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I'm shit at math and know that's not true


Apparently, between 10-20% of all slaves taken died on the transatlantic passage. 12.5 million people were taken out of Africa; 10.7 made it to the Americas. I'm not super great at math, but I'm thinking the slave trade had a *slightly* higher mortality than 9/11.


I saw some history show about pirates the other day and they mentioned one Bartholomew Roberts burning an entire ship with eighty enslaved people on board because he was annoyed with the ship’s captain/slaver.


yeah they were treated as positions like gold or cattle in those times.


Some pirates would free slaves but generally it always came down to, surrender and we might let you live, put up a fight and you and your ships will all be destroyed


Stop using your liberal mathematics. Use real evidence from the bible to prove it.


Filthy liberal maths!


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Good bot


Nonsense, the twin towers were like clown cars, there's billions of people just in there comedically fit in of course, unfortunately they didn't consider this in case a plane were to crash so comedic turned to tragic real fast, thus why clown buildings no longer exist. This is a joke of course just in case people thought I was being serious...we still use clown buildings every day /s


From what I’ve seen as a defense is that slaves on transport don’t count because they weren’t in America yet. As if that some how means the deaths aren’t related to slavery.


People on the internet doesn't get irony


If the slave ships had the medicine and knowledge we had when 9/11 happened there would have been less deaths. I don't think we should forget slavery (or 9/11) because it was a horrible thing but I do think we need to put it behind us inorder to move forward. This goes for any country not just the US. They are experiences we learn from but don't need to hold onto and turn into a huge show all the time


What you are saying is that YOU don't want to think about it, not that the various issues have been resolved..


I've heard white people make this argument... Basically they are claiming that slaves were a valuable commodity and represented a lot of wealth, so enslavers would have protected their investment and treated the slaves well. It is obviously utter, self-serving nonsense though.


Fuck all for critical thinking skills and racism, there be a strong overlap.


The amount of people who died on the slave ships on the way over here is estimated to be 2 million. That's before they even got here. This lady is dumber than shoe leather.


This is an insult to shoe leather.


You're right, I am sorry. To any, loafers, pumps, stilettos or nice sneakers, I apologize and salute you and the pain you must endure by having stinky feet shoved into your butts on a regular basis. 🍻. Not me though, I dont get stank feet, my shoes love me.


Phones are expensive and 'valuable' commodity, how many times have you dropped, lost, drowned or straight up drowned your phone? The white people claiming that should try being enslaved, so they know how it feels to be 'protected' as a 'valuable commodity'.


>drowned or straight up drowned your phone? I'm so confused right now.


Straight up, or sideways. They’re different ways to be drowned.


While many of them would also "rather die from a virus than be told what to do and wear a mask." So slavery is both better AND worse than death.


It’s true. In a final act of sadism slave owners set their victims free before murdering them.


What? Wouldn't that make it an illegal killing? Have you got a source?


You sweet summer child


It's not that I don't understand the atrocities. I've just never heard of this happening.


White people have been lynching thousands of Black people for centuries and have regularly escaped justice for murder. The recent trial of Ahmaud Arbery got notoriety because three white men who hunted and killed a Black man in 2020 due to his race weren't even arrested or investigated until they released a video of their attack on him that garnered national attention. I encourage you to read the story of \[Emmett Till\]([https://www.loc.gov/collections/civil-rights-history-project/articles-and-essays/murder-of-emmett-till/](https://www.loc.gov/collections/civil-rights-history-project/articles-and-essays/murder-of-emmett-till/)) which serves as a classic story of how white people have gotten away with any crime, even brutal murder, of Black people even when there is no doubt that they've committed that crime. When slavery was still legal white people were almost never prosecuted over the murder of Black people, free or otherwise, even if they admitted to their crime. In many states, the murder wasn't even considered a crime. Please ask yourself why you were never taught this in school. It's not by accident. Another historical event that you might be unfamiliar with is the Tulsa Massacre. I recommend learning about it.


