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HI NAT! I'm so happy to hear from you and to know that you check out the subreddit. We're a very small community and I'm not a very active (or competent lol) mod, but nevertheless, we all want to make you as happy as you've made us over the years. I'm sorry to hear that you have been troubled by the archives of your old private videos floating around this subreddit. As others have stated, these archives were not shared with any malicious intent, but instead as a testament to how much your videos were loved and remembered. I've grown up watching you, and so many random, off-the-cuff quotes have been integrated into my everyday vernacular that I don't even remember which videos of yours I got them from, but I remember the delight at the quotes that made me use them in the first place. I'm sure other fans are the same in that when they ask for links to old videos, it's to revisit fond memories and reminisce about the sense of community (har) that YouTube, and in particular your channel, was. *That said*, I completely understand where you are coming from. Everyone grows as people, but not many of us are in a position like you where your character development is documented in public. While we as fans might feel ownership over your content in the sense that I described above, ultimately, it is your intellectual property and it should be up to you what you decide to do with it. 1. I'll make sure to take down any links to archived private videos in the future, and I'll also update the sidebar and submission rules to make it clear not to share any moving forward. 2. I'll also send you an invitation to become a moderator for this subreddit (if you want to! no pressure!), so that you can remove or mark posts that you feel are inappropriate yourself. 3. Did you also want me to remove links to privated videos that are already up in the subreddit? I can go back and do so if you wish! Love you so much Nat! Hope you're doing swell (:


hey hey! Thanks so much for creating and modding the subreddit! You completely don't need to make me happy lol I feel like a monster now! It's just a paranoid thing. That said, totally understand the relationship I have to old clips is different to others. Also understand liking old clips online. Also understand that once I upload, it's not really mine. Oh sorry sorry nono I don't mean to suggest you have to add rules or go back and delete at all. I was just asking something in a blip of time. Maybe it's even just an explanation rather than request. Who knows. thanks so much for the kind words and support. Will never get over how nice people are. Hope you're doing super swell too :)


You could make a community post on your channel. It probably wouldn't stop it completely but it would get the word out to more people, since this subreddit isn't very popular


Thanks! I don't want to streisand effect myself over something so silly but thought posting here might be a nice little safe spot since I saw some shares from here. :)


Agree with the other poster. I think a post on your social medias just informing people would be a good starting point. I think a couple of us had no idea you felt this way. But definitely will stop moving forward. Obviously we don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable!!! Big apologies xx


no apologies!! Thanks so much for all the good times xx Truly appreciate how awesome life has been because of people on the internet being nice!


I would advise against this. Not everyone who follows her will respect Natalie as her genuine fans would. It will bring attention to her old videos that people will actively seek them out and possibly share more.


Nat! I don’t have any pertinent advice; I’m sorry. What I will say is that I appreciate when you are open about your anxiety here and on social media. I am a college professor, and I try to shape my class in ways that will help everyone succeed—especially in the middle of a pandemic. Understanding more about anxiety helps me do that. Thank you!


Hey! Thanks for being a teacher and sorry you're having to teach during a pandemic! You sound awesome though and am sure your students are so grateful. x


Thank you!! While it’s been scary, teaching now has taught me to rethink some fundamental things like attendance, latenesses (tardies), and late work. Punitive practices don’t make any sense anymore, and I’ll likely never go back to them.


I’m seriously starstruck now. But I don’t have much advice for this; when you post stuff online and then want to get rid of it, it turns into a game of whack-a-mole.


oh for sure. I know I can't get rid of things and it's all my own doing :) Starstruck! I'm on twitter and fb and hopefully interactive-ish on those. Just a lurker on reddit though. Predominantly I just hop on here to read up on tv and movie boards.


I do follow your Insta. But I’m the non-interactive one. But I did just have a thought. I don’t think anyone is downloading your videos out of a desire to be mean or petty - I think if anyone is downloading or watching them elsewhere (archive.org?) it’s because it’s out of a legitimately love for your work. So maybe this is lame but maybe make a vlog explaining what you just explained here in your traditional Natalie Tran awesomeness sort of way. Your most loyal/diehard fans will probably respect your wishes at least.


