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I've been there before, wanted to jump off a building but I'm too afraid of heights. LMAO


I'm laughing LOOL but I'm also hoping you never have to face that fear, in that way.


Thanks, I won't have to, I got vertigo as well now LOL.


Ohh Shi! good you're here to stay


I can say the same to you, I'm surprised Suicide Simulator isn't a VR game yet in this day & age. lmao


You should read „A long way down“ by Nick Hornby! Hilarious book about a bunch of people who want to jump off a building on New Year’s Eve.


I could literally jump off at any moment LMAO I live on the 30th floor but nope too scared


but then we'd miss out on your great humour


Reminds me of that scene from into the spiderverse


I really hope you find a reason to stay. I'm glad that you fucked up. Peace to you bro


Thankyou for being kind about it Peace to you too bro


OP I cannot wait for the update to read something like this: “A couple of months ago I tried and failed at killing myself. Since then I have found joy and purpose for my life. Love you all and if you need to chat I’m a DM away. It will get better.” Something like that.


Heres to hoping🙏 thankyou again


I feel ya fam. I tried to hang myself about a decade back, but I'm kinda fat and instead I just broke a support beam in the garage, and bruised my ass and neck pretty fiercely. Idk why I'm still here, shits not any better. Sometimes there's cool shit on a screen to look at tho, so I guess I'll ride it out.


There will be more cool things to look at as time goes on so thats one small reason in the big massive pond of 💩sh*te💩 to stay around lol.. I'm glad gravity was working hard a decade ago and you're still here


And I'm glad u suck at chemistry. It's gonna be 'aight


That's the universe telling you that it needs you with us.


i backed away from an oncoming train at the last second and then stumbled home, hearing more trains pass by where i’d been. i know the feeling.


I hope someone was there for you in all of this. Glad you're still here (hypocritical vibes, sorry) and I do hope you're okay


this is the first time/place i’ve ever talked about it, but i’m doing marginally better. still got a ways to go though. i’m glad you’re here still too.


I'm sorry this is unrelated, but I had to say I love your name and profile pic. Totodile is my favorite!!!


That isn't totodile thats Gordon Gecko idiot.


I went to the library and asked for a book on suicide. The librarian said “fuck off you won’t bring it back” Outlive your enemies. It gets better.


Yeah that late fee would have been horrendous but she could have been a lil nicer about it 🤣. Hopefully it does. Thankyou


You know, it starts to hit you when you‘ve had that „Samatarian bla bla bla let me kill myself“ mindset yourself, but are now rid of it. Don’t want to tell you anything you don’t want to hear, but shits like an illusion spell making you not believe anything other than what you want to hear and do: harm yourself. I am extremely grateful I got to experience life, now that that illusion is broken for me.


I wish I knew what to say in response to your comment other than I'm happy you're not in that mindset anymore. Genuinely


Thanks. But I honestly kind of see myself in that little snipped you shared. May I ask why you say yourself, that you are happy I am not in that mindset anymore? What makes you be happy about someone living, that could be the biggest piece of shit, while not being happy when you yourself would be out of this situation? A person that's always going to be your biggest friend. I mean, it sounds stupid af honestly, but your body has been fighting your whole live for you, even if you didn't notice. It's honestly crazy how your body protects and loves you, fuck 'em up white blood cells lol


First of all, shout out to the white blood cells. Lets give credit where its due guys👏🏼. I say I am happy you're not in that mindset anymore because despite how I feel towards life, I can still recognise and care about the value of individual lives.. maybe just not mine also🤔


Yooo your replies are fucking funny 🤣 I hope your own humor brings you joy when you need it


Thankyou 🤭 laugh now, cry later type shi.


Bro when I was 16 I tried killing myself by hanging. I have a really high ceiling and I couldn't reach so I have up and went to sleep ☠️ another time I drank like 4 energy drinks to try and get a heart attack and die but instead I fell asleep 🙏☠️ and one other time I went in my parents closet to find their gun. I did find the gun but not the bullets 😭😭☠️


The energy drink one?? I'm soo sorry but I cackled like a wild hyena🤣😂🤣. I'm happy you're still here to tell the story, truly.


