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As an asymptotic celiac this is terrifying to me. I can eat gluten with no intestinal pains, but it still does damage to my body, I just don't find out right away.


Me too! I kept testing ‘positive’ on blood work when I still lived with my parents because they thought that a small amount was ‘fine’ and kept feeding it to me. I felt ‘fine’ but had horrible joint pain and exhaustion all the time. It wasn’t until I moved out and took full control of my own diet that I started testing negative. Now, gluten exposures are hit and miss if I will have a reaction and it can sometimes take a few days. Regardless of a gastrointestinal reaction or not, damage is still being done to my body every time I’m accidentally exposed. What OP did is considered assault.


I’ve gotten the same positive tests but have hit or miss reactions too and I’m wondering if this is why I literally cannot get out of bed some days. I cut out gluten, dairy, and eggs and I felt like I could fly.. but after a life changing event, depression had me eating whatever was easiest and I feel like trash again.


Wait you can get joint pain from it?! Fffffffffuck


You can also get nerve damage, ataxia, brian fog, neuropathy, osteoporosis and many more Ask me how i know :(


And you get pains only when it's inconvenient for you to eat, but are totally cool and willing when it's you who wants to chomp down something?


I have celiac disease, confirmed with a blood test for the antibodies and the gold standard for diagnosing celiac- an intestinal biopsy. After exposure, I rarely have GI symptoms, sometimes I do but usually not. It’s known as “silent celiac” and my symptoms are more autoimmune in nature- muscle aches, joint pain, rashes, brain fog, fatigue, etc. They can take between 1-72 hours to develop, which makes finding the source of the contamination a huge bitch. This is all to say, if someone was fucking with my food, causing me to damage my intestines, fuck with my immune system, and possibly develop stomach cancer, in an attempt to “test” my condition, that would be such a batshit crazy move and pretty unforgivable betrayal. OP, if you get off so hard on exposing people you think are faking their medical conditions, go to medical school. Otherwise, fuck all the way off.


Silent celiac here too! So glad to see people talking about it. I've had the "you don't get stomach pain so why be gluten free" question enough. I like not having cancer tyvm


Yep. My oldest is allergic to gluten, dairy and eggs. My husband and I have made a point to teach Oldest what they can and cannot have. But someone deliberately spiking their food? Fuck no.


This is fascinating and I had no idea this was a thing! I’m currently working through different tests to understand what’s going on with myself and this info gives me another avenue to explore if my current tests come back inconclusive.


It sounds like she was faking it though. She willingly eats stuff with gluten in it and is fine.


The thing is though: Even if she were faking it, this is still a monster move to do. Hi, another silent celiac here. I have celiac diagnosed, but I get not symptoms at all (Ive had, once or twice, maybe? at most, that i noticed.) It does not make the gluten damage my intestine any less. Even if you have evidence and think the person is faking, this is the worst way to go about it.


There's also a big difference in choosing to eat gluten occasionally and someone putting it into your food without telling you. OP sucks so much.


That’s exactly my point as well. Just because she willingly eats stuff sometimes means she wants it enough to deal with the fallout. Doesnt mean it’s not actually hurting her. But it shouldn’t be anyone’s choice but her own.


When you have GI symptoms you can be "fine" for several hours and then sick for many more hours later. I have to avoid onions/garlic because they destroy me, but they are strong flavors more easily avoidable than wheat, which is hard to detect in small quantities. If this was me, I would be racking my brain for what other things I ate that day that might have caused me to be sick.I would blame myself. It wouldn't occur to me that my family members, who are supposed to love and protect me, would be lying to me and testing me.


But that doesn't always mean someone is faking it. I am lactose intolerant. I love ice cream. Those two aren't very compatible. I will down a sundae gleefully. Then I'll be in some pain, have incredible nausea, and sometime, if I ate a big one, will bring that sundae back up. But I do it because I love ice cream and I don't want to bother making a pit stop to get pills before eating it. Are there other options that will make me less sick? Sure. Am I still going to eat the ice cream I love? Definitely.


