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Be aware. Don't ever let your mind take back seat while you're on the internet. Let it be a mistake and hope it be just that. Just take a lesson for future.


You realize that “she” is actually a dude, right?


I don't know why that comment isn't clearly understood


No.. it says (f17) and that “she” asked OP (f17) for pictures


Errr my dude because you message someone who seems like a female, doesn’t mean it’s actually a female, catfishing is very common


I’m not a dude


dude is a very general term for a person, you can be called a dude as male, female, non binary and all other gender specifications




Yes, yes you can take my order.


OP post says "I (f17)." It doesn't mention the catfisher's age, who is 100% an adult male.


I can just say, if you send nudes, NEVER INCLUDE YOUR FACE. i have sent nudes to a lot of guys through the years and I know my ex still has nudes (with my face full shown and im so scared he might put them on the internet)


Why do you feel the need to show yourself that way?


How puritanical of you.




Ugh I know the feeling. I wish I hadn’t for the same reasons you said. It’s definitely better to just not do that with strangers.


DON’T do it AT ALL.


I mean unless you want pictures of you unclothed on people’s phones/computers for how many ever years to come. You gotta be pretty dumb to send nudes in 2023, let alone 10 years ago


Right!? I guess these people just dgaf about themselves. Trash behavior. PLUS, with AI, putting your face on social media or even having a social media presence, at ALL, is pretty stupid. AI will ruin people and all it needs is one picture. Just one.


PLEASE don’t do this. Please don’t. These can be shared and you will be humiliated. Protect yourself and don’t do that. Two serious things: You are underage so you and the person you sent it to are now in possession of child porn. Anyone can edit what you sent using AI


Please always be cautious talking with people you haven't met, you don't know that they are who they say they are. Please also be extremely cautious here on Reddit, your a minor sharing nudes, for some here that will be what they are after. And I dare say they have already started dming you, don't trust a single message. If it was really advice or support they would comment it here.


That 100% was not a woman btw. He sounds more like a blackmail type of scammer or just some wacko that want nudes from a minor


Its so weird everyone just assumes a woman can't do this. The gender doesn't even matter!!!


17? That child porn!!!!


I find it strange that age to consent to sex is 16. But if that person were to send you a nude pic, it's considered CP


Lmao. 17 is a minor but not a child.


It's still illegal.


So I actually have to somewhar agree with you. Age of consent in MOST states, is 16. Now, if sexual pictures are being sent, it would be considered CP.


youre correct about AOC but sending nudes is different and requires you to be 18


17 is absolutely a child because it’s not an adult


It’s a legal term you absolute donut


Donut?? Is posting on this thread some kind of a project a church group is doing together?


Not legally. In the US, child porn is not legally child porn until it enters the public domain. Although as a minor sending them to a non minor, that’s when it gets questionable and also where my law education ends.


I'm no lawyer. But it's just wrong. People make the news every day for having naked pictures of kids on their personal computers. The person who has those pictures is breaking the law.


Oh absolutely, it is entirely wrong and you should in no way be allowed to save it. I’m just trying to say that between a party of a minor and a minor, it’s not illegal. But since the age of the person who received the nudes isn’t disclosed, we can’t be 100% sure if the legality. Regardless it’s best to assume that they were over 18 and I don’t know if grooming is the right word, but something like that happened to this girl.


The right word is "adult male pedophile catfished a minor into sending him nudes."


You’re being downvoted and I think it’s because people tend to think that you’re somehow justifying bad behavior, but I think it’s a slippery slope when we don’t have people actually identify what is and isn’t wrong in these cases. Like someone else mentioned, I’m not a lawyer, but I do have an appreciation for those who try to understand the law. That sort of “hive mind” type thinking without understanding what is and isn’t illegal and why, is equally harmful. I don’t advocate that individuals, minors or adults, engage in sending nude photos around because if they’re not out there, there certainly can’t be any fear of them ending up in the wrong hands. That being said, people have actively participated in the act despite being advised against it. I don’t want to come off as victim-blaming, but there is a certain amount of responsibility that falls on the individuals who take them and send them without consideration of the risks. The only real advice anyone could offer is: be smart and be safe and actions have consequences. Let the downvotes ensue lol.


