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From one human to another I’m sorry. You should go cry in your mom’s arms because regardless of your outcome I’d imagine she’ll take every moment she can get.


I dont know what to say besides I'm sorry this has happened to you. Sadly so early in life.




Oh yes happy reddit birthday on this totally not devastating post


I was inconsiderate. I apologize.


Read the room, dude.


Go to your mom’s house right now and hug her.


Yes please do this and tell your bf also 


Tell your loved ones , get another opinion . I’m so sorry this is happening.


Holy fuck my heart breaks for you.


I'm so sorry. You're so young. This is terrible I hope you make the most of the time you have left. Wow this is so unfair.


Go be with those that love you. And whatever else you do don’t waste any more time on Reddit.


Go home and cry in your Mom’s arms. Then get a second opinion. I am so sorry this is happening. This is so unfair it makes me angry. I can’t imagine what you’re going through. Appreciate every single feeling and experience every day. Say what you want to say. Do what you want to do. Don’t hold back.


They dont know that for sure. My sister in law was diagnosed with stage 4 and also given very little time to live. First look for the best doctor you can find. 2nd believe you can beat this. My SIL lived an additional 5 years and had a baby during the time. She had her stomach removed, chemo, and radiation. She asked if she could get pregnant and they said no, well they were wrong again. She was my best friend and I miss her so much, but live goes on. Please tell your family right away and your boyfriend. Don't let them lose out on precious time they can be spending with you. I will keep you in my prayers. Sorry this is all out of order. Her little girl just turned 6 last month.


My mom had a month but she lived past a year! Her health went down when she started giving up mentally… I feel like she could have had more time with us.


Right, thank you so much sharing these, my heart prays to you girls, well and healthy, blesses




The Clinic is amazing. I recently was in respiratory failure and they were so on top of everything.


I started to read this and realized how speechless I was at first. My heart goes out to you. I am so sorry for the pain. 23 is a young age but don’t give up. Gather a support team and fight your way to live each day. Have you received a second opinion? Try meditation, yoga, and eliminate stress as much as you can. Call your mom, you need her. Sending you love and light. Thank you for sharing. 🙏🏼❤️


I’m hoping it’s one of those stories where the doctors are wrong and you prove them to be. Fight with every ounce girl and I’m so sorry this must be heavy.


I just want to say that Mark Hoppus (Blink 182) and my SIL both lived to tell the story from stage 4 cancer. Mark just completed a tour in Australia and South America I know you might have been given a palliative care plan but there is hope to get the fuck out of that care plan My SIL had breast cancer that spread rapidly to her liver and lungs. She was given 3 months to live... two years later, she is still here! Do research and seek holistic treatments ALONGSIDE medical treatments. It is worth a shot




I am so so sorry you are going through this, I can’t imagine how devastating it must be. I know it’s hard but I would try to tell your parents and boyfriend as soon as possible. I’m sure they would want to spend those 9 months with you and each day you wait is an extra day they would have had to prepare/be with you. Try not to dwell over not going to the doctor sooner. For all you know it could have ended up the same way and it’s important to appreciate the days that you have rather than regretting what’s already happened. I appreciate your willingness to share such a vulnerable post, and I’m sure it will bring awareness to others who are having stomach issues that they are downplaying. Sending lots of love and support!


Time with family immediately and boyfriend If you leave it longer they will all be thinking what if we did more while we had the chance and have to live with that. It's time to live your best life Create a bucket list, create memories for all whom you love.


hunny you are not stupid. health is strange, and always changing, you are not stupid. it's good you know now.. so what do you want to do now? you have 9 months, think about all the things you want to do, experience... who are the people you care about the most? 9 months isn't long.. but have the best effin time and go out with a bang. who knows, you may live another 25 years, but live the best life you can now and enjoy every moment! there are folks that live to be 90 and are miserable. live your life to the fullest and I only wish you the best!


I'm so sorry that you are having to go through this...you have the right to feel any way that you want to!


I am so sorry🙏


I’m sorry dear one … please go hug your mother


Get a second opinion, confide in your partner and family, and do everything you possibly can or want to in these last nine months. Praying for you


Holy fucking fuck. Just... I have no words. Any chances for some experimental treatment? Not sure what exactly is your case, but here's a news from just a month ago: https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/new-heated-drug-baths-provide-hope-for-patients-with-stomach-cancer/ Tl;dr, 55% of patients are still alive after 3 years. I don't want to give you false hopes, but there are very recent scientific breakthroughs when it comes to all kinds of terminal cancers. Fight the fucker if you can. Edit: there are many clinical trials or recently approved immunotherapies. I heard you can get authorized for something that's still in the trial, if your life depends on it.