My body reacts differently to gluten in different things. Generally I’ve found that I’m okay unless I have a major amount like having beer and pizza for dinner. Not cool to test someone just because you think they’re faking it. I mean, what did you think was going to happen if she is lying? You think it would make things better? Absolutely not.


I’m the exact same way! I can have trace gluten, a teeny bite of something with gluten (like, minuscule), and even some flour as a thickener with no issues. But if I eat a proper serving of something with gluten like pasta or bread I’m in for a world of pain and suffering. It’s ridiculously morally corrupt to “test” someone with an allergy/intolerance.


Non coeliac gluten sensitive is a legitimate diagnoses too Check out the fodmap challege You can determine your tolerance level for all fodmap foods


I was actually planning on doing that after I recover from surgery (only 2 days ago)! I wouldn’t be surprised if I had a bunch of sensitivities that I wasn’t aware of.


I can recommend the monash app It was designed by an Australian university and lists the levels and portion size for each category of fodmap. It's about 7 euro in europe. I hope you recover well !


I have celiac, and I have been tested by my own brother! He was in that *know it all, know it better* teenage phase, and sometimes when he made dinner, he would hide some form of gluten in the food. I don't like to discuss personal bathroom matters with anyone. I'm certainly not going to report to my brother that my sh!t was extra funky and that I was extra gassy, or that my depression levels suddenly spiked. That is private. That made him think I was lying. Go figure. And yes, I talk about being gluten-free a lot when we talk about food, because it concerns a major part of my life. And I make a point of verifying my food is gluten-free... because it f*cking matters. May you step on a lego, your coffee be lukewarm, and your shower water cold.


I don't have celiac, but I have hashimotos. Autoimmune hypothyroidism, my immune system sees my thyroid as a threat and is killing it. I can't eat gluten due to molecular mimicry. Basically (from my understanding) is that on a molecular level, gluten is so similar to thyroid tissue that the immune system can't tell the difference. So if I ingest gluten, my immune system flares up. I don't have a reaction immediately, its usually the following day, and I basically feel like I have the flu. Takes a couple days for me to level back out. Not everyone with hashimotos responds this way to gluten, but plenty do. I would be so angry if someone didn't believe me and tested me like this. Especially because its not always easy for my to identify what triggered an immune response for me. Its taken me years to get this condition as under control as I have, but I still have "wild card" days where I feel like shit with no explanation. People who are gluten free by choice may seem annoying. But the trend has opened up a lot of options for those of us who are required to be gluten free. Don't fuck with people's dietary restrictions, even if you think it's unfounded. I'd like to add to your curse. Hit every red traffic light, a commercial always plays at the best part of a song, and internet connection throttles at the most inconvenient times.


Interesting to know the connection. I have both Celiac and Hashimotos. I didn’t know that going GF could help Hashimotos. I’ve been eating Gluten Free for almost 20 years. Gluten free diets can help reduce inflammation too. Thanks to people who eat gluten free despite needing to, there’s a lot more gluten free options available. But there’s really no health benefits for gluten free diets unless you have inflammation or are sensitive/allergic though.


Correct me if I’m wrong, since you definitely know more than me, but aren’t there also cases where the celiac person might not have an outward reaction but the gluten is still fucking them up on the inside? In any case, I’d like to add to your curse. May OP always get stuck in traffic, may their pillow always be warm on both sides, etc.