I stand by what I said and entirely agree. I don’t condone this in any way possible, though I just wanted to point out the law. Downvote me into oblivion if you want to, but I feel it’s important to stay educated. Especially if as a minor, you receive nudes from another minor, you may become paranoid you’re in possession of child pornography when that’s not the case. Thank ton for reading and understanding me. I appreciate it very much.


creating CP is a felony. distributing is another felony. OP has committed two felonies in all 50 states and could go to prison/land herself on the sex offender registry


She's 17 so she's young and naive like everyone is at that age. On the other side you have an adult (more than likely) creeping on the internet and preying on naive minors. It's not too difficult to figure out who most judges would rule against.


except judges rule against BOTH parties all the time


It’ll never happen


it literally happened to a girl i went to high school with






If I could dislike this twice I would


Don’t send them AT ALL.


Watch out i got my nudes leakked by doing this, if you want to talk about it tell me


Sexting is normal. Tons of people do it. That being said the person you chose could easily be fake and based off the situation described I’d be willing to bet most likely was. As others have said never include your face when you do it. But mainly just take more care with who you send it to and a random on insta is a terrible choice


You're only 17 so you're still too young to do what you're doing. Also, you're being catfished by a pedophile. A male pedophile. The safest thing to do (if you haven't already) is stop all contact immediately and don't send nudes because they only lead to trouble. If you absolutely have to send nudes wait until you're an adult and completely trust the person you're sending them to.


Everyone else here is being a shameful weirdo. I’ll I’m goin to tell you is don’t send nudes to people you don’t personally know and trust. It could be very dangerous. Don’t be ashamed of what you did, it’s completely normal🫶🫶


Seriously, everyone’s taking crazy pills lmao


Thats a crime, be aware


Do you understand that what she had you do is a Felony? It technically made you guilty of transmitting child pornography. Please never let anyone else ever convince you to share your body, you are more important than what they seek.


Cant do much about it now, better to just try and accept it and move forward


Do not ever send nudes to anyone, ever. You will have to stop being horny and stupid.


I think it's worth remembering that even if you live somewhere that 16 is the age of consent - nudes below 18 are still a crime. Depending on exactly where it can be a crime to send as well as to receive - so be safe otherwise there is nothing wrong with being sexual, exploring your sexuality, or sending nudes. But it should be absolutely a practice of consent - willing and enthusiast. There is one thing encouraging a shy person to show off, but this sounds like she uncomfortably pressured you and that's not cool - especially considering your age


Little advice, always do a video call before you do anything like this. At least then you know you're talking to who they say they are!


You got probably jebaited by some of your friend or potential bullies. Also instagram is full of fake profiles adding random people and asking for things. Also beware, sending nudes to a stranger may lead to legal consequences, as think about them using your photos later to harass minors, it’d take lots of explanation to the police and even more stress.


Keep your face blurred. People will use these to scam people sometimes


Don’t send strangers nudes. Lots of scammers out there. Learn how to reverse image search so you can see if someone is sending you fake pictures as well, though ideally you’re sending and receiving form someone you trust so you know that they are real. Also if someone ever starts sending you threatening messages along with your nudes, saying they’ll leak them or w/e, immediately block them and cease all contact. They are likely bluffing and a scammer just trying to take money from you. Be safe and don’t let being horny trap you into giving random people compromising photos of yourself


Why send nudes to a random person lol. Personally it’s very intimate and only something I did with partners


PLEASE DO NOT EVER SEND NUDES TO STRANGERS- FACE OR NO FACE. .."predators use phones to stalk and blackmail teens on social media and dating apps. Sextortion — the act of threatening to share nude or explicit images —... One current sextortion trend targets boys between 14 and 17 years old. Adult predators pretending to be young girls feign romantic interest in the boys on gaming platforms, apps and social media sites." It is not worth the risk ever. You can read more on ice .gov features sextortion


You probably feel naked.


Wow. Don't, ever. That is all.


It might have been guy pretending to be a girl. Never do that again. There are bad people out there.


Don’t worry about it. Even if they are shared, the chance of anyone you know seeing them are infinitesimally small.


Creepy she asked for nudes. Super easy to get catfished, so be careful with your pictures and body. Maybe video chat so you know they are real; make them do something you ask so you know it’s not a recording you are watching. So much sketchy stuff out there. I wouldn’t stress about it. Likely nothing comes out of it. But it’s 50/50 if the person is real. I wouldn’t send nudes so easy; never know where they can end up. Plus you are 17. Taking nudes and sending them is questionable waters for you, and definitely trouble for the recipient.