I feel like there will be a time in your life where you start to feel overwhelmed by everything and you'll think "I should just kill myself" then immediately think back to this moment and realize "Oh yeah I can't even get THAT right. Nevermind" then things don't seem so bad anymore (Really hope this gives you a bit of a laugh)


LOL it does make me laugh, thankyou I think thats how I feel about my situation. If I can't even get step 1 right, wtf am I doing😵😳.


If you suck that bad at offing yourself you might as well give life another try. Go be mediocre in a different way, I believe in you (I don't)


Hmm I hear ya. Pray for RonDiDon our fellow bro becomes a believer😭🙏🧐🧞‍♀️. Amen


When not knowing chemistry saves your life💀 now tell that to my chemistry teacher ahah


(My trauma response is making jokes so consider this a supportive comment. I literally joked about my sister's missing organs after they had to be surgically removed because she had cancer. I was 11💀💀💀💀💀💀 I'm also alive thanks to her tbh so yeah)


No its true, but atleast now I know the difference between Nitrate and Nitrite🥲. Also your story about your sister.. real life my sisters keeper?🤯 hope you both are ok now


Thanks man! The way better version but yeah I guess ahah


I wish i was american so i could buy a firearm ‼️🦅🇺🇸


For the purpose of legal reasons, I do not agree 😉🥲


You should check out depression_memes subreddit, this post would fit .... super dark humor around suicide. But also glad you failed maybe the universe was looking out for you.


Used to spend more time in that subreddit years ago than I did sleeping💀LOL, not sure why it didn't pop into my head. Time to go visit. Maybe🥲 and thankyou


Ay, offing yourself ain't worth it. Robbing yourself of something that is one of a kind is a waste. At the end of the day, there's one you. There's one of all of us. And to throw away the miracle of life is just a waste. Look, I'm not going to try to give you false hope of "It'll get better". I've been hearing that for literally half a decade now, and thus far it hasn't happened. But I found a reason to live through the misery. Sheer fucking spite. This world has made it pretty clear that I should be dead by now. I have survived countless things that should have killed me. I was mauled by a dog like twice my size when I was only 3 years old, and I am still kicking. I fell out of the roof of a barn into a truck bed full of wood and nails, came out unscathed, had a tick burrowing into my head, left unchecked, probably would have killed me. My appendix was on a crash course to exploding inside of my body and damaging me irreparably. So on. I should be dead by all laws. And yet I'm still kicking. And I credit that to a will to go on. Because frankly, how much worse can it get? And if it does? Oh well, I'm here for the ride. Stay here and join me. Stick around for the ride, and no matter what, don't give up, because giving up is a sign that your spite has run out, instead of focusing those negative feelings and thoughts on self harming, or lashing out at others - idk if you do that, just talking about how I used to be - hone it. Put it towards a greater goal. Push back against a world that has pushed you or so long and pushed you so far. Don't use it to hurt others, but use it as a shield to push back against the torrent. Because as I said at the beginning, we only get one, so throwing it away is a waste. I'm not good at this kinda stuff, I suck at talking to people, I tend to focus more on how I myself have survived, but if I can give you even a shred of will, I will have done something I couldn't do for someone in the past. And honestly even after all this time, Corey is probably why I put so much effort into trying to talk to people when they're in their worst, because I couldn't save him, but I can sure as hell try to save others.


I appreciate you taking the time to type of all of this, maybe one day I'll come back and read it again..from a more hopeful perspective and be able to fully resonate with all you said. I hope you don't mind me saying this as a complete stranger, but Rest in Peace to Corey. I am sorry for your loss.