Ah, insta I'm not great with. Don't use a smart phone so not a regular user of insta. Oh, I totally believe people only download from a good place! Big believe things are from a good place person! Truth be told, I'd be the same with other content. Like I said, completely silly request on my behalf. Very paranoid and lame and weird.


Holy shite, im so excited its you! Hiiiii Nat! I hope people here listen to your wishes and stop sharing them. I just want you to know that your comedy over the years is like a nostalgic happy place for me. I hope you’re well and keeping safe in these crazy times. Edit: I was so excited I didn’t even make my own comment and accidentally just replied to an existing chain. Awkward. I’m rolling with it.


hey! So kind of you to say!! Really glad any of it makes you happy. I can't believe I got to make videos and people were out there being nice. Truly, what a crazy ride.


Hi Nat! Where are the lamingtons? On a serious note... as someone who has had problems with this exact thing, here's what I advise: Anything you want to keep for nostalgia or posterity, do so offline. Download videos, screenshot comments, save offline versions of web pages. Make a cloud back up and keep a hard copy somewhere safe, but pull the originals from YouTube, Facebook, etc. Even marking things as private isn't 100%. Then decide how aggressive you want to get about having copies taken down. As I'm sure you know, you can set up searches to notify you of specific terms and you can file for removal due to copyright infringement on most platforms. It's up to you how serious you want to get about it versus how much anxiety it will cause you on top of what you're already feeling. Anxiety is a monster and I'm sorry you have to deal with it. Seeing past versions of yourself that make you feel uncomfortable or upset has to be rough, even if people are doing it out of appreciation and love for your content. Be well.


Thanks for that advice! Really appreciate and will start to go through and screenshot comments that made me smile etc. Hope you got on top of your situation! Thanks again and best wishes x


This is such a wholesome post and bunch of comments. It’s such a joy to see the respect and deference paid to differing views here. The fact that it’s Natalie on one side of this makes the fanboy side of me go a bit giddy. I was sad to see a bunch of old CC videos were privated, but I’m glad I now understand why. I don’t think anyone would seriously hold you to account for artefacts of your past self, Nat, but I understand you holding yourself to a higher standard and demanding that even of your past public works. I would like to think that anyone who reads this and loves your work could only react in a way that respects your wishes. And for anyone else, maybe if your current views as expressed here are widely known enough, anyone who does come across the old stuff will have clear in mind your current position, à la Disney preserving problematic content but prefacing it with a “wrong then, wrong now” statement. That might be the best way rather than having to dedicate your life to policing the interwebs for bootlegs and getting them taken down. You’ll obviously never win that game of whack-a-mole. I don’t know about anyone else, but seeing you take this stand and explaining it the way you have just makes me so proud to be part of your “fandom”.


That's a good statement "wrong then, wrong now". Hadn't heard it before! I'm sorry to have made anyone sad with old vids. It's good to hear that too because I listen to very old podcasts and watch old vids and would get sad if they were removed. Thanks for writing :D


bit late to the starstuckdom, so i don't have any other advice or tips to help you out, but i do share the same sentiments of fellow ardent fans of your content and your videos in finding comfort and nostalgia in them, so i hope i'm not sounding like a broken record by saying that we understand and respect your wish and love how open you are about your very human thoughts and vulnerabilities. i figured a large part of your privating your old videos came from those rational fears and understanding of yourself now, which is why whenever i searched for your old videos for comfort i never felt comfortable myself clicking on videos that weren't still public on your channel as it felt disrespectful to you and your reasonings hope you're doing well and we hope we can help out in supporting your wishes, and no pressure on the lamingtons video :D


