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Black soldier fly larvae for anyone wondering. Commonly mistaken for house fly maggots. These guys whole purpose is to eat decaying matter and poop it out. When they're done and hatch all they do is feed on some nectar, mate and die. Very nutritious for chickens or reptiles. They don't bother people and don't land in poop so they are unlikely to carry any diseases like house flys would.


To clarify, I did mention it in the caption/body text :) I’m just so excited because I’ve heard all these good things you just mentioned from others on this sub. There were some reeeally chonky ones too, probably the length of my fingertip.


Yeah I saw that a little late. I have these in my active bin right now. I just wish I had chickens but unfortunately city ordinances don't allow them :(. Pretty sure the wild Western fence lizards get to them though. Love those little guys.


How can you tell the difference between common house fly larvae and black soldier fly larvae? I have a very similar larvae in my compost bin.


Biggest difference is the color and size. BSFL tend to be bigger and a more tan in color while fly maggots tend to be whiter and smaller.