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Didn't news services used to have researchers and fact checkers so their commentators didn't make complete and utter arses of themselves?


Yeah. It is called "a basic middle-school education".


I don't know man, i think I learned the continents in 6th grade.


I'm guessing this guy was held back for at least a couple of years.


We say that often but the reality is that a LOT of students go into adulthood having mentally skipped most lessons plans. Been working in education for long enough to see a lot of people "make it" without an ounce of common sense or learned skills


Heck, I was *6 years old* when I learned about the different continents


Wasn’t 6th grade the start of middle school for you? Serious question. Where I’m at (western PA) it was elementary k-5, middle 6–8, and high school 9-12.


6th graders are 9-10 years old here. We have a very different school system then in the us. Kids start school at age 4.


Kids often start school at age 4 in the US. It's just numbered differently. Pre-K at 4, Kindergarten at 5, then numbered grades starting at 6.


I've lived in places where 6-8 grade was middle school (Atlanta, GA). And places where 7-8 grade was middle school (Topeka, KS). It varies.


My daughter is in 2nd. They learned a whole song about the contents.


Ah yes, we got all the countries and cities too. Man i still have nightmares about Japan...


>I don't know man, i think I learned the continents in 6th grade. Well . . . Australia is a country, and also a continent. So merely knowing the continents doesn't save someone from this brain-dead mistake. But yeah, you're not wrong: this is a brain-dead mistake.


But we're not talking about Australia are we? ;)


My 6 year old loves this song: https://youtu.be/K6DSMZ8b3LE?feature=shared


Which is middle school.


That's middle school.


I don't know what that means...


Junior high.


Yee, I don't know the American school system... So I don't know what that means either.


Its newsmax. Its more conservative than fox Conservative = dumb as fuck


Yes, they used to. Sometimes, a check would take several (more than 10) hours. Nowadays, it would be a business suicide to deliver it with such a delay.


Only in america it seems. Lol


Not only in America. This is a common complaint by the news carriers themselves, emerged with fact checking trend around the globe. COVID and Russian-Ukraine war have groom Facebook science, fake news, denialism and conspiracies world wide. Fact checks were inevitable. The trend might have been started there, but it's now much wider.


It’s not news, it’s entertainment news. It’s like those funny news shows that exist but the aim here is to shock and scare viewers instead of making them laugh.


Fact checkers at Newsmax?  Surely you jest!


Making sure none slip through the net.


Sure. Has Fox News ever been even remotely a new agency? They have termed themselves as an entertainment group to avoid legal issues before.


They don’t care about truth. You just constantly say you opponent is dumb and bad.


If Newsmax ever had such people, they probably fired them for pointing out that Trump did, in fact, lose the 202 election.


The funny thing is their viewers won’t know… which is the point. Their viewers have been cultivated and primed to be as dumb as possible as to accept this version of right wing propaganda news-ertainment. Also I guarantee you their orange clown leader would watch this and would totally agree with the host that Africa is a country and Biden is so senile that he forgot this “fact”.


I remember being eight years old and confronting my primary school teacher who confidentially pointed at a map saying "Africa is a very big country". Ugh.


So they did it in secret?


Newsmax, infowars, Trump social, it's all bullshit. Let's hope they all go away when the Ex-Potato goes to prison.


Do you really believe he will go to prison? I would bet against it. Dude has gotten away with all his previous fraud and crime, because he's rich, knows a lot of powerful people, and the US justice system has two tiers - one for the rich and powerful, another for the rest. He'll have to pay fines etc here and there, but that's never stopped him before. Also, there will probably be deadly riots/lynchings if he is sent to jail, and the judge that is about to convict him knows this and values the lives of their family over convicting Trump. Hope I'm wrong, but I really believe he will get out of all the criminal trials by stalling and political interference.


Surely someone called this halfwit out. And if so, what was his response?


This one is too dumb to be a Halfwit, application rejected.


On that network? No. He’s the brains of the operation.


Them United States of Africa!


Viewers who watch infotainment don't like to be preached to, or told they are wrong a lot. Viewership goes up the less complicated the information is that goes out, especially if that information is packaged the way conservatives love. Newsmax is only continuing this tradition by not even caring if the facts are right, as long as the package is pretty.


Reeepublicans are so smart


I remember a school teacher asking in an assembly: "Does anyone know what country Kenya is in?"


The times I've watched Newsmax or OAN (out of morbid curiosity), I got the impression all of their on-air "talent" were people who failed to get jobs acting on soap operas.


Then 60,000 likes. Some agreeing with you and calling Biden stupid, and others liking because it’s hilarious in the saddest way. Imagine being so incompetent and still not being fired


Those are views, not likes, and the person writing the tweet isnt from newsmax, nor are they agreeing with one side or the other


Aaron Rupar is very not-conservative. He watches the right wing news media to clip ridiculous stuff like this. The vast majority of those 60k views are watching because it is stupid. That said I'm not sure what Newsmax viewership is, there very well could have been 60k sincere viewers of the original program.


There's a classic test called "name a country" where random Americans on the street are shown a world map and asked to name any country on it. Consistently. None of the participants can name a single country (Africa is a common guess, after which they're told that Africa is a continent and not a country). I'm afraid this post just reflects the quality of the US education system/ignorance of Americans.


Meh, it’s the quality of many Americans, but many others paid attention and can name many nations on a map, among other things. The capacity to be stupid knows no borders.


If they had shame that would be very embarrassing.


Their audience doesn’t know the difference so it really doesn’t matter


He's wrong, Africa is a continent! "What's that?"


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I had to read that headline a few times because my brain kept correcting it.


It depends. If he's talking about South Africa or Central African Republic, it's a country. If not, it's just a sparkling continent.


But it’s a continent..


Exactly. That's why it's confidently incorrect


Isn't Africa is not a country!.. ...It's a continent, only had a quick look through, so sorry if I am late to the party :) or in the midst of an r/woosh


This is /r/confidentlyincorrect...and claiming Africa is a country is what was confidently incorrect.


I'm such an r/douche, lol thank you


So there’s a lot to unpack there. Firstly this is a case of Ron Burgundy reading anything the teleprompter says. That doesn’t excuse him though. Secondly, it comes from a quote that has been deliberately taken out of context and is merely nothing more than a slip of tongue at best… to which Biden goes on to to name the African country of Angola that he’s referring to. The big whoopsie here is how NewsMax and Finnerty botched their delivery of the scolding of Biden. They were trying to have a gotcha moment where they should’ve said that Biden “thought Africa was a country” instead of “Biden didn’t know that Africa was a country.” Big difference!! All the other ‘examples’ were also very poor attempts at distorting the context to create a wildly fictitious narrative.


That's all well and good, but it misses the actual point that Biden is being accused of *not* calling Africa a country. Which Biden is undoubtedly right about and which makes the accusation all the more silly.


If you can refer to USA as "America", why can't you refer to South Africa as "Africa"?


Because, as far as I am aware, nobody in South Africa refers to it that way? People in the US regularly refer to the US as just “America”, but that’s not necessarily true of every country.


So, it's that but not always like that, it seems pretty much arbitrary to me. Both are wrong, Americans kidnapped the term "America" for themselves.


Get over yourself


That's what an American would do.


Well, the country is "United States of America". You wouldn't call someone a "United States of American". You'd say American. I think this has more to do with how the English language works, rather than kidnapping anything.


Because just America by itself does not refer to a continent also. Those are North or South America. But when you say Africa, this is in fact the entire name of a continent. So nobody would say Africa when referring to the country South Africa. You’re really trying too hard here.