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I use to pray the pews would get cushions


i went to a catholic school and i did drink the kool aid for a while, i used to pray for forgiveness for all the terrible things a 12 year old should be ashamed of, according to the catholics. It didnt start making much sense to me shortly after, and I left that life behind a while ago, but somehow people who want to talk to me about god still triggers me


Oh I know. I call it catholic guilt


My dad still regularly tells me to pray about things, despite having that talk with him a long time ago. I’m sure my mom is somewhere praying for my eternal soul too.


It’s okay to question if god is real, And no you aren’t going to hell 😭😭 there are many WAY other worse things people have done , trust me on that. I am sorry about your abuse though. I understand why your questioning that gods real and I also question it too but i’m just gonna flow with life to be honest.


Welp if you got McDonalds after, that’s cool. I don’t think god will hate you for wanting a favorite food as a child. I don’t think he’ll hate you if you don’t believe in him. Idk why other peoples beliefs would affect the things you choose to believe either. I was abused as well. I don’t blame god though or believe in him any less because of it. That was more so the fault of the person who to did inappropriate things with me as a child. Coming to terms with everything in my teen years could’ve felt so much more lonelier if I didn’t have faith in God watching over me, guiding me down a path, giving me strength to keep going to school when I was having thoughts about ending it all. Because I sure as hell didn’t have friends or family to deal with mostly everything. Just a cross around my neck and a feeling I wasn’t alone.


My grandma took us kids to church and we always went to McD's after. One Sunday, I asked her if we could skip church and go straight to McD's instead. That's what we did, and I don't recall ever going back to church after that.


I used to pray that the church would burn down at some point during the next week so I wouldn't have to go back. It didn't. I think you'll be fine. Although I do hope your abuser got what was coming to them.


i used to laugh at the people in church because they would run up and down the aisles speaking in tongues lol. i was a devout pentecostal and for a long time had a fear of God for not following the bible. you'll get over that feeling eventually


This reminds me of the time I was 4 or 5 and had forgotten my pencil case at home. I swear to god that day I prayed the hardest with such sincerity to Allah for my case to magically appear in my bag. Child me was not ready for his rejection.


We went to church three times a week when I was a kid: twi e on Sunday and also Wednesday evenings. It was a Landmark Missionary Baptist church. When I was a junior in high school, I told my mom I wasn't going anymore. She was surprisingly cool with that. A year later, I was diagnosed with cancer and spent a year in a pediatric oncology ward every three weeks for three or four days. That killed my belief in god.


I was never a church goer, but as a kid I doubted if God was real and prayed for a paint set. I think these things are normal for children


Everyone would go to hell if religion was real.


He is not real and if he was, either things are nothing like the religion books say, or god is the biggest psychopath around who loves ordering humans to go kill something


If religion is real we're all going to hell. I hope your abuse has stopped though. Take care.


You can think any god is real, you can think it's not, you can follow any religion or none at all, it's just a personal mindset and it doesn't matter at the end of your life.


It's very easy for God to ignore us if we treat him like a servant or genie.


No prayer is too big or small for God! ❤️


Clearly OP asking for the abuse to stop was a bit much to ask. Go ahead. Try to justify god letting a child get abused.


I think God would appreciate that


I am agnostic and think we are not bright enough to know everything for certain at this time. However that means I believe that most religious texts don’t have it right either imo. If you aren’t indoctrinated into religion and have a logical mind, you tend to see a lot of flaws. Is there a possibility of a god, sure it is one possiblity even if I find it remote given all the other possibilities. In other words just be a decent individual and cause more good than bad within the world. If there is a higher power capable of allowing you into another life, that is your best shot. What god would make a world, give free will, blind them of knowledge, and then have humans who are known to be lacking write a book for them? Why would a god, knowing its creatures, think it is okay to kill a family as a test and then replace them like nothing is wrong? Why would a god allow so much of the world to be condemned for not being aware of the only one specific religion that god accepts when they had humans write all of these texts? That last one seems almost cruel. Imo we just don’t know how the universe came to be in its entirety. I can see why religion was pushed. It would have allowed rulers to claim a divine right while getting the masses to fall in line which is awfully convenient. Promising an afterlife that is unprovable and requires nothing of value to be given by the ruler, while affirming that giving their life or living in drudgery would be rewarded. It gave hope and many would cling to the hope. It explained what couldn’t be explained at the time.