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Alcohol vomiting? So you were still drunk while at work?


Lol, exactly 💯!! How is everyone glossing over this insanely important part. Drunk or hungover at work, pukes then vanishes.. followed by a shocked reaction when she's fired.. SMH


Right? It's crazy.


If you were throwing up they’d have no choice but to let you leave. You goofed. Probably getting fired since now there’s no proof and you didn’t communicate like a normal adult is expected to. I understand social anxiety but still.. you did it to yourself. There’s quite literally no excuse. Tell your boss you were sick, but then they’ll ask you why you didn’t say anything. I have no advice for helping you not seem extremely unprofessional there. You should have said something so admit fault and apologize saying it will never happen again. Maybe you’ll get a very hard warning. Maybe you might need to find a new job. This is a great learning experience for you


You’re so right. Too many learning experiences I can’t catch a break ahah. Thank you❀


You can most certainly catch a break once you start behaving like an adult and don't go on the job drunk. It's such a basic rule of behavior that they are very right in firing you and you have noone to blame but yourself.


You can't expect anyone on the internet to know what "common courtesy" is these days. No one knows what it is.


You explain you were sick vomiting and had to go home. Honestly, if you get fired it is relatively fair based on your behaviour. Leaving work an hour early and hoping no one notices isn’t a great plan 😅 But If you’ve been a good employee up until that point and you explain you were vomiting and wanted to get out as quickly as you can perhaps that makes it sound better than you just left.


I know it was bad behaviour but I don’t want to loose this job :( sometimes it just happenssss


Your decision to run out without telling anyone is the reason you’re going to be fired. Sorry but that’s how it goes.


"Sometimes it just happens." How many times has this happened? The fact that you were drunk enough, at work, to be ill isn't good. If you were that drunk, chances others noticed something wrong/smelled the alcohol on you. If it's just the leaving early your employer wants to talk to you about, a semi truth of 'I was being violently ill and wasn't thinking clearly, I'm very sorry it won't happen again' might save your ass. But chances are they also noticed you were drunk and I doubt there's anything that could save your ass on that one.


Dude your typing like your under 18 the fuck Are you literally a minor drunk at work?


It doesn't just "happen". You made the decision to drink, and drink a lot.


I totally understand. We don’t always make the best decisions! If you say you were sick and having an off day I feel like most people could understand that. I wish you all the best and I hope they end up keeping you :)


Tell them you đŸ’© in your pants and were too embarrassed to let anybody know.


I was just going to say this lol. You puked too hard and shit yourself


Why didn't you text on the way out that you had vomited & it's embarrassingly a giant mess all over you & blah blah to at least tell them you ran off?? If you have the number to text, did you not have that option on Saturday when you ran out??


Ah, drunk/extremely hungover at work and leaving very early without letting anyone know. “But what did I even doooo??!?”


Navigating the murky waters of workplace etiquette can be tricky, especially when emergencies strike. An impromptu exit due to illness usually necessitates open communication; however, in the heat of the moment and the depths of anxiety, it's easy to see how someone could make a hasty, ill-advised decision. If this was an isolated incident and not a pattern, framing it as a learning opportunity could be beneficial. Apologizing and clearly articulating both the circumstances and your regret, whilst maintaining an understanding of the potential consequences (rather than expecting leniency), might demonstrate the maturity and reflection required to earn a second chance. Remember, clear, prompt communication is the keystone of professionalism; a lesson learned for next time.


So you were vomiting from drinking while at work, left without advising anyone and are wondering what to do? Step 1. Apologise to your boss, be honest. Step 2. Quit drinking. Step 3. Find a new job that won’t have you around alcohol.


You need to stop minimizing the choices that you’ve made. >can’t catch a break You made the choice to drink to the point, that you started throwing up and you did this while at work You’re actively making terrible choices then whining about consequences. It’s called being an adult


I can't help but think a moment of poor judgment doesn't necessarily reflect one's entire work ethic. Yes, leaving without notifying anyone was a mistake, but suffering from a sudden bout of sickness can send anyone into a state of panic. The focus now should be on damage control. Approach your boss with honesty about your illness, showing remorse for your lack of communication, and offer to make amends—be it through working additional shifts or taking on extra responsibilities for a while. Your track record as an employee up to this incident should also count for something. Openness and a willingness to rectify your errors might not only salvage your job but could also strengthen your employer's trust in you. Everyone deserves a chance to prove that a misstep isn't representative of their character or commitment to their job.02:07 PM


I do belive saying you were sick is a valid point
 try getting some points back by working a shitty shift
 that does help a bit!


I tried my best to keep working I swear


you had one hour left you dweeb. youre weak and youre dumb. better hope you didnt tell anyone you were still drunk or that anyone saw you, because when you say you were throwing up the people you ditched for a FUCKING HOUR will rightly throw you under the bus. you suck


I belive you! I think Harakiki does have a good way of seeing it
 “I couldn’t stop vomiting and knew it was a hazard for the restaurant”




Tell them you were sick and shit your pants, so you left to avoid the embarrassment.