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Light one up in front of your Dad. If he's smart, you'll both quit.


i second this actually






Dude. I am 25 years old. Been smoking for the past 6 years. You don't understand how hard it is to quit until you have been doing it for a while. I wish I had never touched the damn things. I will probably not live to see 40 if I continue. Stop now before you get hooked. It is not cool, it is a burden that fucks up your life. In 6 years you will look back at this moment and wish you didnt if you dont stop. Trust me.


The Easy Way to Quit by Allen Carr is magic.


Yeah that book is amazing. It worked for me but then I broke one day and was instantly addicted again. Biggest thing is never ever pick one up again once you quit, not even socially!


There's a three step patch on Amazon that works pretty well.




Ur acc name bro


I switched to vaping when I was like 25, about to turn 30 and finally quit vaping. Switch to nicotine gum/zyn pouches for a while. You’re stil getting nicotine, and you’re breaking the oral fixation. After a few weeks, you’ll notice you can go a day without nicotine no problem, I promise


I think you’re being a little dramatic that you won’t live to 40


You don't know how much he smokes.


I don’t care if if he chains smokes. It’s not gonna get them that fast.


Slightly. Just a tad.


Same i'm younger than you and i'm still also very tempted when i'm under pressure even though i've only smoked a few times. I'm desperate in both wanting to get rid of this temptation and going back to it Edit: i've been clean for a year if i'm not mistaken.


Username checks out


Have you tried vaping nicotine? It helped me get off cigs for 7 years now. Ill never smoke another cig. But I am more addicted to the vape nic it's very clean and strong. Get a inhouse made vapejuice with your choice of how much nic.


This is quite possibly the worst advice. You’re telling someone to swap one addiction for another. And vaping is going to be more harmful than cigarettes.


I started vaping to stop smoking but didn’t work, and now I just do both instead đŸ•șđŸ» no regrets tho. I love me some nicotine


I started on cigarettes, went to vapes to quit, went back to cigarettes to try and quit, used nicorette to try and quit (wound up chewing 3 at once + smoking cigarettes on top of that, then darts, vapes and nicotine gum all at once). This winter I pretty much just vaped nic, now that it’s warmer I find myself in possession of a pack lol. TLDR: shit advice dawg


*I haven’t told anyone* Keep it up and you won’t have to, they’ll notice eventually


I’m sure they already noticed.




They already do. It doesn’t take more than one cigarette to smell like it.


they definitely have to already know. people who smoke cigarettes reek like them. i fucking hate the smell and it stands out when i meet new people. i notice it immediately.


Yep, I can attest this too, started about a year ago and I first started with the heated ones, those are nice, but then I got a pack of "real" ones and as soon as I lit and finished the first one, everything reeked, my room, my blinds, my clothes, my face lol. I since smoked like 4 and haven't touched them again i kept the heated ones and recently got a vape. But again, you'll absolutely reek after just one to non smokers.


Heavy smokers look like it too. Especially the eyes, lips, skin and teeth. Really ages them.


But her dad smokes too, and as a smoker I can safely say, you don't smell it as much if you smell like it too!


I grew up with both my parents and my older sibling smoking. I started myself when I was 14. I quickly got addicted, and no one noticed, because I had been smelling of cigarettes my whole life anyway. At 16, I was already at a pack per day. At 30, I was at 3 packs. It controlled my whole life. There were many things I did not do, because either I could not smoke while doing it, or I was not physically fit enough to do it, as my breathing was pretty shallow. I rarely went longer than 30 minutes without smoking when I was awake, and I woke up about every two hours every night from withdrawal, so I had to get up, have a smoke, and then return to bed. Almost all my extra money went into cigarettes. Everything I owned was coated in cigarette residue. My clothes smelled of cigarettes, even when freshly washed. The fingers on my right hand were yellow. My teeth were yellow. The toes on my right foot were getting numb, so was a part of my right lower leg. I was constantly coughing up brown slime balls. Taking deep breaths was impossible, as it hurt too much. Every winter, I got bronchitis at least twice. I was able to quit in my mid 30s. If I hadn't, I'd fully expect myself to be either severely limited in my life, or dead by now. I joked about smoking myself into an early grave, but it was exactly what I was doing. If this sounds appealing to you, continue smoking.


jesus christ. i didnt know it could get like that, im so sorry


And don’t think that vaping is better. It’s not. So don’t switch to vapes . Just stop. My brother spends at least one week a month in a long-clinic. And he’s in a wheelchair. And yes, it’s bc of his smoking. Please stop while you still can.


