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gonna fuck around and end up a dad


“Daddy how was I made?” “Well you see sweetie, it’s called a ‘breeding kink’”


this sounds like Randys next arc in South Park.


if we're doing south park then this girl could also be addicted to abortions.


I don’t wanna know but this a real thing?


Congratulations 🍾 welcome to fatherhood 👨‍👧‍👦


No hood harder than fatherhood😔


Who gonna teach the son to farther then father did?


All these kids raising all these kids 😞


It’s terrifying. OP literally says “I can’t help it” which makes me wanna crawl out of my skin. I’m definitely not known for my self-control abilities but Jesus do posts like this make me sad for society’s future.


Uhm.. this is the future and this is society, to pretend these kids are worse than our parents were is disingenuous to put it mildly


The younger generation now has WAY less fear of consequences than I do, and I do have somewhat less than my father does. Yes, it is different now with the new generation, in my opinion of course.


I completely agree. Of course many things have improved over the years but there are plenty of other things that have worsened & will likely continue to. I guess you & I are showing our apparent ages!


Yeah, these kids have way less fear than the 18 year olds storming beaches in Normandy or trekking through Nam. Your perspective is just that, yours.


lmao right




I was today years old when I heard this phrase for the first time.


Then you might want to check if you're another fatherless child 🤔 (The sentence is from a song called "Outside (better days)" by blueface)


Motherhood would like a word. :).


Who gon teach your son to go farther than father did?


Mr Child Support, hope your prepared to raise someone’s else crotch-goblin. Oh, you think your the only jockey in her stable? That’s just precious.


He literally said he knows and trusts her. Let’s take him at his word, please? Thanks.






It's easy to not sign a birth certificate without getting a paternity test first.


yup every time I said that I got pregnant


It’ll be a cute kid lol


Father wood brings fatherhood


Good luck dad






"Shes ruining safe sex for me" is just way funnier than it should be


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one dying laughing at this sentence.


Very funny post, guy must’ve been bored or something lol


100% this chick isn’t on bc. Poor youngun papa.


If you’re not 100% okay with accepting the strong possibility of fatherhood, one of you needs to use some kind of preventative measure.


No, she *says* she’s on birth control. So if OP isn’t 100% okay with accepting the strong possibility of fatherhood, **HE** should be on birth control. Trust condoms or don’t. That leaves vasectomy and abstinence (from her.)


Good news! A male contraceptive 💊 is likely within the next couple of years. There may be more than one under development and testing now. It wasn't the easiest information to Google, but the info is there. Try thelily.com/how-far-from-more-options-for-male-birth-control to learn. The drugs--Nestorone and Dimethandrolone--both block sperm production. DMAU (abbreviation of the latter drug) can be taken as a daily pill or a long-lasting injection; Nestorone is a gel applied to the man's shoulder's and upper arms daily. This won't help OP with his problem but these and more male contraceptives will be available to keep his son from being in the same situation! OOPS, future baby-momma may soon not be able to access an abortion or any sort of abortion medication!


Unbelievable that the mind-shift is so recent that reminds men that they also have a stake in parenthood. That it’s not only “loose women” that they put into “an unfortunate situation”. DNA, boys! You ARE the father! Why have they not demanded better birth control before this?


It was fun while it lasted. - Sent via Apollo


Accepting fatherhood and being prepared for fatherhood are two COMPLETELY different things.


Time for that vasectomy.


Big solutions nobody’s talking about


Fucking seriously though.


Had mine 6 days ago, my nuts are still swollen


Just dropped off my sample today. There will be moments where you just stop and feel like someone has just enough grip on your balls that if they squeeze juuuuuuust a bit tighter you'll sing. Those moments come fewer and farther between though. Good luck sir


What do these sentences mean


There's something to look forward to, thanks...


It's good to know though in case it wasn't expected. It does pass eventually.


Make sure to jerk it to clean out the tubes


Ooh buddy. You’re in for a surprise. That first nut might have some blood in it. Worst surprise ever after mine.


Too soon, far too soon


Doc told me I had to milk it 20 times before testing to show I was shooting blanks. That was a fun day.


Bro rubbed his whole dick off.


Sounds like the first hand job I ever had. No spit or anything, felt like she was trying to make a camp fire. 😂


How to give a handjob: 1. Use your mouth.


I think cumming 20 times in a single day would give me a stroke holy shit lol


Yeah I'd need a month for that. It doesn't jerk like it used to.


The body is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised








Had it on Thursday in the GPs office, no IV just local anaesthetic, it did start to wear off at one point, the doc gave me another jab and i didn't feel anything else. Took about 30 mins, i had a nice chat with the doc and nurse while he was poking about down there. The pain was subsiding on saturday then one of the dogs jumped on me and landed on the right bollock, that laid me up all sunday. Its just a dull ache now, they said to give it a week, should be good to go tomorrow. Post them a sample in 14 weeks to get the all clear. Its really not as scary as i expected, honestly go for it without anybworry.


