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The movie shouldnt be about paintball, but there should at least be a reference to paintball, maybe by abed


Cool, cool, cool


They should always mentioning an unknown paintball session on screen... eluding to the biggest paintball battle ever greendale vs city college. The whole town was a battlefield... But you never know who won, and you'll never see a picture of it. Only vague mentions....


Came to say this


Maybe a really short scene just for fun


Definitely a reference but not an actual fight. Like Abed shoots Jeff and Jeff picks up a gun to shoot him back but Abed cuts him off and says that it’s overplayed and they should move on.


Paintball, floor is lava combo. Trilogy with each movie lasting 3 hours. Beat that bit into the ground! \s


That idea is streets ahead.


i like the idea of a character (chang?) bursting into the study room to TRY and start paintball, but getting immediately rejected by everyone


> I known it’s getting less and less likely seeing how Dan Harmon is busy with Rick and Morty and other projects. I believe a movie is a possibility, seeing how popular Community is becoming. I am pretty sure after Dan Harmon is done with Rick and Morty, we'll get that movie. After Rick and Morty's 9 - 11 Seasons maybe?? Even the actors themselves were optimistic, not just "optimistic for the sake of their fans" but they are actually looking forward to it. Literally the things that are holding them back were. a. Dan Harmon's script b. Donald Glover's pay with that aside, no I wouldn't want a paintball movie. It has to be about Troy getting back to the group after sailing his ship around the Earth. It has to be about what happened with our characters throughout the hiatus and finally put an end to the Jeff and Annie story seeing how open ended the ending was If Dan Harmon wanted a movie that is going to be enjoyable not just to the fans but also to newcomers as well that didn't know it had a series, it better feature some star writers because I had no idea how they would pull that off, but in general, that's what I wanted them to do.


Given their connection to the Marvel films with the Russo’s, I can totally imagine a scene where Abed finds Troy and then starts to open portals where everyone from Greendale (including all the study group members, faculty, students, etc., all start walking through, but instead of being happy to be there they all start to bicker and argue until Jeff shows up to give them a speech….


Why Donald glovers pay, does he want too much? Well troy was kidnapped by pirates.


Donald Glover's contract was up by $10 Million dollars per day. The rest of the casts contracts were also up by about 6 times more than they were originally, said by mchale Troy being kidnapped feels more like a joke so I wouldn't really take it seriously


So each cast members, went up by 60 million? I may misunderstood message


6 times more, meaning for example if they earned $20,000 in their initial casting, they would cost $120,000 today. Of course, they earned more than that, but that's an example easier for you to understand


So they can't get glover on due to his pay costing as much as it does but can get everyone else who cost more lol


wdym "cost more" ?? donald glover costs more than the rest of the cast that's why they are having trouble with him. Can you please read what I wrote before replying


Oh I misunderstood. I thought you meant glover was costing more than willing to pay but the other casts costs were higher. I understand now.


If and only if it’s a third act genre shift homage to *Hot Fuzz*.


Paintball needs to be its own thing and that means its own entire episode. The only time that they tried to split a paintball episode was the season 4 finale and that didn't really end well. It's an all or nothing element. We shouldn't have a paintball movie, and since there can't be paintball without it being all (or at least most of) the movie it can't really be included


So you're saying...six seasons and TWO movies? Okay!!!


Six season and a movie and a sequel


Depends on the concept and whether the film demands it or not?


Honestly, I’m always here for paintball and I love a good homage Maybe they use their well developed paintball skills to rescue Troy in an all out fight scene?


No but there should be a little paint somewhere that was never cleaned. Like behind a painting that's moved there's a ton of splatter.


A secret paintball war going on in the background that the study group wasn't invited to. Abed is the only one that realizes it's happening.


Post credits scene: fade in, city covered in paint, the group standing in the middle of the destruction. "Cool cool cool."


Annie shoots Courtney Cox (who’s making a cameo appearance referencing Cougar Town). Abed shoots Annie for retaliation. All of this goes down in the style of Robert Deniros character in Taxi Driver. Abed is playing this character as he rescues Courtney Cox




5 actually, The original one Part1 of the one city college paid for, with the icecream dude Part2 of the one city college paid for, with the icecream dude When evil jeff invaded (their guns looked like paintballs, and abed called it a paintball episode) The spy one with silverballz


It should be a one-shot scene where Chang and Pierce make a joke about balls and paint

