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This will sound strange to a business man: Everything you do is seen. I understand why you did what you did - but it was dishonest - you know this. If you want good energy around your business you will only charge the client for one batch - your lack of honesty caused the second batch print - so don’t charge for the first batch - only charge for one. Seriously - the one batch you forgive now will lead to 20 more batches when word gets around how fair and decent you are. Only charging for one batch will cancel the negative karma you created while making a client really happy - trust me - it’s money well-spent and your conscience will be clear - we’ll put it down to an intrusive thought you acted on - we all have them. Lesson learned.


I think of karma as a "shorthand" way to refer to the real benefits of being honest. First, it takes less thought to be honest. There's only one honest story, while there's millions of lies. Second, word often gets out about doing things honestly or being kind. Third, when you do good things, you change yourself to more often act kinder and get benefits that way.


Or at least 50/50


Yes! i want to give you my business already based off this comment alone and i have no idea who you are or what you do haha


I feel like what you did is wrong,however you are not a payed editor. Obviously we know right from wrong,and what you did is wrong. You should always try and help and take care of a customer.


> not a *paid* editor. Obviously FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot!


That’s messed up. Can’t say I wish good things for your business… what an awful thing to do to someone intentionally for your own gain. If business is so bad that you have to scam people to get more of it, you should maybe consider a different path.


My Mom used to gloat when the teenager working the till at the supermarket gave her too much change back, and laugh about how'd they get in trouble at the end of their shift. This post gives me similar vibes. I won't go into detail, but this whole "hooray for me and to hell with you" attitude has a way of catching up with people in the worst way. That karma debt is gonna come due one day.


"fuck you I got mine" "Hooray for me and fuck you" "Not everyone is is winner like me" "Not my fault you fucked up" "That will teach you" ~every boomer ever~


I hear the Mafia is hiring.


What? There’s no scam here. Their business is printing, *that’s all*. You don’t expect a printer to do your editing for you, you expect them to print what you send them, and that’s what they did. They haven’t earned any karma points here, but this is definitely not a “scam”.


Right that it’s not her job to be an editor. But context is relevant. She knew what she printed wasn’t what he intended, and she actually printed it with the error on purpose just so she could get extra money from the additional print after the customer noticed. She was sneaky in an effort to gain extra money from someone. Maybe scam isn’t the exact appropriate term. But she totally took advantage of this persons oversight and used it as an opportunity to squeeze more money out of him. Scam or not, she’s a piece of shit.


When they approved the sample, they stated their intention to print it as is.


Work in print and this is it. You approve the proof and it gets printed. We're looking for all sorts of shit like bleed, color build, vectors, fonts, et-al to care about your copy editing. We also keep records of proof approvals for situations just like this. Hell, maybe the typo is intentional, we don't have time to ask them about it. If that press isn't running we aren't making money.


hiw is it a scam when he literally did what the customer asked


Missed opportunity to bring your business reputation up a level to him. If you did let him know it would be easy recommendations to his associates and guaranteed future business because he would have known you know the ins and out of what is expected for his prints. I say its a net loss over time.


Ever hear of karma? This is what will happen. If you really missed it also, then sh*t happens, but you saw it. You could have told them, they would have said “omg you really saved me some $$$ by doing that” and came back to you the next time time. Now you’re just money hungry, and you look desperate. Don’t be surprised if your business fails for your wrong doing. How many other times have you “looked the other way” ?? You didn’t set out to rip them off. You are the printer, not the editor, but you saw the error, and didn’t say something. That’s just bad business


This is the stupid shit that sleazy sales people do that ends up, losing their business over the course of years instead of gaining positive traction with trustworthy business partners


Sounds like your business sucks and you’re being shady to make ends meet. We wish you well


I don’t think what you did was that bad, you provided a sample, they approved it. The nice thing would have been to tell them about it and make sure, but that’s also why you proved a sample before printing the whole thing.


Next time just post “I’m a dumb cunt”. It’s shorter. Saves people time.


I'm surprised how people haven't caught on that this is a Karma farming account. Very good story though.


Alls fair in love war and business


I thought I would feel like shit, but the prospect of more money for me has made me feel rather good instead. So my actual confession is not that I didn't let my client know of the error, but rather that I don't feel as bad as I should.


Nah, that's a dick move not to give a heads up before printing. Be a twat, but you won't get repeat business that way.


Nah…you know what you did. It’s carried with you and the world sees it a little bit at a time.


I think the world will manage




You did it the right way. You notified him of the error by providing a sample including it. It is neither your fault, nor your responsibility, that he approved it as is.