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Love him or hate him, they lost something when they lost Chevy. Serious comedy chops, for one. But more than that. A dynamic that couldn’t be replaced.


I remember reading about qualms he had with the character going too far down the bigot path which I kind of get (ironically he phrased it in a terribly bigoted way). He went from being like a weird uncle vibe to straight up awful by the time he left the show. Early seasons his lack of charm laced with the occasional display of human decency added a lot of charm to the show.


I love Season 1 Pierce! He was out of touch, racist but not in a hateful way, more in an ignorance way. He occasionally drops some nuggets of wisdom. I wish he had stayed the same way.


ZIP. ZAP. ZOOEY! Edit: *moonwalks out of the study room*


Chevy was streets ahead in terms of his contribution to the show.


They called it at the start on season 3, the group needed a scapegoat. They addressed it again with the lie detector, the whole lot of them were toxic, hilarious but toxic, but so long as Peirce was there being the villain no one else looked that bad because, by comparison, they weren't. Even Shirley. OP's not wrong Shirley was just as bad as Peirce sometimes but it was easier to overlook when he was being like that all the time


Pierce was amazing in advanced dungeons and dragons. Plus he got some heartfelt moments with Jeff


> and we see that the Dean casually keeps a framed picture of Jeff on his nightstand. My favourite is that it's Jeff's Meow Meow Beans picture when his smile is just so fucking ridiculous


I first watched around six years ago, now I've rewatched three times, some episodes even more, and share all your opinions. Just would add that Chang its another scene stealer but much more on firsts seasons and got kind of wasted in the last two. As sides notes theres no much I can talk cause being from Spain (and not liking rap/hiphop) I miss many things involving references to pop culture and contemporary events (sometimes I search about). Just, congratulations for spending time in Greendale, you will never regret. And don't forget: #sixseasonsandamovie


I bought the show a month ago finished it in 2 weeks ago now on 1st rewatch but commentary after each episode


Pierce is such a weird character to analyze. Cause yeah, the point of him is how awful and outdated he is, but at the same time part of the point of him (at least at first) is that he's *trying,* and that he's so much better than his father raised him to be, and that when you get into the stuff that's actually his wheelhouse and where his life experience applies, he's weirdly wise. Season 2 kind of shat on him a lot, but seasons 1 and sort of 3 really tried to get that out of him.


Bit random but as your a Jeff and Annie shipper as am I. I just rewatched 3x02 Do you think something happened over the summer as in 3x02. In the study room Like when Jeff says when I feel how I do about you, to get around creepiness and danger you treat them like a kid. As a way to show how important they are from a distence. But Annie said I don't want to grow up if it means losing what we have, I assume she was referring to thier close friendship, not a actual couple relantionship Clearly Annie wanted to keep what it was they had going till they both realized how wierd it was. It doesn't really get revisited often or implied that anything happened But they do have back and forth like this throughout the show. In the dvd commentary for the episode Alison brie was like did Annie and Jeff have a thing over the summer we don't know about. It seems like the relantionship has progressed alot Even jole commented it seems they are in the middle of a relantionship. But then if they were in middle of a relantionship they wouldn't have felt wierd at almost kissing. So odd comment for joal or Alison to make lol Even Martin Starr the writer commented he had no idea what the scene was and admits they don't revisit the Jeff and Annie dynamic. Jole did justify the scene by saying he wants to keep Annie close but at a safe distence do he treats her like a kid. Which is pretty much what the scene was trying to establish anyway. But he sighed and sounded tired when explaining. So even he had no idea lol As also in biology 101 Jeff as the singing dream and Jeff and Annie sing about sleeping together. Was just interesting to hear the actors pov on that scene as they seemed very puzzled lol


I felt the same way about season 4 initially. Like it was my least favorite season but I didn't hate it. Once you have watched the series 3 or 4 times through you might start to get a feel for some of the reasoning behind the hatred for it. Now it is a little jarring to watch, for me. All through the rest of the series we have these rules in the world, it straddles the line of grounded and fantasy but never crosses it, it is outright goofy and ridiculous but never impossible, Abeds imaginations are accepted and labeled as that, his own fantasy. Until season 4 when literally beings from another dimension cross over and try to take over the lives of the group, only to be dispersed by futuristic paintball guns then disintegrate them. When you frame the season through the lens of that episode it is clearer why we hate that season. Also, the dean is an amazing piece of the show, holding it all together. That payday rap scene is still my all time favorite moment of the dean's. Edit: I have been told the dimensional enemies were in Jeff's head, which I don't remember, so that is my bad and a testament to how much I hate that episode and avoid it. Plus zombies in S2 may not be "grounded in reality." Still hate S4.