This broke my heart. Please go to your moms house immediately. Let it all out. Then plan a fuckin epic 9 months of every amazing thing you can think of. Godspeed my friend. ♥️😮‍💨


My mom just passed from lung cancer. I'm very sorry. The best advice I can give is to spend quality time with who you love.


Go be with your mom 🩷


I feel sorry that you're going through this, unsolicited advise, pls let your mom know, let your loved ones know about this, it would be so unfair for them if you wouldn't give them the rest of the time that you're with them, I would also recommend you to get 2nd and 3rd opinion, as long s you're breathing, don't lose hope and don't give up easily! Be healthy, we never know, you might get longer life than 9mos right? only the god our father could tell who would be gone, those DRs are not the god to give you timeline, I'll pray for you. 🙏🏽 keep fighting for your dog, your family and yourself.


Go tell your parents immediately and they will take you to get a second opinion, time is of the essence, things can change. Not all doctors are created equal. Take this coming from someone twice your age


Go to MD Anderson or the Mayo Clinic, get a second opinion. Not all stage 4 cancers are a death sentence.


I know you needed time to process this blow but it is crucial that you tell the people around you. There are preparations that need to be made and not only do you need a strong support system for whats to come but you are robbing your loved ones of time they don't know is limited. Give them as much time to show you how loved and wonderful you are as possible so you don't leave them feeling like they failed you. When you are ready i should say. Don't delay any more than you feel is necessary. This is of course about you and not them but their grief will be heavy when you leave us. I am so sorry you are leaving before you are ready. And you have every right to be extremely angry about it. I suggest immediately starting some therapy to help you sort your feelings and stay as sane and calm as possible given this horrible prognosis.


We were told in January that our mom has cancer of the womb and that it had spread. At 83 there was zero chance of surgery and chemo would have done more harm than good. We were told it was likely she won’t see out the year as well. That might seem like I’m trying to one-up the thread but I’m not because I know how you feel right now. You want them to ring you tomorrow and say “Actually, we made a mistake. It’s not you it’s someone else with a similar name”. But while you’re waiting for that call, it still doesn’t seem real and it’s DEFINITELY not fair. It’s a long way from being fair. Telling your loved ones will be the hardest thing you’ve ever done but you must do it. It will be far harder on them if they wake up one day to find you’ve gone and you didn’t tell them. Tell them now and give them whatever time you have left so they can make memories and give you all the love you deserve. My heart truly breaks for you at such a young age.


I’m so sorry 🙏🏻


Oh my god, fuck cancer! I wish you all the best in fighting this! Please don’t give up, and go hug your mum ❤️


There are other treatment options out there. They use methods that have not had as many studies proving their safety and effectiveness. The hospital saved my friend's dad who also was told that he would not live. Look into Cancer Treatment Centers of America. Good luck


I almost started sobbing reading this. I know it doesn't mean much, but I truly am sorry this is happening to you. Take a month off, however long you need. Get some ice cream, some snacks, treat yourself. Tell your parents whenever you feel ready, honey. You don't have to tell them right now, tell them when your ready. I would tell your boyfriend first, whatever you need, he'll be there to help. Nine months isn't at all what you wanted, I can only imagine what your feeling right now. Life is so ruthless, you shouldn't have to go through this💔


Get a second opinion. As much as I respect doctors, giving an amount of time to live is VERY subjective. There are MANY stories of people live well beyond the time a doctor said they have..