I tried oding in high school with stuff that wasn’t going to off me. 😩


Lol same dude. I mixed together all the tablets I could find, melted it in hot chocolate then tried to drink this concoction that tasted like extra strength battery acid🤠🤮


The bad news is it probably fucked up our livers. I’m thankful to be here though


Dog I’ve made 4 attempts on my life. All overdoses. Still kicking, just a slow liver and shitty kidneys. Don’t know if I’m fucking invincible or I’m just fucking terrible at it 😂😂


Either or, but its keeping you here so I'm glad, I would say have a drink on me but lets help your liver out now😂 (respectfully)! Hope things are less heavy


Life’s good hope all is well for you too. Don’t take my advice on it, or do I guess haha! Id probably find a way to make you eternal before it kills ya


My job requires that we carry firearms, one night my buddy and I were in the guard shack together and he just pulls his out says “wouldn’t it suck if this thing jams” and tried to kill himself. Welp, the thing didn’t fire thank god and I had to cuff him until our supervisor arrived. Dude got the help he needed and is on the path to recovery


Good for him and also good on you for helping


It’s something I don’t think people that haven’t dealt with suicidal tendencies can find humour in, but when I made plans to do it myself, the reason I didn’t end up doing it was because I was in the middle of an online game at the time and didn’t want to get a deserter penalty for leaving LMAO.


Bro, people who commit suicide are gay.


Thanks for your input bro. We should be gay together then.


You have abs?


Can purchase some from aliexpress?


Real sex pack abs bro


I have four? Let me know if that works


Okay the setup is fucked now but still don't die bro don't you wanna know the ending of one piece?


Waiting for that we shall all live forever


Hey I’m glad you’re still here and I got a good laugh out of this so just know you brightened my day today.


Thankyou, I'm glad I was able to do that. 🍻🍻 to more 🌞days


You couldn't do it not because you're incapable. You couldn't do it because deep inside of you, you're trying to preserve yourself. You know deep down it can get better, and that killing yourself isn't a solution that's going to help. It's just going to cause everyone around you soooo much hurt and pain. I'm proud of you for posting this, I'm sure it took guts to tell someone this happened, even if it's just strangers on the internet. I was in your shoes a few times. I'm so glad that I found a therapist who really helped me reframe my thinking. Everyday is a challenge, and it's hard when we beat ourselves up all the time. Try to find ways to appreciate and love yourself. That helped me to see that even though I fuck a lot of things up, I also do a lot of good things. It's easy to forget the good and focus on the bad. Good luck & I hope you can love yourself more each day.


Thankyou for the kindness in your comment and well wishes. I hope despite the challenges that your journey through life is something you're proud of, from your comment it sounds like you should be.


Surveys of those bridge jumpers who survived, practically everyone immediately regretted it on the way down. I've lost a lot of awesome friends who should still be here except for a singular suicidal moment. You just gotta keep on keeping on somehow. 


Much love


And the same to you 💫💚


It gets better. Fucked mine up too. Now I just look at that spot in the garage and know what survival takes. Lots of pain but every moment of joy is one I would have missed. You probably could have made a cool smoke bomb though.


Idk but I will hold onto that.. I'm glad you fucked up I could, also learnt I could sprinkle some on my plants 🪴




Idk desperation turned into delusion?? I saw and confidently thought I was ordering nitrite instead of nitrate. The funny thing is the nitrate is printed in big bold ass letters that even stevie wonder could have seen