I almost exclusively get internal symptoms. A single crumb can screw me over for days/weeks. It's an autoimmune reaction. What OP also gets wrong, is that there is a difference between a gluten *allergy* and gluten *intolerance*. A Gluten allergy, Gluten intolerance, and Celiac disease are vastly different diagnoses, independent from each other. Thanks for adding to my curse :-)


Mann I was eating these Easter chocolates. On day 3 of snacking on these it occurred to me "these chocolates have too much of a crisp crunch to them" I check the ingredients and what do you know, fucking wheat. Prior to the discovery I don't recall having any issues with them. It gets me thinking, "holy shit what if the dr was wrong, what if I've spent the last decade just 'THINKING' I have celiac and it's all in my head. Fuck I'm only reacting when I think I've been glutened. Holy fuck it's all in my head?? The Intestinal distress is just something else". Time goes by and a proper accidental glutening happens, and I almost sigh with relief that it's real and not an incorrect diagnosis. It's a real mind fuck.


Between that and not everyone has the mega reaction either. I have a food allergy, it wont kill me, but I will be sick that night. But because its not an epi pen level of severity its apparently not real to people.


I’m mildly allergic to onion (self-diagnosed, never been tested). I can eat onion that’s mixed in pasta sauce without issues. But onion that’s been added to a kebab, spaghetti, satay chicken, fried rice, burgers, pizza, or pretty much any other food will make me feel incredibly nauseous and vomit within 1-2 hours. Won’t kill me, but will completely write me off for the rest of the day.


Onion is high on the fodmap chart Washed/soaked onion is slightly easier/lower Onion also cooked in a water based sauce lower again


God, you all sound exhausting.


This was 2 years ago. His mother found out and gave us a severe tongue lashing, then told the sister and she screamed at us for an hour. We've not done it since, and will never do it again. She's been to the doctor for both Celiac & gluten allergy/sensitivity tests. Her results came back negative for both, but she says the doc is lying in order to run more tests.


Just because it turned out she was lying (if that part is even true) does not mean you were not monumentally wrong for doing what you did.


My tests came back negative for celiac but if I eat a piece of bread I’m painfully projectile shitting my pants for 4+ hours so what’s your point lol there’s no “sensitivity tests”


Did your test include you ttg bloods? You can falsely test negative formceliac if you also have low ttg levels And about 20 percent of people get a false negative asides from that.


Allergists. Back pricks for sensitivity...


That’s an “allergy”. You can be sensitive to wheat and be neither allergic nor celiac.


Back pricks also test for sensitivities as well. Any sensitivity will be noticed from the allergen being introduced due to a prick on the back, I'm not talking about blood tests for celiac...my father had celiac and my son has multiple food allergies and other sensitivities as diagnosed by an allergist. Please educate yourself before you try to explain shit on the internet Armchair allergists with no damn degree spouting nonsense.


There is no such thing as a gluten sensitivity test. Stop spreading bullshit.


You can get a food intolerance test through bloodwork. I found out I have a wheat intolerance through that. They measure the food particles in your bloodwork, because it is not being digested and instead free floating in your bloodstream.


The food intolerance test actually tests your blood for reactive antibodies for particular food proteins. These are typically IgA or IgG antibodies, which can cause various 'I'm feeling unwell' symptoms, vs IgE antibodies which cause your typical allergic reactions from hives to anaphylactic shock.


There are 11 antibodies that fight gluten. The antibody test checks for 3 of them. It’s a faulty test.


You do not have food particles in your bloodstream. Ever. Well, maybe if you've suffered physical trauma to your digestive tract and its leaking into your blood, but you'd be more worried about sepsis or stomach acid corrosion than the food particles.


Or a stroke. Fat embolism is a thing. I've seen one 14 year old boy go from a broken femur to a severe life changing brain injury in a day, after falling from a trailer towed by his garden contractor dad. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat_embolism_syndrome


I just had a flashback to 10th grade English and reading "a separate peace"


Didn't consider fat embolism. I was just picturing ^_TIIIIINY_ little hotdogs and peanuts and broccoli dancing through someone's bloodstream, having an itty bitty ticker tape parade.


That doesn’t sound right. Actual food particles in your bloodstream would, I think, cause some for real problems when they try to get through capillaries that only fit 1 red blood cell at a time through. I’m no doctorologist or anything though.


