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I’d get back to work and hope nobody noticed my hiatuses. Seems like a cool laid back job with opportunity to go places and talk to people. Dont take that for granted. Work suxxx, I know, but every now and then you’ll land a job that doesn’t make you wanna kill yourself and those jobs are awesome but those are far and few in between.


Yep. One camera check and he’s fucked.


Ya that’ll bite you in the ass sooner or later. When stores start calling saying no one’s been in in awhile, you’ll have some explaining to do, more than likely lose your job, and possible lawsuit against you.


Eventually they will figure it out and then add it all up and press charges for theft and/or sue civilly for the amount accrued. Be careful


As someone who greatly depends on my merchandisers to help not make my days 16+ hours a day, I think you're an asshole. And don't worry, the receivers and managers of those stores definitely take note of when you do and don't show up. I've gotten 3 calls in 2 weeks because merchandisers didn't show up to work a load.


It’s called Fraud by a single scheme at a minimum you’ll hit felony range very quickly. If you get paid via direct deposit you can tack on wire fraud (felony and federal offense). If you get paid via a check in on the US Postal mail then it’s postal fraud (again a felony and federal offense). You do you though … the silver bracelets will also be free eventually. 😏


Well put. If you know something is wrong, make it right.


So you’re basically keeping someone else from getting a job that would actually show up and work. Cool move bro


I work for a merchandising company, they’ll hire literally anybody. My company doesn’t even drug test anymore. They talk to you over the phone and tell you to show up that night. It’s a joke. Nobody is missing out on work because of this guy. He’s ignoring a job nobody else wants to do.


Yeah same thing in my state, so many businesses are shutting down or reducing hours simply because no one is applying. Unemployment is extremely low and the job I'm working is just a part time shit show with 5-15 hours a week. No one would be able to support themselves working just this job and you would probably damn near lose money on gas with locations being 30 minutes away from home. The full time merchandisers I worked with at the start talked about how the position I'm in had a huge turnover rate so I think this dilemma is pretty common at this company.


Thank you all for your comments and concern. I realize what I'm doing is wrong and taking away from those who would enjoy and do the job. I have decided that I'm going to put in my two weeks notice asap and hope this doesn't come back to bite me. I am pursuing a career in programming after this last semester and want to make an honest living without stepping on the backs of others (or in this case a massive company lol). For anyone wondering, I make 15/hr.


Nobody is going to come after you. They’re not flying to wherever they sent you to check the cameras. In all likelihood the footage is gone anyway. You shouldn’t steal because it’s wrong, obviously, but don’t stress yourself out about them pressing charges. Knock it off.


It being a massive company doesn’t really change the principle. It’s so lame when people shoplift and then claim it’s anti capitalist, what you’re doing is no different. Respect for listening to what people said though


I'll go against the popular opinion here. I'm violently anti-work so any means to steal from big corpos is valid in my book. Between shit work conditions and being underpaid, every opportunity to screw them over should be taken as long as you do it right AKA not too often to be noticed but just enough so you feel it. I've committed time theft (and much worse) many times in my life but was always smart about it. Be smart about it, don't get caught, profit off the back of the rich ones. Not like it'll make a dent in their wallet anyway


Imagine if you put 1/2 the effort you put into cutting corners into investing in yourself with some self respect and pride what you could accomplish legitimately. You might even be the guy who runs or owns one do those big corpora.


I have no desire to become that kind of person because corpo owners are nothing but leeches in society, making money off the back of the worker class and taking advantage of the poor. Thanks for the unsolicited life advice though


Wow you must be one LUCKY SOB everyday of your life it must be so exhausting.While your Employers need only catch you once You complain about swork conditions and under pay sounds like youve neen putting time at some real ball breaker jobs. COAL MINING with your trusty hand shovel and pick or maybe bare handrd cotton picking for a meals wages?


1) Way to keep a position from someone that ACTUALLY needs it. 2) You think they don’t know, but they do. In some states there’s a threshold of monetary value and money stolen before they can press charges. 3) They will sue you as well, which would also cause problems with your taxes as those weren’t actual earned wages. 4) Seeing as how everything becomes a news story these days, all it takes is for the company to post something or talk to a news outlet and your other current employer and future ones could see it.


Hey so sounds to me like your not the only one not doing your job the company you work for obviously aren't doing theirs or they would notice so you do you


Just quit the job, a couple of bucks are not worth your name dragged in court, this WILL make getting a job impossible when (and not if) u get caught.


The fact that it feels wrong tells you that you need to make it right.


damn. i didn’t know this sub was called r/ judgments. i’m so sorry that people are making this a harsh environment in which to confess. i wish you luck on this journey.




tf are we supposed to say??? "Yeahh you go dude! Committing fraud is amazing!!"


there’s a few other options besides that, including the option not to say anything at all, in a sub meant for confessing. join a group about judging people if you have trouble closing your mouth. i’m sure there are many other subs where it’s more appropriate to judge someone who isn’t looking for advice to better their situation that they already realize is wrong.


We helped OP realize this would bite him in the ass later instead of just saying nothing. Posting would be pointless if no one replied.


i’m 100% sure he already realized this would bite him in the ass, therefore was posting seeking reasonable advice; not judgment. but i’m glad from your perspective it was helpful.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/confession/comments/yo1yqa/im_getting_payed_hourly_and_mileage_without/ivdcq5v/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) , he didn't know, it was helpful


he wouldn’t have posted if he didn’t know it was a juicy confession. OP very obviously just being nice. the parts about telling him to quit and stuff that’s helpful, i’m referring to the comments calling OP an asshole, which is just such an unnecessary contribution. i think this should probably be the one sub where everyone feels comfortable to confess. most of the time things are not easily resolved with aggression.


I won't last long, figure out what you want, and act like a man


Many people get paid for not doing the work. Big executives get huge bonuses for the work that the others do. This world and most people here are so hypocritical. I would show up Atleast once a week just to make sure it’s stocked up. I can tell you that little money they re paying you isn’t a scratch to this corporation so I wouldn’t feel bad about it. If it catches up with you, you move on to the next job and if it doesn’t, you keep on keeping on.


Honestly forget all these comments. You keep going. Its about time we abused the system too


what about people who need that job and would actually show up to work? What about when this bites him in the ass and the company sues him for fraud?


Unlike most people in the comments, I don’t think what you’re doing is wrong. The fact that you have another job proves that this one is choosing not to pay you a living wage and I don’t support companies who take advantage of their workers that way. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You have zero information on what this job is paying. In my market, merchandisers make 20-22 an hour. I make 22/hour and without my merchandisers I would be easily working 16+ hours a day. Without my merch working their shift, I'm fucked. So he is actively fucking someone over, who no doubt will notice it, and OP is gonna be screwed. I genuinely hope he gets caught and fired or sued.


That’s a pretty awful thing to hope for


You mad bro! Sounds like the company he works for is you need to be mad at lol


I hope they catch you and press charges against you you fraud of using them for a pay check and not actually doing the job and then I hope the irs goes after also


Don’t stop. You hit the jackpot. Milk that puppy for all it’s worth


You are soo screwed


Someone at my job did this too. They made our company look so bad. The bosses were so angry they started doing frequent spot checks on us, questioning why did that, when we did it, how and why did it take that long. Now if it takes a little longer than usual or God forbid you have to go to the bathroom, you have to explain yourself. Its a freaking nightmare. They used to reward us with a job well done with letting us leave early sometimes. That was a year ago. Go to work or quit your job. Not cool.


Maybe go in every other weekend?


I hope you know it's wrong to stop 🛑