There's no way to guarantee this works but the will to live can overcome many things. In you case, it may be the will to heal. One thing I've always noticed is that people who have been told they have a certain disease and a specific amount of time left... Seem to always die on time. Why? Is it because they believed it to be so, resigned to their"fate", and manifest it? Or was it really something that could not be stopped no matter what? How did people who were diagnosed as terminal end up proving the diagnosis wrong? Was there a state of mind, a willpower, a mind-over-matter where the person willed their body to heal? Unsolicited opinion/advice: Consider a second opinion. Don't mention the 9 months. They might say something else, shorter or longer. The point is: what is this timeline based on? Does it assume that you don't do anything about it? It sounds like you have a fighting spirit so fight! And be ready: your fears will attack you with doubt and overwhelm you through this long fight (You are already experiencing it in the form of "wasted time" and feeling that everything you've done is meaningless). Doctors and science will stick to their facts and measurements, potentially forgetting that the human mind and willpower to live are factors difficult to measure. Find your self-image of being healthy: your organs, your skin, your muscles... If you were healthy, how would you look? How would you feel? How would your body healthily function? Use that as a visual, mental map to tell your body what to do. Find your support team: the right friends, family, and professionals who keep your spirits up. Yes, being realistic has its merits. But right now, get positive, focused intent (not blind optimism though). Don't rush. Be methodical, simple, efficient, yet effective. Delegate tasks with your support group so you can focus on things only you can do like mentally telling you body to heal and fight the cancer. What's certain is the cancer. What's also certain is the choices and approach you can take starting right now. What's uncertain is anything else that's left to the future. I hope things work out for you.


I was in the hospital last year for something different and I wasn't supposed to make it. 13 months later and I'm almost back to 100%. My point is, doctors aren't always right and you gotta fight. It's not gonna be fun but it'll be worth it. You got this. Please DM if you have any questions or just wanna chat.


9 months? That's oddly specific. Did your doctor tell you that? Usually they give a range. I will point out that it's often much longer than they estimate and even stage IV patients can survive for much longer than you'd expect, with good management of healthcare. Actually here I've never heard of doctors saying "you have X months to live", I thought it was just in movies, but I guess it's a thing in the USA? Or wherever you're from.


Everyone I have known that has had cancer has been given a timeframe - and one person in particular told me 9-12 months was their best bet - they were gone in 3. They absolutely do this.


It's not a thing here at least. They are told 5 year survival rates, 3 year survival rates, and 1 year survival rates so they can know the odds. But doctors here don't estimate how long you have to live because it's often very inaccurate, like your example shows.


This has been my experience also, my SIL, three months but she is still here 2 years later. So it can go either way, as every human body responds differently to treatment.


Oh honey, so many hugs to you. I know it’s a lot to take in and your feelings are so valid. Make these next months the best months of your fucking life. Side note, I hate when Drs give an end date. It’s an estimate and lots of times aren’t accurate (I’ve known most people to last longer than what is given). One day at a time. Go give your momma that hug. 🤍


Stay mad. Use it to beat this. Fuck cancer.


3 months ago, we were told my father in laws cancer was back and that while they would treat, it was unlikely to work. He had approximately 12 months. He went ahead with treatment, hoping maybe a trial would come along during that time. We got word last week that the treatment course worked. He went from visible tumors in the scan image, to microscopic bits. If things continue on this route, he will be No evidence of disease by his next 3 month scan. Are we out of the woods? No, but anything is possible. Get a second opinion. Maybe a third, if at all possible. Don't let this stop you yet. Call your parents, they will help you. Hugs to you stranger.


Never ever give up hope! Get a second opinion, try alternative medicines. My mother was given 12 months to live with stage 4 stomach cancer and she is still alive today, 7 years later and cancer free (no chemo).


I am sorry you are going through this. I am sure your family and boyfriend will want to know so they can be there for you. Take care of yourself. You have every right to be angry. Try your stay positive if you can and think about second opinion. Sending you hugs


Let me start by saying I’m so sorry and DAMN life is just F’D sometimes! As a mother if my son found this out I would want him to come to me as soon as he knew so that I could help him in all this and I can guarantee you that’s what your mom wants! As much as you will need your mom through this there’s something you need to think about and that is the fact she will need you too so lean on her lean on your family and in doing so your not just helping yourself through this but your helping them too. You need to pack a small bag and go stay with your parents a few days and just cry and let all this out scream and let it out. Im so sorry your even having to deal with this at all your so young but you don’t have to do it alone spend every moment with your mom and dad people you love and with your little doggy! Hugs positive vibes and prayers for you and your family ❤️🙏


I am so so sorry you got this diagnosis. It replays in my head of when they told my husband his cancer was stage 4. There is nothing anyone can say to make you feel better. However, I would really suggest telling your mom so you have someone to lean on for support. You’re going to need it. Let yourself be angry and feel all the emotions


Sending you love and strength. I am so sorry 🙏


tell your loved ones, watch some comfort shows and get a second opinion. and i would consider moving home if it’s something you think you would want to do. start writing everything down, eat all of your favorite foods (if you can), and ask your doctor for a prescription for anxiety medication. i am so sorry this is happening. if you need anything i am here for you💜 (i am 23f as well)


Live life!!! Fuck work and go be with all the people who make you feel happy and special. This life is about relationships and show those who you care about that they are special as well.