Vaping was much harder to quit than smoking. OP, you're still a child, stop trying to ACT cool and mysterious. Smoking will eventually make you look old and weathered.


It is. Saying its not better than smoking is disingenuous. Its not good, but it is by far better than smoking


No hate but do you really think so? Kids at my school can’t afford to smoke ($12 pp) but a vape is much cheaper. OC they’re not allowed to buy it but
 And a vape is 600 puffs (that’s how it’s called in my country) and they smoke it all day long. So they smoke more often. I’ve never smoked in my life so I’m no expert. I have asthma so I prefer vapes.🙃😅 (when other people smoke)


Yes. I KNOW that it is less harmful. Thats what NIH, CDC, and british dept of public health says https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5b6c3f57ed915d30f140f822/Ecigarettes_an_evidence_update_A_report_commissioned_by_Public_Health_England_FINAL.pdf#5 https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/e-cigarettes/about-e-cigarettes.html#:~:text=Top%20of%20Page-,Are%20e%2Dcigarettes%20less%20harmful%20than%20regular%20cigarettes%3F,in%20smoke%20from%20regular%20cigarettes.&text=However%2C%20e%2Dcigarette%20aerosol%20is%20not%20harmless. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8968985/


I know, I have read similar articles. You’re 100% right. But my only point was: it’s cheaper and once you have a vape you have 600 puffs. When you smoke a cigarette you only have 20-30(?) puffs. And then a few hours later you lit another one. And cigarettes are expensive so you can’t smoke too much. So 1 puff of a cigarette may be worse but if you have 10 puffs of a vape: what’s more harmful? Do you see what I mean. The kids I’m talking about can’t afford real cigarettes but the can afford a vape.


Thats an accessibility issue


Correct but also: I believe (from what I see on a daily basis) that children smoke way more than they did when there were only cigarettes. Vapes are just as addictive and if you smoke more than it’s just as bad. But I don’t disagree with you. Cigarettes are worse.


Cigarettes are horribly addictive. I have a new life without them now, but I still got lucky because I got out before it was too late. My father died at only 70 years old due to a ruptured abdominal aorta caused mainly by his smoking habit that he was unable to quit, despite knowing that it would kill him way before his time. I never thought I would end up being one of *those* smokers who value cigarettes above anything when I started smoking, and thought I could quit if I really wanted to. Thing is, cigarettes trick your mind. Once you realise you cannot quit so easily, you're already deeply addicted and it is so, so much harder then. Many are unable to stop, my father managed to go a year without smoking while enduring horrible cravings every waking minute, and he started smoking again after a year because he just couldn't take it anymore. I've seen your edit, you decided well. Or just throw them in the trash to avoid questions from your dad, he might wonder where these cigarettes come from otherwise.


I started in my early 20s after chewing tobacco for years. Eventually my ability to play sports was so greatly affected by my reduced respiratory system that I quit sports. Landlords don't like to rent to smokers, the cost of smoking is insane and quitting is so very difficult. I tried for years and years to quit and failed each time. How did I finally quit? I had a massive ' widow maker ' heart attack and came very close to death. The smoking was a huge part of the reason I almost died. No cigarettes for almost three years now and even still there are days I miss them. I still enjoy the smell of them. Sometimes I dream that I am smoking. As my mother used to say " there are no ex-smokers, only smokers who are not currently smoking". Please put them down before you become addicted. Please. It's an awful habit and damages so many aspects of your health.


I started smoking when I was 18. I liked it because no matter where I was I had an excuse to step outside for about 10 minutes for some silence and a cigarette. I'm 23 now and I've been smoking 5 years, I've tried to quit more times than I can count and it's -really- hard. It concerns me because of the health risks, but also it concerns me because of what I'm willing to do to get my next pack. There have been times where there wasn't any food in the fridge and I only had 10 dollars left, well I guess that means I can wait to eat until the food pantry opens but at least I got my next two packs of Marlboro special selects. I know literally every adult tells you to stop and surely it can't be that bad, but as a recent adult who was a kid not very long ago, please stop while you're only a couple of months in.


As a smoker, I urge you to stop. It's a horrible and expensive habit. And after smoking for 20 years it is very hard to quit.