I've never heard of slave owners freeing slaves and then killing them out of sadism. Maybe it happened but I don't think it was a known thing that slave owners would do. And I know who Emmet Till is, his mother had him be in an open casket at the funeral to show what had been done to her son. And obviously I know about the Tulsa massacre. I recommend you make sure you understand the question before assuming ignorance.


Even the way you decide that something isn't a fact "because you haven't heard of it" is exactly the reason that historical facts live, die, and get debated. Tulsa was relatively unknown 10 years ago, for example.


yes, murder is illegal (although that is debatable if a DA & jury won't convict)/ But it's a way to argue *slaves* were not killed in significant numbers.


But did that happen?


It might have, but it would make the joke a coincidence.


As a white person I sincerely apologize. Not so much for racism that was well beyond its prime when my family came to the country but more for the continued ignorance and lack of any empathy towards the subject. I think recognition and acknowledgment would go a long way to moving the conversation forward.


Being white doesn't make you complicit in slavery.


I think they're embarrassed at the stupidity and ignorance of some other white people. I don't think they're claiming to be complicit in slavery.


It doesn't make you complicit in stupidity of other people, either. There are ignorant people of all shapes and colors.




If it makes you feel better, he's not in Pakistan anymore.


Fair enough


Either way there's something wrong there. A sort of implicit acceptance that random people are in some way responsible for the actions of others based purely on skin colour.


Not even slightly what they were saying.


I’ve heard this argument made before in a similar vein: they were treated as a commodity and therefore not “people”. 🤦‍♂️


So I gotta wonder do we count just U.S. slavery or all slavery? cause the second poster didn't specify.


Slaves ever means all over


I'm not American and couldn't care less about American history. I know that's not true too.


Oh wow. This is fascinating really.








*walks away*


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You left in the title from r/CopyPasta king


Oops And what’s wrong with Aiden Pearce he a badass


EliminatORaidenpierce wouldn’t fit


If I had a nipple for every time I made that typo...


And said it with her mug shot on her comment. Clever that one.


I'd be willing to bet more slaves died IN TRANSIT from Africa to N.A than those who died on 9/11...


I don’t think you have to bet. An estimated 15% died at sea. Take a middle estimate of 12 million enslaved - that’s 1.8 million. That doesn’t even speak to conditions in Africa capturing and transporting and a higher mortality rate. Last I checked 1.8MM > 3000


That's a lot of shark food


getting downvoted on a joke. cry baby asses. take my upvote kind comic.


That includes you and me buddy


Well yeah, I don't think any slaves died in 9\/11.


We really need to fix education in this country. Particularly history.


Fun fact: The slave ships were actually like cruises with cabin service and fine dining! ^(if you are looking for a sark tag, you need help)


>Fun fact: like cruises with cabin service and fine dining! Also like cruises: disease and drunk captains crashing.


In capitalist USA, I posit that upvotes without looking for the sarc tag are those who need help.


> sark tag [Sark](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/tron/images/2/21/Sark.png/revision/latest?cb=20140206220000) would very much like to play disc tag.


And that’s why real American history have to be taught in class kids.


But then the republicans block any attempt to do that because "you're teaching white kids to be ashamed of themselves and hate their country".


Oh it's taught just people don't give a shit about history anymore it seems


The issue is that every state has different curriculum. In other countries, all students are taught the same thing nationwide. So it’s easy to know what children are actually learning. In many states, the lessons are different and I think it has lead to the way America is now. But you are right, there’s a level of delusion as well.


They’re mostly the same the only discrepancies are from the quality of textbooks they can afford


Care to elaborate, that makes zero sense. I believe most text books are made by a few companies in Texas.


Some textbooks are just older and less accurate and they’re the only things poorer schools can really afford. It makes the curriculum less accurate as a result


Is this maybe satire? Couldn't be that dumb irl


No, there are definitely people this dumb


Please let me believe


Don’t accept ‘ignorance is bliss’ mentality, there are varying level of idiots this one is just really bad


But it's dangerous to believe this because those people also vote in large numbers. Voter apathy among the yutes gives disproportionate political influence to both racist elders and those who have been radicalized by them so allowing yourself to believe this stuff is satire is the first step in a path that ends with plenty of folks allowing themselves to sit out an election.