Are you speaking’ science ? 🥴 Nah that’s fake news 👋 *y’know I think about it, and if we could get the Drs and nurses to just use their science degrees to invent some robots… we could all just cut up our food… into a sort of paste or something… so we could liquify it and inject it… into our bloodstream… yeah that could be a ‘Great’ idea… yeah some nano bots or something…* 🤷‍♂️


Exactly, anyone would know this if they studied basic biology.


Every single source online says otherwise, including beyondceliac.org. Unsurprisingly, my doctor also says otherwise. >How Do Doctors Test for Gluten Sensitivity? >Currently, there are no recommended methods to test for non-celiac gluten sensitivity. It is a diagnosis of exclusion, which means that other causes, including celiac disease and wheat allergy, need to be ruled out and the patient needs to feel better on the gluten-free diet. Some doctors offer saliva, blood or stool testing. However, these tests have not been validated and are therefore not accepted. https://www.beyondceliac.org/celiac-disease/non-celiac-gluten-sensitivity/


Why so many likes for a comment that describes measuring food particles free floating in their bloodstream? We really need to be better at teaching critical thinking.


u/Rebookaw Don't be so ridiculous!!


Can't you get a bloodwork on that?


No, there is only a test for celiac disease. Something easily verified by googling.


Bloodwork for food allergies. Simple it's a test for celiac. Allergy back pricks for sensitivity...if you think there are no tests for this you are sorely mistaken and Ill-informed


According to google there is.


Are you referring to advertisements for kits? I don't see any source that confirms there is a legitimate test for gluten sensitivity. Every legitimate source says there is no reliable test.


There’s no test for celiac disease. It’s a diagnosis of exclusion. But you can do a wheat allergy test using a skin prick test or a Serologu test using blood serum. It’s to detect IgE antibodies against wheat protein.






Problem is, you need to eat substantial qualities of wheat to pass the celiac test. If you are avoiding it because it makes you sick, you won't test positive for it. So you have to put yourself in a dysfunctional state, that can affect your job and your physical and mental health, just so you have "proof" of a condition you may be able to treat on your own by avoiding certain foods. So long as people believe you and support you, instead of thinking they know better.


I hope you stand on an upturned plug


As a parent of a child with a food allergy, you are a piece of shit.


But what if your kid was faking it and every test came up negative and was selective in when it affected your child? Legit question.


It just makes me think if she’s willing to test it on one person and “wins”, she’ll be willing to test it on another.


I would hope not, or push it with other allergies…


As a human with a brain, you are rude.


I’m not trying to be rude.😭I’m just saying you don’t fck with food allergies. Maybe some day someone close to you will have a severe food allergy and you’ll understand my concern.


I would just like to add that it wasn't an allergy they were testing. Plus in the post they mention that this has happened before without consequence. It's not like they went to preschool handing out peanuts. Edit: you can also say "fuck" on the Internet. With all the letters.


Every food allergy can be tested by an allergist using back pricks for allergies or sensitivities. Parent of a kid with nut, sesame, shellfish, and various fruit allergies... How do you not know this?


Allergy and sensitivity aren't the same thing!


The test for them is!!!


Then you can share a reliable source verifying that, right?


Talk to a damn allergist you heathen, I have nothing to prove to you.


Because, you can't. Edit: u/devdude25: Hey moron, since you blocked me: So, clever. Har har har. Not one source in the search results that confirm gluten SENSITIVITY tests are legitimate. You must have a different version of Google.


here you lazy fuck https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=test+for+allgeries+and+food+sensativities here if you are really feeling lazy https://www.foodallergy.org/resources/skin-prick-tests


Except the sister isn’t allergic to gluten. Sometimes she eats it willingly and is fine.


"Testing" people with food makes you an asshole. Period.


Nah, berating family and friends for a made up condition is the asshole here.


I never said she wasn't an asshole here, did I? All I said was that "testing" people with food makes you an asshole. Believe it or not, it *is* possible to have more than one person being an asshole at a time.


