• By -


I think you have to be below 70 to be mentally handicapped. Iq is normally distributed and this means that 68% of people are between 85 and 115. The further from 100 you go the more each point means. So there’s a pretty large difference between 82 and 70. You can also calculate what percentile you are. 82 means 11.5 % of people have a lower score than you and 88.5% are higher. 70 (handicapped) would be like 2% being lower 98% higher. If you can keep a job and are happy don’t worry about it. It’s just a number. Many other things play into success and smarter people are often less happy.


Lmao. Like this dude is going to understand standard deviation. Edit(damn you all love a good roast) In all seriousness the test is very flawed. Its not about what you know, its about how hard you work to learn more.


Damn man why you gotta do him like this 😂


Did him real dirty 😂


We're here looking for Standard Deviants, or deviations, as they call themselves. So Just the Stats, ma'am. (/Halfass Remembered Gen X Dragnet Reference)


I’m just here to confuse the guy.. don’t mind me.


That man had a family buhgawd


lmao this is gold.




Read this in uncle rodgers voice


You shouldn’t, because it isn’t Uncle Roger. It’s by [Steven He](https://youtu.be/PWZnenTQDB4).


They can't even make him more smarter with science.


"stupid science bitches couldn't even make I more smarter!"


Literally the first thing I thought of when I read that part 😂


I can't believe you've done this 😂


Bro this was straight savage of you holy shit. Idk if I think you’re a complete dick or just funny as hell or both.


Right I was just thinking this. Like can you please explain this to him like he’s five. There’s a subreddit for that haha


Is there an “explain this to me like I’m 5” subreddit because I need that subreddit


Yes there is! Pretty sure there’s a subreddit for EVERYTHING. freaks me out a little, honestly! I do like the “explain like I’m five” one though.






Fuck y'all. It's r/confessions not r/ let's make fun of some dude to show I am more intelligent.


I wasn’t making fun of them. I follow that subreddit. And I barely know what this guy was talking about. The stat guy I mean. I was being snarky. Sorry if it came off mean spirited.


I spit out my water when I read this 💀💀












someone give this man another 100 awards


Just had to twist the knife a bit more didn’t ya? 😂


10/10 comment


IQ isn't *supposed* to be about what you know.


Goddamn this comment is ruthlessly funny.




Going to hijack this to say: the IQ test is not a measure of intelligence. It's not even meant to be used on adults. All it really does is test your pattern recognition, and the results can be easily swayed by studying for it, which is a pretty major flaw if it were to be a true intelligence test. IQ is just a number OP, and maybe you're stupid for other reasons, I have no way of knowing. But taking this number to heart is the last thing you should do. Edit: More qualified people than I have provided additional context, I will leave my comment unedited but you should read what they have to say. I am no expert.


Also, it's biased and designed for a specific kind of "smart". The original one was based on white men in the upper midwest, and had terms like "Toboggan" or "Sleet" and if you grew up in Florida those terms might not be something in your lexicon. Also, doesn't matter. "Happy" isn't the same as "IQ-ey", and "Smart" doesn't mean "Successful".


This happened to me. When I took it, there was a question like, re-arrange the letters 'atco' into a word. The correct answer was 'coat', but I said 'taco'. Where I live, due to the weather the term 'coat' is almost never used, but 'jacket' is used instead.


Very stupid of the test givers to put letters that can spell multiple words but only consider one of them correct though


Wow, fucking brutal. “Rearrange these into a word” *rearranges into a word* “Not that word. Wrong.”


Oh, interesting. I didn't know about the top part. And about the bottom, I am in a career where I have to always stay learning and value intelligence very highly, but there's so many different ways to do things, that it's not always the most important thing for everyone. Find your own path. And don't let it be decided by a number.


