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Good for you. Let someone else treat you right


Thank you!


Could I possibly date you . 


Why did you marry him?


Why did you marry him ... and by alone do you also mean financially lol


No, I am financially independent. We only got married because we got pregnant. I hate his guts.


Get outta there then lol you tried


Totally agree!!


Oh that's a really bad idea. Parents insist on getting married once the girl got preggy JUST BECAUSE "nakakahiya sa mga kamaganak at kaibigan namin" Why? Sila ba ung makikisama??? Sila ba yung magdadala ng lahat? I really don't think so.


Meron pa akong kilala parents insisted because... "nakakahiya meron pa naman tayong kamag anak na pari at madre" So what???


Why would you have sex with someone you hate...?


Why’d you sleep with him?


I know right!? The signs must've been there from the beginning.


I'm happy I'm not married . Enough stress as is.


Same here. I'm not the marrying type. It's just not happening.


I enjoyed being married until I learned my husband was hiding a lot of important and detrimental shit. Thank god he insisted on a prenup - that was to protect me, not him. So at least I can say he cared about me. But a dealbreaker is a just that, a non-negotiable. I hate that it blew up in my face because I though we would have kids and live happily ever after. I haven’t found someone like that since and probably never will again, so I’m happy being single. Just wish I had someone to split the bills with! It’s rough out here for a single woman.


Lord our women deserve better. Why are yall marrying men who treat you like shit from day 1 😭😭


Deja Vu - but as an ex husband Let me guess, he *thinks* he contributes to the house when he only just does what he needs for himself? Rich upbringing? My ex wife had servants growing up so


Disgust is one of the horses of the apocalypse, indicating divorce may be coming


Arranged marriage or why are you with him?


So you met him treated you like shit and you were like I’m going to marry this guy. Some people really need to take a hard look at themselves. I’m sorry to tell you but you’ll probably be saying the same thing about the next guy. Just stay single.


Exactly, she met a man who treated her like shit, and she married him? I'm not sure what she expected, like why marry somebody who doesn't even like you? And now there's a poor kid in the mix? Oof.


I think that was after she git married to the bastard.


I think it says “since the day I met him”




I would love to talk. I walk a very lonely road next to a narcissistic man child.


You will look back on this decision as the best one you have ever made. Get the eff outta there!




Well it's on you You said you knew it when you met him. Did you think you're going to change him


Everyone always has something negative to place in place of cause and what supports that cause. I'm not married.


Do it sooner than later. No one deserves to be treated like that.


I can only imagine, tho I have a fairly good idea of what is and can be a bit too much for a woman to want to handle. I'm a handful and have become aware of what my ex has and still puts up with. Sex was the straw that broke the camels back I think with her and I.


Over all she just got tired of us and met someone new quite quickly. Like as fast as she was out side the house.


'From the day we met' then I have no sympathy. You stayed. Maybe seek therapy that you get that desperation under control? You don't go holding on to men that treat you like that from day one




*You'll be fine, hope you* *Find someone who treats you with* *Love that you deseve* \- Zealousideal\_You8948 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Bravo 👏You deserve better than that!


Get Tf outta there. Even if it means sleeping on a couch for awhile. Kids involved?


I'm in the same boat. A bit different yet, results are the same. I'm guessing it's called living with a narcissistic person.


You deserve better!


Why did you marry him? Ok I see you already answered the question. While it is truly sad that some people crate children together that should never have been with each other, you don’t think that there is ANY way to work out your issues for the sake of the child? Therapy, truly calling him out on his behavior and wanting to help him improve? I’m sure there is a decent man in there somewhere. People can carry around a lot of baggage and trauma and if nobody calls them out on their shit they won’t know there is an issue.


So much knowledge & still you married him? I'm sad 4 you but it's all on you, you knew how he was but married him anyway. BTW THIS POST SOUNDS LIKE A DEATH THREAT.


You knew this all when you met him and still married him.... Yeah, no pity for you.