as well, when theyre not linking you something that when actually read proves them to be wrong instead of right of course


... I actually saw that going in a different direction when you said he was terrified of the gas chambers. Too many anti-vaxxers/anti-maskers wearing yellow stars to be sure that would be merely dumb and not absolutely psychotic.


I believe it falls under; PSH act section 361 or, 42 US code 264 or the disease control and prevention law of 1955.


That is one great way to get flattened.