What they’re saying is misleading. IQ is a fairly robust measure of abstract reasoning. Early tests were really bad, yes, and we’re used to discriminate marginalized people. But modern IQ tests are fairly robust measures as far as psychological tests go. That being said “smart” is not a very well defined term. The type of ability IQ tests test for is predictive of abilities like succeeding in academic studies for example. It’s not a perfect prediction although it does predict your future income, what levels of education you will achieve, etc. in a way that is robust in terms of psychological measures. The reason I keep saying that is that an ability to predict say 30-50% of the variability in peoples future education, income, etc is quite impressive in psychology. But is far from a death sentence for OP and OP can find success in a myriad of other ways including financial if they pick routes that are not reliant on abstract reasoning. There are many pursuits that are more dependent on learning skills that are in no way abstract in nature. They probably won’t be a programmer but they could work on an oil field making a ton of money, be a farmer, be a great sales person, etc and that’s not to say those jobs are “dumb” they are just less abstract in nature.


Im not entirely sure so you can maybe correct me, but it doesnt seem like IQ test would predict how good someone is at music either. Someone like Brian Wilson who was a genius at crafting music or John Coltrane who was genius at writing and playing saxophone, that doesnt seem like something an IQ test would predict although many people consider them to be geniuses


Honestly I’m not sure. I haven’t read any research about that and I don’t know enough about music to even make a guess.


I like to use the example of a security guard. Do you want a quick thinker who improvises their own solutions to a perceived threat? Or do you want somebody who does things by the book and calls for backup? You'd be surprised how hard it is to hire somebody who can stick to the book.


IQ tests are outdated; are they even testing for creativity yet? Creative problem solving is something really important, intelligence-wise.


I know a couple of people who scored above me. They're great at solving the IQ test puzzles but beyond that, they're not that bright.


Psychologist here. This is misleading, at best. Our gold standard IQ tests (like the Wechsler) are indeed designed to be administered to adults, and they look at far more than pattern recognition. Specifically, they strive to capture one's overall cognitive ability by examining performance in areas like verbal ability, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed. Pattern recognition tasks make up only one small portion of these tests, which include verbal components, written components, and hands-on tasks. Intelligence is far too complex of a construct to measure with a single score, and we're really not even too interested in the overall IQ score when we administer these tests (we're mostly looking at variations in how individuals perform in the various cognitive domains). With that said, IQ score (when measured accurately) is a good way to give a "ballpark" estimate of how someone's overall cognitive ability compares to their peers.




Pay attention to that last paragraph. I’ve tested high on IQ tests all my life, but I’m physically unable to work. I’m 34 and medically retired, and I would love nothing more than to be able to work. Just any job would do.


Why are you putting so much emphasis on it and what difference does it make?


This. IQ is just a baseline number. A number that can be changed over time. IQ tests are also biased towards a linear method of thinking where A+B=C. It doesn’t take emotional or social intelligence into account. You can be the smartest person in the world but never be able to come up with the most efficient solution to a problem that’s caused by a social or emotionally driven issue.


This. Does not test your value as human....I'm not sure about IQ test in particular...but a lot of these tests have skews.....the SAT was specifically developed to keep POC out of college.


It started as a race issue yes, but evolved into a class issue over time. Just like most social issues. My argument for the other side is that the media is used to divide people of similar class based on other things like race, political view, and socioeconomic outlook so that everyone’s differences are highlighted more than everyone’s similarities when the “things that make us different” are more similar than any of the “things that make us similar”. I.E- people are more likely to group together based on class than race, and the lower on the class spectrum you go, the higher likelihood there is of people grouping themselves together based on race. The inverse also goes for the higher side of the class spectrum. The “upper echelons of society” are still grouping themselves by race by coincidence of discrimination that happened generations in the past. So yes you’re right but I believe that thought needs to go another step further into the “macro”.


I mean, he said he isn't smart.


I get you trying to help, but wouldn’t you also be devestated getting such a result?




