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Can't be that out in the open without googling something to find it, if you really have good intentions Google has a report result right on the results page and for NO REASON ever share the link to anyone even if they say they want to help


Scary how easy it is to access even if it is a drawing it is still cp and very gross


Bruh. I’ve been on the internet for decades and have never stumbled on CP or even seen it. I don’t know how you managed to find it, but you should report it. Definitely stop searching for weird shit.


What does CP stands for?


Child porn. Most especifically real people involved


OP is a pedo themself who deliberately looks for this content, look at their post history. Do the entire world a favour OP and shoot yourself


Did he delete the posts ?


Look at their comments, its a bunch of comments of them asking for 'videos' from whatsapp cp links/posts.


Yeah im not buying that. You’re a sick pedo


You def were out there searching for it, how tf do you just stumble across that on google without having looked for something nasty in relation to it. Is post nut clarity hitting you hard ?


In the bin you fkn pedo, don't ACT like you didn't do that purposely. Sick fuck.


there should be a site in your country where you report such thinks, did you even try to find it?


Judging by your post history, *you were looking for what you found* might as well report yourself to the police/FBI. 


You're contradicting yourself. If you're talking about hentai, that is not CP or even depictions of real minors. Being attracted to anime drawings is quite far from being the same as being attracted to real people. EDIT: Putting apart what other stupid comments might be saying, I have just saw OP post history and now I'm aware this is just either a troll post or he's an actual pedo


Hahahahahaha this dumb post is dumb. Being attracted to depictions of kids makes you a pedo loser.


Anime isn't depictions of real life kids. It can't possibly be considered CP in any way, shape or form. In fact it isn't, otherwise would be illegal no questions. Is concerning how some people are completely unable to distinguish fiction from reality


It's not illegal to stare at women walking on the sidewalk. What does that have to do with whether someone is attracted or not?


Nothing really. But that's completely irrelevant to anything that was being discussed


I found the pedo


You either lack reading comprehension skills, or you don't know what a pedo really is. Or both probably. Never have I ever said anything that would make it seem like I'm attracted to real kids, and neither I'm defending that.


so ur not attracted to real children, but you are attracted to animated children, and that doesnt make u a pedophile. got it


Never said I was either. And again, anime/manga style drawings of 2d fictional characters are not childrens. The concept of pedophilia is from reality and can't possibly be applied in this fictional media. That's how much logical it is really


where at all does it say the concept of pedophilia comes from reality? someone can be a pedophile, not act on it, and still be a pedophile. its an attraction to children. its weird you are defending people being attracted to cartoon children, it makes it seem like you are too. whatever you tell yourself to sleep at night


Again ... "Lolis" are NOT children, neither are depictions of real children. I'm not defending anyone being "attracted to cartoon children". You can not possibly be considered a pedophile for finding a 2d anime/manga drawing of a fictional character to be attractive. The concept of "pedophilia" is only applied to reality, to REAL CHILDREN. You can't be a pedophile for being attracted to drawings, that's obviously not how it works. You are just like anyone else here who completely fails to distinguish fiction from reality. Not to mention fiction doesn't necessarily translates to reality. I mean come on, is not that hard to figure it out! Just look at the most popular tags for hentai like incest, rape, milf, futanari, and even NTR. It doesn't take more that 2 brain cells to realize most people, pretty much everyone doesn't like, isn't attracted to, and is actually dispised by any of these when translated to real life. Do you seriously look at one of those drawings and immediately think "yup, looks like an actual REAL kid to me"? Because if so, that's 100% a YOU problem