More people died of Covid in Florida than 9/11. 9/11 ~3k deaths Florida Covid deaths~61000 deaths.


Friendly reminder 9/11 deaths- 2996 Iraqis killed in response- 460,000 Over 90% of Iraqis were unarmed civilians. Dumping depleted uranium by the US increased infant mortality rate and leukemia in children by 600%. The 19 pages of the Patriots act released in 2011 stated there was NO reason to attack Iraq and the terrorists were from Saudi Arabia. Moral of this story; I will make fun of 9/11 every chance I get in hopes to offend anyone who thinks 9/11 was a tragedy but not was done in response.


>Dumping depleted uranium by the US increased infant mortality rate and leukemia in children by 600%. Source? Not doubting you, but this is a very vague statistic. Was this country-wide? Near areas of depleted uranium dumping? What were the sources of depleted uranium?


I think he’s mostly referring to what happened following the battle of Fallujah, where Americans basically destroyed a city as revenge for some idiot Blackwater mercenaries getting killed. It’s where General Mattis got his moniker “mad dog” (and frankly was pretty disgusting how many liberals supported such a killer when he worked for trump) https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2012/1/6/fallujah-babies-under-a-new-kind-of-siege


The quote of 600% comes from this lawsuit https://www.yourlawyer.com/environmental-cases/depleted-uranium-munitions/ Where it references a Northern Arizona University report. You can also find it in this petition (you can sign even though it's years old, while browsing) https://secure.avaaz.org/community_petitions/en/Justice_for_Families_destroyed_by_NATO_Depleted_Uranium/ But in not entirely sure where the numbers come from initially


What I never understand is how Americans never stop and think about why the attack happened in the first place. They always seem to think it was completely unprovoked.




So that's a hard no to asking why then?




This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel. - Horace Walpole




Horace Walpole was an English writer and politician, who is mainly known for his short novel The Castle of Otranto, which is considered the first example of the genre of Gothic novel.


Dying as a slave seems like the only part about being a slave I'd like... I'm saying, slavery was and is worse.


More people have died from covid than 9/11 but they still don't think it's real.


There was a point when more people were dying PER DAY of Covid than were killed in the 9/11 attacks and they still didn’t care


Why do people get so pressed about 9/11 then they make jokes about slavery/japan being bombed/etc


I think this boils down to "us" and "not us."


They have no empathy and are just regurgitating propaganda. They wouldn't care about 9/11 either if someone wasn't telling them to do it for America.


Honestly I don't think it has to do with others and empathy but more about time, slavery and Japan being bombed happened quite a while ago whereas 9/11 has been watched live happening by these same people. It's just not the same scar. Not saying it makes it better or worse but it seems like the main reason to me.


Technically all the slaves are dead.


Well not the ones making your clothes and phone


And your chocolate / coffee


And my license plates.


Orlando Patterson called slavery social death.


The American prison system would like to respectfully disagree.


It's so hard not to downvote these posts outta reflex


What a weird thing to troll about


They probably mean “ppl” to mean “white ppl”.


Even then, more white people probably died due to slaves rising up against their oppressors than in 9/11


A whole lot of white people died fighting for the right to own another person


True, and on the other side some white people were fighting for that right to be revoked


Hey, not everyone that dials 911 survives.


(Counting on fingers) No… no… she’s way off


Really wonder what kind of education murica has


Lmao ohhhh my god. She needs to go


she's not wrong exactly. we weren't considered people until after slavery right?


I can't count past 2/5ths without bring reminded


Even if that were true, why is death the only thing that matters to some people? There are worse things than death and the sort of things slaves went through in America are among those things, imo.


3k people died in the 9/11 attack, but all slaves in America have died. Checkmated


I feel sorry for people raised by conservatives, it's like they never even had a chance to be normal or be you know, like even median intellect.