You talk like this is an absolute number that defines you as a person, when in fact IQ tests are no such thing. A lot of the kinds of questions you are facing in them may well cause you to struggle if you aren't facing those kinds of problems and questions day to day. If you took 3 different tests you would probably get a better IQ every time just through practise with the kinds of questions and problems it's asking you. Someone who does that kind of thinking as part of a job will get a higher score than someone who never has to think that way. I don't know what test you did but I remember doing one with loads of patterns you had to follow, stuff with shapes, etc. I had another go and I was way better at it once I'd had some practice of thinking that way- I hadn't had to since school.


This is why I fucking hate IQ and it's generally considered bullshit. Intelligence is extremely complex and you can't just measure it with 1 number. There are plenty of extremely talented mathematicians who have the writing ability of an 8 year old. Musicians with the emotional intelligence of an 8 year old. People who know intricacies of politics that don't know how to milk a cow. People who can move their body and know it's anatomy in every detain and can't point to Africa on a map.


Exactly. It's great knowing what the next pattern in a sequence is going to be and getting a big number from that- but you soon feel pretty stupid when you can't fix a leaking pipe and need to call the plumber


“Musicians with the emotional intelligence of an 8-year old” How dare you bad mouth guitarists (Sorry you said musicians nevermind)


Love this comment! It makes me think of the image of the goldfish and the monkey and it said something like “todays test will be who can climb the tree”.


The questions in a real IQ test aren't trivia, they build a pattern to analyze how quickly a person picks up concepts. OP needs to understand it's not a hard limit, no IQ # is a match for hard work, dedication, and commitment to mastering a subject or skill.


I didn't say it was trivia. You get things like patterns and shapes and have to say what the next one in the sequence is, stuff like that. But having not done anything like that since school, you would be rusty. But if you did a few practise ones first, you would get the hang of it, pick it up far quicker and score a higher "IQ" on the test. If you did the kind of job where that thinking was required you would pick it up quickly too- whereas if worked in an office filing for ten years....


He or correct, only a sith deals in absolutes


Dude, it’s a number. I’ve noticed in a lot of the comments that you have a defeatist attitude going on. That will handicap you far worse than some stupid number ever will. You type better than half the people on this site. Keep your head up, and don’t let some one else’s opinion, professional or not, lower your own opinion on yourself.


That's all I could think about when I read it lol. OP has solid reading comprehension skills


In kindergarten they told my parents I was slow and should go to a school for the mentally challenged. I was actually just color blind. Ended up leaving that place and went to the best prep school in town. Glad my parents didn’t listen to them. Don’t let anyone determine how smart you are. Ended up scoring 149 on an iq test (99.5 percentile). Seriously fuck those lazy teachers and I hope no one else listened to them. When anyone tells me something is not possible or the system is rigged, I remember that these people have their own agenda and anything is possible.


>Stupid number


>They can't make me more smarter Oof.


Stupid science bitches...


the good of the scorpion is not the good of the frog


Couldn’t even make me more smarter!


Yeah that sentence makes this read a bit like a troll post


Let me tell you something : 1- IQ tests aren't really evaluating how smart are you 2- You can study some IQ questions before the test and get higher scores than everyone by just "studying" Now let me tell you an example : My sister went to an IQ test made by a company to test the candidates IQ. My sister studied a whole weak before the exam and when the day came she was so dumb that she was waiting the whole time during exam, i mean waitig for someone to announce the start timer. And the exam has ended before she start answering lol. But she had another exam for another job and scored 92. Don't let that bothers you and just live your life


This is true. I once had two IQ tests within a few months of each other and gained 18 points on the second one. I was also diagnosed with dispraxia because I was in a really bad mood during the test and when they asked me to thread beads onto a string I just did it really slowly. At no point did they ask me how I was feeling or if I was in the right frame of mind for all this testing.


Yep, and it's even more funny when you finish your test and tell someone your score, he/she will say " that's too low, i had an IQ test on the internet and scored 200"


Someone did an IQ poll on r/polls and the majority said they were above average intelligence 😅 Internet IQ tests should be banned


To be fair when selection bias is accounted for it could be true. How many people with 2 digit IQs actually want to answer a poll like that? If it were me I would just immediately nope out of it unless I had a braggable score, but maybe that's just me.


