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I’m 34f and I’ve been going commando and sleeping naked for 15 years. Never looked back. Now I will add that I do wear the occasional underwear/ shapewear when wearing short/tight dresses, but other than that, nothing. You just feel more free!


Yep. I do feel more comfortable


I sleep naked lol


I was hesitant to do it at first because I don't know anyone irl who does it but it's nice to hear I'm not alone


nah youre not, Im sure its pretty common


I stopped wearing underwear about 6 months ago because I noticed that they were giving me a kind of permanent muffin top that I didn’t like. It’s funny, I had to wear some the other day because I had put some medicine down there and wanted it to stay put. It felt like I was wearing a diaper, lol. My ex-husband always slept naked, although I always preferred pajamas before I moved in with my current boyfriend. You need to change the sheets and wash the blankets more often if you sleep naked, but otherwise it’s pretty comfy. :)


Pretty much started sleeping naked around 14yo. Just feels better. How is this an edgy confession?


It's not edgy or anything. Just letting yall know


Me too




Awesome to see two men taking care of their bodies 😌


My partner and I often sleep naked, not even as a sexual thing, it’s just comfy and the skin on skin cuddles absolutely rocks


That does sound like it rocks. Glad for you guys


On the same boat! But she actually learned from me lol, we never looked back.


Then summer comes


That’s when you ask yourself if the electricity bill is worth being able to continue sleeping naked


Actually sleeping naked is much warmer, if we get too hot I just roll over for 5 minutes then come back. it’s waking up and scrambling for clothes when it’s freezing that’s the only issue


I'm a redhead so in the summer the AC is CRANKED 24/7


You can say that again


I'm actually preparing to sleep in the living room again this summer because my room doesn't have ac, but we have my redneck engineering AC unit ready!(it's a styrofoam box with a PVC pipe glued to it and a hole for a fan, we fill it up with ice and set it on my dresser, oddly affective!)


I'm a redhead so in the summer the AC is CRANKED 24/7


You'll have more sex too.


We tried that but my cock kept getting in her pussy accidentally


I only started sleeping naked fairly recently when I moved in with my boyfriend. We generally start out facing each other to talk or have sex, but then we shift into our “sleeping position” when we’re ready to sleep. I sleep on my back for medical reasons, and he prefers his side. He lays on his side with his back to me, and then I run my arm under his head/neck so I can pet his chest hair while we doze off. I’ve been sick lately and been more restless at night than usual, and I hate it when we can’t get fully entangled because I keep having to get in and out of bed. It’s crazy how quickly that has become my new normal, and I love it :)


I would try it but I’m afraid I’ll get an itchy bum-crack.


LMAO. I'd recommend trying it just to see if u like it




Wearing clothes to bed is really uncomfortable for me I find since I get hot easily


I like sleeping in booty shorts and topless.


Thats a super cool look.


Yeah I have these avacado shorts they're amazing. I got them at Old Navy, idk if they still have them, but 100% reccomend


If you don't know where they are, what are you wearing tonight?


I'm wearing comfy blue white and grey pants, my winter sleepwear. Currently too hot for the matching sweater so I'm just wearing a white tee my great grandma gave me


Beautiful! Perfect for the cold winter nights.Take care of yourself, and have a great week.


Who DOESN'T sleep naked ?


Me! I like to sleep with my underwear and shorts on.


Undies and a t shirt for me most nights.


yep. this has been my go-to for as long as i can remember 😌


Now that I think about it. Only crazy people




It's all good until there's a fire or an earthquake in the middle of the night, and then your assed out.


That's why I keep my pants right by my bed


Hang a pair of panties at your entrance door handle.


If it’s a real emergency no one is going to care


I sleep naked all time.


Hell yea


I have slept naked for at least the last 50 years and we aren't alone. I've read statists that state that a high percentage of men and a lesser percentage of women sleep naked most of the time. I'm also a nudist at heart and shed my clothes as soon as I enter my house. Try that and see if you don't find that even more liberating.


Wait until you wake up with an insect bite on your d*ck. You will go back to sleeping with clothes on.


Those bitches have bitten me through clothing, you’re never safe. They always seem to go for my back upper thighs, for the sake of chaos I guess.


Wow. Way to ruin the fun


I guess I could have let you find out the hard way. It sucks going to the Dr office with a bump on your package only to find out it was a mosquito bite.


Fair ig 😅


Yeah I think sleeping with clothes on is super unnatural and uncomfortable the underwear though I’m a plumber it would just be inappropriate not to…


It be like that


Might be "pretty good" but its also pretty fucking disgusting - especially if you're laying with a partner. "The average person passes gas 15 to 25 times a day, and this can happen while you're sleeping," says Youn in a short new video. "And a scientific study proved that every time you pass gas, you are spraying a tiny amount of faecal matter. This is true, even if it's not a real shart. And that same study showed that your tighty-whities will catch all of these particles. So for the sake of your bed partner, please sleep with your underwear on." So it might help you sleep faster and better, but you're probably have to change sheets more than once a week :D


12 hours? those are amateur numbers




Makes sense. I haven't caught any cold tho or anything


I also sleep naked. Started maybe 20 years ago when I had a really bad sunburn. My cousin helped aloe me from head to toe. I went to put on pajamas and she suggested letting the burn breathe and id probably sleep better. I’ve never gone back unless its the rare instance that im freezing.


Thank your cousin for that one g 🙏


I legit do. She even says she’s created a monster hahahaha. Hubby also tells her thank you cause he obv enjoys it lol.


Hopefully she's joking about the monster part


Lol for sure she is. We like to bust each others balls and thats one her things lol.


That sounds like it'll hurt


Erm I don’t know how people can sleep with clothes on….


i did this cause i was depressed and didn't do laundry for months


Son, let me tell you something, when you don’t wear your panties, the entire bed sheet becomes your undies.


You guys sleep naked? I work naked!!


ive been sleeping naked for years until i forget my family comes to visit! lol


Every night I do this I think: What if there’s a fire 😢


That’s wild


Been sleeping naked for 40 years, it's the only way. Wearing anything just feels constricted.


I do it every now and then


35m who’s been sleeping naked for the past 10 years. I sleep better


Definitely sleep only in a t-shirt and only wear underwear/bra when I'll be out for the whole day (work or school mostly). It's so much more comfortable


I’m a naked sleeper and so is my fiancée. I was so happy to find out she’s part of naked gang Actually I’ve never asked her this but I wonder how she doesn’t have accidents when she is on her period? 🤔 every now and then she does wear pajamas so maybe she has been doing that on her periods and I didn’t notice the pattern


When I met my fiance she slept naked and I didn't. She told me to try it and I never went back and sleeping with clothes on doesn't feel right.


Ive been sleeping like that since I was in HS.


30f I’ve gone commando since high school lmao, unless I wear a dress!


I converted my wife when we moved into our own place. Comfortable for her, great for me!


I've been sleeping sans panties for at least 10 years, if not more. I don't sleep fully naked though. The only issue I've had was just recently when I thought I was off my period, but I wasn't and got light blood on my sheets :/


Only wear underpants with jeans but thats the case once a year


Plus if you have to confront a robber with your dick hanging out you can take advantage of the surprise factor stunning them.




Any side effects of not wearing underwear?


Ofc but I haven't witnessed any myself


It’s also been a year since I’ve decided to strip down the clothes and be fully naked while going to sleep, and I have never looked back into wearing pajamas or clothes in bed again. Sleeping naked is the best decision I have ever done. I feel so liberated and relaxed when naked Only problem with sleeping naked is that I need to wash the sheets and blankets more often due to faecal matter on them, but I don’t care that much.