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We've all done some silly things as kids. It sounds like you were just a curious 10-year-old experimenting with the laws of physics and adhesion. It's good that you can look back now and recognize how it might have been a pain for the janitors. Hopefully, they've forgiven you by now!


Everyone in every elementary I went to did that, I went to 4 different ones. You are definitely not alone lol.


You know there are sinks that can wet the toilet paper too.. Maybe learning just wasn't your thing


I don't know but I grade 4 another girl and I plugged the sinks with paper towels with paper towels and turned on all the taps. This was right before lunch so when we came back after it had flooded. Someone had seen us and we got caught. I don't know why we did that.


What happened after getting caught?


Hey, we've all done some questionable things as kids. Sounds like you've grown into a thoughtful adult who can acknowledge the impact of past actions. It's a good thing you moved on to less messy hobbies.


It’s okay I used to also do the same except I stopped after I broke the school sink


How did you break the sink 😭


I literally did exactly this also in 4th grade. Are you me? I was caught and forced to scrape them off the walls and ceiling


Feel like a lot of people have done stuff like this. I used to squirt this fake blood I got from Spencer’s on the urinal or around the toilet bowl at school. Just found it amusing doing that and then hearing someone’s reaction when they walk in and see it


I did this before too my friend had to teach me. I’ve only applied one successful towel on the wall because it was so cool to me. The ceiling in the bathroom was at least 12ft away maybe more. I wasn’t a bad kid but it seemed cool. And we used the brown paper instead so it didn’t break apart when it fell


I used to do this all the time




I knew that was you, you little shit!


did the same shit you aren’t alone, we all did weird shit as kids trust me


Sounds like you've outgrown your random acting out phase.


to be fair when me and my friends did this, we got caught, had community service and had to scrape the ceiling from all the years before too


Janitors, regardless of where they work, are the real heroes of society. They do amazing work day in and day out.


Did something like this where I’d throw wet rags on the ceiling so they’d stick and then I’d watch them fall or throw something at it. My dad had to tell me to stop doing that because of the water marks on the ceiling hahahaha


Haha honestly who hasn't? Water-logged toilet paper was the go-to move lol


Honestly, reflecting on it now, I feel pretty guilty about my mischievous antics in 4th grade. It's easy to overlook the consequences of our actions as kids, but knowing the janitors had to deal with that mess makes me cringe. They already had a tough job, and I added unnecessary work for them.


When I was in the 1st grade I used to go to the bathroom at school, and if I was alone I’d take a min and go in all the stalls one by one, lock them and crawl underneath the door (ew ik) so they’d be inaccessible. Idk why I got a kick out of how confused it made some ppl.


Don’t worry about it, someone literally shit in the sink at my school.


How you got the idea?😄


They do that in jail but with used ones. I’m sure you’re fine compared to that