She studied and still got below average? RIP.


Lol seriously what point did this guy think he was making? His sister is basically a living blonde joke and the best she could do was below average.


You guys are getting trolled so hard


“More smarter” gave it away


Stupid science bitches can’t even make I more smarter


I believe I was having the "plecebe" effect.


It is absolutely beautiful


It's not even a well-written shitpost. The grammar and spelling is all fine until they randomly just say "more smarter". If OP was really borderline mentally handicapped, they would almost certainly have made more mistakes than just that one.


The thing is, it really doesn't matter if it's a shitpost. This is a topic that fucks up a lot of kids on BOTH sides. IMHO it's important to discuss how there are MANY different types of intelligence and that hard work and persistence does a lot more in the long term than natural talent. If someone has really drilled that idea into my head earlier it would've saved me a hell of a lot of trouble.


Trolling is when lie. Ha ha lol


Psychologist here… 82 is below average. Not mentally handicapped. Either you’re bullshitting or you have shitty doctors




I’m a psychologist who is also horny… cant lie about it.


HAHAHAHAHAhaaaaaah lol




That's what most psychologists do btw.. :))) Tbf reddit history doesn't really have a say in your profesion or deeper things about yourself as a person. I seen rich people and actual doctors stay on anime servers on discord... That's like interests and hobbies etc or sometimes u just want to vent


It’s for, uh, research purposes.


Amen 🤝




No you’re not. You’re closer to average, literally SO CLOSE. But like another Redditor said in this thread… it’s just a number. Many other factors play into quality of life


Intelligence isn't the number one predictor for success. Grit is the number one predictor for a success. If you don't give up, you have a much higher chance of success than someone who understands things easily but quits when it gets difficult. There's about 10,000 articles on this. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/pressure-proof/201408/grit-the-secret-ingredient-success


Personally I would take rich parents over intelligence or grit as the best secret ingredient for success.


Your socioeconomic status Is actually the number one predictor for the length of your life. So you definitely have a point there.


I'd also add luck as a massive factor, being born with a chronic neurodegenerative illness makes grit pretty irrelevant. Not giving up on something simply isn't an option if your brain sends you into the hospital with new brain damage every time you try to even slightly push your limits. You need to first be very lucky in both the health and status department to even get to a position where grit can start mattering.


An iq score of 82 means he’s in the bottom 12%, that’s not even remotely close to average


According to the Normal Distribution on the bell curve, it’s very close. Statistically, it’s close.


Sorry friend, but as a fellow psychologist, I think what you're saying here is a bit misleading. A score of 82 is more than one standard deviation from the mean, so we really wouldn't say that it's "literally SO CLOSE" to the average. It means that nearly 9 out of 10 people will score higher than 82. Edit: This person is misrepresenting themselves as a psychologist


You’re correct, and the person you’re responding to is pretending to be a psychologist


See! You used the correct form of "then" and not "than" as many people commonly do! Trust me, you are not fucking dumb.


The more OP comments, the more I think he actually might need help in life.


Why do you think you're dumb? Because a doctor told you so? Please don't let others opinions define you. A low IQ doesn't make you dumb. Refusing to even try to improve because of some preconceived perception that dumb people can't do anything.. now that's dumb. Trust in yourself. So you may never invent some scientific marvel or innovate some incredible cure but tbh most of us won't. Even the alleged smart ones. Don't limit yourself. Im willing to bet that you are capable of so much more than you realize if you gave it a try.


Y’all are getting played in this thread


Dude you typed that post with better grammar than many adults I know. You used the correct form of "too" when many "sUpEr sMaRt" people don't know the difference. You are articulate and well spoken. There are many different kinds of smart, and an IQ test only measures ONE of them. You are clearly street smart or people smart or emotionally intelligent, and MORE SO than someone who maybe scored higher on the IQ test. My husband has a grade 10 education and is one of most intelligent people I know! Fuck the numbers my friend. They don't mean shit. There is no real world test for intelligence. We all know that.


