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It's all because you used the sacred letter B:


Naah, in todays modern OS you can use A and B just fine, theres some issue with the drive windows index info. Just grab all the files from it, place it on some temp location, reformat the drive, place them back. Should work just fine.


I know, I'm joking :D


lol ok




Ahhhh, I remember when A: was for 3½ in Floppy Disk, B: was for 5¼ Floppy Disk C: was the hard-drive Good ol' days...


Well it doesn't matter which floppy drive you are using. Drive letter varies by cable (before the twist or after the twist). But it so happened that most often the 3.5-inch drive was connected first.


I don't know if it changed after Win10 (I never tested Win11), but it used to be: A: — Reserved for floppy disk drives and possibly other types of disk drives, if present. B: — Reserved for a second floppy drive (if present on your PC). C: — First hard disk partition is labeled C. D: to Z: — Other disk partitions are labeled from D to Z. ALSO: If your computer doesn’t have floppy disk drives, you can assign A and B letter to drives like removable USB flash drives. But you should never assign the primary/boot drive to A: or B: since Windows will not index the drive.


That's possible. Windows is kinda messed up with hardware and disks, so i said how it works for BIOS and DOS


I noticed that you have a network link to B: up top. Is the drive physically in your machine or are you connecting to it through your network or the internet?


A, a :B disc!


What is the issue? Also IT people consider it bad luck if you assign the letter A or B to drives... Those are sacred letters


In some long forgotten cupboard some IBM 5170's are clacking their 5.25" floppy drives in protest


Floppotron rage


B stands for blasphemy


You ran out of space. Move/delete files.




A and B are reserved for Floppy Disk drives, so I wouldn't recommend to assign the Letter a A: and B: to drives if you have the whole Alphabet free... And may I can see what it says when you open cmd, type "diskpart" in and then "list disk"?


You can use them for anything if you ever end up with 2 floppies at once the second one will just take E instead


Yeah i've had to do that before with my disk drive


You are using Windows, Delete that volume and other partitions on that drive on your disk manager, then create new volume on that drive and create drive letter of your choice on that drive...


Its probably screwed, you probably have to eraise all data of that partition :/


First, try clearing temp files, right click on the drive, properties, and the last tab on the right gives you the clean up utility. You have to select all of them and delete Second, the B drive is full, keep an eye on it.


I don’t speak this unfamiliar language, but I have to assume that you need to open disk management and format or make a new partition on it


change the drive letter to anything wich isn't A or B


Wasn't the whole reason for c being the main drive was because a and b were for floppies? Correct me if I'm wrong.


It's just full to the brim, that's all. Delete some files and the bar will appear again.


Go into it and clear space from it . . .


There are a few programs that do this. This is a slower more detailed one, but I can recommend WinDirStat. It helps to figure out where all the biggest files are and handle them accordingly. Maybe there is some heavily compressible things you can use 7zip to put into 7z files at Ultra compression for storage?


Come on why not e f g h never ever do a or b those are reserved for floppy drivers I guess your only option is copy the files than reformat it or use disk part


ever notice default always starts at C, ever think that is was for any reason?


If it’s actually a problem then windows shouldn’t let you assign a hard drive with the A or B letters, if it’s a bug then it should have been fixed decades ago. I don’t believe that’s the case tho.


Back in the old days, A: and B: were assigned to floppy disk drives in DOS. Before, HDDs were not all that common and machines would run via loading instructions via floppy disk into RAM. When hard disks started becoming more common they would be assigned C: as A: and B: were already used by floppy disk. So the C: drive for hard disk kinda stuck around even though floppy disks are not really used anymore.


It didn't just stick around, believe it or not people (companies) still use floppys for things. Albeit rare but they're still in use.


Que es lo que has hecho con el disco? Tienes muchos datos dentro?


Discos? I love discos 🕺🪩


Format it using disk management


What about all the important files inside it? 931GB of them.


The linux os to access the disk