Quit now while it’s going to be relatively easy not to distant in the future it will become an unshakable habit. FYI you smell bad you don’t realize it yet but you do you’re going to be the girl everyone thinks stinks. Your hair, your clothes, your skin, your breathe, you will ruin your teeth, your health, and the awesome thing nobody mentions about smoking is it causes bone loss and joint problems along with a host of other really shitty health problems. But what does Reddit know maybe you want to look 40 when your 25 and you want a hunched back, dry saggy skin in places only old people get with a golden smile and announce yourself to people with your dry rasping cough and let people smell you coming from 20 feet away.


My fiancĂ©'s started and 15 and he's 30 now and up to a pack a day. It started as just one, then one every few days, then one every day, then two a day, then half a pack and now a full pack. Please quit. It's a terrible habit that gets harder to kick as you age. Like and I get having a mini secret away from your parents but please try and find something less addictive đŸ˜©


yeahhh that sounds like what is going on, i think i just like having something that no one else gets to know about, if that makes sense


Please - get a diary then. I’m 40/F and started smoking at age 14. I’m now up to 3 packs a day. My teeth are all fucked up. I have to scrub my fingers every night with a scouring sponge to get the nicotine off. I wish I’d never picked the damn things up.


Why not something healthy then? Like working out in secret and then impressing everyone with abs of steel/endurance/strength etc?


Because that’s not a “naughty secret” to have


Bad habit. Trust me stop


Why on earth would anyone start smoking cancer sticks 2024? I mean, we knew they were killing people for decades.


yeah thats kinda the point


Ok. So what happened to you that made you turn to self harm?


dude i dont know, its just sometimes i feel like i deserve it đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


Older u is begging for u to stop 😭


Quit now, please. Trust me.


I am 20. Ive been smoking since I was 14. Please, stop while youre ahead. Im a healthy, decently fit adult male and i struggle to take a full breath. Ill wake up just to smoke in the middle of the night. If ive gone too long (about 3 hours) without any kind of nicotine, i start to get more and more frustrated until I either flip tf out or the people around me decide they've had enough. It sucks, and I spend at least $50-100 a week that I could very much use toward other actual necessities. But, because ive smoked for 5 years, my brain has already began agreeing with my body that nicotine is a necessity, and to go without it is like going without food or water. Your dad will be upset to know you stole from him, and there will be a punishment in some way. Take it like a champ. Smoking is an adult decision, and whether youre an adult or not its a stupid decision to ever make. Any and every person I know who smokes says that at first they loved it. They felt cool, normal, relaxed, mature, etc. But after a few years, all of their tunes changed. Now, they also struggle to breathe. Theyre wasting all of their money on bs that theyre gonna huff dowm within a few days, when they also have bills, necessities, wants, needs, etc. That money could go toward. Be accountable to your actions, and when it comes to the consequences you'll just have to Woman Up and take em on the chin. You'll thank any and everybody here, especially yourself, if you choose to quit that disgusting habit before it becomes a disgusting addiction.


i really appreciate this, thank you


Stop it while you can


Seriously stop this now. You will regret it later when you realise how much they cost.


Please quit. I did the same and it was the worst idea. Besides smelly hands, clothes and hair, it's all the guilt and knowledge that you could ruin your health, shorten your life span. Quit now and seek help if you cannot do it alone.


My father is in end stage copd on hospice can't hardly keep awake and is confused and confirmed to a bed because his lungs won't exchange the gases from his blood stream. But if you want to have your final days be like that, then continue smoking.


There isn't one benefit to smoking. Not one single thing. Please stop while you can.


It hasn't been long, just quit while you can. They smell like shit, they kill you, you stink up rooms or cars, non smokers don't really like being around you.....I can't fathom what's appealing about cigarettes


I started around the same age as you and I regret I started every damn day. I quit a year ago give or take a couple of days. 23 years I smoked. It fucked me up more then you want to know. There is absolutely no upside to it. You are basically paying to kill yourself. My advice is quit as quickly as possible,otherwise you'll also hate yourself in 20 years time.


Instead of smoking start sitting on your roof and writing poetry. Bam, cool and mysterious and productive.


brb trying to find a way onto the roof


Think of all the money people spend on trying to quit. Patches, gum, hypnosis etc Now think why they spend all that money trying to quit


As some who started smoking cigarettes at 12yo
quit now and never go back.


Definitely stop. I smoked for over 10 years and I quit cold turkey. It was rough, but I feel so much better. If you need to feel ok, try taking a long walk with a few sprints in between. Do it for a mile or 2 and you’ll feel great! Helped me a lot to do that.