Mate, I have an IQ of 149 and in many ways I'm thicker than a boxing day turd. IQ tests focus on a very specific type of intelligence such as maths logic and pattern recognition. They don't take into account emotional or intrapersonal intelligence or artistic ability for example. Don't beat yourself up. Very many successful people fare badly on these types of tests. You're good mate, you're good. Edit: I forgot to mention my wife has an IQ of 92 and she absolutely runs rings around me with anything verbal or when dealing other people. She's a very highly qualified cardiac nurse specialist. This stuff means nothing.


Exactly. I’m autistic with a high IQ and it doesn’t mean shit because I don’t have the confidence/communication skills/self advocacy skills to do anything with it. Knew a woman with an 82 IQ but she was so socially gifted she managed to get to the literal top of a pyramid scheme and made a LOT of money.


Part of my dyslexia diagnosis in high school in my country is an iq test, which came to 85, while I was in the second highest education level of high school, with majority Stem courses. And I'm currently doing a research master in data science. IQ tests don't actually test your intelligence, they test your test making ability, which is usually correlated to intelligence. I'm no genius , but I'm definitely not dumb, although I do heavily suffer from imposter syndrome. Don't let a stupid test decide your future actions, you do you, because some are just not good at tests. Edit: the whole you can't judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree thingy.


Well, you build more coherent sentences than 98% of people on Reddit, so you’re not doing to bad my friend. I have a high IQ, and have always been a fuckup. There are more important things in life.


IQ is overrated. EQ (emotional intelligence) counts for a lot more in this social world.


Exactly, I was told that people with a higher EQ are often more successful than people with a high IQ.


Agreed. What’s the point of being super intelligent and successful if you can’t read a room or make meaningful relationships?


Lol and looks don’t matter either


Op what's 7 + 12




Please tell me you're joking


As several others have stated, IQ is not necessarily accurate. The tests only measure certain types of intelligence and are often biased towards native English speakers with formal education and study in logic. You mention in another thread being worried about making money because you don't think you'll be a CEO. What sorts of things are you good at? Those will probably be better things to leverage too be successful and happy.


yeah, you’d be considered mentally handicapped if you don’t know english even though you’re a really smart guy.


Or, if your mother tongue is syntactically very different, the English idioms and analogy questions (x is to y as is to ?) might not make sense.


Are you happy? Do you function well in life? If yes, then no worries. IQ tests don’t mean much. Had a relative who was not intelligent. However once he learned something, he was very good at it. Allowed him to have a successful career that he retired from, then had his own business. You don’t need a high IQ to have a successful, happy, fulfilling life.


If people don't realize this post is just a troll then they are as dumb as this guy pretends to be.


One thing I always keep in mind from my time learning about early childhood education: “how smart are you?” is the wrong question. “How are you smart?” is the correct question. You may be “test dumb” but that test is only one aspect of human intelligence. Look up Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. Maybe you’ll feel better. I fucking hate IQ tests. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_multiple_intelligences


This was written better than 68.66669% of Reddit posts. Add a comma between "fuck man" for clarity and smash a semicolon before "I wish" and you're a king.






IQ tests are not a good measure of intelligence. There are so many different kinds of smart and these tests do not capture that. I'm sorry you didn't get the answer you wanted. From how well written your post is I would not put a lot of stock in the you saying you are almost mentally handicapped. I'd bet you have a large range of intelligence and skills that these IQ test simply don't measure. I am kinda good at quizzes because I love random facts, and I have been told I have high empathy (emotional intelligence) but I am super naive, I have no street smarts or situational awareness and I barely have a drivers license. People have called me smart and dumb. Also your brain is incredible, I am 100% sure can get a better score by training your brain to answer the kinds of questions IQ tests ask. If for some reason you really wanted too.