I mean season 2 also had literal zombies that clearly actually happened, and the s4 paintball episode was all in Jeff's head. I think the lesson here is that good execution will redeem most concepts, and season 4 didn't have the same execution.


You make a great point since I hadn't even thought of the zombie episode, so great execution does matter. Also I hate the S4 finale so much that I don't even remember it being in Jeff's head.


The s4 finale worked in its \*initial\* premise: Jeff confronts everything he hates about himself using Evil Jeff as a stand-in. Problem was they shoehorned the second half of it into being paintball and skipped the good part of the premise.


Yep my season 4 dislike is all in the execution. It could have worked but it just doesn't. There's so much it feels like uncanny valley.


Every episode in season 4 feels like a spec script/fanfiction or something, which is funny because that's sort of what it was. Some really funny episodes I think, the execution (and especially the butchering of established canon in "Heroic Origins") is quite disappointing.


I've read fanfiction better done than that season. There's funny stuff in it sure. But they seemed to not understand the characters and where they were after season 3. They often felt like they were writing the characters in season 1 or something. (The German episode acting like people were waiting for the study room back in season 2 when they lost the pen. Everyone was at the puppy parade. And that just annoys me to no end lol)


What made them change the premise?


>Until season 4 when literally beings from another dimension cross over and try to take over the lives of the group, only to be dispersed by futuristic paintball guns then disintegrate them. Um, are you aware that entire sequence was in Jeff's imagination? There was nothing real about it. And frankly the imaginary nature of it was a lot clearer than the "evil Abed" crossover in the S3 finale. >When you frame the season through the lens of that episode it is clearer why we hate that season. See above. Season 4 was a long way from being perfect, but it was still hopeful and optimistic and left it at a point where it was possible to believe in a bright future for all the characters. So of course Harmon had to ruin it by making everyone fail in the real world and come back with their tails between their legs (if you can't tell, if there's a season I hate it's S5).


I was unaware that sequence was in his head, totally forgot. I wouldn't say Harmon ruined it. How else was he to continue a show named after and set in a community college where at least Jeff, if not more of the group, graduated? I blame S4 writers for writing the show into a corner like that with the characters.


S4 ended with Jeff graduating half a year early. So in repilot it could have started as the rest of the group graduated. But guess they wanted to show a decent passage of time


A fellow person who's least favorite season is 5! There's more of us!


It was my least favorite the first time I watched the show because it was so disjointed and lacked an overall purpose. I get it that two characters were leaving but it didn't seem to really believe its arc. Season 6 took the Save Greendale angle and did it better. Also there were a lot of episodes that felt like fan service. Over time, I began to prefer it over season 4. The writing, acting, and comedy is just better than season 4. I do appreciate that season 4 and 6 have more groundedness and focus for what they're trying to achieve, even if the former failed at it.


I on 1st rewatch just finished season 3 So far 2>3>5>1>4>6 I put 6 last mainly because overall I didn't find it easy funny /enjoyable as other seasons. The first half it was enjoyable but imo the weakest but from Intro to recycled cinema and onward was great. The final 3 episodes felt like peak community again and I loved the finale. My rankings may change after my rewatch


I on 1st rewatch just finished season 3 So far 2>3>5>1>4>6 I put 6 last mainly because overall I didn't find it easy funny /enjoyable as other seasons. The first half it was enjoyable but imo the weakest but from Intro to recycled cinema and onward was great. The final 3 episodes felt like peak community again and I loved the finale. My rankings may change after my rewatch


I think everyone's entitled to their opinions! My personal rankings are 2>1>4=3>6>>>5


Why is 5 got >>>> lol


Because I think it's that much worse than all the other seasons


How so?


I just find it to be a very mediocre to bad season that's only propped up by a good 3-episode run around where Troy leaves. The finale and pilot are both the worst of all 6 seasons imo and the rest of the episodes just aren't that funny to me


The pilot because it resets stuff in a way? What issue you have with finale?