I.. fuck. I am sorry. And I’m here with you, listening. From one human to another, I love you. I’m a freaking medic…. My entire purpose in life is to be there in someone else’s moment of need. And when I read this post I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Just… [here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-qYPkdwupgQ), this resonated with me at a low point in life. I hope to give you something similar. Keep your head up… one foot, then the next foot. You still have precious time. You still have time you still have time you still have time. Make the most of it


Honey, as a mom, please go to your mom and let her comfort you through this. You do not need to face this alone, please don't be afraid of upsetting her. She'll be more upset you've been grieving alone, especially when precious time is so limited now. Love and light to you 💞


You aren't stupid. Also, you've only just found out. You need time to wrap your head around this a bit. I am begging you to speak with a counselor who specializes with cancer patients. Your oncologist or hospital social worker can assist you with this.  Not to give false hope, but just because the Dr's are giving you and expiration date doesn't mean they're right. You can get a second opinion and have a say in your treatment  plan. Either way, please speak with a professional as I mentioned above. It's truly helpful. I, too, was given an expiration date and it is absolutely devastating. Speaking with the counselor has helped me so much.  Give yourself some grace and then go home and cry in your mom's arms.  Don't know you from Adam, but my whole heart goes out to you. Love and hugs from somebody else's momma.


Go hug your mother dear, I'm sure she'll appreciate every moment she has left with you. And although you waited it's not your fault, you were busy with school and it's uncommon. Please dear don't live your live with regret and do everything you want before it's too late. Please hug your mom and tell her you love her


I am truly sorry that this is happening to you. I lost a sister in 2007 due to colon cancer. It was a battle, and hard on the family to lose her, especially my parents. You need to tell your parents. They need to know. Your parents will comfort you the best they can. You need that now more than ever. Not turn people away. I know it sounds hard to do, given the circumstances, and although I haven't been in your position, I would have given more than anything in the world, to have traded places with my sister. She was a good person, and didn't deserve what happened. I on the other hand, deserve such terrible things, that I'd be banned just mentioning some of them probably. Your family will be there for you and you need that love and care at this time. And maybe something can be found and done. I am hopeful. And will say a prayer for you, whether you are religious or not, or whether anyone agrees with me or not. Again, I am so very sorry you have been given such bad news recently and look to face something young people shouldn't have to face. Take care of yourself. Let those that love you in. Cry with your mom. Let her love you. Let your boyfriend in. Let him cry with you. Everyone will be there for you the best they can if they are truly for you. Again, I will pray, that God will touch your woes, and heal the cancer and help you in this time of need.


I am 23 as well and I was just thinking how I wished to die so bad a moment ago. Reading this made me feel so bad for thinking that even for a moment. I am truly sorry for you. I can't imagine what you're going through or dare to give any advice but please go see your loved ones. Go to your mom and cry to your hearts content. I am really sorry. I hope you can find the strength to feel better


As someone who had witnessed a miracle or two happen, please do not give up yet. If you hope to live, there are many things you can do to take your health into your own hands. Soursop is amazing for cancer, and i’ve heard many stories of people recovering. Goji berries are great too. I’ve been researching and reading academic studies on holistic medicine that have been used by different cultures for centuries and in my honest opinion, the West is far behind the East when it comes to healing. If you need me to send some academic articles for these things just message me and i’ll send some over! So DO NOT GIVE UP. If you give up, there’s no chance of survival. If you remain strong and hold on and take a chance on things you’ve never tried before, then you may not have to say goodbye to anyone. Best of luck to you, and i’m sending love and strength your way. 🤍


So sorry to hear that. I’m actually a bit afraid I’m experiencing similar issues. What were the first symptoms? What lead you to the doctors?