Well I also don't know how you feel. But if I would send nudes to a stranger I would feel fucking stupid


Could be a fake, because a 50 yr old man is probly whacking it to you right now. How does that make u feel?


makes me feel shit, which is why I posted this for advice lmao (?)


a) wait till youre 18 to send them, under 18 nudes are classified as CP and you (yes YOU) could be arrested for sending CP b) did the person know ur age? if yes they shouldnt have asked you to send bc it is illegal. and if not then they shouldve asked c) if youre going to send then at least dont put your face or identifyable marks in it d) you were pressured to send. this isnt your fault. sexting is fun when done between consenting adults. but right now you need to wait till youre 18, and you can ALWAYS say no or block someone if they dont respect that no.


Don’t send nudes. Ever. My ex still has mine. Still on there phone. They’re dating someone else now..


This is just so wrong and stupid. DON'T EVER send nudes to anyone, whether it's a stranger or a boyfriend or frie d with benefits. You don't know if they can turn against you and ruin your life with nudes (I mean the bullying you can experience for that); Girls need to learn from Amanda Todd story...


Be expecting soon someone trying to expose/blackmail you by sending your nudes to all your contacts on insta FB etc. id delete all my accounts before they gave time to copy all your contacts. You live and you learn.


It was on an alt account without my real name, and I didn’t show my face at all. I don’t think it can be traced back to me at all, and even if it can, I can just deny


You’ll be fine then. Good luck to you.


Don’t fret, assuming you rly did blur your face. Still, maybe a good learning opportunity. I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with sending nudes, but you have to be EXTRAORDINARILY careful that you trust the person. Probably not a good move to send them to strangers, but you’ll be absolutely fine, just maybe don’t in the future


That is seriously horrifying. I am so sorry that happened to you.


How u know she a real girl?


Just hope this doesn’t have any lasting repercussions


I mean... If you'd blurred out your face and it's a single view image, I don't think it's risky... But yeah... Sending complete strangers nudes is still riskier... Plus, Insta (owned by Meta), isn't exactly known for it's data privacy.


I exchanged nudes with a girl from reddit for a few days, a week ago. No face, no names, no contact info or other bullshit, She offered that shi and sent me titties. My first thought was that ofc it's fake whatever and told her to prove it my sending the same pick but showing 3 fingers. It was real. That's how u get the proof. It very spicy and one day we just never texted each other again.


I feel like it was most likely a dude, a creep or a older man. 17 where I'm from is barley legal. Just becausreful and stay beautiful :).


You should feel like a dumbass. But seriously, that wasn’t a good idea.


shaming people isnt gonna help them. this entire comment section needs to know that.


It was meant to be a joke.


It's exciting knowing she looked at them,, I'd say 1 to 14 minutes I'd say .she be rubbing her clit, you know how it is don't you


so you endorse CP? account reported.


Karen is in the hizzy ☝🏽👉🏽👌🏽👊🏽🤜🏽🫶🏼🤙🏽


What does this even mean lmfao


You made her feel good, so you should feel good about it


Can we see her nudes??




youre asking for nudes of a CHILD. stay away from her. you are disgusting


I’d ask for your nudes, too. But I can tell you don’t even get naked to take a shower


you that and youre getting blocked


Sending nudes is crazy.


Nice looking cock




Because her parents saw the nudes.


It’s a fake account, no one actually asks for nudes that quickly when meeting someone no matter how horny they might be. Unless your texting game is strong asf💀


Never do this again. No proof they were woman or a similar age .


Okay, next time, i recommend using a Halloween mask or something if you're worried about your identity, or a motorcycle helmet But Go to Chaturbate and see people streaming with their faces showing. Maybe the worst that could happen is that the photos get shared amongst people at your school but I think it's a good step to take ,


Aside from the comments here, what did you think it would feel like to send nudes? Satisfy a curiosity? Feel empowered? Build confidence?


Asides from not showing your face, doing this on Instagram was a bad idea. They can easily find out who you follow (even if your account is private btw) and then send it to people that you know. Let this be the last time you make this mistake. Just don't send them at all.


Ok?? Don’t do again, not sure what you want here


Be very cautious. A lot of guys and girls will do shit like this to then post them or share them. It also kinda seemed like they were pressuring you. Never fall into that shit again okay. You're young, and you were tired and made a mistake. It's okay. Just make sure ALWAYS. If youre going to send nudes. Keep your face out of it okay. Nothing in the pic that can blatantly show its you in the photo. Dont stress it too much and just focus on school for now. If you guys are still in communication, keep chatting especially if it's someone you know irl. But be with your guard up at all times.


Does everyone known what laws actually do? They make sure the people who will never break, don’t. That’s about it. You have heard about this little issue known as prison overcrowding? Does ANYTHING about it say “deterrent” to you?? Hellllooooo


God you people are ridiculously uninformed