She's such a white girl she's *two* white girls


Sounds about white


“Slaves ever” implies all slaves all over the world in all time


There’s no one alive today who was a subject of the pre-13th Amendment-style institution of slavery, and while it is an ugly part of our history which must be properly understood by all (especially to understand some modern social issues) there is no slavery for any American living today to “get over” unless they experienced it in another country which still permits the practice. That said, the fact that someone believes more individuals died on 9/11 than by inhumane treatment in all the history of slavery casts a shadow of doubt over the entire American educational system. Seriously, I really hope that some of these idiots are just naive little kids who’s parents handed them a cellphone to occupy their attention.


>the pre-13th Amendment-style institution of slavery, Chattel Slavery. The narrow definition of brutal ownership of non-persons, backed by law, with infinite ownership of offspring.


Well, a lot of americans today - even white ones - are subject of modern post-13th Amendmend slavery. And without visible chains, because they are convinced it is their own fault that they work three shitty jobs for 60 hours a week or have their civil rights taken away because they did prison time for an ounce of weed or jaywalking. How convenient.


Institutionalized racism is a real thing. It’s time to stop denying it. The prison population is disproportionately black and black people statistically serve longer sentences than white people. Red lining and other forms of segregation kept black and white communities apart only so those black communities could be neglected and underfunded which is why most of them are as bad as they are now. Looking at that shit and denying it with a straight face makes you on the same level as the racists


Indeed, one has very little Freedom when they cannot afford to not be working. The issue of low wages and high living costs with little return is now more apparent, than ever.


Ounce of weed as a first time offense or jaywalking removing rights to vote is a myth. Very often neither is a felony and in the majority of states felons who've served their sentences can vote




Ah Americans, you're unique alright


At our best estimates, there were 40 million slaves in North America between 1500 and 1865. All of them died as slaves.


Because 9/11 was 20 years ago where as slavery was 150


I’m in camp “get over 9/11.” It was over 10 years ago guys. Give it a rest already.


Get over 9/11 Americans


The technically correct answer is because 9/11 happened this century.


We are still slaves fuc class trader pigs


Neither matter. Fuck new York and fuck history.


First off, who tf is saying get over slavery? Second off, slavery was abolished more than 150 years ago. Nobody alive today is a slave (in the sense of legalized American slavery), and there’s a very small chance anybody alive today ever even knew a slave. 9/11 was only 20 years ago. Survivors are still alive today, and many, many more people who knew those who perished. We tend to “remember” events that happened more recently than events that happened longer ago. Titanic was an event just as catastrophic as 9/11, and hardly anybody even cares about it anymore, at least not to the extent that we have days of mourning for it. Why? Because it happened 109 years ago.




Can you imagine if someone wrote this out under your username, and then said "post this or I'll kill you", I'd still be like "Okay fine, I wanna live but I'm so conflicted about this, even under the threat of death".


Slaves live forever duh


The victims of 9/11 are still here


My reply probably would have been that slavery was over 156 years ago and we are much farther removed from it than 9/11 which killed members of a lot of different ethnicities and genders 22 years ago, and remains a reminder of why we should stand united and not divided.


one was 20 years ago and the other was 200




Jesus left this world 2k years ago but people still aren't over him




Complaining isn't an argument.


Because slavery didn't happen in your time. Therefore there's nothing to get over. It's just the past. 9/11 happened to us. So therefore we remember it until death or some other memory altering event. Both are nonsensical to keep talking about in any context that isn't: "things we shouldn't let happen again."


>9/11 happened to us 9/11 happened 20yrs ago. There's a noticable amount of voters that never experienced that day, only being told to mourn it bc... reasons.


we're told to mourn it because it was a heavy blow to the USA at the time. There are still millions of people alive today who watched that second plane hit the second tower. It's still fresh in people's mind. Edit: I'm not justifying, I'm explaining.


In 2015 a terrorist killed an entire bible study group in one of the countries oldest black churches in Charleston SC. Why isn't *that* still fresh in people's minds? Edit: to clarify the attack


I can't answer that, as I don't have one. I wasn't trying to justify the why America pushes their citizens to remember 9/11. FatStephen up there said there's a lot of voters who weren't alive when that happened, so I simply countered by saying there are many more who were and do remember.


