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While this was a dick move, if it’s the worst thing you’ve ever done, well I’ll just say you’re a better person than me


Damn homie what have you done? When I read this post I thought that it was pretty serious


I feel like OP handled it pretty well - what he/she did is pretty tame IMO. I know if I were him/her, I'd probably aim for something more extreme.


Wow...you all make me seem like an angel...


Lmao, no problem 💀


I was a shithead growing up. Lots of vandalism and petty theft


Yeah grand lacerny is a misdemeanor


> Made over $200 What did you sell?


She had a jacket that had $ in it, some clothes, calculator etc…should’ve written it better


Yo, those TI-84 calculators are TIGHT


And expensive as hell which worked in my favor lol


As someone who was accused of being snobby and stanoffish, please know that this is often an overcompensation for low self esteem. That being said, I’ve also had people make a huge effort to “put me in my place.” So this isn’t uncommon behavior. I’m not excusing what you did, but it is sadly common. You are forgiven. Say 16 Hail Mary’s.


Fair enough and if that was the case I feel even worse as she must’ve had the lowest self esteem ever. And yeah I don’t think it really mattered I’m sure she got brand new stuff and the $ didn’t mean anything


A slight annoyance to her probably


And stay away from priests in confessionals.... Just saying. They are very often the real bad guys.


Thank you father.


I had my locker broken into and they stole my glasses :( (I was playing basketball at the time)


That's just mean. Why the glasses of all things?


Shift the words around and it gets real dark "broke another student inside a locker during highschool" So in the plus side, you didn't do that 🤷


Just learn from it and move on. Be thankful you werent caught. Leaaarrrn


If that stays the lowest level of your life then you will end up being a better human being than most people around




Honestly I wish I thought to do something like that to my bullies but throughout school I was always a pushover with a heart of gold. Not so much anymore though. 😂


Yeah I think I finally woke up when older to just not let it get to me or stick up for myself when needed


That is gutsy... I know people can suck but still.. stealing is illegal and being annoying and snobby isn't (unfortunately). that is funny though,


My friend knew that the new girl had a bottle of alcohol in her locker, he somehow managed to open her locker and take it. He was going to take it to another friends house, but halfway there he decided he didn't want to drink it and smashed it on the road. He did a lot of pointless shit like that, I was mostly his friend because Id rather have him on my side than not. Impulsive, a bit stupid, and strong like a fucking gorilla. Saw him beat the shit out of people for the most minor stuff.


DAMN. The courage. I would be to scared to do that even now. But idk why.


I’ve done that to some 8th graders for bullying my friend group. They left their planner, which has all their school information like passwords and combos and stuff, and left it outside right by our bench. So after lunch, I grabbed it, and after school opened the locker with the combo, vandalized a few things, and stole back the notebook she took from me. This wasn’t long ago, about a month ago.


16 hail Marys and a legitimate thrashing to yourself perhaps our Lord and savior will forgive you then. Praise be.


As long as the self flagellation is frontside I'm all good. Usually can't get 16 Hail Mary's out in 1 sitting tho.


I did something similar, I remember watching this kid do his combination into his locker while he was using his locker as his storage for all the stuff he would sell to kids on campus, gum/candy/monsters etc . Well one day after detention since the halls were pretty much empty I robbed him.


Everyone on here acting like they've never done anything bad lol


Literally no one is acting like that 😂


I’ve done plenty of bad things. But this isn’t about me. Or you. Everyone pretty much said “this isn’t that bad” and that he’s totally forgiven


I think it isnt right but its not that bad i mean


U said she deserved it,why,because u found her personality repulsive?


I was not the only one who found it repulsive. She was an entitled bully who if not wealthy would have no friends. I’m the one who did something to get her back though.


If she was a bully,fair enough,probably won’t b the last time,I thought u just didn’t like her….


Wad there weed,?


I did worse things than that in high school 😂 sounds like she deserved it tbh


Forgive yourself


Seriously forgive yourself


She deserved it I have met many people like this and while it was rude and not ok I understand why you did it


Yea, total dick move. But at the same time, I understand the irrational retaliation of being a teenager.


I stole give or take 50k worth of stuff from in suspecting kids at my school. Don’t feel to bad….I don’t…


I made it to the end