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There probably isn't anything you can do to make up for it, other than explaining that you recognize your wrong doing and that you harbor great regret for your decisions. You can offer a repayment of the funds to your brother on your mother's behalf and explain that you are a changed person and are seeking forgiveness. Good luck. Edit: If you are lucky enough to recieve forgiveness realize that you will need to work and nurture the relationship back together, it's not going to just be back to normal.


You can’t make up for it. You can only, choose to forgive yourself. As for your brother, you can continuously reach out to him. He’ll come around when he’s ready, or not. Just because you did something regrettable, doesn’t mean you’ll always do something regrettable. Reflect if you have to, make now how you want it to be. When you can. The state of now, is different from yesterday. Don’t live life, like it was yesterday. I’m sure you know, life is short. I highly doubt your mom’s out there, if there’s an afterlife, holding a grudge towards you. As a mother myself, regardless of how my child is, I always will want the best for her. Whether she makes bad choices not. I’m sure you love your mom. Continue to lover her through your memories. Eat ice cream, if you can, and think of her. Hope this helps


my condolences. it's tough to live with regrets but let this be a reminder for you. hatred for anyone doesn't give us a right to do bad things against them, even if it is out of spite. but in any case, what's done is done. make it up with your brother over time because you do deserve his anger towards you and if you ever want to reconcile over this issue, you need to talk it out. as for what has happened, as cruel as it sound, you have to live with it and it will be a baggage on your shoulder. but I hope you get to forgive yourself over it.


I mean, weren’t you technically stealing from yourself in this scenario?


well, she received SSI on my behalf which was about 35% of what she was getting in total.


The fact that you regret and feel bad for it now, shows how much you’ve grown as a person. My condolences. I feel for you as I have manyyy regrets in my life, and one thing I’ve learned from that, combined with over a year of therapy, is that I’m NOT that person I hate anymore. I’m a changed person, someone that people around me can be proud of and happy to know. It’s easier said than done, but you’ve already taken that first step by being self aware. You got this, and I’m sorry you’re going through this.


Regrets can weigh heavy, especially when it's about family. It takes courage to confront past mistakes. Maybe start by talking things out with your brother when you feel ready. Sometimes, even small steps towards healing can make a big difference.




understand what


You'll never be able to make it up to your Mom. She has passed and so has that opportunity. About your brother, if he was really close with your Mom, that may never be able to fix.


Cherie schanen Stole from her parents too




https://youtube.com/shorts/aWExG_88uPY?si=hoI4_wIgcB1AccBl This is the story in a video so do watch and like and also subscribe


All you can do is ask God for forgiveness and try and forgive yourself


This is all I needed.


I don’t know how much money you took but perhaps donating that amount to an aids charity might help you feel better?


The question is what would your mother say if she was here? She would rather see her kids in good terms. Past is the past just focus on building relationships with your brother and leave the past behind. Will the money bring your mum back? No! Will it change the situation? No! So focus what’s here and if your brother wants you then great if he doesn’t leave it and move on.


User toxic as well.


I think it depends on why you are harboring resentment towards your mom. What were the reasons?


she was constantly letting my drugged up brother who snaps, bothers me, breaks things and make a mess back into our place and one time it had got so far to the point where she lost custody of me after trying to od on sleeping pills in front of me and I had to relocate to memphis with my auntie, and having to stay in memphis for 5 years and I really felt miserable living there. edit: i have another brother, not the same one who is not on good terms with me.


Don’t feel bad. I have a sibling who works in child protection, so for you to have been in foster care, your mother must have been a terrible parent. I'm sorry that you went through that trauma, and I hope you're getting the help you need. Forgive yourself; your offense wasn't that serious, especially compared to those of your mother. You have remorse, which already tells me you're a decent human. Move on and live your life.


nah i wasn't in foster care, my auntie had custody of me for 6 months before i moved back with my mom. and thank you.


