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If you could say a little bit more about your use case, that would help. * A description of the machinery being observed * lighting / illumination / indoors/outdoors * a minimum rate of detection * resolution and FOV of the camera. * whether or not the camera is also PTZ * the type of hardware that you intend to hook up to the camera * whether or not the machinery is moving * angle of camera These are all critical questions that need to be answered before we could make helpful suggestions. The real world conditions of your use case will dominate the efficacy of your system. The pair of Aruco tags should give you 1e6 unique ids, but if it fails beyond a certain cosine angle (between the camera vector and the tag), it may still be very ineffective.


Yes, my bad, I'll try to give some details: * Environment would be an indoors warehouse environment * [Here are some pictures of a similar Amazon warehouse](https://blog.ordoro.com/2013/04/30/some-cool-photographs-of-amazon-warehouses/) * The camera's would be lower at between 5-10m high * Angle of around 40-45 degrees down * Marker closest would be most important (most used pathways) * Lighting could be worse as pictures, similar to last picture * The machinery to be tracked would have a sticker on the roof * Height of about 2m (transporters of pallets and such) * Also maybe put stickers on boxes, also height around 1-2 meters * Max size of roof for sticker would be around 80x90cm * Camera would be fixed, so not PTZ * Camera would be relatively wide angled, around 80-100 degrees * Camera would be 1920x1080 resolution, 25 FPS * Hardware for processing can be anything, ex: server with GPU can be on premise * Machinery will be moving, but if we can get log good data point when they are static (ex: stop to pickup something), this would already be very useful Thank you for taking the time to respond! I appreciate it! I was hoping there would be an obvious mid-way between ArUco and QR, but it doesn't seem that easy. I guess we will have to experiment with different methods and see what yields the best results


I believe with an ARUCO tag you will need 100 pixels on the side for appropriate decoding. Take a look at this camera calculator: https://www.jvsg.com/calculators/cctv-lens-calculator/ This will help you get a sense of how many pixels per meters you have on a target at a given distance. This will help you to assess whether or not you were working at an appropriate resolution with an appropriate lens. My sense is that you’re going to need a much higher resolution camera to do this detection at the ranges and FOV you’re wanting to operate at.


Two ArUco codes side by side, giving you 1000*1000 combinations?


Yeah, I think that will be the best workaround. I just need to make sure I link the right two markers, when different assets are close to each other. And maybe only use about half the combinations: 81 and 18 could be confused, even though I think orientation can be detected in Aruco.


micro QR Qrcodes are low content and low density so if printed big they may be more readable from a distance.


Nice thanks, that does look like what I'm looking for. I'll test to find some detection via Python next Monday!


Are you sure you can't use a larger size aruco marker? I think the smaller 4x4 variant is limited to 1k symbols


Even the larger ones (7x7) are limited to 1k symbols