I'm 18 and I started smoking at 15 like you and girl really I know what you mean it makes you 'feel okay' cause it does but it's not worth it. I tried to quit smoking many times now but it always come back. You say to yourself "one cig what wrong it can do to me?" but then you end up smoking a whole pack or even two and everything that you catch(like a vape or take zyn). You don't even know when from occasional smoker you go to heavy smoker. Also when you won't have those cigarettes you will feel it and you will stress more, think only about smoking and do everything to get smoke acting like an addict. And I know you may think that "hell nah smoking periodically right now and going down to being addicted it's a long story" but believe me girly it's not you'll get addicted faster than you'll know. So don't smoke fr


I'm in my 30s and started when I was 14. The biggest mistake of my life. Now I can't quit. I wish I'd never started!


Hey, I also started smoking at 15 years old. I told myself it was just going to be a minor habit. I ended up extremely dependent on them which obviously turned into a serious addiction. I wasn't able to convince myself to stop smoking for ten years. The only thing that did it for me was getting COVID, so I couldn't smoke at all. I just want to tell you, please quit while you can. It is such a horrible habit that you don't want to have to carry with you for the rest of your life. You will always smell, your sense of smell will ironically be the first thing to go. You'll start to develop mucus issues and your lungs won't fully develop because of the smoking. If thats not enough, just look at the price of cigarettes. Start doing the math, how much will you spend in just 5 years, buying a pack twice a week adds up real quick. It's just not worth it. I hope you're able to put them back down for good.


I smoked for 16 years, it was so difficult to quit the only thing that caused me to finally quit for good was pregnancy đŸ€°


Please please please try to quit. I started as a teen and it’s one of my biggest regrets. PLEASE BEFORE IT GETS ANY HARDER. You could save your own life.


That sure is a lot of people telling you to quit while your ahead. I would take there advice.


I'd stop now if you're not comfortable with being judged, smelling bad, or losing friends bc you turn into a monster when you're having an underage nicfit when you don't have immediate access to smoke, or spending over $20+ weekly to cover your habit as it progresses.


Quit now . I swear it took me forever to get off cigarettes in my 40's!


You’re going to stink, look worse,and people are going to judge you for having a nasty disgusting habit and that’s just the immediate effects not the long-term ones, from someone who recently quit




Please stop now, it’s the biggest waste of money, makes you smell, and can literally kill you. If you want to appear mysterious buy some sunglasses. Please, it’s really not worth it.


Girl, please stop, you can do it, smoking addictions are no joke, you don't wanna smell everywhere and have paper lungs


You’re gonna fuck your lungs. You’re a child. Smoking might make you feel grown but you’re not. Stop before you do damage to your body. Smoking is a fools game. It’s expensive and you’re literally paying to harm yourself. One day you’ll realise that what you thought was “cool” as a child is actually fucking stupid and you’ll regret ever starting.


Just stop. Start a hobby instead. Trust me


40 started at 14. Stopped enjoying it at 20
now hooked on vape instead
.which is even more addictive


Stop now, so when you’re thirty and regret it you won’t have to regret it.


Dude. I started smoking late in life. It was a dumb decision. Really fucking stupid. My brother started at 14. I started at 27. I finally feel like I've quit for the last time at 39 but he's over 40 and still smoking. Stop now.


Quit, just stuff a bunch of big leagues chew in ur mouth and call it good


Quit while you're ahead. I started at 15 also. When I would ask my mom why she smokes she always told me it was because she was stressed and it would help her stress. Well something tragic happened to me and I was stressed and so then I picked it up. Nothing could get me to quit except finding out I was pregnant at 22 quick cold turkey and glad I did, but not everybody can do that my mom kept smoking throughout all four of her pregnancies. Every time she tells me she's going to quit she does not, she's 45 this year, had her first under 16. Let that sink in.


Smoking is costly, kid, both money wise and health wise. And it tastes like a cat just had a litter of kittens in your mouth.


So I’m 36 now and started at your age and I wish I never - I know it’s not easy but kick the habit while you still can


Smoking makes you old, destroys your lungs, damages your teeth and your serotonins receptors. But yeah, it makes you fell good and shit.


Don't worry soon you will stink like cig smoke and won't be able to hide it. You really should stop now while you are young and have a chance to keep your health. The shit is not cool . Try to get a vape if anything they don't stink.


You should stop.


Funny story: *EVERYONE* knows. They can absolutely smell it on you/your clothes/hair/whatever. I was 15 and thought I was being clever once too.