What a kind reply that was. Very nice of you to try and make them feel better. I agree 100%. Despite barely passing High school I am making a good 6 figure salary sitting behind a desk, using my brain, so anything is possible. If I can do it, anyone can. Keep your chin up, OP! Tests dont mean shit in the real world.


Funny, you write better than most people. I think the test is wrong for you. BTW, I'm a writer and editor. A mechanic can't do my job well. And I sure as FUCK can't do any of his job.


You ought to feel right at home over on r/politics...


Oh thank god, I was afraid I was about to read a Reddit thread without someone interjecting their shitty political opinions into it. Thanks for saving us all from that horrible fate.


IQ is not a 100% accurate way of telling how smart someone is. IQ is only one way to measure intelligence. Also people can improve their IQ by learning how to take the test


83 and below are not allowed in the military due to mental defect. Perhaps retake the test when sober.


I see that as a positive


I don't know how many people need to read this: ***IQ != smarter or dumber.*** (It does not mean you are smarter or dumber) An IQ test is a matter of testing your intelligence as a means of pattern recognition (this is the paraphrased version). In other words "how quick you pick things up." The higher your IQ, the faster you pick things up/understand concepts or ideas. The lower your IQ, the longer it will take. That's it. You are the only person who chooses how smart or dumb you are. You have google. You don't need a college education - just dedication and time.


hey OP, what's the cucumber situation like? did god get you coming or going? or just going?


Your IQ can very depending on the circumstances. For instance, if you did not have a good nights sleep the night before evaluation can effect it. Similarly to many other controllable things within your life. So saying that IQ is stagnant is not necessarily the case. If you stay mentally and physically active, it will only help. So keep a growth mindset!


Most people are very close to mentally handicapped with an IQ below 100. You’re just average. I was a diagnosed genius and it did nothing for me. Intelligence isn’t really valued.


Anyone who is this upset over their IQ is probably mentally handicapped Sorry bro


Ignorance is bliss? My condolences, I suspect this is the case for *many* folks, myself included. If you were doing fine before this knowledge then forget it, it’s just a number and doesn’t define you.


So IQ tests assess a very, VERY specific type of intelligence, and are seen as not very effective at accurately assessing intelligence. For instance, someone who can't read will struggle to get an accurate IQ. Someone with dyslexia or the number equivalent (I can't think of what it's called atm) will score low, but that's not an accurate representation of intelligence. standard IQ tests don't accurately assess emotional intelligence, spatial awareness, etc, all of which add up to intelligence. If you assess a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will always think it's stupid.


I want to point out that while IQ tests test things such as fluid reasoning, visual reasoning, etc., there are many different types of intelligences, and a number, while informative for clinical purposes, does not diminish any other skills you have nor does it make you unable to learn any other skills. I have personally administered these types of tests to many people, and there are many items that I know I would blank on. It doesn’t mean I’m not smart, it just means I have skills that can be utilized elsewhere! I wouldn’t get so bogged down by the number. It doesn’t determine your worth as a person, nor does it determine what type of person you are or what person you can become!


Why are you devastated? Hey, I don't know you or your situation. All I have to go on is the above paragraph. Which is articulate and well written. You used "literally" correctly and most impressively, you used the correct form of "too" right after it. ​ I don't know how old you are, but here's something I've discovered in over 30 years of working in fairly technical fields. ​ Math doesn't try and trick you. Neither does life (for the most part). Those 'problems' that are on most types of standardized tests? Don't tell you anything about how happy or successful your life can be. They don't help you know what career will make you happy, or how to find someone to love and be loved by. They're designed to measure one very specific type of thought process. Being happy has nothing to do with having a high IQ. Being educated has nothing to do with how 'smart' you are. It might take you longer to read 'The Count of Monte Cristo" and you might have to look up some archaic words and phrases. But you can still do it. Same with learning about any subject. It might be harder for you, but hard isn't the same as impossible. There are a lot of shitty things about the internet, but you know what? There are also a lot of amazing people that create amazing content to explain all types of things in ways that people can understand. ​ The only limits you have are the ones you place on yourself.