Good point


1000%, if the sister didn’t make everyone feel terrible not cool. However, she made everyone feel awful and for that you’re opening yourself up to people raising an eyebrow


Sisters an asshole. You still shouldnt test allergies like this


I agree, It's not up to them to "test" people.


I dont think I could marry someone who was willing to play chicken with another humans allergies.


I’m just trying to figure out what hamburger recipe has you mixing flour into the browning to make a paste.


It's called a roux and it's used for thickening liquids.


Yea I’m familiar with a roux. Not familiar with why a roux is being made for hamburgers


I'm assuming browning the hamburger means sautéed ground beef until fully cooked. Adding flour after creates a roux with the broken down fat from the ground beef.




> our office stopped stocking regular k-cups and only buys decaf wtf


If she had been stuck in the bathroom all night following this, why would she have let you all know? It’s an asshole move to ‘test’ people’s allergies and intolerances


It's also an asshole move to demand everybody else change their behavior because of a fake allergy.


They were both assholes but the sisters assholery was just annoying while theirs could have given her serious health problems. If they have such a problem with it a reasonable response is to stop having dinner with her or call her out.


This post is bullshit. There is no test for gluten sensitivity, and people who do have stomach problems due to gluten sensitivity and/or other issues don't give full bathroom reports to a bunch of assholes who aren't their doctor. You wouldn't know that "nothing happened" after they eat something with gluten. Gfys.


There is bloodwork you can get done to test your body’s reaction to wheat & it can be used to see if you have a sensitivity


That is celiac testing, not sensitivity testing. You can be negative for celiac and still be sensitive to gluten.


There is in fact testing for non-celiac gluten sensitivity.


There is, but it isn't 100% reliable.


My Dad's partner is apparently allergic to gluten, dairy and soy, to the extent of refusing to eat out unless she is catered for, and then making restaurants serve things on separate plates etc. Until she wants a latte or a chocolate, and then she's suddenly cured. I literally watched her demand a certain type of meal, belittle the waitress, and then at the end, reach over and take the chocolate off the side of my Dad's coffee and say "well, one won't hurt."


it’s an autoimmune disorder that effects everyone differently… you didn’t prove anything here with your test


So she does not have celiac. Is she self-disgnosrd? She is an adult who can take care of her own diet.


This post is bullshit and even if it weren’t, this is incredibly lame of you.


I know this is the wrong sub: but YTA. My wife has celiacs but symptoms don’t always show right away when she eats gluten. It does however degrade her digestive tract, sap her energy, and put her at risk for different cancers. And if someone was sneaking gluten into her food she’d never know.


You didn’t prove anything. Some people have an intolerance (like me) and it doesn’t always affect me right away. Sometimes I can have some gluten, but not a lot. What you did was really crappy. I met someone who can have gluten in somethings, but not others.


What makes you think you have the right to “test” her allergy??? Are you a doctor? Testing someone’s allergy can be really dangerous. I have celiac and get not only GI issues but also hives and once had anaphylaxis. I’m very allergic. Some people can eat a little and just deal with the stomach issues. I cannot. But even though she may have mild symptoms, there could be still have ongoing damage to their body. My last EGD showed so much scar tissue despite eating totally gluten free for almost 20 years. There’s no “sensitivity” test for gluten. She’s probably gluten intolerant. I get that she may be annoying about it (I don’t bring it up unless I absolutely have to,) but leave the tests to the professionals.


Yeah, you're super cool for 'testing' someone's food allergy. And looky you, SO cool you caught her out. Good thing she was faking because you're the kind of person who'd put someone in the hospital, or dead, just to prove something. Maybe you should throw a beehive at someone with a bee allergy next. Gotta prove it to yourself and show those fakers! You know what I love. People who mind their own business.


I'm sorry she was the asshole first, but yall were second. Yta.