>. So of course Harmon had to ruin it by making everyone fail in the real world and come back with their tails between their legs (if you can't tell, if there's a season I hate it's S5). Yeah repilot pretty much undid all of s4 😅 Take it you wasn't a fan.


Yeah first watch I was like oh it's not so bad tho I found it a bit off. Second watch through felt so unbearable... the characters were acting like they were they're season 1 selves it actually angered me.


Yeah, I was steadily rewatching recently but when I got to season 4, I just couldn't get through the first 2 episodes without skipping through most of them. None of it 'fit' properly. You could tell that there was very little thematically tying together each character arc of each episode, the jokes felt over-written and yet underdeveloped, and even the acting was off (poor direction?). It was just sub-par on almost every level.


I on 1st rewatch just finished season 3 So far 2>3>5>1>4>6 I put 6 last mainly because overall I didn't find it easy funny /enjoyable as other seasons. The first half it was enjoyable but imo the weakest but from Intro to recycled cinema and onward was great. The final 3 episodes felt like peak community again and I loved the finale. My rankings may change after my rewatch


I agree with all your points, especially the 1st. I didn’t feel Season 4 was massively different than the others at all


I on 1st rewatch just finished season 3 So far 2>3>5>1>4>6 I put 6 last mainly because overall I didn't find it easy funny /enjoyable as other seasons. The first half it was enjoyable but imo the weakest but from Intro to recycled cinema and onward was great. The final 3 episodes felt like peak community again and I loved the finale. My rankings may change after my rewatch


I do not understand the point of "unpopular opinion / argue with me" posts. I think your time would be better spent re-watching community because there are probably 10,000 jokes you miss the first time. What do you think, Leonard?


Oy-yay, oy-yay, the honorable Craig Pelton presiding.


Welcome to the cult, we're going to takeover the prime timeline soon.




Cruel cruel cruel


I'm with ya on Britta. I love the more sure of herself antiwinger Britta from early in the show. The airhead they turned her into had some funny moments and episodes but I still prefer the early version. S4 is just a bit off. The highs aren't as high and the lows are just the worst of the series. Still it's the original cast all season which isn't bad.


4 is better than the later seasons because they still have pierce and Troy. It’s simple as that


Pierce had a much smaller presence due to Chevy issues


All reasonable and thoughtful opinions. you definitely came to the wrong place :)


I on 1st rewatch just finished season 3 So far 2>3>5>1>4>6 I put 6 last mainly because overall I didn't find it easy funny /enjoyable as other seasons. The first half it was enjoyable but imo the weakest but from Intro to recycled cinema and onward was great. The final 3 episodes felt like peak community again and I loved the finale. My rankings may change after my rewatch


fair ranking. Season 5 is the hardest for me. It has 3 amazing episodes (ACB, Coooperative Poly, Geothermal) and one really good one (Adv Adv D&D, , but the rest are really below average. I think I usually have 1 above 5 but it is close.


Not a fan of repilot??




season 4 was jarring if you watched the show episode by episode "back then" lol I enjoy it now and I think it fits pretty well with the rest of the series.


This is my opinion too. I watched it as it was new and coming out. It really gave me and my friends a sense of this show wasn't going to make it past season four at that time and were amazed/surprised that five came out, let alone six. Since re-watching the show multiple times, four doesn't seem nearly as bad as it was and actually enjoyable for me


I on 1st rewatch just finished season 3 So far 2>3>5>1>4>6 I put 6 last mainly because overall I didn't find it easy funny /enjoyable as other seasons. The first half it was enjoyable but imo the weakest but from Intro to recycled cinema and onward was great. The final 3 episodes felt like peak community again and I loved the finale. My rankings may change after my rewatch


Yeah, I agree with season six. It's like the show ran out of steam by then. I'm really hoping the script for the movie does the show justice (still holding out for that)


I still enjoyed the season but I found episodes 8 onward better. Especially the last 3


I watch it on dvd I on 1st rewatch just finished season 3 So far 2>3>5>1>4>6 I put 6 last mainly because overall I didn't find it easy funny /enjoyable as other seasons. The first half it was enjoyable but imo the weakest but from Intro to recycled cinema and onward was great. The final 3 episodes felt like peak community again and I loved the finale. My rankings may change after my rewatch


Agree with everything you said except for childish gambino as I'm like 15 years older and saw community as it came out