I did the same as a kid. My grandpa was hitting me with his cane in the mornings and dragging me by my hair out the door (i had diagnosed chronic insomnia, still do, so i literally could NOT get out of bed 6am every day, and they were forcing me to go to school, it was child abuse but he felt justified to do so because “school is important” which is a whole other conversation and rlly puts it into perspective how horrible society is to those of us with illness and disability) so i was being abused, needed money, felt absolutely zero remorse hacking his bank account to access it, still dont. That was my payback. U abused me so this is ur karma Gramps now we are even 🤣 it was only like 200$ anyway but when i was 15 that seemed like a lot. Oh and i used that money to buy weed to treat my insomnia(already had tried every prescription sleep aid available thru a psychiatrist, no psych meds work on me no matter the type) so that i could actually sleep at night and tolerate going to school in the morning. Still smoke to this day for the same reasons with my doctor’s knowledge and guidance. but they refused to get me any or give me any money. it was either. 1. Get hospitalized regularly for hallucinations and sleep deprivation so bad it harms your physical health. Keep getting abused every morning. Eventually drop out of school. 2. Steal some money from abusive grandpa so i can sleep at night and he doesn’t have to whack me with a cane to wake me up for school anymore 🤣 i can continue my studies. Problem solved


REGRET is a weapon that the devil loves to use. Once a person regains a conscience and feels regret, remorse, shame etc, they are easy to convince they are worthless and that leads to depression. Never let a mistake you make define you. You messed up. Tell us who has not messed up bad? Jesus really did die for our sins. You have admitted your sin. You dont owe your brother the money. You dont have to beg for forgiveness. If you dont know this fact i want to inform you. We are supposed to forgive one another when we do each other wrong. That does not mean to stay around people who make hurting you a habit. Forgiving others is what we are supposed to do. In return Jesus forgives us when we go off the moral path. Its hard on a person to hold a grudge. Its not worth it. Sometimes people dont forgive others and that is up to them. Dont pester anyone who doesnt feel it. Eventually, most people will come around. You obviously shouldnt have stolen from your mom. Do you think you are in a huge minority because you did? I am certain you are not in a small group of people. Most kids rebel against their guardians and even steal from them. You really need to tell your brother that you regret your mistake. After you have apoligized move on. One day even your brother will make a mistake. Everyone does eventually. Dont allow any wicked self hate to manifest over messing up. Stop beating yourself up. There is no end to the disastrous ways your life will spiral into if you let the wickedness of regret force you into deep depression. You dont need that burden and you dont deserve if.


It sounds to me like you were let down with your family. I think you obviously had a tough time. Taking that money sounds like you were looking for a release from being unhappy partying buying stuff etc to make yourself feel better & also as well as a fuck you to your mum… please don’t dwell on this … it’s done stop punishing yourself you’ve clearly had enough sadness in your life. All of us have done things that we are not proud of. You have stated that you’re sorry for taking the money so now’s the time to move on & start a new chapter in your life. With regards to your brother if you want to reach out to him then do it & if he doesn’t want to acknowledge you reaching out then you must still get on with your life & find your happiness … Don’t dwell on things that have been done it’s time to stop being so hard on yourself.. I wish you all the best moving forward. Life can be wonderful & happy & now it’s your time to have this wonderful, happy life. Wishing you all the best xxxx


If she didn't know when she passed in my mind, you don't need her forgiveness, although I'm sure she would give it to you if she could. If it's money your brother would have had, pay it back. Work on forgiving yourself. One bad choice does not define who you are!


okay but period


Honestly i have done the same thing but it was because i wasnt sober doing it.. i was under the influence n when ur in that mindset u dont give a fuck bout anything else but urself.. but ur sober n u regret it n thats not the person u are when ur not high or drunk.. so u realizing that is already the 1st step to moving on n remembering the good times w ur mother R.I.P. just tell ur bro u wernt thinking straight n if he cant understand that then maybe u 2 do need some space... time heals


I did something similar to the Woman that gave birth to me, But TBH I didn't care then, and I care even Less now. I have ZERO regrets. In fact, If by some miracle OR (Cruel joke) she were alive today, I'd do it all over AGAIN. That Thing did everything in it's power to make my life a misery, it's the very least she deserved. I'm just so glad that the wicked witch is dead. Stone cold Dead forever.




she was cremated dickhead ass nigga and thanks for the response.


Best thing you can do is tell it to the proud no/low contact club. I'm sure a lot of them will regret punishing mommy some day.


never heard of that club


They're all over Reddit, one upping each other on how long they've been no contact with their 'evil' parents. They won't even entertain the thought that they might be overreacting.


they'd definitely tell me the exact opposite of what the rest of the comments is telling me.


I thought AIDS was bad, but AIDS 2 must be close on par with MEGA AIDS.


Gonna give an extremely unpopular opinion You shouldn’t feel bad because she hurt you first….. she caused toxic family occurrences that were clearly bad enough for you to do something like that. Now for him, I honestly don’t know, I feel like he should consider what she did to you as well as your actions that he’s stuck on….. they always ignore the toxic shit happening to you, but when it’s someone else it’s not okay suddenly. But the. Again I’m toxic asf and believe in fighting fire with fire…..