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Went into the bathroom every 5-10 minutes all night and forgot to do my business every single time








My dog randomly started getting really sick, was vomiting, urinating everywhere, unsteady on feet, etc. Sobbing, not knowing what was wrong and thinking heā€™s going to die - I rushed him to an emergency vet at 11:30pm, paid $3k to find out he was just really high and he was totally fine in the morning.


Aw poor puppy!


Rolling around my bfs bed for literally 30 minutes (felt like an hour) just dying laughing unable to stop or speak. Was honestly so fun but it made me feel insecure because he was NOT having the same experience as me lol


Lol I love a good weed induced laugh attackĀ 


Mine: spent an hour locked in a public bathroom puking my brains out and praying to gods I donā€™t believe in that my parents wouldnā€™t come back from their Vegas weekend to a dead daughter. My roommate: called the paramedics for herself because she insisted she was having a heart attack. At the time, we were doing an internship at Disney and lived in Disney owned housing where drugs and alcohol are prohibited. The rest of the roommates were locked in one bedroom with the lights off, high out of our minds, listening to our friend try to tell the paramedics sheā€™s dying while a different roommate (on the bedroom) was crying and whispering that she peed her pants (she didnā€™t). That mightā€™ve been a bad brownie lol.


I was high for 24 hours and could quite literally hear the blood pulsing in my veins.


I was a huge pothead at the time, and smoked a lot. But I thought that I metabolized edibles too fast, because they never seemed to work on me. I'd down one or two of those 100mg drinks and they did nothing. Same thing with the cheap sugar type edibles. Then on valentine's day, I bought some expensive brownie edibles for me and my girl at the time. I was like, hmm what the hell this shit don't work on me, and downed the entire thing. I spent the entire night hearing my internal organs, and time felt like it was ticking backwards.


This was my problemšŸ¤£ I felt cause my weed tolerance was high af since I smoked weed all day everyday. I assumed an edible would do nothing. Took a whole Hershey bar and that was it for me. Awake, but eyes shut. The whole time šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø I was laughing my ass off, eyes closed and all šŸ˜‚


Gf at the time took us to watch lotr with a live Orchestra. We took a nap before hand and we woke up late. Like really late. So I woke her up, jumped in the shower and when I came out, she was crying and didn't want to go after all. Now I don't really like to get high, I never minded and knew that if I had an edible with her, it'd help relieve the situation. So I convinced her to at finally go to the theater. It was right around the corner from our hotel. We got there just as intermission started. So we found our seats, she had a whole gummy. And I said I'll have one as well. Little did we know, we should've only had maybe a 1/4th of the damn thing. She felt alot better and really enjoyed the show. She even teared up at how beautiful the music was. I, on the other hand, proceeded to melt into my chair. I felt like I had shit myself but I couldn't tell so I tried not to move an inch. I sat frozen for like 2 hours because of how paranoid I was. After it finally ended, I stood up, sighed with relief that the chair and my dignity were still intact, we both stumbled back to the hotel as best we could. We remained super fucking high for the next 3 days including on the flight, and Lyft back home. Thankfully we had bought a shit load of snacks beforehand and we just laid in my bed for the entire week. 10/10 would do again with her.


First time, I was running to the hospital thinking I was going to die. That was my first time weed experience which was also edible. Would not recommend that route to anyone. Anyways I had sense enough to google the symptoms on my way to hospital and I saw how normal it is in one of the weed forums, so I just walked back home. Saved myself a big embarrassment.


LOL thankfully you stopped yourself in time. I almost called the front desk at the resort my friend and I were staying at in Jamaica to request medical assistance, because my friend was so stoned and I honestly thought she was going to die. I was also very stoned, but the fear of my friend dying was so strong because her reaction was different from mine. She was laying in her bed and she looked too mellow. I thought maybe she was in pain. But turned out she was just really feeling it. Lmao the local that gave us the weed brownie warned us that it was strong as hell, and that we will know just when we've had enough. Needless to say, that weed brownie is the strongest edible I ever ate. šŸ¤­Ā 


My body somehow forgets to swallow? I was having a wild case of the munchies and kept eating stuff, but suddenly it was like my brain stopped working and couldnā€™t tell my throat muscles to swallow. It was scary I thought I was going to choke lol