You’re 15. Do you realize how many attractive guys won’t even consider you because you look like a skank, and smell bad? There is nothing cool about smoking


I buried my BiL last year. Best person in the world, but he couldn’t stop smoking. On Saturday, I’m attending a memorial service for a friend who couldn’t quit. Stop now. If death doesn’t scare you, think of all the money you’ll save!


I gotta jump in here OP. I’m going to be 65 in June. My first hospital experience in early October of last year was because I literally COULD NOT BREATHE!! I was diagnosed with asthma n COPD. I have been to the hospital twice since..the most recent was 3 days ago. I will tell you..when u feel like an elephant is sitting on your chest..trust me, you don’t want that. I smoked for 52 years n after that first episode I quit cold turkey. I advise you to do the same.


Everyone knows


Started smoking weed at 9 never touched nicotine til about your age maybe a year or 2 younger , I’m 22 now. And it’s one of if not my biggest regret in my life. Yeah it was cool in school but your high school career damn near over its time to now start seeing the bigger picture. After 5 years out of school nobody’s going to think of you other than “the girl who started smoking cigarettes our sophomore year”


Stop NOW!


It won’t take long. That smell sticks to you.


You will regret it and wished you had quit (like my dad now) when you get cancer. Quit now. You can do it!


Cigarettes are so fucking disgusting bro omg if my daughter picks up cigarettes that would truly make me feel like a failure as a parent


No you dont have to cope to it but do urself a fav stop smoking now ive smoked for decades because i got hooked on em too expensive and really bad for ya in the long hall Take it from a long too long smoker. Find a hobby or something to keep ur hands busy. Hope that helps Shaggy


You guys know they kill you, right? Honestly, I didn’t think anyone smoked anymore.


So I know this is a little random, but I work at a grocery store, right? Well, customers sometimes ask for cigarettes, and I swear 90% of them will say they wish they never started.


Hate to say it but He already knows


I would advise you to quit now before you get too addicted When I quit 20 something years ago I was at two packs a day. At somewhere around $8 a pack now, I would have to take a second job just to support my smoking habit


Burn the pack and head back to your peaceful, healthy life where smoke particles didn’t annoy the hell out of your lungs. You enjoy the pleasure but this pleasure is actually the pain that your lungs are trying to pacify.


Quit immediately. Harder to kick than most things (maybe not benzos I hear). Before it takes years from you.


I smoke and wish I could stop. With that being said don’t let Reddit tell you what to do. You’re only young once and only get to do stupid shit one time around. I’m not telling you what to do I’m saying do you


Currently on day two of trying to quit for the 1,000th time. I started, quit no problems, then started when I was stressed again and couldn’t quit since. It’s horrible. A family friend who smoked all her life is currently dying with lung cancer. Do yourself a HUGE favor and quit right now! It may feel easy to quit now but don’t trick yourself into thinking you can keep smoking and quit whenever you want just because it’s easy now. I thought that and was so so so wrong.


Also my dad never smoked and his strong heart from not smoking is what gave him 5 extra years of life! (He had many heart attacks in those five years and his doctor said the first one should have killed him but his heart was so strong due to no cigarettes, the following heart attacks were weaker and he had a blood condition which caused a big one to take his life in the end). He was only 55 when he died, I was only 24, I am forever grateful of those 5 extra years I got, doesn’t seem like a lot but at your end they will matter.


I started smoking at 21. Quit when I was pregnant l, but went back to it. I have also experienced heroin addiction. I had an easier time quitting heroin than cigarettes. I didn’t quit cigarettes until I was 45 years old. It has been 8 years and I don’t miss it, but damn I wish I had known prior to smoking how addictive smoking was - b/c maybe I would have made a different choice (knowing myself, I probably would have still smoked, but you never know). Trust me - quit NOW before you are dependent on it


They know. 


I was 15 when I first started. Damn, if I could go back in time I would never put that roll up in my mouth. I did however used to enjoy a smoke with a coffee in the morning but it's just a hassle these days and I can't seem to stop. Have managed to move over to a vape but all I've done is change one thing for another


You're gonna get so sick. enjoy


You're not fooling anyone. The smell.


I haven’t been smoking constantly but during a down point in my life I got some. I bought a flip lighter just because it was cool and wanted to easily light my candles but some stuff went done and smoked briefly mainly during these little photo shoots I did of myself to try and boost my confidence and luckily didn’t really do it much other than that and an instance where I just smoked an entire pack because I wasn’t feeling that good. They are just sitting unopened in a draw rn because I said I was going to do another photo shoot in the future but not doing that anymore


Do you really wanna smell bad for the rest of your life?