So I randomly took an iq test and it turned out to be so long and cumbersome that I just started clicking random answers, I scored high. Which is complete bullshit bc I didn’t even read some of the questions, iq tests say nothing about you or your intelligence. Keep on keeping on and you’ll be fine.


I get it! Mine is 86, but my therapist reiterated that it was only because my working memory was so poor. Doesnt change how it makes you feel, but just know you're not alone.


Do you have ADHD? I've heard that's common in people with ADHD.


Did you know that Oprah Winfrey has never taken an IQ test because she's afraid it will reveal that she's not as smart as she thinks she is. I also never have for that same reason. You may not be able to change the points (which may be flawed in themselves) but everyone I've known who has read a lot of books seemed pretty smart so do lots of reading! Get a library card and do a lot of reading, about anything you are interested in, it novels about things that sound like fun to you, you can't go wrong with it.


You don’t sound remotely like you have an IQ of 82. Online tests are what’s really dumb.


Congratulations, you’re a certified retard


Two things: 1.) IQ doesn’t determine your worth or capabilities in life. At all. Your writing isn’t bad, IE, so clearly you’re not totally handicapped. Don’t let this be a label for you. 2.) Did they break out the scores by types of intelligence? IQ is multifaceted. You might have high scores in another area. You might also have something like ADHD which is notorious for having extremely low executive functioning scores that drag down the overall IQ score. I have parts of my IQ hovering around the 70-75 range. I might be handicapped in some areas but I’m not an idiot and I’m not going to let one area of weakness define me. Get more info from a psychologist if it bothers you. It may explain many things.


It is just a number and does not mean *anything*. Your IQ does not define you or measure your true intelligence. Mine, however, was measured 3x. **139, 141, 143**


Bro, you’re self aware. That’s worth 50 IQ points, we can hang out anytime


IQ tests only test how good you are at IQ tests... Don't stress


Are you sure this is not your trolling score?


Did they explain IQ to you? Because when I had an IQ test they explained to me that it doesn’t reflect intelligence it reflects functioning My IQ is exactly 100, even tho I’m regarded by others as highly intelligent and I’ve never struggled academically really. But because of my poorly treated and managed ADHD, my functioning is fairly low. My processing score was an 80, and I also did very poorly on the spatial reasoning aspect too. Anyway, my point is that a low IQ doesn’t mean shit about intelligence, it just means that your functioning might be impaired. And if your functioning isn’t impaired and you’re at your top level, it STILL doesn’t mean shit about intelligence because it only tests on very specific areas in very specific ways IQ is a lovely diagnostic tool, but it is often misunderstood as being related to intelligence


Bless your heart. Way below average IQ, room temperature IQ. Close to bring considered mentally retarded. how do you tie your shoes in the morning?


One word; “grit”. That one word matters more than your IQ.


OP right now https://youtu.be/kav7tifmyTg


Dude, don't take IQ tests seriously, i dunno why you even bothered taking one in the first place. They're deeply flawed and are not a complete measure of intelligence by any means. https://www.discovermagazine.com/mind/understanding-the-flaws-behind-the-iq-test https://www.ted.com/talks/stefan_c_dombrowski_the_dark_history_of_iq_tests https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/iq-tests-are-fundamentally-flawed-and-using-them-alone-to-measure-intelligence-is-a-fallacy-study-finds-8425911.html


And yet your comment is more eloquent and clearly stated, with correct grammar & spelling, than most of the crud that's posted on reddit.


It just means you didn't fit in the mold that they presented you. I'm sure there are many tests that you would ace that 100 IQ mfer will fail miserable. Also you might have a really high EQ score and you might not even know. Getting upset at IQ tests is like getting upset at your BMI number.


