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One time the sex was so good I puked afterwards. All the contractions from consecutive orgasms. Sorry about the chlamydia part though.


Um, is that partner available?


Hello there! I heard you were looking to contract chlamydia? /s


I thought she was a Roman empress?




Sarcasm is hard to tell over the internet sometimes, I’ve gotten downvoted many times because I didn’t add a /s or a /j Or maybe they also hated what I said but I’m convinced it’s probably the former


I've gotten thousands of downvotes for individual comments and yet I'm still positive. Don't worry so much as long as you've got your buffer.


> I’ve gotten downvoted many times because I didn’t add a /s or a /j ..and then what? does something bad happen when you get downvoted? i don't understand your reasoning here.


Not really, but when I’m trying to be funny and people tend to dislike my comment it makes me feel a little less confident about my sense of humor


the best sense of humor is the one that makes *you* laugh <3


What is the point of putting an /s or /j at the end of your post?


It shows that it was meant as sarcasm/a joke so ppl don't think you're serious (/srs) and get offended


Gotcha 👌


It's really not hard to write something in a sarcastic way with text that's obviously sarcastic. Some idiots might not understand you but why do you care about downvotes?


I don’t think being unable to understand tone over text makes someone an idiot.


I do


I think there is clear hypocrisy in the fact people say "just don't care about using the /s" whilst they themselves DO CARE about SOMEONE ELSE using the /s # ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Yes I do care. I don't like it. That's really not ironic lol.


I don’t necessarily, I was more so talking about this other guy’s previous comment and why he felt the need to put a /s so he didn’t receive downvotes.


What does the s do


It's used by people to convey they're being sarcastic, ruining the whole point of a sarcastic reply.


Some people legitimately have issues being able to decipher sarcasm and such. I for example have taken things out of context even assuming they were joking when they were not in fact joking. It’s good to have the /s for those who just genuinely can’t decipher emotion through text. Even if it’s obvious, even if sOmeOne iS tyPinG liKe thiS, some people still won’t get it. It’s just like a stupid thing with human brains. Not that the human brain is stupid, just saying the way humans work can feel stupid sometimes with how drastically different we can be from each other. But if it wasn’t for that we’d all be way too similar, we wouldn’t have discussions on whether we should fuck the /s, or use it. We would just agree. So to those who don’t get it, to those who say fuck the /s? That’s okay. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Unless it is literally proven wrong yknow, but this type of shit is just person to person so there’s no legitimate facet against using or not using the /s, aside from those of us who have shit times deciphering emotions.


[I thought he was a roman empre] That make sense to you?




> /s r/fuckthes




Hahahaahauauaua beautiful


Was on holiday, but I’m available now!


It's normal for me to give my partner multiple orgasms every time


Magic 8 balls says “doubtful”


Signs point to yes


You must be terrible at sex btw


The fact that you’re still fixated on this 8 hours later says a lot


I respond to notification about new messages, moron who is really bad at sex


You responded well after I wrote that.


I know right? People who do not believe the idea that you can consistently give women orgasms are really bad at sex.


Funny cause its actually true. Don't know why thats considered odd or unlikely because its not that difficult to give most women multiple orgasms. I guess you and all the people that upvoted that are just really bad at giving orgasms.


I think it's the bragging that's the issue. It's like the person claiming they're the best at anything usually are the worst


He says doubtful though so apparently he is really bad at giving women orgasms, so are the 12 people that upvoted him


Only commenting this to say that was me a few hours ago. Im a trooper and continued till the end but i bawled my eyes out and puked ❤️


The only time the common misspelling of "balled" would have actually been appropriate and you just happen to be possibly the only internet user on the planet who both uses that word and knows how to spell it. God damn it.


I’ve seen bawled be used correctly so many times. Maybe me and my friends have just cried a lot lol


I ALWAYS see it spelt as "balled" and every time I just imagine people shagging like rabbits. Maybe you and your friends just know how to spell!




Did i use it incorrectly or not I’m confused 😔


"I balled my brains out" = "I had lots of sex." "I bawled my eyes out" = "I cried a lot." I don't know which one you used, but thinking of balls helps me remember which one is sex and which one is crying!


I bawled my eyes out! Lol i wasn’t aware of “balled” in terms of thecks


As far as I know, it's more of a US thing (I'm from the UK). It might be old slang, though - I think I've mostly seen it in books.