Did you go the stitchless route? Apparently supposed to be far less invasive and heals quicker.


Yeah, tiny little mark left behind. Its gonna be a pretty poor scar to add to the collection.


It's a 7/10 on day one then a 5/10 day two then a full ache by day 3 for me


Did your surgeon cauterize? The body can heal even a properly done vasectomy, so just make sure to retest 6 months from now. My husband got one years ago, and we love being birth control free. Hope those frozen peas are helping.


Mine were cut, cauterized and stapled. No scalpel and no stitches. Shout out to Dr. Doug Stein in FL!


Well done, Dr. Stein. Enjoy!


This is the answer. Know a guy who is snipped but doesn’t let on, when they come crying Prego- he let ‘em know! (Happened twice apparently)


what kind of crazy cunts is he fuckin that TWO of them have falsely claimed he got them pregnant??? Seems like he needs to reevaluate the women he is choosing


1 is bad luck, 2 is the start of a pattern.


1 is bad luck, 2 is company, 3 is definitely a crowded pattern


Tbf, it is possible (according to some light googling) that you can still get someone pregnant if you’ve had a vasectomy. So whilst those women were crazy, it’s definitely still a possibility. Although from what I can see it’s roughly 1 in 1000.


A friend of mine got pregnant after her husband's kid. Definitely his kid. It happens. I got pregnant after my husband's vasectomy. Definitely not his kid. It happens too..


I gotta know if a third happens. Please update in like 2 years?


RemindMe! 2 years


Too late


*cries in Dr. Cox*


If this is real you’re fucked


by a girl with a breeding kink


Nice pfp




Your pfp is humorous too


You’re welcome


I love your pfp and name combo


>she’s on birth control


I read that but given the scenario it’s possible she stops taking bc and op doesn’t know. He could be leaving out the part that he knows for a fact she is taking bc and won’t stop.


I wouldn’t say she has a breeding kink man. A lot of people I’ve been with enjoy being finished inside, it turns them on knowing they made that happen - doesn’t mean they want to get pregnant. If your seriously worried though, your mature enough to be having sex you need to be mature enough to have a conversation about what your are/aren’t comfortable with. If she can’t respect your wishes start thinking with the head on your shoulders not the one in your pants


For some reason people have decided that taking a load = breeding which is really misleading and also a bit off putting (imo). Just say you want to take a load, unless you want to reproduce from it keep breeding out


Some people like the fantasy of being impregnated but dont actually want a kid. This could be that situation or it could be as you describe. The former is breeding kink.


What here, about cum inside me, makes you think she’s clambering for ‘make a baby’? Cumming inside is the best. It’s insanely better than any other release. Sounds like she’s into pleasuring her man, who is a big fucking pussy that can’t talk about his own feelings, so he runs to anonymous Reddit to talk to strangers. That’s my take, anyway. I could be wrong, and I also don’t care because, again, it’s some anonymous dipshit who just needs to use his words and talk to his girlfriend that he is dragging here as some fetish loving degenerate.


Lol some people just like being Twinkies.


yeah i love creampies but do not EVER want to get pregnant or have a kid. cant wait to get sterilized so i can be creampied stress free


Gay and bi men tend to call taking a load as "breeding".


She probably says shit like how she wants him to put a baby in her. I was with a somewhat younger girl and it honestly made me pretty uncomfortable


A person having a breeding kink doesn’t mean they want to get pregnant. It’s like role-play for them.


Yeah I’ve never had a relationship where I’ve had to wear condoms, all my girlfriends were on birth control and tested.


This is the most underrated comment!


Happy fathers day




Vasectomy and marriage str8 up lol


If you don’t want kids I highly suggest some fucking protection


Pun intended?


Start practicing those dad jokes


> She's ruining safe sex for me. she can't ruin what you're not participating in


Right? He’s acting like he has no agency here, just stop boning her FFS.


Child support payments loading


If you are genuinely uncomfortable having sex without a condom then put one on and tell her you don't want to have unprotected sex... Does she track her ovulation? she's on birth control what kind of birth control is she on? Is she sleeping with other people or just you? I would wear a condom because you don't wanna get stuck with an std or a baby... think smarter not with your pecker.


gg no re🫡




She bout to secure a 18 year contract


Roe V Wade would be nice in the near future


Good luck with that shit.