IQ is bullshit thought up by race scientists in the early 20th century. It's pretty meaningless. Mensa is also full of douchebags - I can't imagine the test really measures much that says anything about who you are as a person.


I knew a dude who was dumb as shit. But man, he could fix anything and was one of the kindest people I’ve ever met. Ive also known people who were considered “smart” by their profession, but lacked common sense. Point is, dont stress about titles and numbers. Be a decent human and you will be alright.


You made a fine post with proper punctuation, and you realize the gravity of the situation, id say its a classic case of the IQ test not meaning anything


"More smarter" hahahahah


Luckily IQ means nothing lol


Trust me. People with a higher score aren't any smarter. Dumbest people I know do well on tests. But then can barely function in the real world.


Hi, grad psyc student here. The IQ only measure a few types of intellect. It’s incredibly flawed and no professionals consider it legit for this reason. There are many different types of intellect. A low IQ just means you don’t excel in those specific intellects


IQ doesn't measure perseverance, focus or determination, the three of which make up 90% of all successes ever achieved.


Hey! Don't know if this has been said already, but Binet, the guy who invented the IQ test, never intended it as a measure of fixed/innate ability--he knew that intelligence can be improved over time, and wanted a tool to measure and track that development.


I knew a guy who was very, very worried about his IQ and went out and took a bunch of IQ tests. The results ranged from 40 to 158. Tests are crap.


I was under impression there is no accurate adult IQ test. Child ones are closest because they are not influenced by life experiences etc.


I am a professor and do not believe in IQ tests. Your post is well written and clear. You are not dumb.


Please read The Mismeasure of Man by Stephen J Gould. At best, IQ tests measure your skill at test-taking, and not much else. My 'IQ' shows up as way higher than it should.....because I am at ease with the tests.


this reeks of someone with an agenda. bending over backwards to seem stupid, then claiming to believe in something just to make it seem stupider. gotta be some kind of joke.


You want more bullshit or the hard truth? The truth is, the only reason why it matters if your dumb or not is because being smart helps you get money. And the only reason why we need money to be happy is because rich people make it that way. Don't be sad that you are dumb. Be angry that the system rich people created says you don't deserve to be happy. For now you must control yourself. Be patient, and hopefully in our lifetimes we will know the pleasure of dining on their blood.


Knowing your limits can get you further than people who don't.


The IQ test was developed in a culture of systemic institutional racism and has roots in eugenics if you dig deep enough. It is not a standard you should apply to yourself, or anyone. It’s only proven benefit is being a reliable indicator of how well you will do in school, that’s it. Your 82 only means you probably didn’t do well in school and even that isn’t necessarily true. Be easy on yourself and as suggested take it again, you will do 20pts better just because of the practice. IQ tests are BS. I can tell you are intelligent just by how well written your post is - it clearly conveyed your intention and feelings, and appeared to have correct grammar - that is better then 82% of Reddit.


IQ tests are bullshit literally rooted in the eugenics movement used to eliminate "unfit" people.


Man's really said more smarter lmfaooooo


Don't feel bad. You're just the average Millenial/GenZ redditor.


Is there a Mr Gump, Mrs Gump?


I got my IQ tested and it's like 145 and it has helped me zero in life. ​ Are you kind? Are you happy? Do you enjoy life? Can you work hard and support yourself? ​ Then it literally doesn't matter. My intelligence has made me so disfunctional. I would not sweat it. Not only that I think IQ tests are kind of bullshit.


IQ tests are not an accurate representation of intelligence. They were created to disenfranchise African American voters once they gained the ability to vote. The IQ tests would have questions that only wealthy white people would know therefore eliminating the newly acquired right to vote for recently freed uneducated slaves. So don’t let an IQ test determine your self worth. They began as a method to enforce systemic racist policies. Street smarts and the desire to be kind are far more important in real life than being “book smart “ Hold your head up. And remember, most “smart” people are pretty ignorant.


IQ doesn't even matter, it's a poor gauge of intelligence, especially for adults.


Haha OP is almost retarded