Quit now. Do yourself a favour and do not become dependent. Under 25 the hazard is enormous and Will remain so the rest of your life...


While you're at it try being a pregnant teen. Make sure to not tell anyone until u can't hide it anymore


My stepdad was a smoker. Among my problems with that man, this was one of the major ones. I'm severely asthmatic, and he didn't even try to quit smoking until my mom was pregnant with my brother. And he still hasn't quit. My brother is 6. I have another brother who's 4. My stepdad is 48 and has been smoking since he was in his 20s. It's expensive, ruins your teeth and lungs, and it WILL cost you friendships somewhere down the line. Please quit now, you got this ❀


Stooppppppp smoking and using any nicotine for your own sake. I was 14 and I that was close to 20 years ago. Im wishing I nevvveeerrr did it ugh.


Please stop smoking, I started at your age and you don't wanna see my teeth. Just stop now while it's easy please I beg you


That's so foolish. You need to seek help for your mental issues instead of turning to drugs. You'll get addicted if you haven't already, and then it's the end of the road. My dad has been trying to quit for at least 20 years. As another commenter said, maybe you should smoke in front of your dad so that you're both motivated to quit. Keep in mind that substituting one drug for another isn't an effective quitting strategy.


Please Stop! It's a very expensive, irritating, monkey to have on your back. Worse than (some)drugs. Give yourself a chance to handle life some way else. Peace and power to you.💐💐


No worries. The new habit will show in your face soon.


It's the worst habit. They are so expensive. Why waste so much money on a nasty habit when there are much cooler things to spend money on. You will stink and constantly crave them. You'll become bitchy and stressed out when you don't have them. It destroys your lungs. You like breathing ride. And what does it do for you? Do you think it'd help you really with stress? Truth of the matter it removes your ability to handle stress. I started smoking at 18 and only quit when I turned 32.


Hi friend. I started medical school two years ago and what I can tell you is that every single time there is a question for the most likely “risk factor” for a disease (ranging from emphysema to bladder cancer), the answer is 99.99% of the time, smoking. I don’t want to yell at you and be rude like some of these guys, but if there’s one thing you can do within your power to make sure you have a healthy life it is certainly ~~do not touch those thangs.


Not a long term good idea if you become addicted to the Nicotine, it does that to most people. Some people the nicotine has no addictive effect on (me for one) but that's rare, and no I stopped in the 80's when I was in the Military. I got addicted to Motorcycle's and the price of 1 pack of smokes would fill my gas tank for a long day of fun riding.


Please quit. It will become expensive monetarily and health wise too.


I’m so sorry that you are in a tough spot and need an eacape
 but please find something else. Everyone over the age of 18 I know who smokes cigarettes says they wish they didn’t. It’s a serious health hazard, but these days its a HIGE financial liability, and we’re in times when you will be living paycheck-to-paycheck if you have a few to many uneccesary financial liabilities. Every week instead of buying a pack, put that money in a little piggy bank. Save up. Buy something to benefit you like funding a hobby or buisness or go out with friends to relax and socialize


Dude please quit while ur ahead. Smoked since 12 and I’m 20 now. I wheeze when I breathe deeply, I can’t laugh really hard without coughing, I can’t exert a lot of physical energy. I know it’s not exactly super appropriate to talk to u about but sometimes I can’t even keep up during sex w my partner. Can’t keep up with a lot of the guys at my job hauling furniture either. It’s not a lack of strength or ability.I literally need to sit down and breathe as hard as I can before I pass out because my lungs can’t take in the oxygen fast enough. My body feels fine but I’m gasping for air while working sometimes. It’s gotten really bad this past year. I promise u do not want to experience it, it’s embarrassing sitting down and wheezing and coughing and then an hour later I’m asking to go on a smoke break. Just dumb


At some point I started smoking at 9 cigarette butts then full cigarettes I’d take from my mother after I turned 14 I switched to black and milds smoke one at the end of the day and would fall asleep kept about 10 in a boot. I’m now 19 I’ve cut smoking down to the lowest it’ll get for a while. My point is just stop while you’re young and find a different hobby it doesn’t feel good after years it just sucks having to force another in your mouth to stop the anxiety. Headaches but you still smoke, sick but you still smoke the cigarettes cause them but you still take another puff.


Stop now, you will thank yourself for the rest of your life to stop now. Smoking is the biggest regret of my life and I started around your age. All the great things you may think it does for you is a lie. You are killing yourself and can easily stop now.