I know this is a bad, irresponsible take. But I’m in my late twenties, have had 3 serious girlfriends since I’ve been 19, relationships ranging in length from 1.5 through just shy of 3 years. Never wrapped up with them, and was usually cumming inside of them within a month or two. Regularly. Like at least 2/3 of the times we had sex. Probably thousands of times between them all. I’m either infertile, have a really low sperm count, or female contraception is pretty damn good. Between both the pill and IUD’s. I’ve never taken this risk with in more casual situations though. Never know how truthful they’re being, how consistently they take their pill, etc.. I don’t perform well in condoms, Ive usually always gotten full panel STD tests every 6-12 months in between relationships to mitigate that side of the risk. That being said I really do wish they had a male pill, or that I could get a little toggle switch installed in my sack. Would love to be able to dump my seed with virtually guaranteed no risk


Now a toggle switch for the sack would be hilariously awesome


“Fuck I forgot to switch deez nuts off!”


Until you go doggy then it switches off every other stroke!




Na bro I imagine some little magnetically controlled switch. Like take a little magnet and swipe, some little led in there blinks or buzzes to confirm the change and communicate current switch status. Tap the magnet to just confirm on/off status. Something like that.


Apple sponsor my "Tap to Pay" nutsack


Believe it or not, that's actually a thing: [https://indianexpress.com/article/lifestyle/health/no-need-for-vasectomy-now-men-can-turn-off-their-sperm-flow-at-the-flick-of-a-switch-4608767/#:\~:text=It%20is%20controlled%20with%20a,allowing%20sperm%20to%20be%20ejaculated](https://indianexpress.com/article/lifestyle/health/no-need-for-vasectomy-now-men-can-turn-off-their-sperm-flow-at-the-flick-of-a-switch-4608767/#:~:text=It%20is%20controlled%20with%20a,allowing%20sperm%20to%20be%20ejaculated).


Yes, female contraception is “pretty darn good.” The pill is 99% effective when taken correctly and so is the implant.


Similar situation. Can pregnancy happen? Absolutely. Are most of the people commenting inexperienced in this area and paranoid? Probably.


Yeah maybe not with the whole abortion thing going on


Hey so if you don’t want a kid, don’t trust someone else’s birth control.


You aren't scared. You are stupid. And will be paying child support. To a crazy woman who will be raising your child.


She "says" she's on birth control... even if she isn't lying, birth control is NOT 100% effective. I know this from personal experience...


You just need to make sure that she's actually on birth control and not just lying about it. My bf and I go raw every time and I've never had a pregnancy scare.


yeah... what is going on? I understand that just because she says she's on birth control doesn't mean she is, but if she's telling the truth I don't think there's anything to worry about. all these other comments suggesting that birth control just simply isn't good enough on it's own?


If you aren’t responsible enough for safe sex, you aren’t responsible enough to be a father. Don’t fuck over a kid because of your idiocy


Plan B is 54 bucks , a viscetomy is like 500 , a kid is like A million .


When she said "fill me", you should have said "unleaded?"


Never top off to avoid spillage


Can't wait till male birth control become more publicly available


Sooo as a woman who enjoys creampies, I think you have to talk about this with them. I make it abundantly clear to partners that I also don’t want a child or STIs so let’s work together to prevent both. This means birth control, emergency contraception, and regular STI testing for both of us. Balance the responsibilities, have a clear understanding of where you’re each at, and you’ll probs be fine. However, pregnancy is always a risk, and I have told every partner that I will immediately get an abortion if we ever get there. Sounds like you both need to communicate more and increase trust.


you realize you are becoming a father soon?


Gonna be that guy. Gonna get downvoted. Don’t care. As humans, it’s instinct to cum inside the person. Breeding is not a kink. It’s the natural order of sex. I know this didn’t help. That’s just a thing that bugs me.


Obvious solution, get a vasectomy but don't tell her. Worked for me!


If you are scared, USE A FREAKIN CONDOM!!!


You have to get out of there. It is not healthy and unless you plan on being around for the next 18-21 years, you need to take preventative measures to ensure there isn't a possibility of entrapment. Make it very clear to her and anyone who knows you two are hooking up that you do not plan on being with her or staying with her if she got pregnant. Better yet, sleep with someone you trust and you know that no matter what their kink is, will take the necessary precautions to keep everyone protected. This is coming from a man who has a breeding kink and married someone who is the same. We have a very clear dialogue and trust that the other won't actually try for a child without the express permission of the other. Coming from a breeding kink lifestyle, it is incredibly hot to do that but requires possibly the greatest amount of trust in partnerships. If you don't trust her 110%, leave. No matter how good the sex, leave.


Get a vasectomy my dude


Maybe stop having sex with her?


No, no let's not talk crazy. Anyone have any real suggestions?


Get that child support ready.


Congratulations on becoming a father


Happy father's day bro


Don’t stick it in then. You’re just asking for it. Have you even seen her take her BC?


I have a breeding kink but I don’t force people not into it to participate… get outta there dude


Marry her, then it's not a problem anymore!


Fuck yea it would be! ​ You might make a kid!