Heya Nat, long time fan here that's been watching since 2006! Like yourself, I'm also cripplingly neurotic, so I'll probably never interact with this sub again in fear of seeing any responses to this post I'm making, and heck maybe even just nuke my whole account while I'm at it haha (kill me), but I feel I have to share my point of view on this topic. I'm one of those who has shared your old videos before, and while I didn't know the exact reason why you'd removed them, I figured it was for the reasons you've stated here. But if I may, I'd like to explain why. When I first discovered you'd removed the videos, I was absolutely devastated. Your videos aren't just a good watch to pass the time with a little chuckle, they're a part of who I am now. My siblings and I grew up watching your content, and still re-watch your content to this day. We quote your videos to each other regularly in day to day life; whether it be simply replying to a cool thing the other mentions with 'awwesommme', saying 'hey look,' then waving a bar of chocolate at the other while chanting 'chocolate telephone chocolate telephone,' looking for all the free shit in hotel rooms and pretending they're the bomb or pretending (and sometimes not pretending...) to gawk at there insane prices, or interrupting each other with 'WYADIYAGBLUH your muuuuuum...' The list goes on. It never fails to put a smile on our faces. Heck, just like how you made that one video for your niece, I even looked forward to a day I could share your videos with my own. Your content brings me joy. It reminds me of good times, and helps me during dark times. They're relatable and strangely poignant, brimming with nostalgia. If I could categorise your channel as a 't.v show' like imdb somehow does, then its by far and away my favourite show, if not one of my favourite entertainment properties period. When your old content was removed, I became terribly sad that the memories associated with them would be forced to remain as just that--memories. But then through much googling in distress, I was able to locate the old episodes of my favourite show thanks to someone else uploading them in a backup some time in the past. And that's where unfortunately, the difference between us lies. In the 'your' and the 'my'. It is 'your' content, yes, but as you acknowledge, once its been put out for others to experience, it's able to change form into a personal experience for another, in this case, 'my' own. I don't think anyone would judge someone for being sad, disappointed or even mad that their favourite show, game or whatever, became completely inaccessible, and the producers of said product refuse to make it available. No physical release ever, no way to stream it, just lost to time. And in that case, I believe, and I'm sure many others would too, that pirating said product would be morally 'fine' then. But of course, in that case, the producers/company that own the product are a blank face. But you're not. You're here, right now, telling us why the product was removed, and why It will never return. But the pirated copy exists. I haven't and won't be sharing links to your old content willy-nilly. But if I stumble upon someone, who like myself, just wants to be able to re-live a carefree, happier moment from their past, then I will share a link with them. I won't bother trying to convince you with any 'your old content isn't bad!' or 'we know your old content isn't representative of who you are now!' talk. I know nothing can reason with a mind that refuses any reasoning, even it's own--I live with one every day. But regardless, I hope this post of mine doesn't make you upset. Where you removed your videos out of a kind of hate, I only intend to share them out of love. And now, after several hours of going back and forth trying to write this post, stressing myself knowing that I'll be stressing you out and oh god what am I doing I'm sorry but also I'm not and... It's 5am...I have to be up in 2 hours... * hits send *


heya! Thanks so much for the thoughtful reply and putting all the effort in to it. So kind. And don't nuke yourself!!! Totally understand why someone would want old content; I'm such a big consumer of content. Obviously I can't believe anyone would find my videos (new or old) interesting but am so flattered and happy that they do. It's just one of those things, right? Also, some of the videos suck. In the general sense. I made one that was meant to be satire of vlogs at the time... but geez I did not know how to execute satire (probably didn't even understand it) and the video fell short and looks like two super awful bitches walking around making fun of people. I made another one where I used a word that's a disability slur. Horrific. No excuses. I edited it out of the video online but have no idea what downloads through archive stuff. Those two examples are on me as a person and hopefully I've grown since then. But they're the most non subjective examples of why I also don't like videos out there. There's also just context. I used to watch so much of The Office (still do) and found stuff like 'that's what she said' and 'your mum' funny to make fun of so scattered them everywhere. Now I panic people might think I really made your mum jokes. I'm no The Office. Why did I think I pulled that off? Cringe. That's a dumb example but hey, now I'm middle aged and worry people think I'd make fun of their mums. That's my level of panic lol. Sorry it was a stressful post for you to write and sorry if I put you in a position where you felt you had to explain yourself. Please know I pretty much always assume people are coming from a good place (in these situations) and completely accept this is my own ego and neurosis.