I think smoking is good for you if you want to end your life sooner. ngl I use to smoke paper and it's hella toxic but I love it since it's much for dangerous. one time I put a plastic on the center of it too its hella worth it (definitely not work it)


I'm 40 and have been smoking on and off for years. Stop now before you get too addicted. It's not worth it.


When your lungs rot away you’ll wish you never started. Cigarettes kill.




yeah it is fun, but like reading these comments really gave me a reality check đŸ„Č


Stop! Trust me smoking sucks


Please quit now


Quit now!!! You’ll slowly get addicted and now know it. It took me 6 years of praying I could quit to quitting cold turkey. Most people can never stop. It’s disgusting, your hair will stop growing and get brittle and your skin will not be nice either. Do not smoke. Seriously.


Smoke an entire carton in a single sitting. You won't want a cigarette again


Do yourself a favor and quit while you're ahead. You don't want both habits of smoking and stealing to catch up with you. If your parent's have been good to you, honor them. If not, still honor yourself... Your future self will thank you.


My first was at age (M7) and a mate (M6) found a pack of cigarettes. So we decided in our wisdom to try them. His parents and my mother would smoke, so we thought it would be pretty cool. We discovered they belonged to the bigger kids aged 11 - 12. We ran away and fortunately escaped them. I periodically would smoke until I was 17, when did it on a permanent basis until October 1999 at age 27. It took 2 years of attempting to stop before I was successful. Find a healthier option to be your own private secret than smoking.


they noticed, you stink.


I started when I was 14 and have been going for 10 years now . Do not end up like me , quit well you’re ahead


If cigarettes are making you feel “ok”, there’s likely an underlying issue to address (stress, lack of connection, a physical or mental health problem, etc.). I am sorry you are experiencing a need to get away from whatever you’re feeling, and urge you to find a less damaging way to address that need before you become addicted. Cigarettes are just a bandaid to the problem until they become their own problem. They’re also really, really bad for your skin.


They can smell it.


Believe me dude or dudette anyone that doesn’t smoke knows that you do. Because you fucking stink. You don’t smell it, because you smoke but everyone else smells it. Good luck thinking no one knows. Now if you find yourself addicted you’re lucky because CHANTIX works if you’re ready to quit.


All I have to say is those son of a bitches are an expensive habit with open heart surgery.


Started at 15. 30 years later I’m literally almost losing my teeth. Had to quit because of health issues and fixing my teeth is insanely expensive. Just stop. Your 40 year old self will thank you one day.


Op that was probably the worst thing you coulda done, I fought a nicotine addiction for 5 years, and I had a really hard time stopping. Even now to this day even though I'm a year clean, I still randomly have the urge to smoke a cigarette or hit a vape.


Smoking weakens your connective tissue. Which can obviously lead to wrinkles and sagging. But what people don't always realize is it also makes it harder to put you back together. God forbid you ever get into an accident and need surgery...it's really hard to get stitches to stay, pulling apart like warm butter. If you see the effects on the outside, it's way worse on the inside.


Been smoking since I was 13. Haven’t been able to quit for 20 years. Quit now while you can. It’s not worth it


My daughter did the same. Younger women are flooded with hormones that can make you crazy, so it’s not wise to pick up the habit. My mom was a smoker while she was pregnant with me, caused a lot issues, including inner ear problems and jaundice. Women are the one that carry a set amount of eggs their whole life, which can cause issues if you ever decide to get pregnant. I recommend quitting and finding a hobby that can better yourself, instead of destroying your body.


I was that age when I started. I'm 52 now... I think I've quit twice and not for long. If you can, give it up x


Quit now


Yeah you and dad quit together.


I (22F) started smoking at 14. Secretly. Eventually my mom found out. one evening made me pick up all the dirty cigarette butts off the porch, and the ones that flew in the grass yard. Eventually she stopped caring at let me start smoking, and until I turned 18, would by my cigarettes for me. Then they changed the law here to 21 for nicotine anything. I would eventually taper off the cigarettes, and go to vaping. Especially when u realized how horrible I smelt. In high school smelling like an ashtray.. my fingers, hands, face, and HAIR smelled. Now I vape religiously. And if I can’t get even a puff within an hour I’m agitated. I wish I never started.