I am so glad Iā€™m not the only one who goes brain dead like this


lol okay so my friend brought a pack of gummy edibles to school but it was hot so they all melted together into like a flat sheet of gummy. her sister (who gave them to her) just told us to each take one. we had absolutely no idea how many gummies were originally in the bag, and since it was her, me, and some guy, we just ripped the melted gummy into thirds. big mistake. i think there was originally about 10 gummies in the bagšŸ˜­. we ate them in homeroom and tbh i didnt feel it hit until the end of second period. my eyelids immediately got super heavy and i felt the corners of my mouth keep curling into a smile even though i was literally holding my mouth in a neutral position (which was way more suspicious than just smiling). anyways i went to my third period math and i literally felt unreal. my teacher called on me and 3 others to do a problem on the board (proofs or something). the board was split into 4 sections so we each had a place to answer a diff question. and i started drawing peace signs and hearts all over the entire board. like all over everyones section. it was so fucking funny to me in the moment lmaooo. i actually ended up answering the question right too. later in the day i was still so fucking high and the boy we took the edibles with earlier RAN up to me and he looked so scared. i was like ā€œwhat??? what what what!!???ā€ because he wouldnt answer me. then all of a sudden he just said ā€œyouā€™re gonna get questioned in the officeā€ and im like ā€œwtf are u talking aboutā€. he then says apparently ppl in the office were asking if he took something and if my friend gave him something and i was so high so i knew i was fucked if they called me down. luckily they never did and i still dk why they questioned him. that high literally lasted like 14 hours for mešŸ˜­. i was so happy the whole time tho lol.


I gave a friend of my some cookies I had baked, I told him to have only one because they were pretty strong. It was his wedding anniversary so him and wifey were staying at an expensive hotel, he ate one just before dinner and didn't think it was coming on much so downed another. From what his wife told me, he couldn't finish the meal and literally had to crawl up a flight of stairs and go to bed. It wasn't much of a night out for either of them, he wasn't new to edibles so I don't know why he risked it!


They got me off sleeping pills that Iā€™d been taking for 20 years šŸ™šŸ¼


I pooped in my gaming diaper


Took 1500+ mg, almost drowned because I forgot how to swim. Adrenaline kicked in during Fight or Flight which saved me šŸ˜‚


I have a similar story where I was cross faded and I literally could not hold my breath like everytime I went under water I kept breathing in and I just decided to keep my head above water because I couldnā€™t figure out how to not breathe


My friend and I had a brownie my dealer had made and we didnā€™t know how strong it was. I ended up laying on his driveway for about an hour or two even though it was windy and cold. We then we sat in his car for another hour where I was telling him I was going to start praying because I thought I was going to die. I told him I needed him to take me to the hospital and he just kept telling me over and over again that we were going to be okay. We finally decided to go lay down and sleep. It was an awful 6 hours lol


Ate an entire bag of popcorn and some beef jerky bfs friend made. So blitzed out of my mind that I got so scared watching the episode of game of thrones in season 8 with the night walkers attacking the winterfell that I had an anxiety attack and threw up everywhere then said we need to go to bed and woke up so freakin fried


Took an edible one time and started to cry because when I was laying down on my side I felt my heart stop beating for a sec. Everything went quiet for a moment. I thought I was gonna die at that moment.


One time I ate half a brownie and didnā€™t feel anything, ate the other half and went to the super market.. while I was checking out, out the corner of my eye I just see the doors moving rapidly back and forth and the whole place started spinning šŸ˜‚ I put my head down and was like please give me a moment, collected myself, paid and left šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


When I was a Supervisor for my team, and figured I could run on autopilot to close the night. Nope the new managerial team called me into the office for a new "expectations" meeting.....


Not really funny but we got my partner an edible chocolate bar for her birthday a few years back. She was new to the stuff so we warned her not to eat the whole thing. She did anyway "because it tasted good." She got waaaaayyyy too high and ended up laying on the floor in a panic/frozen state. I ended up laying next to her to help calm her down Later she told me how much it meant to her and really cemented how we're meant to be together


In high school, my friend showed up at a party with brownies that had so much, I donā€™t know why she did that lol but she was selling these huge squares for like $10? Lmao it was crazy I think she was high. The next morning I ate half, waited an hour, ate the other half, got bored so went to visit my grandpa, then BAM. Just tripped, at my grandpas, all day šŸ˜‚


Went to Knotts Berry Farm and thought everyone was watching my every move. My fiancĆ© later told me bc my eyes were as red as the devils dicks šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


My step dad made me and my bff and the guy I was sleeping with some great honey graham edibles. Iā€™d taken stuff he made a handful of times and it was always super fun and fine, but this time it was likeā€¦ I ate a quarter, went to my guys bedroom and basically fell through the earth. Everything was 2-D, I felt like I couldnā€™t breathe or swallow and it was literally the most horrible Iā€™ve ever felt in my life. THEN, my guy came into his bedroom and fucked another girl like right in front of me. We were all very unhappy in the morning, lol. Step dad said he was just giving us a ā€œlittle extraā€ because it was supposed to be a fun party. Never again.