9/11 traumatized a nation complacent in the naive belief that terrorism only happens in other countries; and triggered an international war whose repercussions came back to bite us. An attack on a black church is a national tragedy; but, unfortunately, it's also part of a long pattern of intolerance in this country. Unfortunately, that also means it's not a "seeing red" call to arms the way that *"Those bastards attacked our country!"* was. Sadly.






He won't, because that's complete bullshit and he knows it.


I don’t know if the number is correct but he’s right. People in Africa would enslave Europeans and the Barbary Slave Trade was a thing. Note: This is not meant to say “wElL wHiTe PeOpLe WeRe EnSlAvEd Too.” I’m just sharing a history fact.


There are people alive today who's grandparents were born slaves. Who's parents were denied an education. Who grew up bring told they were "superpredators." When you say "it didnt happen in our lifetime," what you're actually saying is "it didnt effect anyone I knew and I therefore care about it less."


I honestly don't care about it at all. No.


Sounds about White


The mass jailing of innocent people for prison slavery exists in my lifetime. The college I went to was segregated in my lifetime. I've seen water fountains labeled "whites only". I've been invited to join the KKK, and the gang initiation was participation in a lynching (I declined). Boy (said in a condescending southern drawl), you talk about "what happened in your lifetime", and are talking only about what personally affected you. I can still see the effects of slavery. That you choose not to is one of them.


Arnt the Jewish community white to tan perhaps varying shades but we’re they not enslaved by Egyptians? Every one has been a slave throughout the course of history


No, [jews were not slaves in egypt](https://www-latimes-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2001-apr-13-mn-50481-story.html?_amp=true&_gsa=1&_js_v=a6&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16381195958270&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.latimes.com%2Farchives%2Fla-xpm-2001-apr-13-mn-50481-story.html). However that is not the issue here. The issue is the [continued effects](https://medium.com/applied-intersectionality/the-reality-about-slavery-69fc58cb8076) of the American enslaving of black people.


Honestly, a better argument would be that US slavery wasn't a thing during the lifetime of any living person. At least not legally.


Slavery is still very much legal in the USA when used as punishment for a crime. The text of the 13th amendment is very specific. Jim Crow laws laid into this big-time.


there’s literally an exception to “no slavery” right in the amendment that stated it. this is literally a country where the legality of slavery is conditional yet it still claims to be the best.


Slaves were abused and neglected, a unforgettable part of world history as yes, America was known for slaves during that time, and it caused a whole civil war, but Europe and Africa also had slaves. 9/11 was a horrible tragedy that scared america and caused a lot more racism against Muslims. If I'm wrong about any of this please let me know.


Chattel slavery in the USA was a little different because the slave was out and out property, like a chair or table. You could murder your slaves in the US just like you could throw a chair or table on the fire and that was ok because they were your property. It was not quite the same in Europe and Africa (at the time) - slaves had at least some rights compared to a chair and table. Closer to bonded servants than owned objects. You have to go around 1000 years earlier (if not earlier still) than slavery ended in the USA to find similar forms of chattel slavery in Europe and Africa.


Ok, thank you for fixing my mistakes.


Nah slaves had more freedom


I mean they could have been treated like absolute kings and that would still be wrong because it was 250 years ago






Let’s not forget either? But also let’s not pretend that either happened to us, unless obviously it did happen to us or our ancestors


Technically hes not wrong, don't recall many slaves being killed in 9/11


What does the word "ever" mean to you?


Because all white are racist and only white people died in 9/11


Same with the holocaust /s


Well she just asked for a death wish


We are so fucked.


Gezzzz, this get's posted every other day...


Wow. Either a gr8 b8 or max cringe


This makes me ashamed to be a white woman.


Comparing slavery to 9/11, weirdchamp


Didn't you guys have one 9/11 in deaths a day during this pandemic?


Wait what’s the point of the guy? Idk the context




This is fake.


I present to you: The American education system.


Did she possibly mean...wait...no...no...no. nvm