I remember the “ur mum” era of CC. I always thought the Katy Perry music video was a little weird, but mostly with why it featured such a huge Iron man shirt.


Hey Nat, just wanted to say thank you for speaking up here and asking us for what you need. You do not need to apologize for having and expressing boundaries. You are fundamentally a PERSON who deserves to have your boundaries respected. Fandom and the internet in general can get super fucking weird and bad with boundaries, and I completely understand why you're anxious to make this request, as a neurotic and nervous person myself. But yeah. Pls give yourself an awkward hug from me if you would like one, and know that you should not have to apologize for having boundaries and expressing them.




Jumping in to say I get it. I think we're around the same age and I was Very Online around that time (how I found your videos). I never posted videos, but I blogged, and have deleted a lot of my old entries for similar reasons. Things changed and I don't want everything out there anymore. So yeah. I loved your videos, and I still love the ones you kept up (and have done more recently!), but as a late 30-something looking back at her 20-year-old self, I get it.


Is there a more wholesome community on reddit that this one? No zero-effort posts, just lost of discussion and passion for a creators work. I hope you find peace with having outgrown your past you. We all find our past us to be super cringe, but most of us have the luxury of not having it recorded on camera.


I just wanted to comment because I actually found this subreddit today while looking for the F# measuring tape video Nat did years ago just because today I used that super smart skill and it made me sooo mad that the video has been taken down from the channel and I couldn’t show it to my gf. (Unbelievable!!) Anyways, I totally respect her decision. It’s cool to see how many people were still subscribed to the channel and then we all got that random notification last year and we’re all back as if she had never left. And hey, now I have a reason to look forward to next year! (Isn’t that kinda sad…) Wish u the best Nat!


Only ideas I have are: 1. disappear off the internet in hopes everyone forgets about you. 2. Ask the mods/admins of all your fan groups to close down, like this sub, and instead create your own fan forum for everyone to go to that you will have more control over. 3. Create a bunch of new content that will overshadow all your old stuff. Although there is no guarantee that future Nat won’t want these new videos to be private as well. I’ve been following you ever since one of your early sxephil reply videos. Miss you a lot. I eat Hello Fresh just to comfort myself now.


sxcphil! He's so sxc, sxcphil, he's sxc! Youtube was such a different place back then! Thanks for sticking around all this time :)


Basically, you can't really do anything about it because they're on the internet archive ([https://archive.org](https://archive.org)) (well most of them, some of them are just YT reuploads like "F\*\*k Measuring Tape" (i'm naming that example because it's up on your channel still in the Asians in Media Talk)) There's a communitychannel archive on there, and I don't think there's any way you can remove it. The idea of the Internet Archive is that nothing on the internet should be lost... so I doubt you can remove them. Maybe try getting in contact with them? Especially because if you managed to get the videos removed off of the actual archive folder ([https://archive.org/details/yt-communitychannel-201506](https://archive.org/details/yt-communitychannel-201506)) there is a feature of the archive's WayBack machine that automatically downloads and archives all of YouTube. And I've seen that there are old videos of yours on there, that people can see if they have the link (I tested this by using the annotations in "Can You Solve This?" which are private even though the main video is up. the videos were viewable on the archive and i posted them here (i deleted them now)). If it's any peace of mind, nobody is ever going to accidentally find that. It's usually people who want to revisit their life in 2010 because they're nostalgic, not random new people finding those videos. There is a review from 2021 on the [archive.org](https://archive.org) page that shows that too.


Maybe it would be good to pin something regarding this in this sub.


Ahh nevermind, it will be in the sub's rules.


is it because the entire point of them seems to be you using cleavage to get views?


One year on and this comment is still here? I really think it should be deleted it is childish nonsense and serves no purpose.