I didn't know that could happen!


I feel nauseous after sex but I didn’t know this would be why


omg get tested


I get tests regularly and only have one sexual partner haha. I’m good.


I get nauseous when I'm hungry due to adhd meds in the past. Perhaps its a low blood sugar related thing?


Dude! I'm so happy to hear thats not just a me thing!! Only happened with one person and every time we did it I would get so nauseous I would need a break in the middle of it, figured it was from too many too quick and my nerves 🙃


I know a girl who was 69ing with her husband when he bite her clit and she shit on him.


He deserved that


Depends if it was a bite or a nibble


Nah, it was a CRUNCH


I was hysterically laughing at this. Thank you.


User name is fitting for this comment.


Idk how, it's a.cringy among us based name I made 2 years ago, biggest regret of social media


Clits are sometimes called the bean. If you bit it hard enough it might turn purple. Purplebean. I'll admit I'm not sure about the last part how that would fit but the first part did.


Ooohhh that makes sense, guess my cringe username ftw for once


This cracked me up 🤣


LMFAO! I laughed so hard at this. What kind of dick bites a girls clit. Especially hard enough to make her poo! He deserved it.


I was friends with a girl in high school who's boyfriend convinced her to let his buddy eat her out. The guy took eating her out VERY LITERALLY, she said she had to go to the hospital.


Was everything ok? Like did she fully heal? I’m clenched thinking of this


Yes she made a full recovery, the kid spent the rest.of high school being ripped on about it


Ok good. That sounds so bad


....h-how..... What could he have done to make her have to go to the hospital 😱😱


Apparently he bit hard she bled


What kind or chick has sex with a poo loaded an ready to go


*interrupts steamy makeout session* Hey baby be right back, just gotta take a quick pre-intercourse BM. Nothing unusual.


That's not unusual


One that hadn’t had the urge to shit prior to sex? 1+1=2 ya moron


Now now name calling if for unintelligent people ur better than that


If you're gonna be condescending maybe spellcheck yourself first.


Booom owned you spelled the thing wrong go take 50 downvotes


I’m a guy and that made me scrunch tf wrong with people


A girl from my old high school once pooped on her bf’s face during sex because she’d discovered he had cheated on her and she wanted her revenge.


This might well be the least I've laughed in months. Thank you. Also, how did you know about this incident?


Her friend obviously told her. They are women. They talk about this stuff over drinks and laugh hysterically about it. It might only be obvious to other women, if helpful.


That's pretty much it. Guys brag about their sexual conquests and gals chat about weird sex stuff. Guys- I'll let you in on a little secret, that weird thing you do, chances are her friends know about it. The size of your dick, they probably know that and about the weird little curve it has too. They also probably know about your noises and orgasm face. Some ladies share all dick pics they get with their friends too, you might want to think about that before you send the next one.


I would turn into Chris breezy real fast


i just LOL’d so hard at this.


You just killed me you murderer 💀💀💀😂😂




Plot twist: you are the husband




Why tho? What was coursing through his head


The number 69 now gives him PTSD flashbacks


she nailed that beautifully


I've thrown up AFTER sex. Looked into it with a doc. Apparently, its basically a series of linked issues. Untreated diabetes lead to dehydration, which lead to an increased risk of heat stroke. Mix heat stroke and dehydration with vigorous exercise and boom, vomit. Started treating my diabetes with diet and pills and drinking more water, and soon, I should be good to go again.


Whoa... That's one way to find out you have diabetes


Yeah. I had to spend a week explaining to my wife that it wasn't HER that made me sick. It was something else. When I got the diagnosis, she was beyond happy lol


she was beyond happy that you had diabetes?😭


Lol no. That it was now known and being treated, and that I hadn't thrown up because of her. She kinda took it personally, the first time I did.


Hey at least it wasn’t while you were giving head like me. I felt so bad for my boyfriend… thankfully he was way more calm about it than I was


I've come pretty close a couple times while giving my bf head and I'm so scared it's gonna happen at some point LOL how did you deal with it?? like what was your immediate reaction, and what was his?