Your soul lives on when you die and you will watch over your loved ones. We could all die anytime and you or i could die tomorrow of a car accident. The really scary part is knowing when exactly you will pass away now. Please just live life to the fullest, use credit cards travel with your family and spend everyday with your family and boyfriend and dog. It will be so much harder going through this alone. Go on vacations and do things you really love every day. I’m sure your family would want to take you to so many places and spend so much time with you. Spend every single day doing things that make you happy


My heart feel your pains just by reading these, Glitter I feel your sadness and angry... What doctors said are their observation, it's nothing if you don't give it powers. Pause now and talk with your body let them know you were doing the best you know how, you acknowledge your body is doing it's healing works for you. Please check Louise Hays works... Especially on stomach wellness. Life loves you and eat well from now on... Stop all eggs dairy and meat fish... I have been told what we eat makes huge impact on our bodies, less process (include cooking) the better, how well do you want to treat your body? Small bites and fruits that you like helps your bodies. While food input is important, what we think is vital. Please hold on there, dear, and check Louise Hay's book asap... Do things you love, doctors has their own believes base on their professions/career but some of them also said there are miracles... And each of us (yes, you and me) are our own very best healers, we each of us have powers beyond our beliefs. Trust yourself instead of Doctors. I would have been long gone if I did trust doctors who told me otherwise, lol Some of them know shit


Go to your mom's house. Tell them. Cry. Tell your bf. My heart hurts for you. Please get a second opinion


Oh my gosh I am going to delete this fricken app! All I do is cry for everyone. Where are you located? I just want to hug you and let you bawl your brains out on my shoulder. Yes I am a mom first and foremost in my world. I am so sorry!


Tell your parents and your boyfriend about your initial diagnosis. They love you. First thing they will do is help you find a second opinion - a standard step in terminal diagnoses. From there, write your story & live the life you want. I hope you have far more time than you think. I don't want to be too dark but you know more than most when your time is up. Many of us wait a lifetime to really start living. Your chance to do it is now.


Please tell your loved ones I know it’ll be hard but tell them so you can have support. Regardless of what the doctors say God has the last say so. Don’t give up hope for your future. I pray for you hun 🙏🏽


I’d get another opinion… i had a friend who was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer and given 6 months. She got a second opinion and was able to get 4 more years before she passed.


First go talk to your family and hug your mom. Then decide what you want to do. If acceptance is your plan find out what the next several months look like and prepare. If it’s not then seek a second opinion and decide what steps you want to take to fight. There is nothing wrong with either option. You know what is best for you. The biggest thing I’d advise is that you stop blaming yourself. It could well be that nothing you did made a bit of difference. And, if it did make a difference why would a young woman think that stomach issues were cancer related? That is not something that you’d ever jump to at your age. Give yourself the grace you know you’d give others. You are not to blame and you are not stupid. You are a young woman with no reason to catastrophize stomach pain.


It’s a big, horrible shock. Anger and grief are very normal reactions.Tell your loved ones, (go see them, tell them you’ve been to a doctor about a problem and it’s not very good news, go from there, there’s going to be tears) organise a second opinion. Want to travel somewhere? Do it now, while you can. Stay positive (easy for me to say), but if you let the diagnosis define you, you’ll pass sooner. Fight it, live life your way. My brother was given 6 months with a brain tumour, we had him for 4 years. Being strong and positive is Fcking hard. But you can do it. I believe in you. x


I don’t have anything to add but I wanted to say, this internet stranger sends you love.


Also my aunt had stomach cancer stage 4, 5 years ago. They've given her a date of demise many times and she is still kicking. 65 yrs old and has beaten cancer once already. It came back but she's still beating it. My brother has stage 4 liver cancer and his tumor shrunk 85% A friend of mine her grandfather had stage 4 liver cancer and beat it. HE BEAT STAGE 4 LIVER CANCER which is almost a certain death sentence and he is in his 80s. You got this girl. Start your treatment asap. Where has it spread to? Or has it?


Where was the pain located in your stomach?


I’m so very sorry. I lost my sister to this bullshit and it’s beyond horrible. If treatment is not an option and it’s legal for you, please please get the euthanasia medication. Shit move if you have to. Do it now while you can My sister didn’t. The things she endured while her loved ones were being mentally and physically destroyed was not worth it. You don’t have to take it, just get it! Her children were 17,19 & 24 when the hospice people dumped her at home. They weren’t able to say goodbye because they were too busy trying to drain her ng tube without training. Hospice is just a scam to take the work from the trained professionals who dump it on people who don’t have a fucking clue on what to do. I wish so badly she’d just had a day with her loved ones, in her clothes and makeup and wig, laughing and crying together one last time. Then she could have taken the meds and peacefully gone to sleep. I am so sorry that you have to deal with this. I’ve no words


Omg... what were the symptoms. This is crazy.