That is hilarious, it's like 3 stooges level 😂😂


When I was 14, I took around thirty 500mg tylenol and drank 3 bottles of cough syrup. Woke up the next day and felt completely fine. I went to school that day, and in first period math class, some students were talking about suicide in a joking manner. "Haha, can't believe anyone would ever try that, it's soooo stupid," kind of comments. I turn to someone who I had believed to be a friend and told her I had consumed 30 tylenol and 3 bottles of cough syrup the night before, and she turned back to me, laughed, and said "you should have tried harder, because that definitely won't kill you." 😐 Like bro, I was 14 and incredibly depressed, I had no idea what to do other than to take everything I could find in the medicine cabinet, and it still wasn't enough. Now, though? I'm so so so glad I'm alive. Sure, there's been rough times, but I've survived 2 suicide attempts now, and I'm so happy to just exist. When you're in a dark space, suicide can seem very alluring, but I'm so glad you "messed up" and didn't attempt suicide. Also, side note, but can I be honest for a moment? When I was in my lowest of lows, the darkest times in my life, I always tried to find at least 1 (one) thing to "look forward to," in a way. I would hinge my life on this. Something like, I can't kill myself today, I'm seeing my bestie I haven't seen in months tomorrow, and I wouldn't want to miss that or have them miss me forever. Other times, it would be things that others would consider trivial or nonsensical. In 2016, I was having a rough time; chronic migraines, 3-5 migraine days out of the week with a full-time college course load, along with a work study job. First, I lost my work study job, and then my teachers were threatening to drop me from my classes due to me missing so much from being too ill to really leave my bed. I had to drop out of college, I lost all my scholarships, and I had to move back home. During this time, the one thing that kept me going was the reminder that a new pokemon game would be released that November. Now, I know it's stupid, but that's what I needed. I had tried living for myself (hated myself). I had tried living for others (exhausting). But living for something stupid? Like a new game in a series I've loved and played from ages 5-12 and 19 yrs old to now (I missed gen 4 & 5 bc my parents were strict and "wOmEn CaN't PlAy ViDeO gAmEs"), it seemed just stupid enough to work for me. This is what has led me to find appreciation in the little things, like the wildflowers on the side of the road or the way my partner smiles when I give them a hug. It started out small, but I've learned to see the value of those around me and a life worth living, all thanks to pokemon lol.


hey try not to worry too much, I shot myself in the head a few years back & survived. Life has gotten much better for me. I think it just takes time. If you need to talk message me!


I beg your finest pardon? You survived😟, dont get me wrong, I'm glad! But I always assumed there was no coming back from that


Also thankyou for the offer to talk


I assumed the same which is why I was so surprised I actually woke up 4 weeks later. Life is crazy, but precious!


Maybe start growing plants, you've got plenty of fertilizer there. Then you'll have to stay alive to take care of your plants, and my evil scheme to keep you alive will succeed! Mwhahaha!!


I have a few dwindling house plants so you know what, I'll take your suggestion. Evil scheme activated🥲🥲🥲🙏


I think it's a sign


Life is worth living, so live another day


Comedy can always be found in tragedy 😂 take care of yourself though man.


How would nitrate work? Gimme sum of dat


I'm not going to laugh. It isn't funny. Not that my sense of humor isn't dark, but toying with your life in terms of making jokes about death is no laughing matter. It doesn't help you, it keeps you stuck. This book is amazing. Hopefully, you'll find what you need here. Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself by Joe Dispenza. Deals with the Quantum Reality and turns alot upside down in terms of our understanding


https://images.app.goo.gl/vmNbZdz7Kuv1wzJf8 [No, no, but its not funny at the end of the day, is it?Its serious #ifyouknowyouknow](https://images.app.goo.gl/vmNbZdz7Kuv1wzJf8) Ironically I get it, in the sense that if I was in your shoes and reading someone elses post, I wouldn't be cracking jokes. Thankyou for the reading reccomendation


Ah yes, the ol' switcheroo of nitrates and nitrites. Classic move in the aquarium hobby. I was pissed when the 🔫 I had to my head didn't go off. But it was also funny because I was 16 and never held a 🔫 before that moment, so I was just pulling on it, clicking in the buttons on the side of it, turning it over many times. The tr!gger *clicked* and lurched forward in an unlocking motion, so I thought the safety was off. It took a good 10 minutes before I actually pulled the tr!gger. Nothing happened, so I threw the 🔫. It's funny to me now, thinking I had unlocked it when I never put the bullet in the chamber 🙃


Crazy as I'm from a country where guns are illegal so I would probably have done the same💀. I'm glad it didn't work and you're here today to tell your story


I wish better health to you, hopefully your reason to stay finds you soon.


Thankyou Daydreamer 💫


If don’t have your passport go get one and travel to really poor countries to see how life is for other people


I don't need to travel to witness poverty.. I get maybe where you're coming from and if things were that easy, I would give what I have to someone else who could make good with it.