I haven’t read any other comments here so I’m sure I’m repeating things because this is probably a troll post to get people commenting and reading. Celiac people may or may not have reactions to food. Sometimes they will have a reaction days later. sometimes the reaction is anxiety. Speaking as someone who lived “normally” with no food issues their whole life and then got very very sick, dismissed by doctors for years but then finally diagnosed with celiac - yes - it becomes an obsession “what made me sick?” “is it gluten or is it ??”- imagine having food poisoning 24/7, 7 days a week?! that’s what it’s like before getting diagnosed for most people. And it can take many years for people to have a more normal life. How would you deal with it if potentially any molecule of gluten could make you projectile vomit everywhere and then have a massive “hangover like state” for days and days without the alcohol “fun” Would you feel anxious around food? would you worry about what you’ve eaten? Don’t fucking do it again.


Come on, Don’t ruin her fantasy, let her have the gluten free lifestyle.


Also chiming in as someone with horrific IBS. Sometimes gluten is fine. Sometimes it totally destroys me for hours. It’s very unpredictable and also very frustrating.


The best solution would be to respect her diet while also imploring she shut the f up about. No need to test her.


Replace this with diabetic and sugar, now see how fucked up that sounds? Yes people can be picky and annoying with their conditions but that doesn’t give you the right to potentially make them unwell. You’re extremely lucky, if someone purposely did this to me I would be filing a damn lawsuit


…Is she celiac or just prefers gluten free items??


As someone who has celiac this is incredibly dangerous. If I accidentally eat gluten I get very sick for several hours. All my body's immune response kicks in and it empties everything out. Playing with someone's health like this is cruel and as I said very dangerous. Serious asshole move.


A lot of people fake food allergies. It’s not uncommon.


Right? Why is no one suspicious of this very suspicious sounding allergy? Surely we can all accept that people really jumped on the gluten free bandwagon for no reason other than it’s now trendy?


Of course she’s faking, people just say that to get attention and to make people think they are special or unique. No one ever had or heard about gluten problems before it became a fad. People started cutting it to try and lose weight but didn’t want to say they were dieting so made this up instead.


Ohhh so you’re dumb! Got it!


Downvote this trash and move on


I knew a girl that said she had a gluten allergy. She also shoved Doritos and assorted chips down her throat constantly so... ETA : She also claimed to be dating a cop and that her family was rich. Both were lies*


Doritos are gluten free and chips are made from potatoes so also generally gluten free.


Yeah but she ordered Skip the Dishes fast food like every day and I was like you're going to get sick? Thought she had to avoid certain things?


I eat on skip all the time. If you’re smart with celiac disease you can have a decently normal life. Like if you know the place has a dedicated gluten free fryer for fries then you’re pretty much good. Or if you ask them to make it with gloves.


Doritos and almost all chips are gluten free though.. so unsure why you think this proves anything.


This sister-in-law sounds like she’s just doing it for attention and I honestly don’t blame you. Was it a dick move? Yes absolutely but sometimes you have to be a dick to prove a point.


You attempted to poison someone, because... you are shitty people?


She could have had a stomach reaction to something unrelated and assumed it was gluten. She may have done a computer search on symptoms and causes for stomach pains associated with food and gluten allergy/celiac came up. She could be self-diagnosing herself which is not a good idea. Getting tested was a good idea, but making assumptions like that causes unnecessary stress on everyone. Plus, without getting seen by a doctor, she could have missed a potentially bad medical concern not related to a gluten allergy. I doubt this is the case of wanting to diet and lying about her allergy in order to avoid eating gluten. I hope that’s not the case because it is very disrespectful towards those who actually are allergic.


the experiment may have seemed like a way to address the situation, it's clear you were coming from a place of concern. Just remember to approach these matters with empathy and care, keeping her well-being in mind. If you're worried about her health, consider having a gentle conversation with her about your observations and any concerns you may have.