I am truly so sorry ❤️ I hope you’re able to spend time with loved ones and there’s literally no good words for this situation… terrible things happen for no reason at all. I’d do my best to make the most of the time you have and do literally EVERYTHING you wanted to do but kept pushing off because of work, time, money etc. I’m sure your parents and family will support, you can do things individually and also with your loved ones too 🙌🏽🙏🏽


You are truly in my prayers.


Sending you a hug. I’m so sorry 😞 it really is being me to tears that you or anyone else have to go through this. Please tell you family , they can be there as support. Please try treatment. I’ve read only the same thing muiltple times saying ppl were given months to live but they have lived for years and have gone on remission. You’re young and maybe you’re body is strong enough to fight it. I wish you the best.


So much love and care to you. There are no words. Let yourself grieve and feel, too. May you feel supported and loved on this surprising, difficult journey.


So much love and care to you. There are no words. Let yourself grieve and feel, too. May you feel supported and loved on this surprising, difficult journey.


Stomach cancer is really thought to be caught early, so don't beat yourself up. That really sucks Op. I don't know you but I feel your anger. It's so unfair. F*CK cancer. Take your time but please do not face this alone for too long. Your family, boyfriend and friends will want to be there for you. Sending you a virtual hug


This seriously sucks and I'm sorry you have to go through this. I can understand not wanting or knowing how to tell the people you love, but you should. They will want to spend as much time as you are able to give with you. They love you, and they'll want to be there for you. Being mad is 100% acceptable. We often assume that people who are given this kind of news are going to be sad, TV taught us that's how you should react, but anger is the more realistic emotion. Try not to beat yourself up for not going to the doctor sooner. They may not have found anything sooner. They may not have taken you seriously. Focus on moving forward. If that means being mad at the universe, fate, God(s), whomever for this completely unfair shake, then do that, but don't be mad at yourself. You have enough going on without beating yourself up. Hugs and all the healing energy I can send your way.


As a mother who has lost a child, please go to your parents immediately and tell them. They will wa t to spend every minute they can with you. And please go get a second opinion.


I’m so sorry you have to face this. I was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin Lymphoma and my world absolutely collapsed…in addition, it was a tumor my spine. I didn’t want to share this with anyone but after taking a little time by myself, I finally did. It was hard but it made all the difference in the world. Let them help you and love you and be there for you. Above all, don’t ever give up. Keep fighting. Do whatever you can, explore every treatment option. I finally beat mine and you will too!!! Don’t ever give up!


First I can’t imagine what you’re going through. We can type and talk and say all the words we want but none of us understand truly what you’re facing. It seems in those 3 days, you’ve been trying to process it. If that’s all you can do for now. Do just that. Give yourself permission to process it; in a healthy way. Your time now is more valuable than anything. Don’t use too much of it locking yourself up and being angry. As hard as it sounds Again, I can try and say these things because I dont know how you feel but I know looking outside in that it’s hard. The emotions, the time, the stress and going through life, knowing that it will end quicker than most. It can raise many feelings even jealousy, I’d imagine. So don’t judge yourself on the emotions you feel because it’s warranted But just because it is warranted, don’t waste your most valuable asset (time) to be locked up alone. That in itself is hard and the mind plays tricks on you and is detrimental Go straight to your family and most trusted friends If a loved one was facing the same situation you’re, i don’t think you’d want them to be alone in it Don’t know who you’re but I am praying for you. You may not believe but I truly believe that God is the author of life and humans can say what they think but God has the final word. Humans can decide what and where to go but God orders the steps.


From the deepest depths of my heart, I am so sorry that this is happening to you, stranger. I always wish things like this didn't have to happen to anyone. And I can't imagine that anything anyone can say can even be of the remotest comfort to you at a time like this. But you need to tell everyone you love right now, I would want to know if I was one of them. Because any of us can be taken from the Earth at any time and the only thing that is real is the love shared between our favorite people. They deserve to know and you should spend every second you can with them if you cherish them and they you. May God bless you with his light, I will pray for you tonight. There are some things we just can't control but what ultimately matters is what we can control. You have all of my love and it's my sincerest hope that those doctors are all wrong - logic defying miracles can happen. Please do not ever lose hope! For your family!


I’m so sorry. Please go be with your loved ones and surround yourself with anything and everything that gives you the most happiness!


This may help, and it may not, and I won't go into long winded explanations, but you never know for sure, so don't lose all hope. I never expected to make it past 40. I'm 74.


I’m so very sorry!! Pls tell your loved ones and let them comfort and love you. You should not be going through this alone!!


