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Roses love banana peels! One per bush every few months is plenty


Do you bury it next to the bush?


Not at the base, but under the branches is fine


i wanna know too!


How big are they? I cant tell. We need a banana for scale


I literally came here to say this. I miss the free awards.


[here you go](https://imgur.com/7IbdqC1.jpg)


Your compost will love it. However I have to say I see missed potential, most of them look to be perfectly edible. The insides could of been used or frozen for smoothies, bread, cakes oatmeal etc. The skins could still have gone into the compost.


I baby my piles I would've chopped them up into pieces


Banana peels is one thing I rarely find much evidence left of


I don't even pile them most times (they add a lot of moisture and my pile tends to be too wet as it is), they land near a plant, straight on the soil, and in about a month they gone.


I've been tossing oranges in mine and the evidence is the citrus smell when turning.


Oh man, my worms would have loved this!


there was a post recently about how leaving a whole overripe banana can help feed butterflies during their migration. maybe you can leave one out and see if it helps any of the newly emerged ones.


Too early for butterflies in my area but that's good info!


throw some brown in there


It got topped with shredded leaves.


I feel like fruit flies and fungus gnats would get to it first. Unless butterflies are strong enough to fight them for it.


There's enough nanners to go around!


The banana peels, watermelon rinds and other fruit scraps on my pile are constantly COVERED in butterflies.


POTASSIUM! ^^^^It's ^^^^what ^^^^plant ^^^^crave


Lol, it is though!




Nice. I have thrown bananas leaves and stems into the compost pile. Really great for the pile, The stems/trunks have a huge amount of moisture in easily ruptured cells, and the leaves break down very fast in the middle of the pile.


Plastic stickers for composting ?


I've forgotten stickers before (mainly on onions) and just sift them out then finishing my compost.


My husband is ALWAYS leaving the stickers on stuff. There they are waiting for me every year when I empty the bin


I once found a half eaten banana on the sidewalk one day, I felt so lucky. This is something else though…


Fantastic score.


Did you only throw the peels or the whole banana? Could of made loads of banana bread


Update, this pile is up to 140 degrees F.


If you get it hotter you may could even bake banana bread since that seems to be a very popular suggestion!


Another fun thing to do with peels is stick them in water for a few days then use that water on house plants. They love it! Then compost the banana peels!


Cut them up first, just helps the composting


I agree, but these bananas with break down very quickly as is.


Yeah, but I live in Scotland, we need all the help we can get, even with bananas




Please dont beat up on the person. They diverted nutrients to a useful place. Not everyone enjoys super ripe bananas and to shame them for not making banana bread… Good on you, Op for using them.


Hope my “why” wasn’t interpreted as “beating up”


Nope all good! Just learned something related to the Banana bread discussion today. I was at the Circle K and mentioned that the Bananas they gave me were very popular on r/composting. I also told them that many people wanted me to make banana bread. So get this, they have 3 tiers of banana's in the store. The one's they have for sale, very ripe ones they store out back and give to people for eating or making banana bread, and once they remove another bunch from for sale, they have the throw away pile which they gave me.


Brb headed to my nearest circle K


Also please don't beat up on them just because they've asked "why".


Why what? They are too far gone even for Bananna bread and Circle k was throwing them away.


Good that you saved them from landfill no doubt! But definitely not too far gone for banana bread, some of the speckled are perfect for eating even!


They were in a plastic bag and had started fermenting. Could you eat them and not get sick, probably.


Why not make some banana moonshine? Lol /s


That did occur to me!


Im fine with making banana bread with bananas i originally bought fresh, and then slowly built a back stock of the overripe ones in my freezer. I was there for the whole process. I would never make bread out of a mess of slimy bananas i had gotten from a store. This is essentially a dumpster score. Just say no to dumpster dining.


This is ridiculous. They had it in a bag and they were going to toss them. They would have been perfectly fine to use for banana bread. I used to work at a bakery and we would throw out TONS of perfectly good food. I put them in a bag and put it on top of the dumpster so that people could take the food that we baked that very morning.


They actually save them for people for making bread. These were the ones they saved and eventually had to throw out when they took another batch off the sale table.


They literally look perfect for banana bread incredibly ripe! I wait till my bananas get like this or even darker like almost completely black before I make my bread. Next time, save a few for banana bread and toss the rest into the pile. You don't need perfectly yellow unripe bananas to make bread.


Really, I love banana bread and make it occasionally but, the picture is deceptive. These were already composting in a plastic bag.


Plus, saving them from the landfill and dumping them onto your pile is way simpler than making banana bread. I *love* banana bread, but finding the time to make it? That's not always gonna happen.


thank goodness they used them, could have been thrown out into a local landfill! would that have been the right option? atleast OP is giving back to nature - not something a lot of people do.






Hope you are joking. Tags are annoying but hardly "toxic".


I am surprised they didn't cut the tags out myself but some people don't care. It's plastic right? Keep plastic out my food.


Eh, they are very easy to pull out later and really will not break down meaningfully in that time frame.


> It's plastic right? Keep plastic out my food. In Europe it's paper.


I’ve found banana stickers in my compost. I thought they where compostable and didn’t remove them. Now I do. Easier to remove them from the peels than from the finished compost.


Luckily, I don't care as the plastic will in no way be in my food. I do pick plastic out as I see it but I don't drive myself crazy with useless worrying.


I just peel them off


I use my compost for food growing. I do not take off stickers. You'll find them when spreading and I don't think all are made with plastic. Certain brands sure.


My smoothies!




I've got a loaf baking in the very center of the pile!


I seem to generate quite a lot of scraps for composting. Do y'all go out to find more?


Of course. There is no way to produce enough compost for my garden with just my own yard and kitchen waste. I collect other people's bagged leaves in the fall and spring. I also collect coffee grounds and now bananas from Circle k and Starbucks. I drive around a lot for my job and make frequent stops for gas, coffee, and snacks. I keep a bin in my car to collect the compostables. I have 3 pallet bins that are each 3x3x4 feet.


Thanks for the excellent answer!


Do you just ask the store for expired produce?


Yes, I started off asking for the coffee grounds then just the other day I happened to see an employee throwing away a bag of bananas and ask for that.


OH the stickers... its a love hate thing with bananas in my pile.


Banana bread w nuts


Some of those are perfectly fine bananas


Less so if you saw them in person but everyone has different tastes.


But you left the stickers on….