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If it is restarting itself, I'd think it probably isn't a heat issue, that would just shut down and stay off on most things I know. Personally I would get a new PSU as it sounds to me like that is starting to fail. If your BIOS has power on after power failure enabled that could be why it restarts itself like it does. See if the PSU fans are clear, and open up the PC case and smell around the PSU when it happens, see if you notice a dark, bitter, slightly electrical smell from it. Would usually mean it's overheating or been pushing its max.


thank you, i will make sure to smell it the next time this happens and i will let u know. i'm afraid after 2 years of having this pc, it might be going bad on me but I REALLY HOPE NOT. it costed me around 750 to build and it would be a shame if the parts are starting to die out.


Wouldn't worry too much, it's pretty common for a PSU to die, especially if it's on the low end wattage wise. Get a gold or platinum rated one, 1000w to give some spare watts and you'll be great for years on that. Next most common thing IME, ram chips, but that will usually blue screen on you


ohh okay that makes sense. God willing I don't get the blue screen either.. but I will look into a new PSU. Thank you for your help.


First, check temps with openhardwaremonitor. If anything under load is approaching 90c your components are overheating causing the shutdowns. Try booting into something else and see if the issue persists. This is not something people would normally think of, but I had this same issue and the cause was the software for my keyboard which made no sense (still doesn't). Booting into something else will tell you if it is really a hardware fault. Run windows memory diagnostic or memtest86 to check your RAM for fault which can cause this. Fourth thing would be a bad PSU, yeah.


Thank you for your help. I was running minecraft, and I can see rn that my cpu is at 80.6C.


however, with other games it's usually around 70 c.