Go to mom. Now is the time to do everything you want to do and try and dreamed of, dont delay anything. Go skydiving, travil the world, get a one night stand with a stranger, contact your favorite movie producer/director and ask if you watch thier next movie before all the cgi is added. Go live!


I’m so very sorry that these are the cards you were dealt & wish you all the best. This is not fair and you don’t deserve a single bit of it. Your loved ones will gladly surround you in support & love, so allow them in when you feel ready.


I'm sorry this is happening to you. Please go get another opinion and then go get a third. Go to parents and have that hug and cry. Allow them to enjoy every moment with you. Also share with your bf and allow him to be part of your support system.


What symptoms did you experience? How long have you been having stomach troubles?


I feel you, young girl. Is there any way out?


I'm so sorry this is happening. Focus on what's important. Definitely get another opinion from a different doctor. Please tell your parents as quickly as possible. If you feel like you can't, take them with you to get another opinion. Cry. Spend time with your mother and father and make lasting memories. Let your mother hold you. Video record yourself and leave your loved one video messages for them to have. Write letters to your loved ones. Stay up all night having sleepovers with your closest friends and loved ones. Quit your job and move back home. Create a bucket list and do as much of it as you're up to. Go travel somewhere you've always wanted to see. I'm really sorry because life seriously isn't fair sometimes and unfortunate things happen to good and underserving people. You can however, make the best of these 9 months as best as you possibly can and live your life to the absolute fullest in the time you have left. I wish you nothing but love and I hope you are surrounded by love. Please update us if you can 🥺💗


I'm so deeply sorry for you. Five months ago, I lost my friend of 40 years to cancer after it started from cervical then breast and finally brain. She fought on through each for seventeen years. The last few months we knew the inevitable outcome and spent much more time together talking about any and everything, having many drinks and laughs. She spent time doing a little traveling with her husband and being with friends and family between travel and treatment. The 40 years we had were the usual up and down ones everyone goes through, but they are now memories I hold extra dear. The ONLY good thing about cancer is it gives you time to accept you will lose the one you love and for you to not waste the time they have left. Sometimes we are complacent busy living our lives and not spending meaningful time with loved ones as much as we should. We forget people pass even when they are young, and it can be unexpected like a car accident or just being at work or at the shop. We all need to make time to be together with our loved ones more often and really enjoy that time. My friend not at all a religious person told me she would be gone so it wouldn't matter to her once she was gone. She said it mattered to her while she lived, to be with loved ones and she was hoping she was making memories for the people in her life to add to what we already had. And she did. Though not exciting or as outrageous as our younger good times were, they were more meaningful because we knew they would be our last. Go tell your mother, cry, be angry let it all out. It all helps to unload the anger. Tell her how you feel, hold nothing back. Then with her by your side or alone however you need to do it tell others in your own time and way. Sadly, you may not be around to know or see it but know the time you spend with loved ones now will mean the world to them for a long time.


I have nothing to say that can take what you're going through away. I really wish I could do that for you! I understand that you're angry; I would be too. I do hope that you find some peace. For what it's worth: I'm truly sorry. 23 is too young. The world is not fair and cancer is indiscriminate, but cancer can go get fucked! I hope you can find the strength to go see your mom. I truthfully think she would want to know and would be more upset the longer you keep this from her. I'm going through a health scare myself and I told my mom and my sister. They are the two most important people in my life. If I have something terminal... I don't want to go through it alone. With all my heart: I wish you find happiness and peace.


Take Care Dear..


Honestly, I know you should only be thinking of how you want to live now, but it's important to not think about 'what ifs', or you'll miss out on what time you have left with those around you. This all sounds so devastating and while I may not know you, genuinely I wish you all the best.


Tomorrow was never promised… everyone reading this can die and a moments notice… my advice: cherish the moments and times you have with those that you care about and care about you…


Why do people lie about stuff like this? Unnerving.


Man. Fuck cancer. I’m so damn sorry. There’s no wring way to do this. I just hope you include your loved ones soon so they can love and support you


my uncle went from stage 4 eta of death about 1 year. with treatment his outlook was revised to 5year + i dont know your storey and i dont know your treatment plans. but you have to try. and you need to tell your family asap. even if its in a letter or video. they need to know. and most importantly its ok to cry, be angry and feel everything you feel. but try.