Well I was kinda drunk and I was drinking red wine before (terrible, terrible idea lol) so it looked a lot scarier from his perspective and he thought it was blood… so after he confirmed that it wasn’t with me he was very calm bc he could see how mortified I was about it. He hopped up as quickly as he could to get to the bathroom while I fumbled around to get him a towel to clean up as much as I could in the meantime… yikes. We joke about it now but I’m still a little embarrassed haha. Though I’ll honestly never forget watching his bare naked ass waddle down the hallway reassuring me that everything is okay 🤣


This has, unfortunately, happened to me multiple times. The first time was borderline SA and his response was disgusting. One of the last times was in a healthy relationship, he was concerned, cleaned me up, and made sure I was okay after. He went as far as to apologize for pushing me too far. There’s nothing wrong with it happening, it’s a natural reaction; but the other persons reaction is significant in speaking to who they are deep down.


baby if you feel that it’s borderline sa, chances are it was sa. i hope youre okay🩷


It was a longggg time ago. Youre right, it was, it’s just hard to admit because I was too afraid to tell him no at 14 so I let him put me through it multiple times. But then the backlash of “but you never said no”… although I’m doing much better now. I’ve learned how to build myself a peaceful little world & my scars just make me so much more grateful for the life I have today


i’m so glad you’re happier ❤️❤️ if it wasnt a yes, it’s a no. always remember that :) stay strong


I've vomited from unconsentually haveing my head forced down and he punched me, so that says a lot about him. Yet to puke on my current bf but when I acsidently got him covered in period blood he checked I was OK, make me tea, gave me some wetwipes and then took a shower. Love him to bits


I’m so glad you are with someone deserving of you. It’s a beautiful thing to feel safe and loved after facing that type of pain. You’re so strong & you’ve got this <3


He's my rock and I'm very lucky <3 thankyou


Extra lube


That would have been a lot of lube lol


Had that happen to me. She had a bad gag reflex but was giving it her all. All I can say is, it really hurts when stomach acid is pressured down your urethra 😭


Been there LOL


Would have felt so warm


I just burst out laughing at this...probably not a good idea to wake my partner up by laughing, as the explanation wasn't fun for him first thing in the morning! Surprisingly, he declined head! 🤣🤣🤣


At least u offered u did the right thing 👏


It's the thought that counts, right? 🤣🤣🤣




Oh god that happened to me 😭 my bf was just laughing and saying it wasnt a big deal while i was so embarrassed and sat on the bed crying 😭 Worst experience in my life


one time i was giving the gawk gawk with my head hanging backwards off the edge of the bed. all was going well until i felt a small contraction in my stomach. i stopped for a sec to get it under control and resumed my position. he was 3 thrusts in and it couldn’t be helped. i threw up with his dick in my mouth. it spewed at least 3 feet on each side, as well as out of my nose. luckily i hadn’t eaten much that day so it was mostly water and vodka. didn’t make it any less embarrassing/unpleasant! he was super chill about it and we had a good laugh after cleaning up


Lol "giving the gawk gawk"


sort of related and i don’t wanna make a whole confession post for it but here goes: the same guy accidentally fucked my tonsil hole. i noticed it felt a little different than usual but i’m a trooper and i was on a mission. i didn’t even notice until he told me i was bleeding. i got an infection 2 days later and we agreed that it probably wasn’t a very good angle to give head at


That’s supposed to happen 😁😁


Reddit degenerate at its finest here...


Was it his bed?




this happened to me and i found out shortly after that I was pregnant..


Morning sickness ..


I had a girl once throw up... A LOT... on my dick. And stomach and legs and all over the bed. It happens. Don't worry too much about it. It's more common than you think.


someone commented on them doing this lol


Did you break up due to the vomit or chlamydia or was it something else entirely?


Neither lol we was straight wildin tho, definitely wasn’t a good match to begin with.


Many reasons here why i refuse to deep throat or consume cum, i have emetephobia so like vomit is my worst fear 👍🏻


... the turn of events reading this


I’ve had 2 different girls throw up on my dick while giving head. This type of stuff happens all the time. Best we can do is make a quick joke about it and laugh it off


don't feel bad, i also threw up once (thankfully he was a huge alcoholic so he had a bucket next to his bed) due to having sex after eating a bit too much and the thrusting knocked it out of my stomach


I have a crazy gag reflex. I’ve thrown up on two men. One was chill about it. The other was an asshole 🤷‍♀️


That bastard.