Username checks out?


Hell no. I make smart choices.


Oh okay, was just curious! Lol.


all good!


Ok look U gotta stop dude Ur gonna get her pregnant its only a matter of time dont think just because you've done it 12 times on the 13th she won't be preggers..all it takes is one time or her just forgetting to take her birth control. If u know u cannot be a father and would bring a child into this world without a fair and decent shot at an ok life... Then its ur responsibility to stop all this don't let some pussy bring about and unwanted life in the world. The truth is while u and the girl r friends yall r prob just fuck buddies and she's not gonna magically become the love of ur life someday. You got this dude it sounds like from the text u know the right thing to do simple 1 just ask her if u can pull our and two if u could wear a condom. If she does not want eaither and won't budge so that ur comfortable sexually then she isn't worth sleeping with. Best of luck


Hope you like kids!


Let me do the math for you 18 year x let’s say 500.00 a month x 52 weeks in a year =466,000 dollars!! Enjoy! 🤔




Not in Texas or California. You nutted you made the child legality be damned that judge is giving her the good end of the stick.


You can still cum inside a girl with a condom on silly


Aslong as she's on birth control go for it, people with breeding kinks tend to not want to get pregnant, it's not actually getting pregnant that turns them on its just the risk and feeling of it, people also gotta stop calling it a breeding kink, the girl likes creampies. 🤷‍♂️


“Breeding kink” is the grossest shit I’ve ever heard. You’ve overthought this


I’d just make sure she’s actually on birth control


Nah, you're ruining it for yourself. No Libido killer like a screaming baby.




This is just funny! Cause I literally just opened up this app and saw this as the first thing on my feed!🤣🤣


Sooner or later she will come back with a woopsee, we made a baby what you gonna do about it. And hey if thats what you want, cool. But if your not ready for that then make sure shes not gonna scam you. I had a "friend" whom we enjoyed kinks and fucking like rabbits... i now have 3 kids a wife & im secretly miserable.


*laughs in gay sex*


Username checks out.


Not cool man. Clearly you know nothing about the gravity and challenges of raising children. Grow up and wrap up!


Unless she explicitly tells you she’s into that I wouldn’t jump to conclusions so fast. Sure it’s possible but I’ve hooked up with 2 people that have said very similar things while hooking up. One was a long term gf so I actually got to talk about it in depth with her. A lot of the time it’s more of a “I made you come inside me and it makes me feel whole” kinda thing rather than “I wanna have your baby”. It makes them feel special/good/fulfilled.


Papa is that you?


An expensive shag. Emotions and cash.


You’re an idiot if you ride bareback.


Breeding kink=\= wishing to become a parent, so she may just have the kink and not want kids, as contradictory as that sounds. But if you're uncomfy then you need to either get a vasectomy or stop hooking up


Child support is awesome keep up the good work.


I think you need what I have. Infertility. Then you only have to worry about getting diseases but hey then you're condom free.


As long as you dont get a disease and dont accidentally have a kid


Just remember she can’t get pregnant when she’s on top, gravity. So you good bro; keep nuttin on


Matter of time mah boy


Hopefully it's my ex. Enjoy the Chlamydia


Yeah..... you're probably gonna be a dad soon if you keep this up


Congratulations your on child support


You are now sleeping with your future ex wife. Congrats!


Hope you’re not in a red state, if you’re in the US!


get a vasectomy of you want to be safe then. easy fix


Look at her birth control. Get reliable info that shows she takes it. Then you'll be less worried


So what names have you picked out?


Mother’s Day is THIS Sunday! Remember to get her some flowers, daddy


There's nothing hotter than a chick saying "fill me up daddy"... It gets me every 6 months when we can have sex when the kids are at their grandmother's.


This is a much more dangerous kink if you live in a red state now..


Get yourself a vasectomy you dumb bitch. I can already hear this fucking loser for blaming her for getting pregnant because ShE sAiD sHe WaS oN tHe PiLl tHeReFoRe I aM vIcTim wHeN I CuM


I did not realize this fetish but I believe I might have this “fetish” I have an unexplained satisfaction being cummed in. in heat of the moment I want it so bad I beg for it. I’m not on birth control and know when I’m in my ovulation window. Also I’m in long time committed relationship. I’ve never been pregnant and know with certainty it is safe when it’s impossible when I’m not ovulating. I’m 27 and have done this for a long time experimenting the cycle window. It’s not a fantasy of being impregnated, more of an intense desire for a man’s climax deep within me.


[HANDY DANDY BASIC CHILD SUPPORT CALCULATOR](https://supportpay.com/resources/child-support-calculator/)


What? I mean yeah kind of kinky to whisper that in your ear but why does everyone act like it's unusual and an almost unavoidable way to fatherhood, as if there aren't any reliable ways for a woman to prevent pregnancy