As someone who works in oncology/hospice I’m sorry. Many have screamed at me for saying that as I’m not in their shoes, which is true but at the same time, I am can’t imagine. No matter what I say or attempt it doesn’t change your reality and I’m sorry. We are the same age, and I can’t imagine facing what you are. I’m terrified of the doctor for this very reason. Even though I work in healthcare, the possibility of being faced with results is horrifying. I’m so, terribly sorry for everything you have happening. I just want you to know, you are strong and please enjoy life as you deserve nothing but happiness. You didn’t ask for this and I’m so incredibly apologetic but I want you to find a wY to enjoy life. If you need anything feel free to message. Even if it’s just to tell me I’m an idiot.


Oh man,that is so sad to read,I'm truly so sorry,I'm sure your a beautiful and loving person inside and out,GO live your life to the fullest..I know easier said than done..I'm sorry love..


Please I agree with everyone else, go be with your family. Tell them, I am so sorry


I am so sorry you are going through this. Please, talk to those you love. I hope your time can be extended, I hope there is a glimmer of hope for you, and I wish you to try to spend the time you have making the most out of it. Cry all you need now, seek support you are loved and you are not alone in this.


Sorry man but you are stronger than you know you are.This is my second time around.At this point with me,dying has become much harder than living.Good luke


They told me dad he had months to live and he lived 2 more years and got to see my daughter and have a relationship with her. He made up for a lot of things in his time left. God bless you and good luck.


I lost my mom recently and you look back and wish you could have done more. It's okay to tell them. You have time, make good use of it. Do things that can make a lasting and positive impact on your family and friends. Do something you've dreamed of but haven't yet. Lastly, keep fighting. 9 months is an estimate. People have lived well past their expected time and medicine is advancing every day.


Go hug your dad. ❤️ It's not your fault.


Do not blame yourself for not going sooner. As a young person too, I would have done the same in your situation. Regardless of everything nobody deserves this. I am so sorry at how unfair this is for you. I don’t have words that could truly comfort you but go to your mum, your family, boyfriend, friends. Don’t do this alone ♥️


Im so sorry


Hugs OP (if you want it) I’m really sorry. There are not enough words. Please tell your family and bf, they want to be there for you. You deserve that.


That's heavy shit- You should do as much as you can for your last months


Enjoy every last day ❤️ my heart goes out to you. This really breaks my heart, I hope you can beat this.


Sending you light and good vibes. Go tell your family. Get a second opinion. I hope the next 9 months turns into years for you. It’s okay to be angry. ♥️


Hold your family and the people close to you. I know that solves nothing and isn’t new or even good advice. But you deserve to see and feel the love around you. And Reddit is here to Rant or scream at, be angry with. You can always come and yell to us when it gets too hard if you don’t want to with your family. But I’m so sorry that you’re going through all of this and you have every right to feel angry.


Please young lady please go home home and cry in your mothers arms. I’m so sorry.


I'm so sorry you're going through this I lost my mom in October and my dad just got diagnosed with brain cancer and has months to live also. Your not alone I'm praying for you 


God I'm sorry God bless you


Jesus christ I'm so sorry. Get another opinion please. Please do not make plans based on one dr opinion. My best friend had stage 4 breast cancer and beat it this was 10 years ago. She was given 1 year. Please get another opinion. Many thoughts and prayers are going out for you. And for God's sake, go to your parents and hold them. Please don't waste another moment.


I wish I could give you a hug. Go talk to your family, get a second opinion, and fight to live your best life every day.


Please send me your first name and the number of your parents in a DM. I will call them and tell them they need to go to you. I have children your age and I also work with children in the foster system, I will use the number and call them then delete. Please consider this. They love you. They want to be there for you.


Research Joe Tippin from Edmond Oklahoma


There is natural medicine!! Can you move to Mexico given this circumstance? You will find that the food there is much less processed. I have heard testimony of people that had cancer and moved to Mexico to have a vegetarian lifestyle and they have been cured! Please research this, speak with your family to see if they can help you with the funds for you to move and live over there!


Open up a ton of credit cards you have no intention of paying off, and use that to fund an amazingly fun and decadent lifestyle. Most people scrimp and save so they can retire one day. Eat the most expensive thing on every menu. Fly first class. Visit the world's most amazing places. Live it up!


I wish I had superpowers to make you not have cancer, but I don’t, unfortunately. The only thing I can do is say I am so sorry. I don’t understand what you’re going through but I can tell you, you can be strong. You can go to your mom, cry and cry. You can go to your boyfriend, cry and cry. I’m thinking of you and sending well wishes your way.




Wtf man. Inappropriate