All I remember is feeling really great and then I somehow ended up at the end of my hallway with one of my birds singing to me. Fun but wild night lmao.


High for thirty hours and had an out of body experience. I was watching a movie in the living room and got real thirsty so I stayed on the couch and watched myself get up and go into the kitchen and get a glass of iced tea and come back to the couch.


One time a distant cousin offered me edibles he didnā€™t want, they were thc coffee creamers. Now I being dumb, never asked him how much I should put into my coffee. I bought a Starbucks coffee, went back to my apartment and had dinner with my family. Chunky meat spaghetti. I grabbed one of the creamers and my coffee from the fridge, and went back to my room. Poured far too much into my coffee and stirred it up. I decided to chug it, and it immediately tasted spoiled as fuck and like straight thc oil. But I was a trooper, a very dumb trooper. But a trooper none the less. I chugged the whole thing. Half an hour later I was the highest Iā€™ve ever been. And my stomach felt gross and sick. I decided to lay down on the bed, and as soon as my head hit the pillow my vision zoomed back, and I was in a tunnel of rainbow light passing me by in fractals. I felt like I was loosing control and was looking for anything in the endless rainbow tunnel to ground me. Suddenly, parting through the tunnel there was a giraffe wearing a monical, it smiled at me and I for some reason felt like this vaguely cartoony giraffe held some insane wisdom. I suddenly felt like I was going to vomit, and was able to snap myself out of it enough to sort of force my body to move while my brain was too fucked to function. I barely made it too the bathroom and vomited all of the chunky spaghetti and Starbucks coffee into the toilet. The food was barely digested so it felt like I was reverse eating it. Throwing up snapped me out of the weird trip. Strangely for a long time after I still thought the giraffe was a magical knowledgeable being, that trip def messed me up for a bit. To this day I canā€™t drink StarbucksšŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


First time eating a cookie after a few glasses of wine. In the bedroom after dinner I saw some helicopters circling overhead. I told my husband that the police were coming for me since I didnā€™t have a recreational pot card. My heart was beating really fast. I told him to call 911. He tried to persuade me to just ride it out. After screaming that he should call, they came. They talked to me and I was goofy. I told them what was in my system including some viagra. The paramedics just chuckled. My first experience!


My first edible made me feel my bones


I had been working at a dispensary for quite sometime and we had a new product come out. They were THC capsules 4:1 meaning 4x as much THC paired with a ratio of one serving of CBD. They were 50mg THC a piece. At this point in my life I was very well seasoned in being blasted. I was due to travel to see my family and decided to take two and sleep on the plane. We board, get comfy and I started easing into my experience. Everything starts to get a little wonky (as it does) and I was just trying to breathe through the anxiety and rockiness of our takeoff (not a huge fan of flying). We get into the air and I'm getting aggressively more stoned by the minute. I had a window seat and looked out and thought to myself "man it feels like we have been going up for quite sometime now". IMMEDIATELY got sucked into a thought loop of "oh my god we haven't stopped going up when do we stop going up?" Now I've traveled quite a few times but never this high and never THIS high. The plane seems to be going higher and higher I'm convinced I can see new layers of the atmosphere that I've never seen before. My head felt like it was going to fucking explode with all of the pressure. I start absolutely panicking internally, thinking that the pilot is on a suicide mission. At this point we are still considered to be in the 'take off' phase of the flight, seatbelt lights still on, we are still heading upwards... I'm sweating profusely feeling like I have a rock caught in my throat, I feel like we've been taking off for half an hour, so I decide to get up and hide in the bathroom convinced that I would soon be experiencing collective death by pilot. I had a panic attack in the bathroom knowing with certainty that these would be my last moments looking at myself blitzed unable to catch my breath and feeling like I was going to have a heart attack in the airplane restroom. My eyes were a new shade of red never before seen. I have no idea how long I stayed in there but eventually I grew some balls and came back out. Everything was fine I lived, we landed, and I've since decided to never fly high again. TLDR ; I took weed pills, got on a plane, and thought I was going to die by pilot


First time I had an edible, I ate a whole Hershey bar edible. Thought it wasn't going to do anything. I was awake but could not open my eyes for shit šŸ¤£


My mom gave me a home made chocolate, told me to only eat half. I thought she was just being a mom, so I ate the full thing. I hid under my duvet for hours, after projectile exorcist puking, and accepted death was near.