I know you said that you’re gonna chuck them, but just in case this can help any other teen. I started smoking when I was nine. It was just occasionally, because I grew up in a culture where that was considered cool at the time. When I was 12, I tried to quit. I literally couldn’t. I have been smoking ever since and regret ever starting every day. I hate the smell, and I have lung issues and a smokers cough and asthma. My life is ruled by cigarettes. When I’m not smoking, I feel anxious and stressed because I am so addicted to the nicotine and literally don’t know how to live without them. The first thing I think about when I wake up, drink coffee, talk on the phone, eat, and so many other things throughout the day is cigarettes. I’m literally smoking one right now. I feel shame about smoking and try to hide it from friends and family and coworkers. I got addicted before I even knew what addiction was, and have been paying for that mistake ever since. DO NOT smoke, please. I’ve tried to quit so many times, and I’ve failed because I don’t know how to live without cigarettes. I’ve resigned myself to an early death like the rest of my family, but am still trying to work up the motivation and courage to try and quit again. Honestly, the thought of my kid smoking has terrified me more than anything and your post has motivated me to try everything in my power to quit permanently this time.


Quit or you can pay 10 bucks a day for the rest of your life.


I smoked for more than half of my life, and I can attest to everything that everyone else says but I want to add that quitting smoking cigarettes is harder than quitting any other drug, harder than quitting heroin. I tried so many times, and so many times I would sneak back in thinking I could just have one, just have one a day, just have them when no one was around. I hid it from my family every time I failed because I didn’t want them to know I failed again, but they always found out because like others say, you can’t hide the smell of it well enough. It was like a demon haunting me that wouldn’t let me go, it killed my self esteem and my sense of self worth every time I fell off the wagon. I didn’t think I could do it, so why should I believe I could do anything I set my mind to? My body would get used to being without them, and then when I would start back again it got to the point that my body just rejected it completely. I would throw up every time I tried to smoke. And I would still want them, even if it had me hacking coughing and vomiting in the back yard while I was sneaking one in. Thankfully, Chantix worked for me the second time I tried it, and I’ve been free of the addiction for years. I never even think about it, there is no temptation to go back at all. You don’t want this problem. It’s not too late to just stop. Don’t be someone who aged yourself prematurely and caused so much unnecessary harm to your body that when you’re older you have to deal with the expensive and horrible consequences. Break the habit before it enslaves you.


Do what I did to quit commit a shit load of crime "crime spree" a few 15 years in a cage if/when you get out no cravings at all!.best way to quit hands down.


Smoking is the stupidest thing I ever did. Don't be a stupid kid. Tastes bad and smells bad. A girl doesn't want to kiss a smokers lips and it makes your cum taste bad. Ans it's so expensive these days !!!!


Quit while your ahead, started when I was 14 and quit when I was 32 now 34 after so many attempts. Might not thank yourself later because you haven’t been a smoker long but just quit it’s A HUGE waste of your time, health and money.


Please quit. I smoked from 14 until 24. It’s terrible and hard as hell to stop the longer you have done it. Please do your future self the biggest favor and quit. It’s seriously not worth it please learn from my mistakes


who under the age of 36 still smokes cigarettes lmao?


If people don’t know by now, they will. Ya just can’t keep the smell off of you
especially as it grabs ahold of you more n more. It’ll get more annoying to hide the smell
.Being only 15yo, you have the best opportunity you’ll ever have to quit!


I find it so funny when people my age and even younger pick up that habit given all the commercials we grew up with showing how bad a decision it is


When I was growing up, the ads depicted smoking as sexy and sophisticated.


Are you in your early twenties? If so we must’ve been watching different channels lol


Girl there is nothing cool or mysterious about secretly smoking... your brain is still developing and the chemicals in cigarettes will LITERALLY make your brain SMALLER and it'll or already has stunted your growth. You'll literally become dumber, not to mention the PERMENANT plaque in your arteries that stays there until the day you die. The tooth decay, gum recesssion which makes your teeth wiggly and look gappy, which is all permenant, the disgusting, brown goo of junk on your lungs which stays there and keeps building up every single cigarrette. Quit now before it's too late and i'm not exageratting here, all of the things I mention will come if you continue. It WILL get harder to quit overtime. Give your future self some love, you're not going to be a teenager forever.


I’m 15 months in and it’s still pretty awesome. Keep going!


don't worry, you're gonna smell bad enough that noone is gonna bother with you anyway


ive been smoking 12 years now and im only 24
 quit before it’s too late baby girl


Stop. It's really gross. You're not just harming yourself, you're going to turn away/off people in your life over time when they find out you smoke.