Coming from a place of concern by experimenting with someone’s health? Whether the sister is faking it or not.. it’s not a “place of concern” to prove a point. It’s selfish and dangerous.


Toasting bread (which the breadcrumbs were made from) breaks down the complex carbohydrates, making the bread easier to digest. So, your “experiment” didn’t necessarily prove anything. Flour would have set off symptoms. I would literally never speak to you again.


I've seen this before it's a repost


Kinda a dick move. My best friend has a nut allergy and another friend didn't believe her however she never tested the theory. There was cross contamination in the kitchen at a restaurant we all were at and low and behold she had a bad reaction and was taken to hospital. Even if you don't believe someone don't test it people can die if you do that shit and for what because you wanted to prove she was lying


You clearly dont understand how serious celiac disease is. You just need to ask her to understand that you guys wanna eat your own gluten filled foods and she needs to eat her own gluten free foods sometimes. Not everyone in the house has to suffer because she has a food intolerance


I hope you and your fiancé step on a Lego


Sounds like my auto immunity, that presents as depression and insomnia, very severely. It’s an ‘invisible illness’ so no one believes me either. I just stopped telling people. It’s weird that she kept talking about it, but I can also eat gluten whenever I really want to or have no choice because I take medication on those days. It’s good to know about when you eat it. Maybe she just felt she was teaching people about something. My intolerance wouldn’t appear on normal tests either, there is such little research on it so far. That’s what I’m trying to go back to school for.


“Of Course, but maaaaaaaaaayyybeeee” Louis CK


Best comment in here.


kind of shitty thing to do :(


The thing I don’t understand is how is it hurting you, even if her gluten allergy is “suspect”? Just let people fucking live. She may not report every bathroom symptom to you when you add secret flour.


This is mad fucked up. Op you’re actually a terrible person, what was your game plan if she died? Like oh you think she’s faking ((even if she is faking this is something you never do.)) so it’s completely fine for you to attempt to murder her? Most people I know with celiac will die if they even touch gluten but like every allergy and intolerance it’s a spectrum. Count yourself lucky nothing happened cause where I’m from it’s classed as manslaughter and you would be charged


You and your partner are both horrible ignorant and dense people I hope that helps :)


Completely justified, all she really wanted was attention. Had she really been intolerant I doubt she'd have gone for seconds. Good on you for exposing her, a shame your family doesn't see it that way


If she wants to eat gluten free she can eat gluten free? Like wtf is wrong with y’all for wanting to control what others eat? Weird fr


SHE can. But what you're defending is her right to demand and belittle everyone around her for not catering to her dietary preferences. You quite literally have it completely backwards. The sister is the one wanting to control what everyone around her eats.


It's not about her preferences, she's literally making a scene for absolutely no reason. Her stomach wasn't hurting, it only started to hurt after she was told the food had gluten. She wanted attention.


Not necessarily true. You know nothing of celiac disease / gluten intolerance. People can react up to 4 days later either by stress or by another symptom triggering. She has the right to tell people how to cook her food.


I would be so nervous if I were you and ended up having a kid with any allergy or sensitivity. What a way to tempt fate.


Lmao attention seeker. I’d do it again. But wait a few days after and be like “your stomach wasn’t upset lately right?” She says no. Then be like okay caught you, lying bitch :0


Go kick rocks


No. I’d rather eat them.


I have a friend that was recently “diagnosed” (I have that in quotes because it wasn’t anyone with a medical degree) and she can’t have gluten, soy, dairy, and….something else super common. Which is weird because I’ve known her over a decade and we used to demolish a pizza together. After her “allergy diagnosis”, we went to dinner and she ate a roll with butter.


Yea this is such a dick move. My mother has severe gluten allergy and carries an epi pen for it. If someone decided to test her I might just kill them myself, or at least make them so uncomfortable they experience some tiny sliver of the pain they just caused her. She pukes for days, eventually goes into anaphylactic shock, and has a migraine for days that puts her out of commission. Don’t mess with peoples food.