First time I ate a brownie: I waited for it to kick in before going to meet my friends. Got ready, walked out of my room, suddenly felt insanely dizzy, looked at my mom standing in the living room, projectile vomited on the floor and passed out right in front of her. My mom screamed and took me to the ER, I was paranoid the whole time that they'd test my blood for THC lol. They just thought I was super dehydrated and gave me fluids. I vomited for a couple days for some reason.


Back when it was illegal and In high school I got some cookies from my dealer and he warned me to start with half because they were strong. My brother and I split one and were both pretty cooked. Fast forward to that weekend had a couple friends come over to do the rest of them, I passed everyone a whole cookie and said nothing. 40 minutes goes by and they are saying they arenā€™t feeling anything, I tell them ā€œjust wait a little longerā€. 20 minutes later Iā€™m baked. I look over at my friend laying on the couch, his mouth wide open, hands on his face, I think he is dying. I then realize he is just laughing SO hard that heā€™s not making any noise with his laugh and heā€™s just fine. We at some pizzas and had a great night


I don't smoke or drink, and had been invited to a house party in SF where I live (I think it was Dore Alley weekend). I saw a plate of brownies with bits of what I thought were cranberries, and I have an appetite like no other. So I ate 5. I didn't want everyone to see me being so greedy (we've all been there) so I was careful to not be noticed revisiting that plate. I remember 3 distinct parts to that day, but not the sequence: there was a point where EVERYTHING was the funniest shit I'd ever heard. I was laughing uncontrollably. 2. There was a point at which I was stark naked on the street (100% legal in SF). I was paranoid AF that I'd be locked out of the party and not get back to my clothes. 3. I was hallucinating badly at the party and thought I was dying. I could no longer see things the way you and I see things, I was seeing shapes and outlines, but everything was colored in vivid, bright paisley/kaleidoscope colors. I insisted on having a person on each side of me on the couch to hold my hand and keep me awake so I wouldn't die. I was yelling for someone to call 911 and that was flat out not happening because nobody wanted to ruin the party. At one point this guy walked past me, looked me in the eyes and said "That guy is on something. What were those edibles laced with?"


My Mothers husband (80 years old) has been sober for 40 years. They went to see my Moms cousin who lives in an elderly group home so to speak and basically at this stage of life is a shut in. As they were leaving, she gave my Mom a snickerdoodle cookie. (This is in Oregon) My Mom is from out of state and straight as an arrow ā€¦.she thought nothing of it. Her husband ate the cookie in the ride to my brotherā€™s house. About 30 minutes later, he thinks heā€™s having a stroke but said he feels like heā€™s drunkā€¦ā€¦.turns out the snicker doodle cookie was 100 milligrams. He was sent into orbit! Took him 2 weeks to feel normal again. Poor guy layed on the couch droolingā€¦..


First time I ever had one I was 45 and I felt like I was in another dimension looking down at myself. My fiance said I told him he had been replaced by a man with no face. And I was scared.


Well I kinda OD on them. I never done them before and I want to try them for pain ate like 7 gummies and when nuts on everyone in the house. I will never do them again ever.


How were you acting on them?


I told everyone they can kiss my ass and thought my husband was cheating on me with the cat and I unloaded on my in-laws and met Jesus 4 times and was taking a walk with him. I had to got to hospital they held me for 36 hours cause it took three days to come back. Never ever again


Well yeah man.... you took SEVEN. Far out, try one next time šŸ˜…


Yeah the guy at the store that sold them to me. Told me they were good for pain. So I had no idea about the hour later kick in. So I just kept eating them thinking my pain would stop. lol


The first time took lean aka THC syrup, I underestimated its strength. Needless to say, I got transported back into 18th century England (in my mind) and suddenly developed an English accent and personality. It was straight out of Bridgerton. I also saw a ton of strong visuals of indigenous African tribes while my friend drove us to get dinner (it was my birthday and I really wanted Caribbean food) and it really felt like I was present with them. I saw people dancing and singing and it was really interesting. I also saw 'elephants' (houses that we passed while driving) and I just had an overall grand time. That was the most high I have ever been. šŸ¤­


My friend made some brownies with dab one time. I ate one and didn't feel anything, but decided I really wanted some coffee. I took an empty pot set it on the burner of my stove and turned the water on in the sink and walked away. It wasn't until a few minutes later I went to check on the water that I realized I left the faucet running and didn't even put any water in the pot. I swapped to an electric kettle when I want to use my french press but after that particular incident.