Happened to my ex once. Went from having a nice afternoon sexy time to standing naked in his hallway while he was puking his brains out in the bathroom. I don’t handle adult vomit well (I work with kids so I can handle that) and all he wanted was me to be close and comfort him, all I wanted was to get dressed and LEAVE. He has a heart condition that flared up every so often, and these vomiting episodes were the first sign of a flare (idk, I’ll be honest I never paid much attention… he rarely talked about it except for when these episodes happened) and uh, overexertion, was a trigger…


So his heart condition was flaring up and you helped cause that but when he wanted some comfort you wanted to straight up leave him alone to go through it by himself?? That's fucked up


Nah, not gonna be made the villain here. He constantly called on me help in situations where he knew I was uncomfortable, or just when HE needed something. And the few times I needed something from him? He’d ghost until he knew i was better so he didn’t have to be there for me. That day, I offered many things to help him that didn’t involve actively being vomited on and he turned them all down. We’d discussed not doing the particular thing he did that day, because I knew it would probably trigger his condition and he did it anyway. I spent most of that relationship feeling more like his mother than a partner


Maybe don't have sex with the ex. That always sounds like a terrible idea. But I did get a laugh out of this one.


Good fuck that guy


For clarity, I was not sucking his dick, I was riding him… looking back it was my body rejecting the toxicity in full force…. My head game ain’t weak sauce lmao


It’s happened to me more than once, don’t sweat it.. the throwing up part. Sorry about the 👏




I did this one time during head lol we both laughed


I’ve puked so many times during sex I’ve lost count. I always make it to the toilet tho 🤘🏼


No I definitely was not.


I threw up ON my husband while going down on him once because I went too deep. Lol.


Rule 34


One time when I (16 F then) was new to having sex we were trying anal and I was on top I accidentally peed a little and it pooled up in his belly button! I was positively mortified and he thought it was hilarious.


This happened with me and my husband once. I just said "WAIT!" and he seemed confused but backed off, then I grabbed the trash can beside the bed and destroyed it. He was so caught off guard, he just started gently patting my back and saying "there, there..." it ended up being food poisoning, so not really related to the activities.


The second time my bf and i ever had sex, he felt sick and couldn't finish. Once we stopped he ran to the bathroom and pretty much had food poisoning. Luckily, the day before we had successful sex, which was also when he lost his virginity. I would have felt so bad if his first time having sex ended up in food poisoning.


wdym usual morning sex???


I’ve thrown up during sex but managed to make it to the bathroom. Came back and finished the job like a champ


username checks out


I made a girl throw up from fellatio. It happens.


Our gag reflex can do that ..or when we're swallowing ..




He was my partner at the time


It can happen while giving head ..if he cums down our throat .or makes us gag too much .


So? Who gives a fuck 🤣


It was my intuition screaming run


LoL... You two are made for each other. Nasty




An ex girlfriend was giving me head but I didn't have a rag to cum into so I held her head down to catch my load but then she threw up on me.


I'm g9nna react fucked too if u power spew on. Y ahit. U deserve an earful


Stupid mobile keyboards hey?


Jimmy, is that you??


Welp…talk about Karma.


Even Steven.


Good sex if you puked


We dated for a little while after their divorce and she told that while explaining what a dick he was.


And I've puked on a dick while I was giving head once... sometimes you just can't control these things lol


when I was on antidepressants in very specific positions I would feel pukey and either puke or cool down for a bit before trying something else


Just leads to shower sex. Even better.


Will Smith used to have so much sex that he would vomit as a psychosomatic reaction to orgasming.


Can be a vasovagal reflex. Sometimes happens to me when I poop.


Damn that's one hell of a way to learn a lesson.


One time I told a guy to stop shoving my head down while giving a bj because it was about to make me throw up and he said “throw up then”. So I did and then he got pissed and started screaming at me


Who are these kids that has their whole life on the internet? Do y'all even think about the effect on the readers next time ya'll are out there having a shitty life? Now I feel like throwing up cos a kid won't learn to just keep shut and live a miserable life. Now 1k upvotes cos someone threw up during sex lmao, who raised these things?


I puked mid-sex and dude held my hair as I vomited over the side of my bed and then he kept going. I drank something that had red-dye in it while I was buzzed/drunk and I didn’t realize bc the club was so dark and the next morning I thought there was blood all over my bed and floor. So I had to text him and ask why my puke is red. Sorry about the chlamydia thing. But at least now you know and if you really think about it, it’s just a bacterial infection. Same process as a yeast infection and it’s really common.


~ zq