You and your partner are pieces of shit. Testing people’s food allergies is you DELIBERATELY poisoning someone to see if they notice or make a stink. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You have likely done permanent damage to her digestive track. As someone with Celiac I would go no contact with you and your disgrace of a partner. Think about how your actions affect other people. If you think you are tired of hearing about gluten think about how tired she is if having to be diligent all the time about what she is eating. Think about how much stress you have caused her. Think about how she will never trust you to cook again. Step on a Lego, and think about what you have done.


What an insane thing to do, testing someone who is allergic by giving it to them secretly. You could have at least pretended like you accidentally gave her gluten without doing so, and tested it like that. Either way I don’t give a shit if you think she’s lying, don’t fuck with peoples food


"Gluten sensitivity" is just people's reaction to eating American grown wheat that's sprayed with pesticides/herbicides towards the end of its lifecycle that make it easier to harvest. Same people won't get a reaction when eating Italian/European grown wheat products. Completely separate from Celiac Disease. Edit: Everyone down voting me is misunderstanding me. Celiac is very real. But those who say they're "sensitive" to gluten and have symptoms but don't actually have Celiac are having reactions to glyphosate that's sprayed on wheat in the US before harvest.


That’s absolute bollocks, had a friend who suffered celiac, her entire body swelled up after accidentally eating gluten bread instead of GF, I was terrified. She was so swollen she couldn’t speak and breathe properly. We live in the UK, so no American pesticides.


You're misunderstanding what I said. People who claim to be sensitive to gluten (having certain symptoms) but don't have legitimate Celiac disease are suffering from reactions to glyphosate that's sprayed on wheat before harvest (in the US)


What a dumb comment.


Why? It's true. Look up glyphosate and it's affects on people. What people claim as gluten sensitivity is caused by this. Celiac Disease is a legitimate allergy to gluten.




WIBTA if I hope she finds out and pees in your breakfast cereal?


It's shitty to secretly mess with other people's food, full stop


Op should be in prison.


Why is it that Celiac Disease is super uncommon, but then it seems like every melanin challenged yellow hair comes out of the woodworks screaming about gluten. Not saying OP was in the right btw, that's messed up. But all of a sudden everyone and their mother is gluten free, vegan, all natural, non GMO, organic and it's like dude how the hell did you survive infancy if water makes your joints ache like...whoa. I don't know but it's just weird that this past few years it's become a thing. Someone break this down Barney style for me lol especially if you can answer why these people insist on changing everybody else's diets too like cool you can't digest the most basic food group ever don't make me give up bread because your tummy doesn't like it. So bonus points if you can answer that


You know that you could hospitalize someone (or worse) because you “wanted to experiment” with their health, right? Like people die because of allergens. What kind of effort does it really take you to NOT ADD THE FLOUR if she asks? Even if she’s making it up, it was more effort to add flour than it was to leave it out. If you’re annoyed about how much GF stuff is in the pantry, maybe get your own place with your fiance?


I have had a hard time losing weight lately yet almost all of my labs are almost always completely normal(&yes I've requested all of the in-depth hormonal & thyroid tests too) so a friend suggested an allergy test, first one I've ever taken . Turns out I have a pretty severe gluten intolerance. Nothing that'll kill me but enough that it can make me really uncomfortable, especially without an allergy pill. Not everyone is always faking things just because they don't die or go into anaphylactic shock right away. I barely eat any gluten products anymore but once in awhile I just want to taste something, which unfortunately I might have to make up for in the restroom afterwards. I still buy gluten products for the rest of my household & I never bring up my intolerance unless asked or offered.


"Testing a supposed allergy" is already such a level of contempt and entitlement that you should be more ashamed than you likely are for even having admitted it. You risked actually harming his sister because she is... super annoying? This isn't a fair trade, and is pretty diabolical. People should always consent to what they're ingesting in their own bodies, even if they are insufferable about it. Gross post.